Comic Book Creator Contest




NCsoft® and Planetwide Media announced today the launch of City of Heroes® and City of Villains® Comic Book Creator Contest. The contest based upon user-generated content will officially run from March 27, 2007 through 11:59 CDT April 27, 2007. Participants will be able to enter by submitting a four to eight-page comic book entry, utilizing featured super-powered hero and villain characters from their online game play, created using the Planetwide Media’s Comic Book Creator™ software.

A panel of celebrity judges will judge the contest submissions, and will include: legendary comic book writer - Marv Wolfman, esteemed comic book artist - David Nakayama and City of Heroes Lead Game Designer - Matt "Positron" Miller.

For complete details and contest rules, please visit the Comic Book Creator Contest page!

Please use this thread to discuss the above contest.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Sweet crap, am I ever going to enter this thing!

Yay for Julian Drake!



This looks like fun...I think I may extend my subscription, now...

Hmm...on second thought, it's a screenshot comic. That knocks me out, too.



Hm...screenshots? Well, I guess that leaves my story out.



Oh gees, sleep vs chance to win 8800? who needs sleep!!!



Hmm, might have to give this a shot.



Question, can we include our own artwork on top of screenshot backgrounds or draw directly on top of the screenshot? Something like this... LJs



Love that chest emblem!



Question, can we include our own artwork on top of screenshot backgrounds or draw directly on top of the screenshot? Something like this... LJs

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As long as you fit the rules, you should be good!

All submissions must be recognizable as consisting of screen shots from City of Heroes or City of Villains. Editing or moderation such as applying filters or other artistic adjustments are fine, as long as the content remains recognizable as consisting of screenshots from the games.

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Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



In other words, LJ. Shiney. 5 by 5. You're golden.



Cool...I might try this...

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Shiney 5 x 5? lol wuh?



Shiney 5 x 5? lol wuh?

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Whedon speak ftw!



This sounds interesting and fun. I don't usually do this type of stuff, however I may enter.

LightHouse I do have a few questions. First, does it need to be an entire story? What I mean by this, does the story have to conclude within 8 pages, or could it end with "To Be Continued"? Also, are we allowed to get help from other players? For my story, I would need access to Keldians, however, I have yet to reach 50. Last, as long as we don't mention any copyrighted stuff, can we mention things outside of CoH/CoV? Example, for my comic book, the main hero will have come from a different dimension. This is my first time entering any contests like this, and I want to make sure I do it right.



Shiney 5 x 5? lol wuh?

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Whedon speak ftw!

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Actually, Weldon stole the '5 x 5' part from Aliens.



Love that chest emblem!

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I've always loved yours 'Belle.

/e snicker



Is the comic limted to 4-8 pages, or can we...slightly expand that number?



Sounds like tons o' fun and I have been looking for an excuse to try out the Comic Book Creator software.


Lighthouse, please help me out here. That contest info is covered with the start date being "Friday, March 27, 2007"....
Contest begins Friday, March 27, 2007 at 2:00pm (CDT) and ends at 11:59pm (CDT) on Monday, April 27, 2007. Entries will not be accepted after this deadline. Winners will be announced no later than Wednesday, May 25.

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Are we in some sort of alternate dimension? Or was someone just really not paying attention? Cause I could have swore that today was TUESDAY March 27, 2007. Does this contest start on Friday? Or does it start on the 27th? I am confused.

And I know that "Technically" this doesn't matter, but this is a rather odd typo that is ALL OVER that contest info, and I just wanted to 1) bring it to their attention if it wasn't already, 2) Find out exactly when it starts, 3) make sure that the end date is not messed up too cause that could seriously upset late entries, 4) make sure I am not going crazy and that it really is Tuesday the 27th of March 2007 today.

Thanks Lighthouse, your the best. Thanks for pointing your beacon of light this way.

And good luck to all you entering the contest. I wish you all could win.

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Is the comic limted to 4-8 pages, or can we...slightly expand that number?

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According to the rules: 4-8 is the min/max limit. The 8 part is so everyone isn't sending in long stories that would take forever to read and would extend the judging portion much longer. I wouldn't doubt that it is also to see who can be the most creative in a limited space.

Good luck

You can reach me at:
If you want copies or a link to my Demo Record files, send me an email.
My Global is @Blue Alpha and main server is Freedom.
Keep in touch and God Bless Paragon!



Is the comic limted to 4-8 pages, or can we...slightly expand that number?

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According to the rules: 4-8 is the min/max limit. The 8 part is so everyone isn't sending in long stories that would take forever to read and would extend the judging portion much longer. I wouldn't doubt that it is also to see who can be the most creative in a limited space.

Good luck

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8 pages...not...enough...

Unlesssss...does posterboard count as a "page"?



Question, can we include our own artwork on top of screenshot backgrounds or draw directly on top of the screenshot? Something like this... LJs

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You might want to avoid using obvious Spider-Woman and She-Venom look-alikes if you want your entry to qualify though.



Time to see what happens when 3D meets comics...



Time to see what happens when 3D meets comics...

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Time to see if stick figures in capes can win contests...



Hi Lighthouse,

I'm sooo going to participate in this contest! I just wanted to know if we can add elements to our screenshots using image editing software like Photoshop, Gimp or Paintshop Pro along with our screenshots. The rules aren't clear, at least to me, whether this is permissible or not?



Darkjedi, I can only imagine what fabu stuff you're going to do /em shake in boots!