/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




I'll be sad to see you go Cuppa, but good luck with the Tabula Rasta crew.

I hope they know what kind of gift they are receiving by having you there.



Sorry to see you go, hope you have good fortune in all your new ventures.



so are you going to be cuppaJo at Tabula Rasa? It'll make ya easier to find



Wow... You will be missed Cuppa. You kept this forum together whenever it threatened to tear itself apart over the nerfageddons of the last year or so. Well, have fun at this Tabba-thingy. I'll make sure to check it out here real soon.

/e Four-color hero salute




I realize I don't know you from Eve, but I can see what a profound impact your decision has had on this community (what with the dozens of people changing their display names and whatnot). I don't know if this is because you have no choice in this matter, or whatever is going on. I daren't really try to even guess. Your reasons are your reasons. I hope you find a good home in your new forums, and that folks over there look at you with as much respect and admiration as they seem to have for you here.

Once again, I am astounded by the response of this community to your announcement. Even though you're moving on in life, the people behind here will no doubt hold you in high regard, and continue to do so as long as this game, and these forums, are around.

I wish you all the best, even though I have no idea who you are. And yet, knowing the effect your imminent departure has had on these forums, I feel as though I have some insight into the person behind the name.

With the best of wishes,



But...but.. without CUppaJoe, who will we clone? Who will make us smile right before or after the devs club us in the groin with a nerf? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHO WILL KEEP THE COMIC FORUMS FROM BECOMING UNLIVEABLE!



But...but.. without CUppaJoe, who will we clone? Who will make us smile right before or after the devs club us in the groin with a nerf?

[/ QUOTE ]

That honor falls to Cricket now.


[/ QUOTE ]

That would be UncleBob.

/e moment of silence for the Comic forums.



Farewell Cuppa. Good luck in your new opportunity.



You are so well loved and will truly be missed. We could think of no more fitting tribute than to create a gajillion pages of posts for you to read.

I've actually stepped out of lurkerdom on this momentous occasion. I doubt any other news could have done it. Quite a savvy business move by NCSoft...ensuring that legions of Cuppa's adoring fans will migrate to Tabula Rasa.

Fare the well oh Queen of the Java! *raises coffee cup in remembrance*



I wasn't thinking I was gonna play Tabula Rasa, but with my favorite redname moving there, I'm all over it. You will be missed here, but I'll see you there.



I haven't logged into these forums for over a year, but after hearing the news I can't stay away.

You've done so much great work for this community, I'm sad to hear you will be moving on. I wish you the best of luck in your new position, and I hope the TR community appreciates the fantastic new manager they've been given



wow. holy cow. it's truly hard to find words. cj, thanks for some great times. thanks for the heart and soul you've poured into this alongside the rest of us. and best of luck on tabula rasa. when that one wanes though and coh is still up and strong you should come back home. and grats to cricket, she's now at the wheel of a great community.

keep us up to date. heck, keep on posting as another forum friend if you can get away with it.



We have traded a couple of PMs in the past, and you have always been most helpful and polite. You will be missed here, but I wish you good fortunes in your future.



Cuppa thanks for everything !!!!
You are truly our hero!
You are truly going to be missed !!
We Love You Cuppa !!
Wish you all the best! !!



Oh no! Cuppa going to be gone? We're gonna miss you so much. Even if I don't post often, I still lurk around the forums and you are the face of the CoH forums. All the best at Tabula Rasa, and do drop by once in a while



It looks like Tabula Rasa is ready to have her....

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And look who else is on the team!!!

Tommy Lee
Michael Moore
Chris Rock

Looks like things are a bit slow in Hollywood, these days.

Hey Cuppa, can you get us some autographs?

(*sniff* Miss you already! *sniff*)

/em CuppaPout

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



You will be missed, Cuppa.



Indeed, indeed.

We're planning some major fireworks for you on Pinn. I'm sure you know.

Remember the shoes!


Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Is anyone else reminded of the end of MIB? you know the "I haven't been training a partner, I've been training a replacement." line?

"...I'll be a hero till I'm lying dead in my grave" No matter what, I will be the Crazed Drifter until the end of my days.



What? Cuppa is leaving? Naaaw. Seriously? Man. My face feels funny.




Oh gah. Oh crap. Where did I put my PMs? Ugh, I don't feel too well.


...Maybe I should have been a better poster. Maybe if I'd just.... I dunno. Cuppa woulda stayed.


What the hell? Who got rid of cuppa! ZOMG. You people suck!


I keep playing this game. But. Um. It's just not the same.


I don't think I can go beyond stage 6.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



You shall be avenged!

*pulls out emergency banstick and starts walking towards the Freedom Phalanx HQ in Galaxy*



50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



You know, I never gave a damn about Tabula Rasa. Didn't know what it was about, didn't care. And now I hear this, and... well...

My latest Google search.

Actually, it doesn't sound too bad. Cya soon Cuppa!

-Dr. Rob