Ah! The good old days.. *sniff*




I remember when /INV was good.



I remember Killer Whale.

Smoke Grenades used to be usefull. With Cloaking Device, you had no problem surviving the alpha.

Frozen Armor wasn't all that clear. I designed my costumes around the ice patterns and it looked great. Having 6 slot Wet Ice with defbuff.

I liked hidding my short heroes in DM.

I miss the great stories by Flagg. The antic tale of the Archvillians had my side hurting. I'm glad I saved all I could.

South Park for avatars

Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF

Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)



Very good ol Ty!!

But i'll have to second this one

And you had to line up to get into Perez Park, because it was the hottest place to be.

[/ QUOTE ]
How i miss them days!!



I remember having to run back to the mission door to leave before they put in the Exit button .

I remember not knowing what people were talking about when they said "DO" or "SO".

I remember my blaster having all of his attacks 6-slotted for damage .

I remember perma-glory and driving Defenders nuts .

I remember doing everything I could to hit 40 before they put in level 50 for heroes.

I remember the first time I tried the respec trial with a broken character made me take a break from the game and when I came back in a few weeks it being a cakewalk.

The joy of them adding the dificulty slider, Icon, 4 costume slots, auras/capes and the almighty boombox emote.

Swan being practically naked...and a bit chilly.



I remember the first time I saw one of those 'pumpkin-thingys'. I recall it was the Halloween of Ought-Four. I was standing on a building in Steel with my scrapper...saw it below me (looking small) and jumped down in front of it...and had to keep craning scrappys view higher and higher just to see it's head...and I destinctly remmber thinking :this cant be good" before the monster thumped me across two roadways.

I remember months later, when another character joined a team to help out fighting Winter-lord, and about 5 more spawned on exactly the same spot one after the other about 2 minutes before we finally killed its predecessor.

I remember seeing my first Kheldian in Perez playing helicopter gunship and thinking "Wow"

I remember finally getting into the Rikti Crash site after the long boring travel through Creys

I remember spending 2 hours designing a costume for a BS/DA scrapper, and then being horrified at how hard it was to see anyting through DA

I remember my D3 and her three Fluffy freinds that made her a 1-girl assult team

'Sniff'...those were the days



* I remember getting into the Beta a week after a friend who "May or May not have gotten a Beta invite"

* I remember getting miffed when you went one stop too many on the Tram, and then had to go all the way back around.

* I remember the first time I saw in-game footage of the game, and hearing the guy explaining how you could sit and watch the lady get her purse stolen.

* I remember the first time we figured out that while the servers went down after the Beta hours ended, if you were in the costume creator when it ended, you could stay in there.

* I remember thinking a couple of weeks after launch, "It's so hard to come up with a good name". Gives me a chuckle these days.

* I remember my first day in Beta. I was stuck in Outcast, because there were no Spawns. Apparently the tutorial zone wasn't instancing like it was supposed to.

* I remember believing that "before too much longer, we'll have Vehicles, and Water Zones, and Power customizations". Ahhh, the naive days.

* I remember the days when you would be the only one in the group that knew how to do something. "Don't worry guys! I've done this respec mission 4 times. We've only got 3 more waves!"

* I remember the day that the Cape mission went online. And trying to limp your way through the absolutely unbelievable lag and Zone crashes to try and get one.

* I remember the first time I heard the Atlas Park music sound over my speakers.

* I remember getting hover for the first time, and flying to the top of the Atlas statue.

* I remember jumping off a skyscraper for the first time, and feeling my stomach in my throat.

....ahhh, the good old days.



Hey Castle!

The way some of your posts were worded it almost seems you are a player turned Dev.

Is this the case or has my coffee not kicked in yet?

Has there ever been a covert ops report on you?

You know grades you got in 3rd grade, reasons you got into this line of work(it's for the ladies, right?), and so on and so on...



I think Castle is a player turned Dev.

Anyway, I wasn't in Beta (CoH, anyway), but I did show up a bit before I1 (June '04). I remember things like:

-Waiting for the ticker above the tram to change to Steel Canyon so I could go

-Rularuu invasion, of course

-Gilgamesh & the Paragon Times

-One of my friends losing his character name in the whole Marvel thing

-There was a helluvalot less stupid people and when you joined a random team, you had fun and became friends with your teammates. I miss some of my first friends, who are sadly not around anymore...



He is.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I remember:

Levelling a stone tank up with no stacking armors and when rooted meant rooted, pre difficulty slider so you were out of content by lvl 38.

A friend telling me he was winterlording with a team of 8 blasters - 8 snipes and down he went, toon went to level 20 in a couple of days. It took him till level 45 to get spelunker and the accolade about a week or so back.

Kraken farming - the lifesaver for being out of content at level 38.

Perez park hydra sweeping - and playing hydra hockey with the frozen over PP and repels.

Being taken to Founders Falls for the first time (as a 20ish blaster) and helping an illusion controller (and his army of phantasms) sweep the area in the NW corner with all the behemoths, thinking wow these guys are good.

Trying to level an ice/storm controller pre containment in the late 20s when the most damage from anything I could do was about 25.

Thinking said ice/storm was finally competent at level 34 as her 3 jack frosts killed things, only to find they cut you to one when she was around level 36.

Doing about 20 respecs across test and live when ED hit.

When you couldn't buy a full range of DOs in the shops. I recently came across a level 16 of mine with plenty of money, mainly DOd but TOs of the non power 10 types.

Mr Minotaur 50 stone/axe tank Freedom, Ms Blizzard 50 ice/storm cont Freedom
and many others including 7 other 50s

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Swarm killing in Creys Folley, 1 fireball to kill the whole purple con herd and get full exp per



I remember when we thought SOON (tm) meant soon




* I remember the first time I heard the Atlas Park music sound over my speakers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reading that literally brought a tear to my eye.

Other beautiful memories:

-Spending 2 hours in the costume creator to make my first hero, a Storm/Energy Defender.
-Spending exactly 6 minutes in-game before I saw someone perform the "Machine-gun" kick.
-Spending 30 seconds logging out to make a Martial Arts Scrapper.
-Shelving that scrapper at level 25 due to the lack of any ability to solo from the other horrid animations.
-Coming back in Issue 2, seeing my scrappers new moves, falling back in love with her.
-Soloing almost every mission, every arc, every mob i faced till level 38 without a single aota of status protection. Chain-mez deaths peed me off.
-level 39. Perma-unstoppable.
-level 45. Soloing my first Lattice on Monster Isle. Man it was hard to find one that wasnt taken.
-Two days later, level 50. Feeling so accomplished, so proud. My little martial artist had become my first maxed out MMORPG character.(and I've played a LOT of MMORPGS.)

Man...I miss those days. Even if we didnt have the same magnitude of power...just the ability to do certain things...that made our game fun.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



i remember some of the great bugs
- the magnetic 5th column desks
- the "oh look it is just one 5th column member" to find out in horror that there was 9 of them phased in one spot and all capable of shooting you, I learned to fear solo mobs that day
- the first time i triggered the fence sliding glitch in animation and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world.
- and not a glitch but recently with the new physics changes bumping into a plant and seeing leaves drop from it, first time I saw that I spent about 5 minutes just triggering leaves, and moving them around.



I rember when there wasnt a zone that somone didnt have a prestige Sprint Powers (Its a good thing its a vetran Reward Now, Becuase i hate being the only one having it)

I remember lots of people complaing about the dust trails on the prestige sprints when they wanted to look like shiny stars and not dirty comets when they flew

I remember when the hellions were in short supply in atlas park and even when they were all locked up in jail and the streets were completely safe. We still had to hunt them down so we could complete our missions.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



I remember when there were no 'Hollows' and everyone was trying to run around Atlas killing everything just so they could make it into Perez Park. The KSing was rampant... I say Rampant!

I remember when Lt. Wincott's base missions were almost always off to the right at the same door, and they weren't easy for groups, let alone a single hero. But on the bright side you could easily have a PUG at that door from all the heroes waiting around.

I remember the first time I fell into the 'Gulch' and felt like I would never get out... dang those high stone walls!

I remember reading with my SG mates about the Faultline trial in the guide in the booklet from the game and finding out that it didn't exist... talk about a grumpy group cussing NCSoft for not making that trial active!

I remember teaming as an 8 with a 38 and going to a mission and being amazed at the zones we passed through, like a whole new world every new zone you entered. I've yet to recapture that feeling!

I remember when the Sewer Trial was the favorite farm mission when you hit 36. But trying to kill 100 Rikti in the sewers wasn't easy because of all the other teams killing the spawns before you could get to them.

I remember just before the herding nerf, using my Fire/Storm to herd 60+ villians in Steel Canyon over toward Valkyrie and Positron and up to Icon. Weathermaster herding

"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."

Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher




I remember teaming as an 8 with a 38 and going to a mission and being amazed at the zones we passed through, like a whole new world every new zone you entered. I've yet to recapture that feeling!

I remember when the Sewer Trial was the favorite farm mission when you hit 36. But trying to kill 100 Rikti in the sewers wasn't easy because of all the other teams killing the spawns before you could get to them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yeah, I remember that feeling too. I've played other MMOs but CoH was the one that gave me the sense of wonder I was looking for. It may be impossible to do for long-time subscribers but I hope Cryptic can get that feeling back into the game one day. . . . .*sniff cows (damn you Castle for unlocking a flood of fun memories).



I remember when Integration was a click power, with no healing. Resilience only provided Disorient protection.

I remember making my first character in beta, Crusade, then promptly deleting him because Broadsword/Invulnerability was slow and sucked my Endurance like water.

I remember 27 levels of Dark Melee/Regeneration with no real protection besides Reconstruction, doing hit and run attacks on Family in IP.

I remember the 200+ post thread about Regeneration, and feeling a great sense of accomplishment at seeing it changed before the end of beta. Ironic, huh?

I remember my Beta character, Moonshine, getting his picture taken.

I remember the last day of Beta, where Hamidon wiped us out over and over. I also remember hearing about the first people to defeat Hamidon in Beta...with a team of 8.

I could probably remember more...but I'm at home with a cold, so I think I'll just take a nap and dream of betatesting CoH.



I never thought Id play a mmorpg. Couldn't see spending the money, didn't have broadband or a decent gaming computer.

I remember may 15th, 2004. My younger brother gave me CoH as a Birthday present and I said "Gosh, but you know how I feel about paying a monthly subscription to play a game."

"Well, I've got the receipt, and you can exchange it if you want."

"Ok." And I walked back to the kitchen. When I returned he had already broken the celophane and was busy reading the manual.

"DA*N, I can't return it now."

"Well, it says the first month is free."

"Ok, let's load it up and play. At least I'll get to play it for a month."

I've been playing ever since...............Bought him a copy two weeks later, bought my daughter a copy last year.



I remember when CoT portals would chug out a near unlimited number of demons...and they gave experience. The Orenbega portal room wasn't something to be avoided by my godly Invuln tank...it was something to be harvested for insane xp!

I remember my tank being on a team of 8 (good friends) and watching them all get butchered by the 5th (remember them?) and being the last man standing...then taking down every one of those Column punks.

I remember that same tank coming across a forgotten Rikti portal that had summoned up 80 or so Rikti...and dropping into the middle of them (and taking them all down) just to show a friend how much fun tanking really was.

I remember when hitting 50 actually meant something beyond: "What am I gonna roll up now?"

I remember rerolling a character five or six times, just to get the costume right. (Icon was still just a dream.)

I remember clicking Unyielding Stance, then watching all the foes just run past me...

The thing I miss most, though, aren't the old power levels, pre-ED. I miss the people...

And I miss being able to go into Atlas and NOT having lag issues due to ninety people hanging out under the statue for a costume contest.

Oh! And I remember when you could actually get the name you wanted the first (or maybe second) time.

Man, I'm feeling the creaky bones, too. Old age...feh!



I remember playing Regen when people thought it was weak

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when people thought scrappers were weak in general. (Right after launch) Oh how fast things changed! Kinda goes to show (in my mind) that initial impressions of a character type aren't always accurate and could just reflect a lack of understanding of the tactics required.

I remember when hitting 50 actually meant something beyond: "What am I gonna roll up now?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Been here since late beta and I don't remember that. They haven't taken away anything from 50, so what are you talking about?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Probably most of these have been mentioned...

I remember when Smoke Grenade was practically godmode.

I remember standing toe to toe with a +6 boss with my regen scrapper and trying to convince people that the fact the boss simply could not kill him was overpowered.

I remember 1-slot perma-hasten

I remember when 6 slotting Caltrops could root mobs to the ground, and they could be tossed over walls for safe (albeit slow) killing of even deeeeeep purples

I remember the firestorm when Capes were introduced with a minimum level of 20.

I remember getting killed while trying to take out Rikti that had opened a portal, ending up on the other side of the map in a prison (on an Oranbega map), and by the time me and my partner got back, the room was -stuffed- with Rikti. God, the parade of them chasing us was a sight to see to be sure! We had to abort the mission 'cause there was absolutely no way to deal with this other than calling in level 50 help, but it was still a cool sight.

I remember the "purple patch" and how it was scaled back slightly from the original. And people STILL complained that they "didn't feel heroic" if they couldn't fight packs of +8 mobs and take them out with ease.

Most of all, I remember thinking when I first heard about CoH "Meh, superhero MMO. Sounds silly". Then when open beta came along going "What the hell, it's free and I'm bored". 3 days later I was begging my girlfriend to let me buy it when it launched. ^_^ I remember thinking nothing would ever tear me away from EQ....then finding EQ(1) drab after CoH.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Pffft....Paragon City Dance Party or Pocket D? Modern nonsense! I remember when we used to throw parties at a big rock in Kings Row, having lasers form mines as the only form of disco lights.



Pffft....Paragon City Dance Party or Pocket D? Modern nonsense! I remember when we used to throw parties at a big rock in Kings Row, having lasers form mines as the only form of disco lights.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I remember people doing that there, too. And how it was a pain in the butt because they were blocking off one of the major spawn points for CoT for those (at the time) infuriating "defeat 10 CoT" missions. (Mobs won't respawn within a certain radius of people)

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I remember going from 24-32 in a weekend where all I had to do was click on a door and my team would kill the spawns that came out.... Halloween '04

I remember being on a team in Boomtown the day the Purple patch came out, and I had no idea what it meant. This was before I discovered the forums

I remember asking a fellow blaster who was the same level as me why she was doing more damage than me, and she said her attacks were 6 slotted with damage DO's....... My next questions were "What are DO's?" and "Where can I get them?"

I remember the first time I went to Talos Island not knowing where the mutant store was and having to ask someone to take me there.

I remember the first time I fought a 5th column lt in indy port and after defeating him he turned in a giant wolf..... I messed my pants then.

I remember when the only Hellions that had real powers were Shockers.

I remember when i1 came out I was fighting a lead shocker who ran away before I could kill him, I chased him down, he ran into a group of 8 purples who layed the smack down on me. I remember thinking "Damn mobs got smarter"

I remember paying debt at level 6

I remember 8 man teams in outbreak trying to get that stupid badge

I remember when missions were garbage xp and the real good xp was street hunting.

I remember when I put a post in the forums about something I did that others thought was grieving and the post getting deleted. I remember thinking that deleting my post was just wrong.

I remember in March '04 before city of heroes was even a thought in my mind....... I used to have a life