Comic Book Creator Contest




The link we have for the specific Comic Book Creator version (that has logos in the pack) can be had at

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Hmm, anyone else having problems with this link?

[edit: Seems to be working now...]

[edit: Died again...]

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173 MBs???

What does this program think it is... Photoshop??



Is there any way for a non-US to participate? Even if it's just to earn an honorable mention?

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** (excluding the State of Rhode Island,

I find that to be the most ironic 'exclusion' of all.



The fansite kit looks to be the only source of logos and such right now. If there's supposed to be a CoX content pack, the people at Planetwide Media haven't brought it online yet.

Some tips for folks looking to create custom content packs - The "screenshots" folder should contain jpegs that are meant to fill an entire panel. The "clipart" folder should contain transparent gifs, sized up to something large. Clip art can be placed anywhere on a page and is treated as an object where screenshots are treated as a background.

While music isn't a criteria for judging the comic, the fansite kit DOES have a collection of music clips that you could toss in for atmosphere.



You're all wrong. I first heard 5x5 waaaay back in Aliens, as far as the pop-sci-fi-geek-lingo goes.



:looks at the 4-8 page requirement
:looks at the 36 page "battlefields" comic
:looks at the three planned 36-page comics.
:looks back at the 4-8 page requirements
:wonders how many panels he can squeeze on one page.
:suddenly understands how a director feels cutting a 4-hour reel into a 90-minute feature.




I understand that screenshots will better represent the game, but are altered screenshots allowed... like a high contrast B&W style that I've been experimenting with?

Points down to the link in the sig...



173 MBs???

What does this program think it is... Photoshop??

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I had to laugh at your post, because I had the same thought when I peeped the file size!!



Hi ChaseArcanum,

I think your webcomic looks awesome!! I think that yours would be permissible because it is screenshots and You can visually alter the screenshot with image editing filters so long as the image is recognizable as a screenshot. You comic definitely fits the requirements.



Hi ChaseArcanum,

I think your webcomic looks awesome!! I think that yours would be permissible because it is screenshots and You can visually alter the screenshot with image editing filters so long as the image is recognizable as a screenshot. You comic definitely fits the requirements.

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Awesome. Thanks for the praise... now I just have to decide on retelling a tale in a truncated format, or coming up with something new that fit that requirement. I'd planned to revisit that story once I'd become more proficient, and I could certainly put more panels per page, but I think that story's best served in long format.

Sadly, my currently-planned tales were a 3-part multifaceted story that would be even longer.



I can see some minor editing as needed -- not EVERY shot is directly usable. A lot of my screenshots are too dark at times; brighten them up in PhotoImpact Pro and they are okay. Of course lately I've been using the PenMarker artistic filter on my cover --- I'm not sure I'd want to do that throughout a book.

I can see lots of clever stuff done -- new headlines on newspapers, new text or images on base view screens, movement lines added to flying, moving, jumping figures, motion bluring on speedsters, etc. None of that is against the rules as long as you are starting with screenshot material...

The trick is getting good shots AND a having a good story. I could see a lot of stuff submitted for this that is nothing but a showcase of supergroups -- with nice pics of everyone, but no real storyline.

I'm anxious to see what the winners come up with... Meanwhile I'm going through my screenshots (I only took 1800 this month... so far).

Does the trial have thought balloons? I've only played a little with it, but didn't see it. I've already looked around town for a copy of the software , but no deal.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track




Does the trial have thought balloons? I've only played a little with it, but didn't see it. I've already looked around town for a copy of the software , but no deal.

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There's a variety of thought balloons in content pack #1. I remember seeing the box at Software Etc some months ago but if you've downloaded the trial already then buying an activation code online is as good as buying the box. Unless maybe you want to re-download the Marvel version or something and buy that instead. Content Pack #1 is a free download that you could add on top of the Marvel box if you were so inclined.



Since the contest seems to be geared towards screenshots and not original art, I think I'm going to sit this one out.

Of course, if the comic creator guys are interested in 3D works or slick comic-style art for their tutorials and web samples, I can be bribed... *cough*

Art samples are located at both my website and my DA account, listed below in my signature. /grin



Do we need to edit out stray players from our screenshots?

For example, suppose that part of the comic takes place in front of City Hall, by the statue of Atlas. There's bound to be a bit of a crowd there at most times. Would we be allowed to include those 'background crowd' player images, or would we have to blur/delete them?

What if we have a crowd scene, period? Say an entire SG or a battle in Siren's Call. Do we need to have the written permission of everyone in the screenshots?

The story I'm thinking of will need a few crowd shots of places that are normally crowded... and I was wondering whether I'd have to create a ton of alts, composite their images together and use some clever cropping, or... well... not.



Can we use ANY version of the Comic Creator software? I noticed that they sell numerous packs with different drag and drop artwork and the like. I wonder what some of the players could do with City of screenshots and the Marvel and Speed Racer artwork. I would LOVE to see some of those results.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Editing stray players out? Why? If you look in the EULA, Cryptic/NCSoft owns the rights to everything -- INCLUDING your character -- I doubt anybody could legally complain about their character appearing without consent SINCE they don't OWN it.

Of course unless we have a lawyer playing... this is really IMHO.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



I think Sparky should enter any of his comics, they're hiliarous!



Uh... I just downloaded that link lighthouse gave and installed the funpack... it's the same one that came with CBC, which I already had...

Isn't there supposed to be some city of stuff related images? I don't see anything other than the extremely dissapointing selection of clipart that came with the program in the first place.



Uh... I just downloaded that link lighthouse gave and installed the funpack... it's the same one that came with CBC, which I already had...

Isn't there supposed to be some city of stuff related images? I don't see anything other than the extremely dissapointing selection of clipart that came with the program in the first place.

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I edited some of the material from the coh/v fansite kits to work as "clipart" in CBC. I'll see if I can't find em and post em somewhere.



Hey, I have another question, even though no one answered my previous query...

One of the prizes is a year of free play. Would this affect our Vet Reward time at all? Because we get our vet rewards based on time PAYED for (iirc), and, well, I'd kinda hate to not get wings for another year and a half (gonna reach one year next month, booyah)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



The rewards are based on time played, not payed. All the free trials and what not from buying other editions of the game and adding them to your subscription still count towards your vet time. All the time payed shows is how long before they bill you again.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



The rewards are based on time played, not payed. All the free trials and what not from buying other editions of the game and adding them to your subscription still count towards your vet time. All the time payed shows is how long before they bill you again.

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Yeah, I have my account payed through 2008 (Yay CompUSA blowout sales!), and it has a long list of Vet Rewards, but they're greyed out with a date next to each reward for when it is activated.

So even if you've payed for *cough* 21 months, but have only played for 9, then you'll just have the 9 month rewards.



I don't have the plug-ins so I can't view my own comic on the web page, it's kinda funny. Anyone elce have that problem?

Anyway here's the link where I think the comic is posted could someone just conferm for me that the comic is viewable before I send it off to the contest entry.

Note: I don't actully think I'll win with that but it was fun to make despite the debt I got myself in and I never even tried to enter one of these contests before so I thought I might get lucky.



I don't have the plug-ins so I can't view my own comic on the web page, it's kinda funny. Anyone elce have that problem?

Anyway here's the link where I think the comic is posted could someone just conferm for me that the comic is viewable before I send it off to the contest entry.

Note: I don't actully think I'll win with that but it was fun to make despite the debt I got myself in and I never even tried to enter one of these contests before so I thought I might get lucky.

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It works, however, I can't see the whole pages, there are parts of it that are cut off.



I don't have the plug-ins so I can't view my own comic on the web page, it's kinda funny. Anyone elce have that problem?

Anyway here's the link where I think the comic is posted could someone just conferm for me that the comic is viewable before I send it off to the contest entry.

Note: I don't actully think I'll win with that but it was fun to make despite the debt I got myself in and I never even tried to enter one of these contests before so I thought I might get lucky.

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It works, however, I can't see the whole pages, there are parts of it that are cut off.

[/ QUOTE ] There should be scroll bars on the side and bottom of the thing. (at least that's how it looked when I was making it) other than that I have no idea how I'd even begine to fix that.