Energy Aura Love on Test!




<ul type="square">[*]Energy Aura/Entropy Sheild now protects the caster from enemy Teleportation and Repel.
[*] Boosted Smashing and Lethal defense for Stalker Energy Aura/Kinetic Shield.
[*] Boosted Energy defense for Stalker Energy Aura/Kinetic Shield.
[*] Boosted Energy damage resistance for Stalker Energy Aura/Energy Protection.[/list]

Looks good, looks very good.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Dang it...why they gotta do this to me? Now i gotta level my E/E stalker some more



Praise the gaming Gods !!!




hmm, 1 shield protects from Teleport and Repel.

E/E Stalkers FOTM PvP now

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I just want to go on record saying.. I was already on the bandwagon before it started...



hmm, 1 shield protects from Teleport and Repel.

E/E Stalkers FOTM PvP now

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Many other sets got those, too. Just don't ask me which...I don't remember, and I won't have time to do the research. It should be in the Patch notes, however.



My Ninja/EA is a happy girl. I think Geko got body-snatched.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



&lt;-- happy stalker noises.

I KNEW Energy Aura would get a little love--I noticed Smash/Lethal/Energy stuff hitting alot more than it ought to. And oh my.

Is that defense versus repel-like effects, or from one specific power?

Imagine the hell you'd cause for Hurricane-users..

[i]I don't believe there is honor in letting yourself be killed, if you can run, then run damnit.[/i]


Aleksander - 50 Energy/Electric/Elec Blaster
Talynn Black - 50 Energy/Energy/Soul Stalker

Talynn Black - 24 Warshade



hmm, 1 shield protects from Teleport and Repel.

E/E Stalkers FOTM PvP now

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Many other sets got those, too. Just don't ask me which...I don't remember, and I won't have time to do the research. It should be in the Patch notes, however.

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Two other sets got Teleport protection. Only EA got Repel protection.



I was happy with the fact that only 1 of the toggles rooted you.



Is that defense versus repel-like effects, or from one specific power?

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It stops the repel attribute.

the actual power "Repel" is in fact a knockback power (which you already have resistence to), and has no repel attribute.

And yes, */EA are now stalking death to the hurricane plague.





Two other sets got Teleport protection. Only EA got Repel protection.

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I think Castle might be saying that some of the other Stalker sets got -repel resistence but that they are missing from the patch notes.



heh can't wait for this to go live.



So what about this:

* Powers that increase your Max HP, like Dull Pain, Earths Embrace, and Kuji-In Sha will now be affected by Heal Enhancements. That is, Heal Enhancements will improve how much the target's MAX HP is increased.

I wonder if this also applies to Overload...



heh overload is fine, well everything about it about the's just very very..very dull and dissapointing for an lvl 38 power, my team can't notice if i use it, looks like a basic shield and doesn't stand out, and i'm hoping for a change..besides i am a brute and see no good things coming brutes EA just yet



Speaking of brutes and EA. Did they have a better version of the def and resistance powers or something then? If not doesn't that more or less give the stalker better defense than the brute and better energy resistance than them too? I dunno, too late at night to even attempt to number crunch for me, it just looked weird to me when I looked over the notes.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Two other sets got Teleport protection. Only EA got Repel protection.

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I think Castle might be saying that some of the other Stalker sets got -repel resistence but that they are missing from the patch notes.

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WHY? It's not Repel that most Stalkers are having trouble dealing with. Very few kineticists even take Repel. Did I mention that several Stalkers can AS straight through Repel as it is? I can see it making some concept-sense for Energy Aura which is also kinetic-themed. But Defenders have enough problems as it is in PvP, why pile this on too?

Oh, and that reminds me... This patch introduces:
"[*] Added Accuracy Enhancements to Smoke and Smoke Grenade powers for the Archetypes which have those powers."

Ok, yeehaw for the Blasters and Fire Doms/Controllers. So where's the ACC slotting for Repel Castle? It's well documented that it can miss in PvP and is not Auto-hit there. So when can we start slotting it for Accuracy? Please? I'm not trying to get up in anyone's grill here, this is just titfortat, common decency tradeoff.



does this apply to energy brutes too?



As another poster pointed out, the "repel" power of kineticists is, in fact, PBAoE knockback. Repel is the effect on hurricane and telekinesis. This protection was no doubt put in specifically to combat the strategy of cornering somebody with hurricane so that they cannot take any action against you in PvP.



I agree that makes some sense. Infact I admit my Stormy has abused it. But why not trick the game engine into classifying it as Knock-Back and thus subject to Suppression instead? ...And protect all players from it? No one likes to be chain-Held in PvP



Knockback is a single-instance effect -- because hurricane doesn't knock you on your feet, it carries you along instead, it can't employ knock back. If you're saying to change Hurricane to be, in effect, the same power as Repel from the kinetics set, that could be a feasible choice, but they'd have to change it to that only for PvP, not for PvE, to keep their pledge of "PvP will not affect PvE."



Problem is, if you make hurricane into a knockback power, you'll be knocking targets out of the to-hit debuff.



heh overload is fine, well everything about it about the's just very very..very dull and dissapointing for an lvl 38 power, my team can't notice if i use it, looks like a basic shield and doesn't stand out, and i'm hoping for a change..besides i am a brute and see no good things coming brutes EA just yet

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So your saying your PVP opponents cant tell when overload is on and they are wasting their end, or when it has worn off and you are vulnerable?

some might see that as a good thing.



True. It could be an acc debuff in the entire radius and a knockback effect directly around the caster, but frankly, the solution the devs have is better IMO. This is, of course, why they are the devs and I am a mere poster.

Note that I was never advocating a change of hurricane from repel to knockback -- just pointing out (or trying to point out) that the addition of repel resistance to defensive powersets made a lot of sense.