/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




You've been an amazing moderator, good luck with your new community Cuppa!



Bye CuppaJoe

"I am the Villain of the Story"

Justice: (Heroes) Threshold, Dac Kien, Quang Doan, Dr. Arberry, Current, Smooth Cut.

Virtue: (Villains) Quang Doan



I've never had the opportunity to speak to you directly. But almost by osmosis, I have learned good things about you from the reflections of your reputation, cast here on these boards.

Serve with distinction, wherever you go. And may fortune favor you always. We will surely miss our bold, beautiful CuppaJo.

Hmmm.... Tabula Rasa. I may actually have to check this thing out now.

I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep

My Roster



Hmmm.... Tabula Rasa. I may actually have to check this thing out now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking the same thing. Plus I just like to say it.

Taaabuuuulaaaa RASA!




You'll be missed, Cuppa.



Cuppa, thanks for putting up with us the last couple of years and good luck with your new position. Maybe now you can join us some ingame.

Oh, is there any chance that we can get a "goodbye lifting of the perma-ban" for some of the old banned posters. Would be interesting to see how that would turn out.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Thanks for all your hardwork at keeping the peace and everything you've done for us!




Thanks Cuppa for all your work




We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.



We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.

[/ QUOTE ]


Since when?

I thought we were just a little psychotic.



We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.

[/ QUOTE ]


Since when?

I thought we were just a little psychotic.

[/ QUOTE ]

you thought right!



We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.

[/ QUOTE ]


Since when?

I thought we were just a little psychotic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Psycho is the new cool!



We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.

[/ QUOTE ]


Since when?

I thought we were just a little psychotic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a little??

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



Know that with you you take our hearts and our best wishes. For as long as I have posted here you have been a ray of hope to all those that have posted and liason like no other between those that undoubtedly have too little time to spend here and those that have taken the time to post.

You have been here for us and we know your compassion and dutiful skills will be of great benefit to the Tabula Rasa community. Hopefully they will come to love you as we all have. You see the name changes and all the warm posts. Remember them. You made a difference like a true hero should.

Your role in this community may be filled by another, and undoubtedly we will come to appreciate Cricket more and more each day, but you will forever be OUR CuppaJo...out coordinator and our friend. We will miss you here. Please remember to stay connected if you can. We are always here posting...well most of us will be.

I have changed my identity to mark your departure. I consider it a change more dramatic (traumatic?) than enhancement diversification. With that I wish you well in all you do...

...and with that...I speak no more.



*sniff* Bye.

*thinks he is lacking a long dramatic post but is too sad to write it*



See ya' Cuppa...we will all miss you here. :*(

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Thanks for everything you've done for the community, CuppaJo. You did a great job, and while I think people changing their forum names in honor of you is neat, I'm not changing my forum name to Cuppa_TonyV. It's just... wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

I changed my name before cuppa left as a act of mock vengence agaisnt soem forum posters :P

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



U will be missed by all...good luck with life and have fun!



Cuppa Takes Charge


LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



... it almost didn't feel real until I read that...

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



In all honesty, I actually now have a reason to check out Tabula Rasa, I wasn't all that excited about it before, but now there'll at least be a familiar face (says the guy who's been READING the boards for the last two years, but never saying much)

Cuppa, you've been a valued addition to the team, and you'll be missed around here. Cricket, welcome to the primary.

[/ QUOTE ]
My feelings exactly. Please don't stop playing CoX, Cuppa. Whenever I think of CoH/CoV I think of CuppaJo, and the great Cryptic devs. They all go together. I have every confidence in Cricket's abilities, but I will miss you Cuppa.



Well I will add to the pile. I will miss your posts, but good luck in your new job. Please don't forget about us over here I don't think you ever loose your red name. Post once in a while to keep us on our toes.




On a more upbeat note, good luck with Tabula Rasa...I may see you there when I eventually try out the game.