Updating Hamidon Enhancement Guide




Appologies if this has been covered already... My main area of expertise is Rad and Dark so here goes...

Enzyme Exposure is the best one for a Rad as it enhances every part of Radiation Infection that's worth slotting for, can use all 3 aspects.

Lysosome Exposure can be used in Radiation Infection, though the accuracy bit is not getting any use.

EM Pulse can use Endoplasm Exposure

And, of course, Radiant Aura can use Golgi's

Dark's actually going to get most use out of the Endoplasm. Fearsome Stare, Dark Servant, and Petrifying Gaze, all take accuracies and do one form of mez or another, but generally do no damage (fear, immob, hold)

Darkest Night can get some use out of an Enzyme Exposure, but it does not have a -defense component like Rad so it will only be using 2 parts.

Dark Servant can use a Lysosome Exposure, though the defense debuff part will not be used. a Peroxisome Exposure can also be used, though Fluffy does no deal a huge ammount of damage.

Ribosome Exposure can be used in Shadow Fall to good effect.

Twilight Grasp can use Golgi's, naturally. Also Lysosome's.






Earth Controllers could slot it in Earthquake. This might be the best use for it since it is the only thing I can think of that would use all three (accuracy, foe -DEF, and foe -ACC) aspects of the enhancement (assuming the +ACC works even though the default power is unenhanceable for ACC).

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Earthquake doesn't use an Accuracy check; I can't see it being modified even if it could be slotted. And both the -ACC and -DEF aspects of the power are pretty small; hardly worth slotting for with SOs as it is.

Recharge is the best thing to slot in EQ and one really shouldn't waste a Hami-O on it IMO.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Legend --
1) Makes full use of the HO
2) Can use two of of the three benefits
3) Can use two or more benefits of the HO, but it will be a waste, as the benefit is not worth enhancing. Not recommended.
If an HO can be used for only one benefit, it is not mentioned, as an SO would be better.

Illusion Control:

Spectral Wounds:
1) Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy
1) Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range

1) Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy
1) Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range
1) Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez
1) Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez

Deceive: (Do Mez HO's affect Confusion duration? If so, then
1) Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez

1) Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez

Superior Invis:
3) Membrane Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Increase Attack Rate

Group Invis:
2) or 3) Membrane Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Increase Attack Rate

Phantom Army:
1) Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy
1) Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range

Spectral Terror: (Do Mez HO's affect Fear duration? If so, then
1) Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez

1) Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy
1) Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range

Notes: Many people consider Range to be an unwise addition to Phantom Army and Phantasm, it would increase the chance that the pets will aggro unwanted enemies.

The Defense in Group Invisibility is so small, it is not worth enhancing. The only worthwhile enhancement is Recharge. The Defense in Superior Invisibility is better, but for the most part, Recharge is wasted in SI since it is a toggle. An HO in either of these powers is probably wasted.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Earth Controllers could slot it in Earthquake. This might be the best use for it since it is the only thing I can think of that would use all three (accuracy, foe -DEF, and foe -ACC) aspects of the enhancement (assuming the +ACC works even though the default power is unenhanceable for ACC).

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Earthquake doesn't use an Accuracy check; I can't see it being modified even if it could be slotted. And both the -ACC and -DEF aspects of the power are pretty small; hardly worth slotting for with SOs as it is.

Recharge is the best thing to slot in EQ and one really shouldn't waste a Hami-O on it IMO.

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But if one has it, and wishes to use it, they can. It can use 2 parts of it, so it gets listed. I'll leave it to the player to determine if they slot for that.

Thanks for the help everyone - and thanks Voodoo, for giving feedback also. It's all useful. Posting the revamped list in a few.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



*Updating as I find out more* (Note, I'll reorganize it later, too)

Uplink_OoT did a great job a while back, compling a list of Hamidon Enhancements.

What I'd like to do is put together a list of which powers the more 'Exotic' HO's can help. I want to be able to tell people "'X' HO affects these powers ...". Help fill in the list with whatever you can.

Easy ones:
Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy:
-Too many to list. If you don’t know what can use this, you shouldn’t have bought the account. ;-)

Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range:
-See above.

Ribosome Exposure - Increase Damage Resistance and Endurance Reduction:
-Tank/Scrapper – Invulnerability – Temporary Invulnerability
-Tank/Scrapper – Invulnerability – Unyielding
-Tank/Scrapper – Invulnerability – Unstoppable
-Defender/Controller - Kinetics - Increase Density
-Defender – Dark - Shadowfall
-All – Power Pools - Tough

Microfilament Exposure – Travel Speed Increase (Run, Fly, and Jump) plus Endurance Reduction:
-Defender/Controller - Kinetic - Speed Boost (travel speed, end reduction)
-Defender/Controller - Kinetic Inertial Reduction (travel speed, end reduction)
-Defender/Controller - Kinetic - Siphon Speed (travel speed, end reduction, bonus -speed/recharge debuff on opponent)
-Scrapper – Super Reflexes – Elude – Not optimal slotting, but can use this.

Golgi Exposure - Heal and Endurance Reduction:
-Tank/Scrapper – Invulnerability – Dull Pain
-Defenders/Controllers with a Heal power (Radiant aura, Twilight grasp, etc.)
-Anyone with a Medicine power pool Heal,
-Anyone with a 'heal self' power (Tanks/scrappers, PB, WS)

Less easy, just because people get confused about the 'mez' part.

Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez: (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc .. but NOT knockback)
-Scrapper – Martial Arts - Thunder Kick (Disorient), Cobra Strike (Disorient, but not really worth using because CS damage is so low), Crippling Axe Kick (Immobilize), Eagle's Claw (Disorient)
-Controllers - Illusion Control – Blind
-Controllers - Illusion Control - Spectral Terror

Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez: (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc .. but NOT knockback)
-Scrapper – Martial Arts - Thunder Kick (Disorient), Cobra Strike (Disorient), Crippling Axe Kick (Immobilize), Eagle's Claw (Disorient)
-Defender/Controller - Radiation – Irradiate - EM Pulse
-Defender – Dark – Fearsome Stare, Dark Servant, Petrifying Gaze
-Controllers - Illusion Control – Blind, Flash, Deceive
-Controllers - Illusion Control - Spectral Terror

More difficult: These can be tricky, and are the ones that need the most 'help'. Some might be GREAT for a few powers, but helpful in some that share two of the aspects of the HO. These are the ones MOST in use of some definition.

Lysosome Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Increases Accuracy:
-Blaster - Devices - Smoke Grenade – uses all 3 parts.
-Blaster – Assault Rifle – Burst - can use the Acc + Def Debuff Portions
-Scrapper - Broadsword – All attacks except Parry - can use the Acc + Def Debuff Portions (Note - even Parry can use it, until they decide to fix the Buff/Debuff Enhancement issue)
-Scrapper - Katana – All attacks except Parry - can use the Acc + Def Debuff Portions (Note - even Parry can use it, until they decide to fix the Buff/Debuff Enhancement issue)
-Defender/Controller - Trick Arrow - Flash Arrow - tohit debuff, accuracy
-Defender/Controller - Trick Arrow - Acid Arrow - defense debuff, accuracy
-Defender/Control - Storm - Freezing rain - ACC and foe –DEF
-Defender/Control - Storm - Hurricane - ACC and foe -ACC
-Defender/Control - Storm - Tornado - ACC and foe -DEF
-Defender - Dark - Twilight Grasp, Fearsome Stare and Dark Servant (acc + To hit Debuff)
-Defender - Dark Blast – All powers except Dark Blast – Accuracy + Tohit Debuff
-Defender/Controller - Radiation - Irradiate, Neutron Bomb, Radiation Infection (uses 2 of 3)
-Controller - Earth Control – Earthquake - can use the ToHit + Def Debuff Portions
-Scrapper – Dark Melee – Nearly all attacks can use +ACC and foe –ACC

Enzyme Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Endurance Reduction:
-Defender/Controller - Empathy - Fortitude* (*note - this could change someday if the Devs alter how buff/Debuff HO's are working)
-Defender/Controller - Trick Arrow - Flash Arrow (tohit debuff, end reduction),
-Defender/Controller - Trick Arrow - Acid Arrow (defense debuff, end reduction),
-Defender/Controller - Trick Arrow - Oil Slick Arrow (defense debuff, end reduction)
-Defender - Dark - Darkest Night (Def Debuff + End Reduc), Dark Servant
-Defender/Controller - Radiation - Irradiate, Neutron Bomb, Radiation Infection (uses all 3 parts)
APP - Body Mastery (Scrapper)/Energy Mastery (Tanker) - Laser Beam Eyes – End Red, Def Debuff

Membrane Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Increase Attack Rate:
- Any Aim/Buildup type power
-Tank - SS - Rage - uses ToHit buff and Recharge rate.
-Tank/Scrapper – Invulnerability – Invincibility (not optimal slotting, but can use)
-All - Power Pools - Leadership - Vengeance (uses all 3? Though I know you can't put Recharge reducers in it normally, so it probably just uses the first 2 parts)
APP - Body Mastery (Scrapper)/Energy Mastery (Tanker) – Focused Accuracy - To hit buff and Recharge Reduc
-Defender/Controller - Empathy - Fortitude
-Scrapper – Super Reflexes – Elude – Def Buff and Attack rate increase
-Scrapper – Martial Arts – Focus Chi – ToHit buff and Recharge
-Controllers - Illusion Control - Superior Invisibility, Group Invisibility - Def buff, Recharge Reducer

Cytoskeleton Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Endurance Reduction:
-Tank/Scrapper - Invulnerability - Invincibility (uses all 3)
-All - Power Pools - Leadership - Maneuvers (uses 2 of 3)
-All - Power Pools - Leadership - Tactics (uses 2 of 3)
-All - Power Pools - Leadership - Vengeance (uses all 3? Can you put End cost reduction in it?)
APP - Body Mastery (Scrapper)/Energy Mastery (Tanker) – Focused Accuracy ToHit buff, End Reduc
-Defender/Controller - Empathy - Fortitude – Uses all 3
-Defender - Dark - Shadowfall – Def Buff, End Red
-Scrapper – Super Reflexes – Focused Fighting – Def Buff, End Red
-Scrapper – Super Reflexes – Focused senses – Def Buff, End Red
-Scrapper – Super Reflexes – Evasion – Def Buff, End Red
-Scrapper – Martial Arts – Focus Chi – ToHit buff and End Reduc (Not optimal slotting, though, as power is not high in End usage)

Thanks go to: Uplink_OoT, Hob_Healer, Luminara, MrQuizzles, Predicant, Stirge, Dianeces, Raye_Gunn, Local_Man

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Earthquake doesn't use an Accuracy check; I can't see it being modified even if it could be slotted.

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Earthquake doesn't take accuracy enhancements; that's quite a bit different than "doesn't use an Accuracy check". If it isn't an accuracy check, what mechanism makes it sometimes fail to affect a target? Mostly likely, there is an accuracy check just like with other similar powers, it is just a very high ACC.

And both the -ACC and -DEF aspects of the power are pretty small; hardly worth slotting for with SOs as it is.

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I don't know what the values are (I doubt you do either, although I could be mistaken), but the -ACC is at least noticeable, which is more than can be said for some powers.

Recharge is the best thing to slot in EQ and one really shouldn't waste a Hami-O on it IMO.

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It's a Lysosome; people often trade them three for one or even give them away. Two aspects of it work for a variety of powers (most with -ACC or -DEF debuffs either worse or no better than Earthquake's); Earthquake is the only power I can think of that probably can use all three.

And if anyone with a 47+ Earth controller is bored enough to be willing to copy over to Test, I'll supply two or three Lysosomes and you can see for yourself if the +ACC provides a buff or not. Regardless of the result, it would be useful information to know.



just a note, Irradiate and Neutron Bomb are from the Radiation BLAST set, Controllers don't have it. All radiation blasts have a -def component to them which is why an Enzyme technically can be used, but the only one worth slotting for that is Irradiate because the debuff lasts several seconds, the rest it lasts only a second or two and isn't as strong, maybe Neutron Bomb because it's an AoE, though personally I wouldn't put a Hami in it unless it was dam/acc....

Irradiate does not have a mez aspect at all, it's an AoE attack with a strong defesne debuff, that's it, so you're only using one aspect of an Endoplasm.

While on the rad blast set though, one that DOES have a mez is Cosmic Burst. (disorient) Peroxisome Exposure and Endoplasm Exposure work very well in it. Especially the Peroxisome. Both would be useful in the entire Energy Melee Blaster/Tanker secondary for the same reasons, and Total Focus from the Power Mastery APP for Defenders.

and Darkest Night uses the ToHit debuff aspect, not the Defense debuff of an Enzyme. Same with Dark Servant.

And I don't have this power on my rad defender which is why I forgot about it, but acuracy/mez would be very good in Choking Cloud from the rad set.



but the -ACC is at least noticeable

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Only when mobs are flopping on their behinds. Otherwise, it isn't noticeable. And the base value is ~5% or less for either debuff.

Slot it how you want. But how people trade their Hami-Os cannot be quantified. Value is relative and has no bearing...hence the IMO for slotting any Hami-O in EQ.

As for the accuracy, its at least ~75% base. If the accuracy portion of a Hami-O effects it, consider that a bug comparable to the recharge aspect of Vengeance. Not a Dev, but I'm going to say that it isn't intended.

Before when Hami-Os were of higher values, you could easily use them in powers if you could use 1 out of 2, or even 1 out of 3 aspects. Now, with the lesser values, you really don't get your "money's worth" unless you can do 2 out of 2 or at least 2 out of 3. And if those 2 out of 3 are only giving negligible returns *shrug* person preference.

So personally, unless a Hami-O is giving a good return for investment, an updated guide like this is kind of pointless. If you know what a +HP is, or mez, or range, you can figure out the basics. Hence me tossing in 2 cents where I feel like it to help encourage "better" placements.


I've already forgotten about most of you



And I don't have this power on my rad defender which is why I forgot about it, but acuracy/mez would be very good in Choking Cloud from the rad set.

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Pretty sure Choking Cloud doesn't take accuracy enhancers.

So unless it's intended, and is working as such, slotting a +ACC in a power that doesn't take accuracy enhancers might not be a good fit.

Would like the Devs to comment on such occurences personally.

I've already forgotten about most of you



* denotes unwise or unwarranted uses of Hamidon enhancements in particular powers

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Want to expound on that a bit? Personally, I lean towards leaving it up to them to determine 'wise' or 'unwise' - but if it's important information, I'd be happy to include it.

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Acid Arrow - damage component is sub-Minor (1 tic/second, no frontloaded damage), range is on par with most other ranges in TA. Also requires a tohit check and has a significant defense debuff component. Slotting for accuracy, defense debuff, and recharge are optimal for this power. Recommended Hamidon enhancements: Lysosome.

EMP Arrow - damage component is only applied to "true" robots (not Clockwork), is an AoE hold with an accuracy penalty and extremely lengthy recharge time. Slotting for accuracy, hold duration, and recharge are optimal for this power. Recommended Hamidon enhancements: Endoplasm.

Entangling Arrow - Duration of immobilization is significantly longer than animation+recharge time, recharge time is short, power does very well with a single accuracy SO in the default slot. Recommended Hamidon enhancements: none.

Oil Slick Arrow - Defense debuff value 2.5%. Endurace cost in light of recharge time is negligable. Slotting for recharge and damage (for use as a combat power) or recharge and slow (for use as a control) are optimal. Recommended Hamidon enhancements: Centriole, if used as a damage AoE power, otherwise, none (of additional note on this power, 3 +3 damage SOs will generally give better results than 3 Centrioles, when used as a combat AoE).

Speed Boost - Single application buffs run speed comparable to base Superspeed, endurance cost already very low. Also, many players dislike the current run speed buff due to graphic card performance and/or difficulty controlling movement in combat. Generally considered good out of the box with a single endurance modification SO in the default slot. Recommended Hamidon enhancements: none.



just a note, Irradiate and Neutron Bomb are from the Radiation BLAST set, Controllers don't have it. All radiation blasts have a -def component to them which is why an Enzyme technically can be used, but the only one worth slotting for that is Irradiate because the debuff lasts several seconds, the rest it lasts only a second or two and isn't as strong, maybe Neutron Bomb because it's an AoE, though personally I wouldn't put a Hami in it unless it was dam/acc....

Irradiate does not have a mez aspect at all, it's an AoE attack with a strong defesne debuff, that's it, so you're only using one aspect of an Endoplasm.

While on the rad blast set though, one that DOES have a mez is Cosmic Burst. (disorient) Peroxisome Exposure and Endoplasm Exposure work very well in it. Especially the Peroxisome. Both would be useful in the entire Energy Melee Blaster/Tanker secondary for the same reasons, and Total Focus from the Power Mastery APP for Defenders.

and Darkest Night uses the ToHit debuff aspect, not the Defense debuff of an Enzyme. Same with Dark Servant.

And I don't have this power on my rad defender which is why I forgot about it, but acuracy/mez would be very good in Choking Cloud from the rad set.

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Corrections noted, and appreciated.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Before when Hami-Os were of higher values, you could easily use them in powers if you could use 1 out of 2, or even 1 out of 3 aspects. Now, with the lesser values, you really don't get your "money's worth" unless you can do 2 out of 2 or at least 2 out of 3. And if those 2 out of 3 are only giving negligible returns *shrug* person preference.

So personally, unless a Hami-O is giving a good return for investment, an updated guide like this is kind of pointless. If you know what a +HP is, or mez, or range, you can figure out the basics. Hence me tossing in 2 cents where I feel like it to help encourage "better" placements.


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I only want to list the 2/2 or 2/3 ones. There's no real reason to use an HO in something that only uses one of it's benefits.

I just want players to know whether they can use them - the level of effectiveness may vary, and I leave all slotting decisions up to the individual.

And thanks for playing the 'Devil's Advocate' role, Voodoo. It's appreciated.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Only when mobs are flopping on their behinds. Otherwise, it isn't noticeable.

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Obviously a debuff is going to have to hit to have an effect. It would be nice to have the real number, but the Devs seem reluctant to hand out that sort of information. Whatever the debuff it, it "feels" a bit better than SG and noticeably worse than RI, so the decision to enhance it isn't clear cut. But if someone's secondary could act synergistically (Earth/Rad, for example), there would be a clear benefit from slotting it. For someone with a less effective secondary (Empathy, for example), it might not make sense.

Slot it how you want. But how people trade their Hami-Os cannot be quantified. Value is relative and has no bearing...hence the IMO for slotting any Hami-O in EQ.

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It can be quantified from a game theory standpoint, and to a certain degree people either know that deductively or intuitively. The reason people value Lysosomes less than other HOs is rational, others provide an obvious benefit, while for most people the Lysosome is less effective than a +1..3 SO.

As for the accuracy, its at least ~75% base. If the accuracy portion of a Hami-O effects it, consider that a bug comparable to the recharge aspect of Vengeance. Not a Dev, but I'm going to say that it isn't intended.

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Perhaps not, but it is still an effect, and not an unreasonable one; considering it is limited to HOs perhaps the Devs did it intentionally (undocumented doesn't always equate to "bug"). Until a Dev comments, it's hard to say for sure; although you're probably right.

Before when Hami-Os were of higher values, you could easily use them in powers if you could use 1 out of 2, or even 1 out of 3 aspects. Now, with the lesser values, you really don't get your "money's worth" unless you can do 2 out of 2 or at least 2 out of 3. And if those 2 out of 3 are only giving negligible returns *shrug* person preference.

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The problem comes back to the fact that we're talking about Lysosomes. If Earthquake really isn't intended to use all aspects of the buff, that means that the Lysosome is unique in that not a single power in the game can use it to potential effect.

So personally, unless a Hami-O is giving a good return for investment, an updated guide like this is kind of pointless. If you know what a +HP is, or mez, or range, you can figure out the basics. Hence me tossing in 2 cents where I feel like it to help encourage "better" placements.

[/ QUOTE ]

For other HOs, that's sound advice. I think Lysosomes are a special case, though. Short of Earthquake, it can't be slotted optimally (and as we've both pointed out, the +ACC might be an anomaly/"bug"). You aren't the only one who has shown indifference to the DEF/ACC debuff of Earthquake, but the fact is that a lot of such debuffs are fairly weak, and at least Earthquake's appears to be noticeable. If it is a waste to slot a Lysosome in Earthquake, then it is probably a waste to slot it anywhere else as well (assuming the better alternative enhancements are available, of course).




Lysosome Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Increases Accuracy

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Somehow, in my sleep-deprived first post, I neglected to mention that Laser Beam Eyes can utilise the Def Debuff and Acc portions of this Hami-O as well.




Lysosome Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Increases Accuracy

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Somehow, in my sleep-deprived first post, I neglected to mention that Laser Beam Eyes can utilise the Def Debuff and Acc portions of this Hami-O as well.

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I kept meaning to add it there myself (I use it. ;-) ), but just kept missing it.

Now I just need to give it a look see, and see what hasn't been posted yet.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



So it appears you can use travel/end as a slow/end in powers like Tar Patch and Ice Storm.

Maybe we need two lists... approved and unapproved power usage



Cytoskeleton Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Endurance Reduction.

You can add Defender/Controller - Forcefield - Dispersion Bubble to this one. Uses Defense Buff and End Reduction. I pretty much run that toggle all the time in combat, so I've three slotted it with these. Light as a feather to use now. You can also use it on Deflection Shiend and Insulation Shield, the small bubbles, since buffing a full team can be a little exhausting on End.

I'd expect that you can use the Res/End HOs for Sonics in much the same way, but I forgot the power names.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Scrapper Katana set

Lysosome Exposure and Enzyme Exposure will be 2 out of 3:
Sting of the Wasp
Gambler's Cut
Flashing Steel
The Lotus Drops
Soaring Dragon
Golden Dragonfly
(all have a Defense DeBuff and will take End Redux and Acc buff)

Membrane Exposure and Cytoskeleton Exposure will be 2 out of 3:
Divine Avalanche (Defense Buff and Recharge/Attack rate)

Psychic Blast

Peroxisome Exposure and Endoplasm Exposure:
Subdue (Immobilize)
Will Domination (sleep)
Scramble Thoughts (disorient)
Psychic Wail (disorient)

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Lysosome exposures work nicely in liquefy from the sonic set.



Force Field (Defender/Controller), APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender)

Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy:
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Force Bolt (note that damage is *very* low, sub-Brawl)
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Dominate

Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range:
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Force Bolt (note that damage is *very* low, sub-Brawl)
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Dominate

Ribosome Exposure - Increase Damage Resistance and Endurance Reduction:
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Mind Over Body
(Personal Force Field gives unehanceable damage resistance, so a Ribosome can be slotted. It shouldn't be effective.)

Microfilament Exposure – Travel Speed Increase (Run, Fly, and Jump) plus Endurance Reduction:
Golgi Exposure - Heal and Endurance Reduction:

Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez: (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc .. but NOT knockback)
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Dominate

Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez: (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc .. but NOT knockback)
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Repulsion Bomb (acc + a small disorient)
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Dominate
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Mass Hypnosis

Lysosome Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Increases Accuracy:

Enzyme Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Endurance Reduction:
Under current bugs, can function as a Cytoskeleton in FF powers to the best of my knowledge.

Membrane Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Increase Attack Rate:
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Personal Force Field
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Deflection Shield (note: very fast recharge already)
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Insulation Shield (note: very fast recharge already)
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Dispersion Bubble

Cytoskeleton Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Endurance Reduction:
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Personal Force Field
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Deflection Shield
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Insulation Shield
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Dispersion Bubble

Powers with no useful HO:
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Detention Field (foe intangibility does not count as mez)
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Repulsion Field
-Defender/Controller - Force Field - Force Bubble (Force Bubble does not have -ACC and has not for over a year now.)
APP - Psychic Mastery (Defender) - Telekinesis

Hope that helps.



Okay, time for round two. I think I should be able to cover both the primaries and secondaries for Warshades and Peacebringers, as well as the Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation powersets for blasters. So without further ado, here goes part one, the Peacebringer.

Peacebringer Primary: Luminous Blast

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Gleaming Bolt, Glinting Eye, Gleaming Blast, Radiant Strike, Proton Scatter, Luminous Detonation, Incandescent Strike, Solar Flare, Photon Seekers, Dawn Strike

Centriole-Dam/Rng: Gleaming Bold, Glinting Eye, Gleaming Blast, Proton Scatter, Luminous Detonation (This is a sub-par use for these IMHO)

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: None

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: Glowing Touch

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: None

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: Pulsar

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: Any of the powers which use Nucleoluses also can use these (Though slotting for Def Debuff is IMHO worthless)

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: See above for powers. (If you're going to slot for EndRedux anyway, and you have a few handy, you may as well get some -Def in the power too.)

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: Build Up

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Build Up (Not as useful as a Membrane IMHO), Bright Nova (Nova doesn't cost much, but if you have these and are slotting for ToHit anyway, you might as well reduce it even more.)

Peacebinger Secondary: Luminous Aura

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: None

Centriole-Dam/Rng: None

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: Shining Shield, Thermal Shield, Quantum Shield, White Dwarf (Same conditional as Nova) , Light Form

Microfilament Exposure-Travel/EndRedux: White Dwarf (Probably not the best place to put these, Dwarf has something akin to Combat Jumping), Quantum Flight (I've heard reports that QFly is already at the Fly Speed cap, in which case this enhancement would be useless)

Golgi Exposure-Heal/EndRedux: Essence Boost, Reform Essence

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: None

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: None

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/End Redux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: None

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: None

Peacebringer Inherents
(Form powers and Human Inherents)

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Bright Nova Bolt, Bright Nova Blast, Bright Nova Scatter, Bright Nova Detonation, White Dwarf Strike, White Dwarf Smite, White Dwarf Flare (If you're absolutely stupid and have them to spare, you could waste one in *shudder* Brawl.)

Centriole-Dam/Rng: Bright Nova Bolt, Bright Nova Blast, Bright Nova Scatter, Bright Nova Detonation (I usually three-slot attacks with Dam/Acc, but since Nova form has a ToHit buff, I usually do 2 Dam/Acc 1 Dam/Rng in Nova powers other than Scatter, which because of the shorter range gets 2 Dam/Rngs)

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: Energy Flight, Combat Flight (IMHO it's worthless to slot Combat Flight with one)

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: None

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: White Dwarf Smite (It stuns, but infrequently, I wouldn't slot one)

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: See above.

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: All of the ones that use Nucleoluses can also use Lysosomes (I don't feel -Def to be worth slotting)

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: Same powers as above (Same as my conditional for Enzymes in Luminous Blast)

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: None

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Combat Flight (Though the End usage is so low this may be a waste of a Hami-O, depends on your specific useage and build, though)

Phew, lots to go through. Coming next: Warshades.



Part two: the Warshade

Warshade Primary: Umbral Blast

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Shadow Bolt, Ebon Eye, Gravimetric Snare (BI is less than .5, probably not worth it), Shadow Blast, Sunless Mire, Dark Matter Detonation, Gravity Well, Essence Drain, Gravity Emanation (BI is less than .5, probably not worth it), Unchain Essence, Dark Extraction, Quasar

Centriole-Dam/Rng: Shadow Bolt, Ebon Eye, Gravimetric Snare (Low BI, probably not worth it), Dark Matter Detonation, Gravity Well, Gravity Emanatrion (Low BI, probably not worth it), Unchain Essence, Dark Extraction

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: Dark Nova (not worth slotting Fly IMHO)

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: None

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: Gravimetric Snare (You already know what I'm going to say), Gravity Well, Gravity Emanation (Ditto)

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: Gravimetric Snare, Gravity Well, Gravity Emanation

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: None

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Dark Nova (Same as Bright Nova)

Warshade Secondary: Umbral Aura

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Orbiting Death (BI is almost .25, definitely not worth it)

Centriole-Dam/Rng: None

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: Black Dwarf (See my White Dwarf conditional)

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: Black Dwarf (See my White Dwarf conditional), Nebulous Form (Nebulous Form grants a sort of Combat Jumping, and it really doesn't use all that much End, this is probably a waste)

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: Stygian Circle

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: None

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: Inky Aspect

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: Shadow Cloak

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Shadow Cloak (Doesn't use much End, but also comes back up moderately quick, choose whichever of the above two suits your needs)

Warshade Inherents
(Form Powers and Human Inherents)

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Dark Nova Blast, Dark Nova Bolt, Dark Nova Emanation, Dark Nova Detonation, Black Dwarf Strike, Black Dwarf Smite, Black Dwarf Mire, Black Dwarf Drain (You weren't thinking of wasting one in Brawl, were you?)

Centriole-Dam/Rng: Dark Nova Blast, Dark Nova Bolt, Dark Nova Emanation, Dark Nova Detonation (See my spiel about Nova slotting in the PB post)

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: None

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: Black Dwarf Drain

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: Black Dwarf Smite (See White Dwarf Smite)

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez Black Dwarf Smite (See White Dwarf Smite)

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: None

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: None

Next installment (probably tomorrow) Nrg/Nrg Blasters.



Here we go with part three: the Energy/Energy Blaster and the Force Mastery Epic Power Pool for Blasters.

Blaster Primary: Energy Blast

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Power Bolt, Power Blast, Energy Torrent, Power Burst, Sniper Blast, Power Push (Low BI, probably not worth it), Explosive Blast, Nova

Centriole-Dam/Rng: Power Bolt, Power Blast, Energy Torrent, Power Burst, Sniper Blast, Power Push (Ditto), Explosive Blast

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: None

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: None

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: None

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: None

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: Aim

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Aim (Doesn't use much end, a Membrane here is better)

Blaster Secondary:Energy Manipulation

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: Power Thrust, Energy Punch, Bonesmasher, Stun (Low BI, probably not worth it), Total Focus

Centriole-Dam/Rng: None

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: None

Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: None

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: Bonesmasher, Stun (Low BI, probably not worth it), Total Focus

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: Bonesmasher, Stun, Total Focus

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: Build Up

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/End Redux: Build Up (doesn't use much End, IMHO you're better off with a Membrane in this power)

Blaster Epic Power Pool: Force Mastery

Nucleolus-Dam/Acc: None

Centriole-Dam/Rng: None

Ribosome-DamRes/EndRedux: Temporary Invulnerability, Force of Nature

Microfilament-Travel/EndRedux: None
Golgi-Heal/EndRedux: None

Peroxisome-Dam/Mez: None

Endoplasm-Acc/Mez: None

Lysosome-ToHit/Def Debuff/Acc: None

Enzyme-ToHit/Def Debuff/EndRedux: None

Membrane-ToHit/Def Buff/Rech: Personal Force Field

Cytoskeleton-ToHit/Def Buff/EndRedux: Personal Force Field (PFF has a very heavy end cost, I reccomend Cytos over Membranes)

That's it for this session, I might pop back in later with some more.



So it appears you can use travel/end as a slow/end in powers like Tar Patch and Ice Storm.

Maybe we need two lists... approved and unapproved power usage

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, unapproved and likely "fixed" soon.

Dam / Acc = Warshade Eclipse. The damage resistance is enhanced since the power does no damage. And you guessed it, each one provides 33%, unlike the normal resistance SO. I have my Eclipse slotted 3 dam/acc and 3 recharge. It gives me almost 25% resistance per mob. So I only need to hit 4 guys to cap it. Basically this is the same as the just-changed ToHit debuff / Enzyme thing that was patched. Will they change damage SOs to 20% ? You be the judge.

Dam / Mez = Atomic Blast. The power doesnt normally take Hold enhancements. 3 or 4 Dam / Mez cures that and they work fine. Its great for times when you dont kill everyone. The mobs are left held well after the period of -end recovery.

Membrane Exposure = Quicksand / Earthquake. I noticed earlier in the post, people were fighting over what can be placed in earthquake. Lysosomes work okay, but as said before it doesnt take accuracy. The answer is simple, Membranes work great as a debuff (yes i know its normally a buff enhancement). You enhance the -acc, -def, and recharge of earthquake with membranes. Also, they work beautiful in quicksand....while the -acc does nothing, the -def is far greater than earthquake's.