Comic Book Creator Contest




Does the book HAVE to feature only one character? IE, can other players characters have a part in the book, say, if the person wants to do it based on their SG?

Won't we have to have the permissions of players we include in the book if we have multiple characters in the book?

I can imagine this could get to be a really touchy subject if someone decides to throw together a comic based on PVP screenshots.



Question, can we include our own artwork on top of screenshot backgrounds or draw directly on top of the screenshot? Something like this... LJs

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You might want to avoid using obvious Spider-Woman and She-Venom look-alikes if you want your entry to qualify though.

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If you look closer I altered the hair on the middle figure... it's not a great example, and I was unclear, I meant can you photoshop the screenshot to look however you want, and for that matter can you just use your own art and NO screenshots? That is if it's all COH related. I wasn't going to use any Marvel references... I'm sure that would be a rules violation, and disqualify me.

But thanks for the Wiki links, didn't know any of that...



Shiney 5 x 5? lol wuh?

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Whedon speak ftw!

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Actually, Weldon stole the '5 x 5' part from Aliens.

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Actually it's an old aeronautical term...5 by 1 means the signal strength is strong but the transmission is unintelligible, 1 by 5 means the signal is weak but you can understand what is being said...5 by 5 means that you are good on both counts (strong transmission signal and you can understand what is said). Think it like this:

"Delta, Charlie, One, One, Zero, Niner, this is Philadelphia tower, do you read?"

"Roger, Philadelphia. This is Delta, Charlie, One, One, Zero, Niner. I read you five by five" or "loud and clear".

The Shiney bit is solo Whedon...

Fire Brick - Fire/Stone Tanker
Plasma Brick - Fire/Fire Blaster
Dark Brick - Dark/Regen Scrapper
Electron Transfer - Kin/Elec Defender
Zeake Ferrari - PB
Mr. Rick - Inv/SS Tanker
Einsiedler - Bots/Traps MM
Ice Brick - Ice/EM Tanker

One man's paranoia is another man's engineered redundancy.



This is what I get for not watching Buffy... very cool though.



Heh...not Buffy...Fire Fly...I am such a geek...

Fire Brick - Fire/Stone Tanker
Plasma Brick - Fire/Fire Blaster
Dark Brick - Dark/Regen Scrapper
Electron Transfer - Kin/Elec Defender
Zeake Ferrari - PB
Mr. Rick - Inv/SS Tanker
Einsiedler - Bots/Traps MM
Ice Brick - Ice/EM Tanker

One man's paranoia is another man's engineered redundancy.



Time to see what happens when 3D meets comics...

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I think Doug should be banninated from the contest. His stuff is too good.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Heh...not Buffy...Fire Fly...I am such a geek...

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But a geek with good taste.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Participants will be able to enter by submitting a four to eight-page comic book entry, utilizing featured super-powered hero and villain characters from their online game play, along with a collection of City of Heroes and City of Villains images, icons, symbols and artwork, created by the Planetwide Media’s Comic Book Creator™ software.

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Is there supposed to be such a package on the Hypercomics site, or am I misreading it and/or not finding it?



Time to see what happens when 3D meets comics...

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I think Doug should be banninated from the contest. His stuff is too good.

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LOL, thanks =)

If I'm asked to gracefully bow out, I will with no hard feelings. My professional background could easily disqualify me as a 'fan artist'... even though I love COH.



Ack! I just read this part...

"... It must be recognizable as consisting of screenshots taken from City of Heroes or City of Villains..."

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Does that mean we HAVE to use screenshots? Can we use our own art as long as we still assemble the panels in the comic creator? Please clarify.



Ack! I just read this part...

"... It must be recognizable as consisting of screenshots taken from City of Heroes or City of Villains..."

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Does that mean we HAVE to use screenshots? Can we use our own art as long as we still assemble the panels in the comic creator? Please clarify.

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Yes, screenshots from in-game. This disqualifies the story I've been working on with McKinney.



Yes screenshots from the game...people like me have a shot at it

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Yes screenshots from the game...people like me have a shot at it

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This just got a lot more fun...



All submissions must be recognizable as consisting of screen shots from City of Heroes or City of Villains. Editing or moderation such as applying filters or other artistic adjustments are fine, as long as the content remains recognizable as consisting of screenshots from the games.

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I can read this a couple ways:

1) Your submission must utilize screenshots in it. For example, we can draw our characters and use the screenshots as backgrounds.


2) Your submission must be made solely of screenshots. You can modify / tweak the screenshots (such as adding a chest emblem, smoke, etc), but not add entire characters / scenes outside of screenshots.

I'm leaning towards #2. My logic? It will keep people with artistic talent from completely overpowering those without. Someone like DarkJedi would be limited to the same materials that we would be limited to. It would be a more even playing field, so to speak.

A clarification on exactly what is allowed would be much appreciated.



If I read this correctly, I'm ineligible...

Just like life!

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I guess the big question I have is: can we use demo edits for our screenshots?

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



I've had the Comic Book Creator program for almost 2 years now , I love it.

Now if they would just answer us on where the special CoH/CoV content pack is available to download, I'd be very happy to get started.



This is probably the kit in question.

Anyways, I'll give it a shot. Looks like fun.



Heh...not Buffy...Fire Fly...I am such a geek...

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Actually he also ran with the shiny bit in Angel, season 4. Episode 18 was called "Shiny Happy People." Of course that was 4 months after Firefly's TV run ended, and was one of the eps where Gina Torres guest-starrred on Angel. So yeah it started in Firefly, but had a bit of crossover with the Buffyverse.



Damn it not a US citizen. Oh well.

Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn

Global Chat: Azazel005



The link we have for the specific Comic Book Creator version (that has logos in the pack) can be had at

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Hmm, anyone else having problems with this link?

[edit: Seems to be working now...]

[edit: Died again...]



The bigger problem with this contest and the timing of it is that currently Comic Book Creator is not compatible with Vista and they are saying another month or two until it will be.

It doesn't accept registration of the product so therefore one cannot publish COmic Book Creator products to PDF or JPG format. I'm working around it by taking screenshots and merging them together into a JPG but its clunky and there are other issues.




Hmm, anyone else having problems with this link?

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This worked for me: but this link is for the standard version that doesn't have any CoH artwork in it. The other link, when it works, is supposed to have some CoH art in it according to Lighthouse.