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  1. Why isn't it 4 out of 5, like dentists?
  2. Good luck, but I think the crickets are getting louder.
  3. Well, I say apparently. Castle was rather cryptic about the whole thing in his posts. He states that the problem has been fixed on their side and should go live after Thanksgiving.

    But yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. Stalkers complain about Hurricaine, a Stalker defensive set gets immunity to repel. Stalkers complain about IR Gogles, IR Gogles are nerfed. Cones don't work, Castle gets them fixed. Tankers can't hit a moving target, the sound of crickets chirping in the distance.

    I feel like I can discern a pattern.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not going to go around looking for castle's quotes, but basically the Tanker forum and other forums brought this to his attention about a month ago. He has tested and confirmed this bug.

    another quote basically said it will get fixed in a future patch but there are higher priorities that have to be fixed first.

    I guess tankers are at the end of the line in the Dev DMV

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    Really. I looked and all I saw was him talk about a similar problem with Stalker cones not hitting. That was apparently fixed around Thanksgiving.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    hmm, 1 shield protects from Teleport and Repel.

    E/E Stalkers FOTM PvP now

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    Many other sets got those, too. Just don't ask me which...I don't remember, and I won't have time to do the research. It should be in the Patch notes, however.

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    Two other sets got Teleport protection. Only EA got Repel protection.