24 -
1) You have the default To Hit value (ie no buffs), your target has no Defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
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50/50 I expect this situation to be even for both the defender and attacker.
2) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has no defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
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90/10 The attacker should hit the vast majority of their attacks and the defender should expect to be hit by the vast majority of attacks.
You have the default To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
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10/90 I shouldn't expect to hit them if they've invested in their defenses and as the defender I should expect them to miss and often.
4) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
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No matter how much to-hit I gain I should never reduce someone who's invested in their defense back to a default setting...as the defender I expect the slots and powers I invest in to always give me protection no matter what I'm fighting.
25% chance to hit 75% chance to avoid.
For this I expect the caps to change in what a single player can achieve on their own.
Blasters being the most offense should be able to cap to-hit within their powers sets.
Tankers should be able to cap defense within their primary.
All other AT's should be adjusted off of those two AT's to fit within their role.
Again those numbers are based off of pure to-hit vs defense values..you want to hit someone more then 25% who has capped defense, defense debuffs need to be applied in addition to your capped to-hit. -
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You do know that, this happened back in Nov. back when this thread was started. -
Well I've been on the recieving end of a defiance Blasters in PvP it works great for PvP...I was dropped in about 2 hits after ASing a Ice/NRG Blaster in SC...so I now finish off Blasters as fast as I can cause it scares my Stalker when they are low on hps.
However with my Baby Blaster in PvE I've noticed it's not all that great. -
No...to the new pvper out there of course it seems that way.
Stalkers are like every other pvp build out there..some builds have no chance against us, others it's going to be a fight for us, and other builds we have no chance against.
Seriously check the general PvP forum all the whinning and nerf calling that's been over since I4 started right back up again. All the new players who stayed out of the arena are now having to play catch up. Either you find a way to adapt or you get killed repeatedly.
I'd even be willing to bet that most of the serious PvPers have stalkers...so what is being seen is good players vs bad players. Seems most of my kills against tanks and scrappers is nothing other then me out playing them. -
...Scrappers never even got the ability to Crit until I3
[/ QUOTE ] Really? I came in I2 and I remember critting...I thought they just upped the crit values in I2 for bosses and Lt's. In fact, I remember sending Statesman a PM recommending that if they wanted to give us a specific role (though I'm sure he had the idea before I PM'd him).
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Looked over my video's I2 had to have been the crit release cause all my I1 vid's only so me criting with EC and no other attacks. -
yes. Currently mine on my Troller is slotted...well wait I forgot I've got HO's...if I didn't have them I guess I would slot
1acc 3dmg 2mez or 3dmg 3mez. -
I understand what your saying..what I'm telling you is that almost all 9th tier scrapper attacks also state this and Ninja Blade is a direct copy of Katana. That double damage is the chance to crit even when not hidden.
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ive read all the 9th tier abilities of scrapper and stalker, and most say devistating damage or chance of crit, thats all good, but only 3 out of all scrapper and stalker state double damage, not just crit but double, and if those words crit and double damage are in the same sentence then it is assumed that sometimes upon a crit, and sometimes upon double damage that they will occur together, and if you add "hide" to that equation, that is what happend in the screenshot, it was a "sometimes" event.
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Again let me try to explain this to you.
They have always said that...those attacks have been able to Crit since CoH beta. That's why some discriptions are off...Scrappers never even got the ability to Crit until I3, however certain sets have always had the ability with certain attacks. Ninja Blade is a direct copy of Katana that is why the discription is that way.
I have no idea if a double crit while hidden is "working as intended" or not. If I was to guess I would say it's a bug, however in no way is the discription of those powers any evidence that it is "working as intended". -
No, Sing is a real pet and can be buffed and healed.
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Sings can be buffed, but they cannot be healed..I wish they could especially after all the nerfing that they went through. -
Actually all scrapper attacks have a chance to crit. anytime.
Also IIRC all 9th tier scrapper attacks except for DM have an even greater chance to crit.
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I don't think that's true. I don't know about Spines, but I'm fairly sure Shockwave for Claws/ doesn't have an increased crit ability. That's in Evis [ and, I would assume Ripper for Spines, since they mirror each other so much ].
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That very well could be true while I've played them both for a few levels I've not played them enough to know where their increased crit attack is in the set.
DM, MA, Kat, BS I've played past 32 and know it's in their 9th tier and DM get none, was just guessing on Spines and Claws. -
I understand what your saying..what I'm telling you is that almost all 9th tier scrapper attacks also state this and Ninja Blade is a direct copy of Katana. That double damage is the chance to crit even when not hidden.
Actually all scrapper attacks have a chance to crit. anytime.
Also IIRC all 9th tier scrapper attacks except for DM have an even greater chance to crit. -
If someone can show me another build/plan of attack in this game that can defeat damn near any other toon as well as the stalker can, I will shut my mouth.
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Just the including the current PvP zones...
Ill/Storm, Ill/Rad, Ice/NRG, Spines/Regen, Spines/Inv, */SR with elude, Mind/Rad all those builds can take out most anyone in the current zones...but we haven't seen what happens at 50 yet and States himself has said AT's and builds are balanced to 50.
Remember we're talking 1v1 here since that's what stalkers do...they don't attack teams, they may attack someone in a team but after that they leave they don't continue to fight. -
Really? Ok Stormy TP foe's a /SR, /DA, /Regen, Fire/ into a corner of a broken building with a lip on it...it prevents you from flying up or SJ up...you're now stuck and can't get away or attack...where is the tactic to get away or even fight back? The only option is concelment PP for PS..nothing else can help you. I would rather be one shotted then be trapped in a corner for the next 3mins unable to act.
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Yeah you're right this is probably just as common as dealing with stalkers. I mean stormies do this all the time right.. heh. Honestly you're stretching it now how many times has this been done to you? Has this even happened to you or are you just speculating?
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Happens all the time in Warburg and SC...matter of fact FF and Mind can do the same trick. Repel can be uber against builds that have no defense for it...wow think about that something is uber if you have no defense against it.
That's it all Inv Tanks and scrappers should never have to face anyone using Psi damage.
I want fear resistance in every power since almost no one can counter it...What break frees you say? How many can you carry cause I can run you out of them in a hurry then leave you cowering there while I beat on you.
/SR is too uber cause I'm playing my DM or Claws with no BU power and I can't hit them.
Stone/ and Kheldians need a nerf cause I can't drop them out of Granite of Dwarf form...and they're too hard to kill while protected that way. They also get to heal back any damage that I was able to do on them.
Getting a bit tired of this yet? -
The time involved does not matter when we're looking from the point of the victim. The end result is the same whether the Stalker takes 10 minutes to kill me, or 1. I'm just as frustrated and angry, and just as likely to give up on PvP. That's the problem, and the time spent by Stalkers doesn't really matter to that problem.
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That's what happens when you enter PvP with a weak build you get destroyed..what difference does it make if it's a stalker doing it or my Grav/Rad slowing you debuffing you and then holding you for 5min..you never got to fight back either...or when I run in with my MA/SR and unsupressed joust you with EC+BU which by the way hits for 802 with crit at level 38...now imagine if I downed a bunch of enrages like the stalkers are doing...your still dead and never had a chance.
If you have a weak solo build either team up in the PvP zones or be prepared to get defeated a few times without having a chance to fight back. -
I'm not calling for nerfs. Nor would I be calling for nerfs on Hurricane, though that's been up on the boards. There are tactics to dealing with Hurricane, and even if you have no access to them, you can still kill someone who has Hurricane on, without any special redesign.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? Ok Stormy TP foe's a /SR, /DA, /Regen, Fire/ into a corner of a broken building with a lip on it...it prevents you from flying up or SJ up...you're now stuck and can't get away or attack...where is the tactic to get away or even fight back? The only option is concelment PP for PS..nothing else can help you. I would rather be one shotted then be trapped in a corner for the next 3mins unable to act.
Stalkers have said the same thing..keep moving and use unpredictable patterns if you don't want to carry enough +perception in your build to see them...I see no difference here.
Again some people don't understand Rock, Paper, Scissors...certain builds will almost always beat others cause they work against that builds weakness. -
Not surprisingly, they only care about their death,
which, because it was *quick* also seems to equate to *easy* for us to
do, in their minds... Put simply, that is a mistaken (but understandable)
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it..they don't understand that we've been chasing them sometimes for 5min or longer just waiting on them to settle just enough...I can't the number of times I've hit BU only to have them move just before I can hit AS..all because some corrupter is shooting at them. -
I was happy with the fact that only 1 of the toggles rooted you.
At it again I see.
1)Again Rock/paper/scissors Anyone with tactic's + an insight can see a stalker...aim, Targeting drone, tactics, clearmind, focused senses ect.. all have perception in them..you can buy IR goggles in SC..all these allow you to see even a hide+stealth stalker. So anyone that wants to invest can see a stalker coming all day long and gets to attempt to be the rock vs scissors doesn't mean that it'll work but the stalker has lost the advantage by not being invisible. Once unhidden a stalker is a very weak opponate..lower defenses and offense aside from AS then scrappers, with controller level hps.
2) The problem wasn't only blasters you've been misinformed. PS allowed anyone ...I'll repeat anyone to get there one kill then PS for the entire match..it also allowed Controllers to kick out pets then PS while the pets did all the work. It also allowed for controllers to solo AV's that you normally couldn't solo without it...yes I've got plenty of video using it to solo AV's.
3) How does repel sound? TK, Hurricane, Force bubble. There are only 3 sets that can counter repel. Very few powers counter fear...and it can be laid on heavy enough that even a full try a breakfrees isn't enough. And you want to talk about placate...the above 2 exemples will root you in place allowing them to keep on attacking you. Placate you can still move..so do it.
(Btw assault offers resistance not protection, there's a difference.)
4)Any /Dev blaster with TD+tactics or IR goggles.
Any /SR scrapper with FS+tactics or IR goggles. -
IIRC a Dev said they will be moving all those talk to the contact missions in PvP zone to right outside the enterance of the zone this should take care of the problem.
The only point for the mission was to show the player where the zone was. -
For you to get..level 45..for you to use 43 or at least I've never seen a level 45 HO only 46's.
Increase the bosses defenses, and or Regen rate like you did with monsters.
This way you could reduce how hard they hit...which would save some squishies, and some scrappers. They will still take a beating, and have plenty of time to give one back. -
Don't let some players bother you over this States, this is great! I can't believe how much more fun the old missions that i've done multiple times are with just some new textures and graphics.
Did the Positron TF this morning on Live and the aggro was perfect.
However the exempler situation of getting dropped if your partner goes down is less then perfect..wasted 2 hours of my time cause his connection hiccuped.