An idea for Isolator!




HOWEVER we (Pro-Isolators) can and will continue to come up with creative ideas for obtaining the Isolator badge. So get used to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough...I will, so long as you don't ask for my opinion on anything else.



Another idea for Isolator!

The Abandoned Sewer System is underneath the entire city, so why not have an entrance in Outbreak!

IIRC, heroes that reach level 35 can enter the Abandoned Sewers. They would have to find the route to Outbreak and would exit a manhole cover in the street. They would be autoexemped to level 1 upon entry.

They could take out 100 contaminated, get the badge, and the only way back to the city would be back through the Abandoned Sewers.

The manhole would only work for L35+ so level 1s wouldn't be able to use it.

This would also be a way to help teach friends that are new to the game. You could meet them in the tutorial and show them the ropes!

[/ QUOTE ]

Liquid & Celtic,
What do you think of this idea?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like it, and theres to much risk to allow Level 50's back in the tutorial zone. What would stop a group of level 50's from getting in, then simply destroying any contaminated they see and preventing people from being able to continue? That's not exactly a way to make a good first impression on newplayers.

What I wouldn't be adversed to, however, is Puretones suggestion. Setting up two "versions" of the badge, with alternative text. If you get one version, you wouldn't be able to get the other. While it would be defeating the purpouse of having Isolator as an "Easter Egg" of sorts, I think it would make for an acceptable compromise.




1) Oh, I caught it on Page 2, all right. But it didn't take long for you and your cohorts to sink into repeating mean-spirited drivel like this:

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll have you know I'm nobodies Cohort. If anything, Celtic is MY Cohort.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Your* cohort?! Boy, I'm the first person in this thread to be against the bloody idea!

[/ QUOTE ]

Bah, I was hating Isolator long before it was cool!



Another idea for Isolator!

The Abandoned Sewer System is underneath the entire city, so why not have an entrance in Outbreak!

IIRC, heroes that reach level 35 can enter the Abandoned Sewers. They would have to find the route to Outbreak and would exit a manhole cover in the street. They would be autoexemped to level 1 upon entry.

They could take out 100 contaminated, get the badge, and the only way back to the city would be back through the Abandoned Sewers.

The manhole would only work for L35+ so level 1s wouldn't be able to use it.

This would also be a way to help teach friends that are new to the game. You could meet them in the tutorial and show them the ropes!

[/ QUOTE ]

Liquid & Celtic,
What do you think of this idea?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate it. Why? Well, because it lets the squeaky wheel get the grease.

You [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something your way, and people are [censored] tired of it! You're being selfish in having a "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" mindset, and what's it for? A bit of virtual stupidity!

In two-five years, this game may not even exist anymore. may not exist as of this Sunday, and yet, all you can think about is wasting, yes, that's right, WASTING, company resources for a tiny, insignificant item that doesn't give you anything other than a title (one that most people won't bother using).

Seriously...nobody is going to think "Ooooh...that guy has isolator AND all of the other badges...he must be cool"; if anything, they'll be saying, "Wow...he's taken the time to get isolator and every badge in the game? It looks like somebody needs a life."

As to wasting company resources, many of you have said, "What about the other events? Pocket D? PDP?" Well...I have news for you--I don't like those either! The PDP actually had a use, though. It was a preliminary test for the devs to see how they could make, and intrigue people into going to, a neutral zone. That zone would later turn into Pocket D, which is a neutral zone which has actual use for both villains and heroes.

The isolator badge, though? It has no real use.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn hoss, could you be any more rude?

people are sharing ideas and thoughts and all you can do is criticize.

[/ QUOTE ]

Look at what I asked me my opinion on it.

I gave my opinion, and you may not like it, but it's not going to change. It's called the other side of an arguement.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough, but your opinion doesn't give you the right to be rude about it. There are more productive ways to get your opinion across to someone without making them feel like crap.


What I wouldn't be adversed to, however, is Puretones suggestion. Setting up two "versions" of the badge, with alternative text. If you get one version, you wouldn't be able to get the other. While it would be defeating the purpouse of having Isolator as an "Easter Egg" of sorts, I think it would make for an acceptable compromise.

[/ QUOTE ]

I too would be happy with this idea, as long as there is a equal to the isolator.

Have the badge named the same "Isolator" but as you said have 2 different descriptions. This I could live with and Im sure others would.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]



Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread: The Pro-Isolators in this thread are being nice, cordial, and posting constructive ideas to rectify a badge that should have been taken care of long, long ago. Our counter arguements are also nice and cordial.

Not once in this thread have we done as you described here Celtic:

...You [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something your way...

[/ QUOTE ]

The only people in this thread that are acting that way are you Celtic and the other Anti-Isolators.

[/ QUOTE ]
Way to over-polarise.

Frankly, this thread exists in the first place because at least ONE person had the attitude of "gimme". As I write this, I note that we're up to PAGE THIRTY-SIX already - and, I mean, why else ... if not to "[...] [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something your way [...]" ...?

Almost every "solution" presentedhere has only created multiple additional problems (largely related to Event badges); the only one that wouldn't be a problem, really, is my own idea: give the pre-I2 heroes their own exclusive badge called Old-timer or Golden Age Hero or the like. But not Isolator; Isolator is supposed to be earned in the Tutorial, and nowhere else.

Yet, here we are, thirty-six pages in ... and still we people continuing to "[...] [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something [...]" ...!!

Getting the badge has nothing to do with who sees it or what they think. It's for the players of the game that are badge collectors to collect a badge that they should have had access to when the badges were first implemented!

[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, nice sense of entitlement you got going there. Maybe accounts opened long AFTER an event has ENDED should automatically get every possible Badge from that event, then? After all, if you are entitled to Isolator, than I am equally entitled to every OTHER damn badge out there. Right?

And here's a dig for you "must have EVERY badge" folks: Bug Hunter. The odds of another player being awarded that are so close to zero as to be indistinguishable from it. IOW, "fat freakin chance".

But it HAS been awarded ONCE.

[...] giving every Pre-Issue 2 character a chance to get Isolator [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
The problem with EACH AND EVERY ONE of your so-called "creative" ideas is this:

You cannot limit it solely to pre-I2 characters.

Yep, that's the problem, in a nutshell, right there. If you make it a mission available to everyone over Level X, then you make it available to everyone over Level X.

And that is then unfair to ALL HEROES, for one simple reason:


See, if you're a hero - even if,miraculously, you've a hero who DOES have every single badge - even Bug Hunter, you lucky [censored]! - and you swap sides to Villain, there is one Villain-side badge YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET. That badge is Jail Bird, and it's a Tutorial-only badge.

OTOH, with any one of your various "creative" ideas ...?

My VILLAINS would be able t get every non-Event HERO badge, plus they could have Jail Bird.

Fair? I think not.



I hate it. Why? Well, because it lets the squeaky wheel get the grease.

>snippage of Celtic's rant<

[/ QUOTE ]

Arent you being a 'squeaky wheel' here as well? You repeat the same noise over and over without actually adding to the conversation or the debate. Noise does not equal signal.

In two-five years, this game may not even exist anymore. may not exist as of this Sunday, and yet, all you can think about is wasting, yes, that's right, WASTING, company resources for a tiny, insignificant item that doesn't give you anything other than a title (one that most people won't bother using).

Seriously...nobody is going to think "Ooooh...that guy has isolator AND all of the other badges...he must be cool"; if anything, they'll be saying, "Wow...he's taken the time to get isolator and every badge in the game? It looks like somebody needs a life."

[/ QUOTE ]

The age-old 'get a life' put down, used by teens and preteens everywhere. Classic and always handy when one has nothing useful or original to say yet wants to keep the appearance of being 'cool' and 'hip'.

But to counter your 'Resources need to be spent on things that are important to the game' arguement, i proffer the following quote..

Trenchcoats are announced.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amazingly enough it is on topic. Because along with trenchcoats also announced were not one, not two, but Three new sets of elf ears as costume options. I'm sorry, but if there are resources for three new sets of elf ears, theres enough to get our little idea accomplished as well.

As to wasting company resources, many of you have said, "What about the other events? Pocket D? PDP?" Well...I have news for you--I don't like those either! The PDP actually had a use, though. It was a preliminary test for the devs to see how they could make, and intrigue people into going to, a neutral zone. That zone would later turn into Pocket D, which is a neutral zone which has actual use for both villains and heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldnt my variation on Liquid-X's 'multi-path' idea be a way for the devs to test multi-path missions (mission complete perks vary according to past choices made)? They could look at it on a small scale to see what could break if it were fully implementd.

Now correct me if i'm wrong, as I'm sure you will, but arent the devs talking about origin and AT specific missions, temp powers and badges? Wouldnt a small scale test of such a system be in order? All the better if that accomplishes a secondary goal...

Except of course for your umbrage...

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



Another idea for Isolator!

The Abandoned Sewer System is underneath the entire city, so why not have an entrance in Outbreak!

IIRC, heroes that reach level 35 can enter the Abandoned Sewers. They would have to find the route to Outbreak and would exit a manhole cover in the street. They would be autoexemped to level 1 upon entry.

They could take out 100 contaminated, get the badge, and the only way back to the city would be back through the Abandoned Sewers.

The manhole would only work for L35+ so level 1s wouldn't be able to use it.

This would also be a way to help teach friends that are new to the game. You could meet them in the tutorial and show them the ropes!

[/ QUOTE ]

Liquid & Celtic,
What do you think of this idea?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like it, and theres to much risk to allow Level 50's back in the tutorial zone. What would stop a group of level 50's from getting in, then simply destroying any contaminated they see and preventing people from being able to continue? That's not exactly a way to make a good first impression on newplayers.

What I wouldn't be adversed to, however, is Puretones suggestion. Setting up two "versions" of the badge, with alternative text. If you get one version, you wouldn't be able to get the other. While it would be defeating the purpouse of having Isolator as an "Easter Egg" of sorts, I think it would make for an acceptable compromise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Will wonders never cease..

On further reflection, I have to agree. Allowing anyone over L2 to go back into 'real' Outbreak is asking for trouble. Not only for the aforementioned chance for greifing new players, but also in how the outbreak area works, you could do the outbreak mishs, talk to coyote and wipe the contacts again and repeat ad infinitum. Gaining free xp, TO's and two large inspirations along the way.

Not that the xp is huge or the TO's garner a significant amount of inf, but as the prestige glitch showed, people will be persistant if there's 'free stuff' involved.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



Let me throw my hat into the arena. ^_^

Different Folks...

First of all, I see the playerbase divided into various groups with differing levels of interest in the badge system, scaling from the utterly indifferent to the self-proclaimed 'badge prostitutes'. Furthermore, the badge system was - as I understand it - introduced as a form of time sink within the game. Go out, sweep the streets of a hundred bad guys, get a badge.

Now to this end, I think we can fairly assume that it is in the interest of Cryptic to keep people playing as long as possible; furthermore, having them collect as many badges as possible will extend their time within Paragon. Additionally, whilst not knowing an awful lot about the engine mechanics involved, I would certainly hypothosize that constructing and rolling out badge content is somewhat less demanding than creating other methods of sustaining interest in the game (for instance, the Arena, or the SSOCS.)

Now, here's an important point: if you are in the indifferent camp, or the "I only collect badges to get the Accolades" camp, then chances are you aren't going to care about the Isolator badge. It doesn't do anything, and if you created your character after I2 then you had a shot at getting it anyway.

But if you are part of the League of Extraordinary Badge Whores - the LEBW - you'll want it. Reflecting on my own habits as a collector, I surmise that we are a group of obsessive perfectionists. This is not a bad trait to - quite frankly - exploit for purposes of said time-sink.

Don't Bite the Damn Hand:

My point here is, if you want to make use of these people, then you have to do so in a way that isn't conjuring imagery of hands and feeding and the biting thereof. To the posessed badge collector, perfection of the collection is everything - you don't tell someone that slaughtered 10,000 Rikti Monkeys, that camped out the same Halloween door, that scoured the skies every day for two weeks looking for the few Frostlings that weren't being farmed - you don't tell that person that they can't have a badge because they were around for too long!

Who says it's got to be a big effort?

Now, to address a few points: firstly, someone made a fine suggestion some time ago about a second mission in which to achieve the Isolator badge - a Portal Corps. foray into an alternate dimension infested with Contaiminated. Very simple, no giant monsters, no time-machine, just a mission filled with Contaminated in dire need of a population cull. Non-repeatable, mission objective is to score (unsurprisingly) one hundred Contaminated.

The important thing here is, a second chance at the Isolator badge does not have to be a big and expensive endevour. But it *is* a way of actually saying "Hey, thanks for being a long and loyal customer!" as opposed to "Hey, look, I am sorry but..." And that's before we take into account the second group of players, those that love their badges but started collecting them *after* they left Outbreak.

Now, some people might say... "Okay, so we let them pick up Isolator. But what about the other 'special' badges?" You know what? Make those available too. I'm not saying all the time... but if you didn't get the Winter Lord badge, then let's put together a Portal Corps. mission to the "Winter Lord Dimension" or what have you. Didn't get the Calvin Scott TF badge in time? I don't blame you, I didn't even KNOW that it was going to be available for a limited time. That's the kind of thing that frustrates me as a badge collector and makes me say to myself "Well if I can't get that one... what's the point in trying to get any of the others?"

I know, it's melodramatic. But I ask you to understand; we are COMPLETISTS. That is what drives us to participate in the badge content of the game, it appeals to us. To deny us the complete set is to deny the most vociferous champions of the badge system their very interest in that there system.

As an aside, based on what LiquidX had to say - I have worked in numerous customer service positions, and continue to do so. I understand only too well how there are many customers out there who are more than willing to kick up a fuss based on their incorrect expectations, misassumptions, or just plain belief in their own entitlement. Having said that, the request for a new Isolator mission seems very, very reasonable; especially compared to some of the more outrageous demands thrown around in these forums. ("ED SUKS I;M GOING TO WOWS").

Put yourself in their shoes...

As a matter of comparison; think to yourself, "What if instead of a badge, Isolator unlocked a power?" Players would be up in arms then; primarily because this would directly affect a much greater percentage of the playerbase. Now, to be fair, the situation with the Isolator badge does not affect nearly that great a number; but the problem *is* multiplied by the catagory of people it affects (both hardcore proponents of the badge system, and also more veteran players.)

And as for myself? The moment I found out about the situation, I rerolled all of my characters (one of which was already half-way through the game) and picked up Isolator for each. Like I said... completist. ^_^

[/ QUOTE ]

Great post! I agree and I have the Isolator badge.




What I wouldn't be adversed to, however, is Puretones suggestion. Setting up two "versions" of the badge, with alternative text. If you get one version, you wouldn't be able to get the other. While it would be defeating the purpouse of having Isolator as an "Easter Egg" of sorts, I think it would make for an acceptable compromise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Liquid, thank you for the compromise response. Although I don't knock the idea of the 'get back into Outbreak' idea, I do see your point - and unfortunately could see some unscrupulous 'heroes' blocking folks from leaving the zone. In retrospect, the idea of a second "Isolator" badge - one with possibly the same graphic but slightly altered text - might be the best way to go with this.

At first, I never had thought that this idea would be such a polarizing one. Then, of course, I read the other current 'oldie' thread, and wondered how people could post for 20+ pages on vomitting NPCs But at least in both cases a constructive compromise has been agreed=on, in both cases. Of course, that compromise, for what it's worth, ain't worth much Hopefully it'll give a bit more ammo and a solid idea to Cuppa to take to the devs.



Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread: The Pro-Isolators in this thread are being nice, cordial, and posting constructive ideas to rectify a badge that should have been taken care of long, long ago. Our counter arguements are also nice and cordial.

Not once in this thread have we done as you described here Celtic:

...You [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something your way...

[/ QUOTE ]

The only people in this thread that are acting that way are you Celtic and the other Anti-Isolators.

[/ QUOTE ]
Way to over-polarise.

Frankly, this thread exists in the first place because at least ONE person had the attitude of "gimme". As I write this, I note that we're up to PAGE THIRTY-SIX already - and, I mean, why else ... if not to "[...] [censored], whine, moan, and further prod just to get something your way [...]" ...?

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, great way to show irony there.. whine and moan about whining and moaning... complain about the page count while adding to the page count...

Almost every "solution" presentedhere has only created multiple additional problems (largely related to Event badges); the only one that wouldn't be a problem, really, is my own idea: give the pre-I2 heroes their own exclusive badge called Old-timer or Golden Age Hero or the like. But not Isolator; Isolator is supposed to be earned in the Tutorial, and nowhere else.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey, I like that better than my own 'alternate text' idea. I'm assuming this is something you could get behind as opposed to gaining Isolator in some other way. So instead of me ripping and tearing at you, how about we build on that?

First, the rewards..

Any pre-issue 2 toon recieves 'Old-Timer' Badge (Golden Ager is cool, but a little too cool compared to Isolator). Text to read "You've been in Paragon City for a long time." (or maybe 'I remember when.." )

Any post Issue 2 that did not receive Isolator or Jailbird gets 'New-comer', text reads "You're the new kid in town" (which works for heros or villains)

Anyone with Isolator or Jailbird gets a nifty limited use temp power.

Make it a pocket D mission so villians can get this too. At mission complete, first the creation date is checked. If before issue 2, you get old-timer. Next it checks for Isolator, if no isolator flag, it checks for jailbird.

This does 3 things. It allows oldtimers our own badge. It allows those who passed on killing 100 contaminated their own badge (yeah they have to share it with villians, because they missed the hero or villian specific one when they had the chance). Finally it gives the Isolator or Jailbird something useful for their persistance. (Note that a short term temp power does not equal an accolade.. just saying before someone else says it..)

And here's a dig for you "must have EVERY badge" folks: Bug Hunter. The odds of another player being awarded that are so close to zero as to be indistinguishable from it. IOW, "fat freakin chance".

But it HAS been awarded ONCE.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's still a chance though. However small.

As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



Not that the xp is huge or the TO's garner a significant amount of inf, but as the prestige glitch showed, people will be persistant if there's 'free stuff' involved.

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman once said way back in the day that you could create the greatest, funnest system in the world. And you could also code it so that people can sit there and get experience just by hitting the spacebar over and over.

...And people would still use the spacebar and complain about how the game is too boring.

(Note: This is not word for word, but still pretty close)



Any post Issue 2 that did not receive Isolator or Jailbird gets 'New-comer', text reads "You're the new kid in town" (which works for heros or villains)

[/ QUOTE ]
NO. No way in the nine burning hells; that's "somethign for nothing" - and if someone does go through all the effort of earnign Isolator, why should they then be denied that "Newcomer" badge ....?

Anyone with Isolator or Jailbird gets a nifty limited use temp power.

[/ QUOTE ]
Temp Power ---> nonpermanent reward. So, I say again ... NO.

This does 3 things. It allows oldtimers our own badge.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have no problem with that. Indeed, I think it's appropriate.

It allows those who passed on killing 100 contaminated their own badge (yeah they have to share it with villians, because they missed the hero or villian specific one when they had the chance).

[/ QUOTE ]
NO. Again, this is something for nothing, and should never be allowed. If you miss or pass up thechance - TOUGH LUCK.

I passed up the chance for Toothbreaker - so "not havign that badge" is noone' fault but my OWN. Most of my heroes passed up on Isolator - again, only my OWN damned fault.

You should not get a badge, just because you failed to get another badge. TANSTAAFL.

And here's a dig for you "must have EVERY badge" folks: Bug Hunter. The odds of another player being awarded that are so close to zero as to be indistinguishable from it. IOW, "fat freakin chance".

But it HAS been awarded ONCE.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's still a chance though. However small.

[/ QUOTE ]
There's always a chance - however small - that a BUG will land you in Outbreak again, and you can nab Isolator while you're there.

Still, how many people do you think will find - and provide the testing data to PROVE - a literally gamedestroying bug ...? I will be surprised if Bug Hunter is ever awarded again.

As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

[/ QUOTE ]
Each and every ONE of my characters have no chance whatsoever to get Hallow Spirit, Malleus, Celebrant, Toothbreaker, and the like.

So ... your point is?



As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

[/ QUOTE ]
Each and every ONE of my characters have no chance whatsoever to get Hallow Spirit, Malleus, Celebrant, Toothbreaker, and the like.

So ... your point is?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did you see someone say these events will never happen again?

There has to be some reason why you feel you will never get the chance to get these badges on your heroes.

My point is, one of the winter badges were re-issued to the game, so it is very possible you will see them in the upcoming events.

At least with the special even badges you have a chance to get them again in the upcoming years if you missed it.

Isolator has been here since issue 2 and has not been avaiable to people who missed it, so they can actually say there is no chance in the world they will get it until someone actually makes it avaiable in game.

See right now, Isolator is known by everyone, so if they roll a new toon, they can easily delete and re-roll. For us veterans who missed it, we do not have that option now, because if we were to reroll, we would be giving up even more badges then what we would be gaining and not have the chance to earn what we lost until the special events rolled around again.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]



As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

[/ QUOTE ]
Each and every ONE of my characters have no chance whatsoever to get Hallow Spirit, Malleus, Celebrant, Toothbreaker, and the like.

So ... your point is?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did you see someone say these events will never happen again?

[/ QUOTE ]
Celebrant, at least, is inherently an event that will never happen again. Sure, COV may have it's own parallel - but it won't be the same badge.

There has to be some reason why you feel you will never get the chance to get these badges on your heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]
"The event during which they were available has ended." Sounds simple enough to me.

Isolator has been here since issue 2 and has not been avaiable to people who missed it, so they can actually say there is no chance in the world they will get it until someone actually makes it avaiable in game.

[/ QUOTE ]
To which I have said, [bif[/b] the character was created pre-I2 ... give them an alternate badge to recognise the fact that they pre-date Badges entirely.

But going back to get a badge you missed? Or having ANYone who lacks Isolator be able to get a pity badge? No; ten times, no; a hundred times, no; TEN THOUSAND TIMES, NO.

See right now, Isolator is known by everyone, so if they roll a new toon, they can easily delete and re-roll. For us veterans who missed it, we do not have that option now, because if we were to reroll, we would be giving up even more badges then what we would be gaining and not have the chance to earn what we lost until the special events rolled around again.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you're so sure that the events WILL roll around again that you can dismiss my entire "what about X, Y, or Z event badges" concern ... then hurry up, delete, and re-roll.


Or are you perhaps saying that you really are concerned that those badges won't ever be available again?

Think about it.



Hmm, What about a way to give other people badges? What if I wanted to do all the work for a friend? Wouldn't that help the Vets if they could ask a Newbie to give them there badge?

Problem with my idea is that they didn't earn it..So perhaps make it so that they cant set it as a title? Or have at the end of its description "Belongs to *HeroName*. Recieved as a Gift."



As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

[/ QUOTE ]
Each and every ONE of my characters have no chance whatsoever to get Hallow Spirit, Malleus, Celebrant, Toothbreaker, and the like.

So ... your point is?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did you see someone say these events will never happen again?

[/ QUOTE ]
Celebrant, at least, is inherently an event that will never happen again. Sure, COV may have it's own parallel - but it won't be the same badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

What makes you think another celebrant badge might not come for the year 2 or 3 or 5 ect..ect.. If it does then people will have the chance to get the badge again providing they do not change the art work or description.

There has to be some reason why you feel you will never get the chance to get these badges on your heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]
"The event during which they were available has ended." Sounds simple enough to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? WOW! I didn't know that thanks! My question still stands what makes you think these events will not happen again in the future? If they do then guess what, you and everyone else will have the chance to get them for a limited time yet again.


See right now, Isolator is known by everyone, so if they roll a new toon, they can easily delete and re-roll. For us veterans who missed it, we do not have that option now, because if we were to reroll, we would be giving up even more badges then what we would be gaining and not have the chance to earn what we lost until the special events rolled around again.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you're so sure that the events WILL roll around again that you can dismiss my entire "what about X, Y, or Z event badges" concern ... then hurry up, delete, and re-roll.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I knew for sure then everyone else would know don't you think so?

And even if I knew it was coming out again I still would not re-roll i've spent too much time and effort into collecting what I have not to start over.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

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The Isolator badge is a "defeat #" badge! It is NOT a special event badge and in no way compares to Celebrant, or the Winter, Halloween, or Valentine's Day Event badges, because it's a totally different type of badge! Those were limited-time event badges! Isolator is available right now! This very minute! Except no one has access to the zone unless they are a brand new character!

Isloator is like:

• Bone Crusher: Defeat 50-100 Bone Daddies.
• Finder: Defeat 100 Lost bosses
• Gearsmasher: Defeat 100 Gears.
• Monkeywrencher: Defeat 50 Zeus Class Titans
• Regenerator: Defeat 100 Ogres or Caliban
• Tracer: Defeat 100 Sorcerers
• Untouchable: Defeat 100 Family bosses
• Visionary: Defeat 100 Rularru Bosses
• Weatherman: Defeat 100 Outcast bosses

and many others, except there's one big difference! Any of those can be obtained by any character in the game!

• Isolator: Defeat 100 Contaminated

That one can not! When Issue 2 and the entire badge system was introduced the devs really should have awarded Isolator to ALL characters created between Issue 1 and 2, because as the badge says, we all "began our career on a high note."

Fusion Force



When Issue 2 and the entire badge system was introduced the devs really should have awarded Isolator to ALL characters created between Issue 1 and 2, because as the badge says, we all "began our career on a high note."

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Only if you actually defeated 100 contaminated in Outbreak, and odds are most people didnt. So no, it shouldn't have been auto-awarded.



As it stands, my pre-issue 2 toons have no chance whatsoever to get Isolator.

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Each and every ONE of my characters have no chance whatsoever to get Hallow Spirit, Malleus, Celebrant, Toothbreaker, and the like.

So ... your point is?

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Where did you see someone say these events will never happen again?

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Celebrant, at least, is inherently an event that will never happen again. Sure, COV may have it's own parallel - but it won't be the same badge.

There has to be some reason why you feel you will never get the chance to get these badges on your heroes.

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"The event during which they were available has ended." Sounds simple enough to me.

Isolator has been here since issue 2 and has not been avaiable to people who missed it, so they can actually say there is no chance in the world they will get it until someone actually makes it avaiable in game.

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To which I have said, [bif[/b] the character was created pre-I2 ... give them an alternate badge to recognise the fact that they pre-date Badges entirely.

But going back to get a badge you missed? Or having ANYone who lacks Isolator be able to get a pity badge? No; ten times, no; a hundred times, no; TEN THOUSAND TIMES, NO.

See right now, Isolator is known by everyone, so if they roll a new toon, they can easily delete and re-roll. For us veterans who missed it, we do not have that option now, because if we were to reroll, we would be giving up even more badges then what we would be gaining and not have the chance to earn what we lost until the special events rolled around again.

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If you're so sure that the events WILL roll around again that you can dismiss my entire "what about X, Y, or Z event badges" concern ... then hurry up, delete, and re-roll.


Or are you perhaps saying that you really are concerned that those badges won't ever be available again?

Think about it.

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You provide circular arguements. You're taking whatever stance that lands you in opposition to any idea. On one hand you agree with this post..

[Edit Bold added by Puretone for emphasis]Your choice would lead to one of two completly different endings, different temp powers, and ultimately a different badge depending on which ending you recieved. Once you got one, you would be unable to get the other for that character.

In the end, I think that would help *improve* the game.

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First, the topic of the thread is the Isolator badge. If you have nothing constructive or (as far more typically) destructive to add to a suggestion for Isolator, say nothing. If you have an idea for a totally different issue create your own, seperate topic. The above post doesnt belong here.

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Sorry Puretone, but, you'er out of line with this one.
IMO, entirely relevant. Indeed, his suggestion would suit me, with my "limited supply" preferences, quite nicely.

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Yet you then disagree with its implementation. Circular arguement is no arguement.

1. Under my proposal, each badge is still earned. You must complete a mission to earn the badge or temp power. It is not 'something for nothing'

2. For the record, I'm not a badge exclusivist. I would love to see an opportunity to earn some of the previous kill x badges that were effort rewards during special events. I think that anyone wanting a badge that requires some sort of effort should have that opportunity. Perhaps next Halloween Paragon City and the Isles will be littered with glowing pumpkins.

3. the fact remains that Isolator is not a special event badge. It is not a 'log in and get it' badge. The only one that closely resembles it is the sky skiff badge. sky skiffs were part of the 24-33 TV trial. anyone over 33 could not get it. The devs added the skiffs to the Terra Volta zone in response.

(Zookeeper is not a comparable badge. People got heartburn because the requirements to get it.. 1000 as opposed to 10000.. were lowered. Even though they were made tougher than when 10000 was required.)

But these are (mostly) arguements I've given before. I figured I'd give my own circular arguement in response to yours. When you think of something new, so will I. Until then, I will simply regurgitate my old replys to your old arguements. Please let us know when you come up with something to back up a blanket 'no'.

PS Toothbreaker is still available. Roll up a toon on Virtue or Liberty and I can help you get it.. after the event is over I might add.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



That one can not! When Issue 2 and the entire badge system was introduced the devs really should have awarded Isolator to ALL characters created between Issue 1 and 2, because as the badge says, we all "began our career on a high note."

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That I'd sign off on. Not going back and getting it, but being awarded it retroactively. God knows even my non-badge toons get it simply because if I ever change my mind I couldn't go back to get it.

That being said you know damned well I'd have gotten it on my pre-badge era toons for that same reason ESPECIALLY since most of those ARE badge hunters.

It should be retroactively awarded to toons who were built BEFORE badges were released. I can't imagine pulling THAT data would be hard. Not like data-mining specific mob kills etc. All they'd need is to locate the toons made before I2.



When Issue 2 and the entire badge system was introduced the devs really should have awarded Isolator to ALL characters created between Issue 1 and 2, because as the badge says, we all "began our career on a high note."

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Only if you actually defeated 100 contaminated in Outbreak, and odds are most people didnt. So no, it shouldn't have been auto-awarded.

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But Liquid... barring the badge what would have been the point? Outside of the badge there's still no point.

I get the principle... but the fact is had the badge been avail then or we had the advance notice... those of us who do get every badge we can would have invested the time in.



That I'd sign off on. Not going back and getting it, but being awarded it retroactively. God knows even my non-badge toons get it simply because if I ever change my mind I couldn't go back to get it.

That being said you know damned well I'd have gotten it on my pre-badge era toons for that same reason ESPECIALLY since most of those ARE badge hunters.

It should be retroactively awarded to toons who were built BEFORE badges were released. I can't imagine pulling THAT data would be hard. Not like data-mining specific mob kills etc. All they'd need is to locate the toons made before I2.

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If they ARE going to retroactively award it, it should only be awarded for those who actually defeated the 100 contaminated necessary for it. But, since they wern't tracking that back then, the chances are low they would be able to do so with little difficultly. So no, it shouldn't be awarded simply for those who created their accounts before I1 or I2.



When Issue 2 and the entire badge system was introduced the devs really should have awarded Isolator to ALL characters created between Issue 1 and 2, because as the badge says, we all "began our career on a high note."

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Only if you actually defeated 100 contaminated in Outbreak, and odds are most people didnt. So no, it shouldn't have been auto-awarded.

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Actually if this badge was given, not earned but given to every her oin this game for creating a account, this badge alone would introduce to the many new and old players that badges can be earned in this game.

So I would not see a problem with this as well.

I defeated well over 100 contaminated when I started this game. Because when I first started this game I know I ran the mission with friends many times to help each other out, not counting the contaminated you had to kill from the other contacts.

So do I deserve this badge? I think so, but I do not have it and I know many others fell into this category as they too did not receive the badge when badges went live because no datamining was done.

So to eliminate many problems maybe they should just award this badge to all new heroes and old for having the game, a welcoming badge if you will. because every hero start off his career on a high note

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
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[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]




But Liquid... barring the badge what would have been the point? Outside of the badge there's still no point.

I get the principle... but the fact is had the badge been avail then or we had the advance notice... those of us who do get every badge we can would have invested the time in.

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So? If you didn't earn it, you didn't earn it. Even if you didn't "know" about it. Odds are, any new player to the game won't know about it either, so they shouldn't have it retroactively awarded to them just because "they didn't know about it".



What makes you think another celebrant badge might not come for the year 2 or 3 or 5 ect..ect.. If it does then people will have the chance to get the badge again providing they do not change the art work or description.

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Even if they came out with a "Celebrant 2" .... guess what, that'd be a different badge. Do you have Celebrant? Take a look at it - it's got a "1" on it.

"The event during which they were available has ended." Sounds simple enough to me.

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Really? WOW! I didn't know that thanks! My question still stands what makes you think these events will not happen again in the future? If they do then guess what, you and everyone else will have the chance to get them for a limited time yet again.

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I believe the developers have said they won't repeat the Halloween event, at least. Can't find it in Search, but my search-fu on this forum is weak, so ...