Updated Compilation of Vista Issues/Fixes




You sure can, and there are many good models out there for this game, starting with the 7600GT and up.
That one runs currently $79.00 and other video cards move up the model-ladder to over $600 or more.

But this would do fine as you simply open the computer-case, remove the old card, slip this one in its place, close the case and load up the CD Software drivers that come with it. Then off to better/faster graphics.



I was looking at the specs of the 7300LE, and though it's certainly no powerhouse, it's not really all THAT bad either. I'm curious tho -- is this built into the motherboard or an add-in card?

Besides updating to better drivers (uninstall the old ones, restart, don't let Windows auto-install new ones, then install the ones you downloaded) I think the biggest obstacle here is going to be the level of visuals. The CPU is fast, so that will help, and as long as you stick to moderate settings and resolution you should be able to get decent performance (medium textures; FSAA, AF, bloom, dof, water, and particle physics off; particle count <5000, shaders on "low (no world bumpmaps)", world details around 60-70%, resolution no higher than 1280x960).

After you get newer drivers installed, start up the game in safe mode (check the Safe Mode box when you run the updater) and see how it runs. If performance in safe mode sucks, well there ain't much you can do cause that's the best it's gonna get really. If it's ok, then you can go into the graphics options and slowly turn things up till you find the sweet spot for you.

Also make sure you turn off anything that's running in the background, like the Vista sidebar, and make sure you check the "disable desktop composition" box on the compatibility tab of the game's shortcut.



Thank you very much for this. BIG help for me.



Would anyone know of any fix for a GeForce 6800 for Vista Ultimate 32-bit? It appears that the screen is way to bright and washed out, the graphics are slow, and it looks very low-res.

I'm running a Pentium 4, 2.8Ghz, ASUS P4c800 Deluxe 4GB RAM, Nvidia 6800 256MB, Vista Ultimate 32-bit.



You've probably got old drivers. The ones that come with Vista tend to do that. Head out to nVidia's website and get yourself the latest. If that doesn't work, better start a new topic with your DxDiag.



Actually, that is the fix - I changed the games resolution to match my desktop and it works great now...



Ugh...I need help. D: Everything works great until I actually play the game.

Everything is black and white...and all of the other players and even the NPC's are a space to the side of where they appear to be. (Example: Enemy right in front of me. I can't click on him to target. Instead, I have to click to the empty space to the right of him. So, my perception of where everyone actually is gets all screwy, and it's unplayable).

Is this a Vista problem? Or something worse? I know next to nothing about computers and even less about MMORPG's. Someone help. ;;



Ugh...I need help. D: Everything works great until I actually play the game.

Everything is black and white...and all of the other players and even the NPC's are a space to the side of where they appear to be. (Example: Enemy right in front of me. I can't click on him to target. Instead, I have to click to the empty space to the right of him. So, my perception of where everyone actually is gets all screwy, and it's unplayable).

Is this a Vista problem? Or something worse? I know next to nothing about computers and even less about MMORPG's. Someone help. ;;

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This happens because your desktop resolution isn't the same as your game resolution; e.g. your Windows desktop is 1280x960 but the game's resolution is 1024x768.

Set the game to the same resolution as your desktop and this should go away.



I installed Vista Home Premium on my machine here about a week ago and everything has been running pretty well except for CoH.

I have a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS and the sound was terrible! Made sure my drivers were updated (even cleaned and did it again) and no dice. Did some research and found the issue with 3D sound and what not so went out and got Alchemy for the Audio and installed it. Set the game up inside of it and even played around with inserting it also into subdirectories. Now although I have "3D sound" now... it is horrible! Now when I play the sound has way too much bass... only way I can describe it is the sound you get when sitting at a stoplight and some ricer pulls along side you with his radio up and bass cranked...

Are there tweaks I need to do in order to get Alchemy to make my sound at least close to what it once was?




I installed Vista Home Premium on my machine here about a week ago and everything has been running pretty well except for CoH.

I have a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS and the sound was terrible! Made sure my drivers were updated (even cleaned and did it again) and no dice. Did some research and found the issue with 3D sound and what not so went out and got Alchemy for the Audio and installed it. Set the game up inside of it and even played around with inserting it also into subdirectories. Now although I have "3D sound" now... it is horrible! Now when I play the sound has way too much bass... only way I can describe it is the sound you get when sitting at a stoplight and some ricer pulls along side you with his radio up and bass cranked...

Are there tweaks I need to do in order to get Alchemy to make my sound at least close to what it once was?


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I've never experienced this, but I don't have an Audigy. So everything else sounds right, just not CoX? Other games, videos, music, etc.?

Creative's drivers for Vista are less than stellar. IIRC there is a 3rd party developer of Vista drivers for Audigy series, but off the top of my head I don't remember the name of them. They are said to give you much better performance under Vista, but again, I've never heard of any problems like you've described.



This happens because your desktop resolution isn't the same as your game resolution; e.g. your Windows desktop is 1280x960 but the game's resolution is 1024x768.

Set the game to the same resolution as your desktop and this should go away.

[/ QUOTE ]I was having the same problem and this fixed the in-game graphics perfectly. Unfortunately, my login and new character screens are still a mess. Any ideas on how to take care of this? Thanks!

Victory: U N Sinn, SonicReducer, Id Omega, Antiheld, Cosmos Corvus, JQ Murder

Protector: Grimly Fiendish, Mecha Roosevelt, Creeping Dose, Odradek, Mr. Biolistics, Kid Hate



when i try to add the compatiblecursors1 in the field it tells me the entry is invalid am i doing something wrong?



im running vista business (64 bit) and 7600gt nvidia card if that helps



when i try to add the compatiblecursors1 in the field it tells me the entry is invalid am i doing something wrong?

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The flag is

-compatiblecursors 1

The space between "compatiblecursors" and "1" is important, as is the beginning dash.





So everything else sounds right, just not CoX? Other games, videos, music, etc.?

Creative's drivers for Vista are less than stellar. IIRC there is a 3rd party developer of Vista drivers for Audigy series, but off the top of my head I don't remember the name of them. They are said to give you much better performance under Vista, but again, I've never heard of any problems like you've described.

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Yep.. I play Dungeon Runners as well and that sounds just like it always did.. music... everything so far sounds good.





So everything else sounds right, just not CoX? Other games, videos, music, etc.?

Creative's drivers for Vista are less than stellar. IIRC there is a 3rd party developer of Vista drivers for Audigy series, but off the top of my head I don't remember the name of them. They are said to give you much better performance under Vista, but again, I've never heard of any problems like you've described.

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Yep.. I play Dungeon Runners as well and that sounds just like it always did.. music... everything so far sounds good.


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Well the only other thing that comes to mind is that CoX sound files are .ogg encoded. Perhaps your .ogg playback is a bit borked somehow? Maybe you should find some .ogg sound files and see how they sound.

Alchemy doesn't do anything to the sound other than route it thru a directsound wrapper so that the drivers can use hardware accelerated functions. It should have no bearing on the quality of the sound provided you don't have something setup funky in your drivers.

One other thing I can think of -- if you have some kind of CRSS or other 3D sound expansion turned on in the driver and are using 3D sound in the game this can cause things to sound a bit funky.

I would go thru your driver settings one by one and make sure that everything is set correctly. Other than that, I'm out of ideas. Perhaps a google search will turn up something.



One other thing I can think of -- if you have some kind of CRSS or other 3D sound expansion turned on in the driver and are using 3D sound in the game this can cause things to sound a bit funky.

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That was it!! CRSS and the 3D sound setting in the game were competing against each other causing all of the issues. Not only did changing that fix the sound... but the game is not crashing every time I exit either!! Thanks!



Well, trying to read through 35 pages of questions and answers was difficult, and I haven't found an answer to my question.

My dad's computer upgraded to Vista, and now CoH will crash to a black screen within a minute or two from starting. It'll even happen on the character select screen.

DxDiag and Hijack is over in a seperate thread Here

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I am trying to play CoH on my laptop that as you can probably guess, Vista on it. Everything is cool until I get to the Character select screen after I choose the server. The screen is choppy and gray here. Then when I go in game the screen is the same and nothing will move. Could anyone possibly help me?



I am trying to play CoH on my laptop that as you can probably guess, Vista on it. Everything is cool until I get to the Character select screen after I choose the server. The screen is choppy and gray here. Then when I go in game the screen is the same and nothing will move. Could anyone possibly help me?

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Make sure you're running the game in the same resolution as your desktop. For example, if your Vista desktop is 1440x900, make sure the game is 1440x900 as well.

If you want to use a smaller resolution in the game you either have to change the desktop resolution first to match (could be done with a script, ask and I'll show you how) or play in windowed mode.



This topic is for solutions not for... wait a sec, this isn't that topic! This is the old topic! Oh well....

My bet is that your video drivers are old. Try updating them and see if that helps. If not, start up a new topic that includes your DxDiag log. The stickied 'Read this before posting' topic has instructions on how to make one of those.






I apologise in advance if my question seems "Dumb", "Idiotic" or is viewed as some form of slam

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Thanks. We'll keep that admission in mind, in case you ever decide to post something useless in here again.



i wonder if anyone's had this issue before:

I'm running windows vista basic, 32 bit version. CoH/CoV plays fine. there's just one problem: when the ground is layered with multiple textures, say dirt on concrete, the underlying or overlying texture will bulge out, and while the character is still on the actually ground, the raised ground seems to envelop my character, often up to the head. This also happens when the camera is panned in various directions Has anyone else had this problem? if so, how can it be fixed

on the specs note:
I'm using a dell 1521 with an Nvidia Catalyst 256 graphics card, a 1.6 dual core and 2 gigs of ram.



This, according to Dell's site, is what you COULD have in that laptop:

Intel Graphics Options
Intel Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
NVIDIA® GeForceTM Go 8400M GS with 128MB DDR25 dedicated graphic memory
NVIDIA® GeForceTM Go 8600M GT with 256MB DDR25 dedicated graphic memory

ATI Graphics
AMD Graphics Options
Integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 1270 with HyperMemoryTM (64MB dedicated local frame buffer)

No such thing as a Nvidia Catalyst. Catalyst is the name of the ATI driver package. Nvidia/ATI are rivals. AMD owns ATI now.

Which graphics chip do you have again?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom