Updated Compilation of Vista Issues/Fixes




Vista Issues

==Read Above @ Yin_COH comment.==

To specify,

I purchased a brand new Dell Dimension E521. It came with Windows Vista 32 Bit Home edition and came with a AMD 64X2 Duel Core Processor 4000, and a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE Video card.

I installed CoH today, and everything was good until I got to the Create a Costume section. First, there was no cursor so my buddy gave me the solution to that. Okay, so I get to the Create a Costume section and the screen goes black and white. The Character 3D model is behind my color grid, and it appears that there is two screens. For example. It will have the screen, the text create a character, then a towards the right end of my monitor it will have Create a Costum....because it appears to be on two screens.

I wanted to know if anyone has the solution to this problem.




NVIDIA Geforce 6150 LE + Any OS = Issues

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Quite plainly... the 6150 LE a below low-end intergrated-video solution. Doesn't matter what operating system someone is using with it. NCSoft themselves does NOT recommend anything below a 6200. Says so right on the Co* Webpage. And even that card isn't the answer for this real-time intensive 3D game. One should buy a real 3D gaming graphics-quality video card.



That's Shego making fun about embedded video solutions and reasonable gameplay and NOT BEING HELPFUL SHEGO.

A number of people have that problem, the psuedo B+W, vertical interleaved look on the select a character/create a costume screens. It may have to do with either trying to run the game on a widescreen monitor in Vista for the first time and/or problems with Depth of Field and Bloom settings in Vista. The problem is we, those who try to help out solving these problems in our spare time (we don't work for NCSoft or Cryptic, just players helping players here), don't ever hear back from people if our suggestions fixed the problem. Most of the hardcore techheads here have learned over the years NOT to upgrade to Microsoft's latest OS for at least a year after its release, so most of us aren't running Vista. Because of that we can't even try to duplicate the problem with our system and then write a definitive guide on how to work around the problem once we recreate it.

Here try the following.

EDIT First, first update to the latest Vista video driver for your card.

First, start the game up in "safe mode", the little check box on the updater next to the "I Agree" button. That will reset all the graphics their lowest possible settings. Enter the game.

Then login and either select a character to enter the game or create one, which can be anything right now, just need you to get into the game.

Once in the game world you will need to bring up the game's options. It's off the main menu where your health and stamina bar is.

Once the options window is up, select the graphics/audio tab. Change the game resolution to "Desktop". Save the settings and you will get a popup telling you to exit and restart the game. Exit and restart the game.

Please let us know if at this point if the character selection screen comes up OK or not.

Enter that game world again and bring up the graphic/audio options again. Now you can adjust the general graphics quality. You can use the slider but once you select the second or third tick on the slider, check off the Advance Graphics Options check box under the slider. This will make the slider go away and list a bunch more options. Near the bottom of that list is "Depth of Field" and Bloom. Either one or both need to be disabled. Again we don't get feedback if it's one, the other, or both or we're barking up the wrong tree. We just occasionally see a comment that the player thinks that solved the problem.

Good luck.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



And when all that fails. IMMEDIATELY buy a real 3D gaming graphics-quality video card to replace it.



And when all that fails. IMMEDIATELY buy a real 3D gaming graphics-quality video card to replace it.

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It doesn't matter anyway because I went over and fixed it. FSAA was turned off which was causing the split screen, grainy black-and-white TV look.



Yeah, I am sure the game looks perfectly fast, silky smooth and gorgeously shiny to you now. Enjoy it.

Stop back by if you notice you're getting all the visible-speed and finesse of watching a Charlie Chaplin movie.



I've put together a new rig with the following hardware:

C2D E6600 (oc'd to 2.8mHz)
Abit FP-IN9 SLI mobo
2gb (2x1024MB) Crucial Ballistix memory
EVGA 8800 GTS (320MB) OC (factory set at 576mHz)
2x320gb Caviar SATA drives

This box screams when I play CoX in XP Pro at 1280x1024 with all the eye candy maxed. In the driver, I've enabled FSAAx16 and AF to x4. I've no complaints when I run in XP.

However, when I fire up Vista....I'm rather unhappy. I'm running the latest drivers (158.45 beta), and I get framerates of DOOM when I'm just hanging out in Wentworth's.
I have found that disabling Aero before I start CoX does tend to help, but it's still way short of the XP performance. I've even OC'ed the 8800 to 607/900mHz, which still doesn't get me XP performance. And at this point, I don't like overclocking the video card because it runs pretty hot. I need to get another fan in the case before I make any additional long-term overclocks.

Short of turning down some of the eye candy (which I don't want to do) does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do w/ Vista to make it play CoX better?



And when all that fails. IMMEDIATELY buy a real 3D gaming graphics-quality video card to replace it.

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It doesn't matter anyway because I went over and fixed it. FSAA was turned off which was causing the split screen, grainy black-and-white TV look.

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!?!?!?!? So you turned anti-aliasing ON and it got better??? Are you sure you didn't, like, slip and drop a video card into the machine accidentally? Because that is extremely odd.



thanks. Like Yin said, he turned on the FFX...but I set my screen to windowed and it works perfectly...instead of Desktop.



Ok, the game was running fine for me until a couple of days ago. Now, as soon as I hit the "I Agree", the game just goes away. I am running Vista (64bit) and have made no changes to the system. It just poof, doesn't work.

I have un-installed and re-installed the game with the same results.

I have tried to run in Windows XP compatibility mode, and as an Administrator to no avail.

Any ideas?



Vista Issues

==Read Above @ Yin_COH comment.==

To specify,

I purchased a brand new Dell Dimension E521. It came with Windows Vista 32 Bit Home edition and came with a AMD 64X2 Duel Core Processor 4000, and a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE Video card.

I installed CoH today, and everything was good until I got to the Create a Costume section. First, there was no cursor so my buddy gave me the solution to that. Okay, so I get to the Create a Costume section and the screen goes black and white. The Character 3D model is behind my color grid, and it appears that there is two screens. For example. It will have the screen, the text create a character, then a towards the right end of my monitor it will have Create a Costum....because it appears to be on two screens.

I wanted to know if anyone has the solution to this problem.


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Obviously, the primary problem doesn't come from the integrated graphics card. That's a separate issue. It's your "AMD 64X2 Duel Core Processor 4000" that's the problem. Never buy a system with duelling processors. They spend all their time bickering.



Previously my system could handle this game smoothly at almost-highest graphics settings. I have:

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+
1.5 GB RAM
Raedon X1300 Pro

But when I upgraded to Vista Home Premium, everything went wrong. When I start the game, everything is fine until I get into the tutorial. As you can see here , I am having horrible graphics performance. It won't let me change the settings either.

Any ideas on how to fix this, or is it just Vista incompatibility combined with CoX's ATI issues?



I am also having the black and white screen with the split towards the right. However, I don't have duel processors. I have a GeForce 6200, I downloaded the vista drivers. My system ran the game flawlessly before, but now the characters and the game itself is black and white, but the UI and the login screen/character select (minus the characters of course) are still in color. Also, towards the right of the screen, there is a second copy of what's on the left. I'm also running vista home premium, which seems to be the theme with this issue so far. What I noticed I have in common with the other poster who mentioned this issue is our version of vista and that we both have GeForce 6 series graphics cards. PS, idk if this has anything to do with it, but the game tells me I need to download up-to-date drivers.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



The Driver version messege doesn't matter, it's a bug.

Starting CoH in safe mode and changing your ingame resolution to match your desktop resolution and turning OFF bloom SHOULD (if I'm remember what they said earlier correctly....might do a search on your own with some of the keywords I'm mentioning here) fix the split screen issue and the 'black and white' issue....respectively.

LOL, I think that what it was. SearchFu is weak today it seems.



Previously my system could handle this game smoothly at almost-highest graphics settings. I have:

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+
1.5 GB RAM
Raedon X1300 Pro

But when I upgraded to Vista Home Premium, everything went wrong. When I start the game, everything is fine until I get into the tutorial. As you can see here , I am having horrible graphics performance. It won't let me change the settings either.

Any ideas on how to fix this, or is it just Vista incompatibility combined with CoX's ATI issues?

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You need to reinstall your graphics drivers. When you install Vista, no matter what drivers are currently on your system, Vista replaces them with its own internal drivers. Oh, and to make things easier, you should uninstall the existing ones first. If you don't want to do that, then do NOT use the automatic option. Because the ATI installer will just say everything is peachy, and won't properly register everything. I ran into something similar when I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Vista Ultimate. Actually, it isn't just the video drivers. You should check all of your drivers. After my upgrade, not only were my graphics messed up, but I had no audio input or output device, because Vista overwrote what I already had there.


Adar - Lvl 50 Emp/Elec/Psy Defender on Guardian (411 badges)
Itsy Bitsy Slicer - Lvl 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper on Guardian
Flying-Tiger - Lvl 32 Sonic/Energy Blaster on Guardian



Hi guys, I've been trying to get this game to run for me for 3 days now, all to no avail. I get to a "Loading..." screen, which just sits there unendingly. I'm using Vista, but even running CoX as Admin or in XP compatability mode does nothing. All my drivers are up to date, and I can't make any sense of this.



This may not be a Vista issue. Sounds more likely that it could be a Firewall issue. Please post your issue in a separate thread with your dxdiag and hijackthis info.



To everyone who contributed to this thread, my heartfelt thanks. A friend of mine has a little brother who'd been looking forward to playing the game for a year and even went to the point of buying a new computer. You can figure the rest of it from there and why I'm posting in this thread. If it wasn't for the tweaks, tips, and tricks posted here, he'd have been SOL. Again, many thanks.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I still need some help with this guys and gals. My addiction to the game needs to be fed and I can't get the game to run.

Ok, the game was running fine for me until a couple of days ago. Now, as soon as I hit the "I Agree", the game just goes away. I am running Vista (64bit) and have made no changes to the system. It just poof, doesn't work.

I have un-installed and re-installed the game with the same results.

I have tried to run in Windows XP compatibility mode, and as an Administrator to no avail.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!



I just got a new comp and everything seems to rum great, except, obviously, CoH.

The graphics are fine, but I get -the- most horrid frame rate. I tried -renderthread 1 and didnt do a thing. Any ideas? I did do everything I could find about editing the shortcut, and updated my nvidia driver. Nothing.

Windows Vista Home Premium (32bit)
Intel Core 2 CPU (6320@1.86GHz(2CPUs), ~1.9GHz)
4gigs of RAM
nvidia GeForce 7300 LE

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



nvidia GeForce 7300 LE

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Unfotunately this is most likely due to being an underpowered card for this intense 3D game in performance-mode. So be sure ot have the LATEST Vista Drivers for it and try turning down the graphics settings (as well as turn OFF Boom, DoF and other junk) in the Co* Option... Graphics menu.



nvidia GeForce 7300 LE

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Unfotunately this is most likely due to being an underpowered card for this intese 3D game in performance-mode. So be sure ot have the LATEST Vista Drivers for it and try turning down the graphics settings (as well as turn OFF Boom, DoF and other junk) in the Co* Option... Graphics menu.

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That's it? No snarky "get a real graphics card" remarks? No snide retort? No dripping-with-disdain commentary? Who are you and what have you done with Shego???



No snarky "get a real graphics card" remarks?

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As the 7300 LE card isn't for intense-gaming powerwise (anything with only 4 PixelPipelines and only a 64-Bit Memory Interface is an immediate NO-Vote for gaming here), it is still considered a current video model and still better than some cheap Motherboard integrated-video solution. When it moves more towards an antiquated-performance level... such as the ATI9200 and Nvidia440 or 5200 models... then they will be alerted to that status as well.



So.. I'm sorry I'm not a computer expert. Would I be able to buy a new graphics card? &gt;.&gt; *hides from shame*

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy