Focus ROCKS in PVP!
Do you want the devs to nerf claws !!!!??!
yes it is fun with focus to just critical from a far and realy fun wen your foe gets knock down to realy put the beating on
One of my favorite tactics, actually. Nice to see other folks using it.
lol castle scared me i thought he said nerf for a second wooh no nerf bat here nice one castle
Just wait till 50 and you get the equivilent of Hami O's. I used to play with 5 Dam/Range in Focus with Focus'd Accuracy running. You could hit from a LOOOOOOOONNNNGGG ways away. Some blasters were jelous.
yeah, i got a lot of angry tells for a Hami'd Focus from some very pissed blasters. Focus is just an awesome, awesome attack. It's half the reason i take Claws.
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
you know, the image this evokes is a thing of absolute beauty.
One of my favorite tactics, actually. Nice to see other folks using it.
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And why is this not considered as jousting? Not flaming, just curious. Isn't the whole point of suppression is to stop attacks where there is no penalty for a counterattack? I'm trying to grasp PvP tactics and how gameplay is managed.
One of my favorite tactics, actually. Nice to see other folks using it.
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Isn't this tactic the very reason they put in supression on SS.
I don't agree with supression, but I don't think a dev should be promoting a tactic that other devs have deemed "broken".
Get rid of all supression, thats what I say!
I prefer impale from spines since it -fly on them too. Very fun to do at high altitude. Severe falls can be better than an AS
Focus has a huge amount of benefits in PvP, imho, and is the sole reason I chose Claws over any other Stalker primary. After playing my L50 Claws/SR Scrapper for over a year, I knew when I saw Claws in the Stalker list what I wanted.
However, part of me was hoping Claws would remain low-key and not raved about too much. But I guess that's just the selfish part of me coming out
Btw, Focus suppresses the same as any other attack. The opponent is free to return fire if they're able, but from the OP's description, the opponent is defeated by the Focus attack. I'm actually a fan of suppression, however. Getting out of a fight should be difficult and take more intelligence than it takes a monkey to hit a key on the keyboard and SS away. Our AS attacks actually need looked into as the suppression appears to begin as we start the AS animation which means we become unsuppressed sooner than any other attack. This makes for a lot more hit-and-run AS attacks.
One of my favorite tactics, actually. Nice to see other folks using it.
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And why is this not considered as jousting?
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jousting is combining (travel powers + melee attacks + activation lag) to make ghetto-range attacks.
Jousting is still possible, just alot harder to do it more then once.
Isn't this tactic the very reason they put in supression on SS.
I don't agree with supression, but I don't think a dev should be promoting a tactic that other devs have deemed "broken".
Get rid of all supression, thats what I say!
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Agreed. At least a dev is acknowledging that jousting was fun...
One of my favorite tactics, actually. Nice to see other folks using it.
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And why is this not considered as jousting?
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jousting is combining (travel powers + melee attacks + activation lag) to make ghetto-range attacks.
Jousting is still possible, just alot harder to do it more then once.
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Which begs the question, why is this considered as a legitimate attack when we're told that this tactic (jousting) is an exploit. I hate suppression too but my understanding is that it was put in place to prevent jousting. Therefore I accept that it should not be used because it's an exploit. Now here we're told it is legitimate.
suppression is to prevent you from running after the attack. jousting, in this limited form, is still okay because even after the attack you land and can't speed away yet, giving your opponent time to counterattack.
suppression was simply put in to give player a chance to return fire. it still works in this case, not an exploit.
and you know what, claws gets the short end of the stick on so much other stuff that even if this was an exploit, so what?
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
I'm just curious. How many of you use "target Closest Enemy" with a hot key?
I was asked the other day how I could put a hold on people so quickly on my Ill/FF.
They would dive in from SJ into melee range on my ILL/FF(that bubble is a big target) and as soon as I see them I'd hit Q(target Closest enemy) and hit 1(Single target Hold) and it'd hit people before they'd hit the ground.
One person even thought I had some sort of a cheat, becuase they couldn't get away from me.
Well, my ILL/FF had(HAD) 6 Acc/Mez in Blind. So they would jump in, and hit the ground next to me, fire off their best attack, and find they were held right there.
So, again, who uses target closest enemy?
On all my characters, the very first thing I do as soon as I've entered the game as a level 1 character is type:
/bind button4 "target_enemy_near"
(No, that's not the same thing as tab, because tab will cycle through all enemies, while this button will always target the nearest one.)
Button 4 is the mouse button on the left side of the mouse, next to the thumb.
I have that one and target_enemy_near$$follow as standard set up procedures for any melee character, and some ranged charagers get the above additional one, too.
Focus is currently my way of annoying Storm trollers (almost none have KD protection, so Focus to piss them off ) and my finishing move. I AStrike the Blaster and he's left with 10 HP but is running? Not anymore. It's also the fast animation attack that I use when that Stone tank (or other difficult to drop bounty) of mine is located with 15 HP left in the middle fighting a mob. No time to get close cuz the mob will have killed him, so I sling a Focus at him. About 50% of the time, I get the final shot, credit, bounty, and a "Gotcha!" cry at home
He also gets no debt, so normally they're pretty cool with it...
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
On all my characters, the very first thing I do as soon as I've entered the game as a level 1 character is type:
/bind button4 "target_enemy_near"
(No, that's not the same thing as tab, because tab will cycle through all enemies, while this button will always target the nearest one.)
Button 4 is the mouse button on the left side of the mouse, next to the thumb.
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Someone else uses button 4 for that? I find being able to target the closest enemy with the twitch of a thumb VERY useful.
Has anyone figured out how to bind the other mouse side button (the one next to the pinky)? "button5" doesn't work.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Button5 is the correct name. I use it all the time to summon my force field generator for my MM.
I also use target_enemy_near. I find it's highly useful to take out the closest threat rather than tab through a half million targets to get to the one that is hurting me.
Virtue: multiple characters.
CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.
Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!
If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.
On all my characters, the very first thing I do as soon as I've entered the game as a level 1 character is type:
/bind button4 "target_enemy_near"
(No, that's not the same thing as tab, because tab will cycle through all enemies, while this button will always target the nearest one.)
Button 4 is the mouse button on the left side of the mouse, next to the thumb.
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Someone else uses button 4 for that? I find being able to target the closest enemy with the twitch of a thumb VERY useful.
Has anyone figured out how to bind the other mouse side button (the one next to the pinky)? "button5" doesn't work.
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My "pinky" button is button 5.
I found the name by setting that key to a bind fuction in the "keymapping" options. It's named "button 5" in keymapping. For binds the name was "button5", a little different I know. You probably have a different mouse than I so it's just a suggestion. Maybe it'll help. GL
And yes, Focus is my favorite claws attack. It gets 11 out of 10 in the awesomeness catagory.
Global Chat: @Prime Knight
Panthera Knight - Claws/SR/BM scrapper 50!!

Prime Knight - Mind/Kin/Psi controller 50!!

Pshun Keru - Triform peacebringer 50!!

Pius Knight - BS/DA scrapper +20
Kaiser Presul - Rob/FF mastermind +30
On all my characters, the very first thing I do as soon as I've entered the game as a level 1 character is type:
/bind button4 "target_enemy_near"
(No, that's not the same thing as tab, because tab will cycle through all enemies, while this button will always target the nearest one.)
Button 4 is the mouse button on the left side of the mouse, next to the thumb.
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Someone else uses button 4 for that? I find being able to target the closest enemy with the twitch of a thumb VERY useful.
Has anyone figured out how to bind the other mouse side button (the one next to the pinky)? "button5" doesn't work.
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My "pinky" button is button 5.
I found the name by setting that key to a bind fuction in the "keymapping" options. It's named "button 5" in keymapping. For binds the name was "button5", a little different I know. You probably have a different mouse than I so it's just a suggestion. Maybe it'll help. GL
And yes, Focus is my favorite claws attack. It gets 11 out of 10 in the awesomeness catagory.
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I use a Logitech Marble Mouse (trackball) and Button5 works for me. I have it set to "Cauterize" on my corruptor with Button4 as select next friend, or whatever it's called. I do seem to have a problem with the buttons working when i start playing, but if I hi tthe windows key and alt tab into COH(V) they start working.
So, again, who uses target closest enemy?
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i do this with my arrow keys.
up - near nme
left - next nme
down - near friend
right - next friend
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
So, again, who uses target closest enemy?
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I have it bound to the tilde key... but that's not PvP optimized, that's just my PvE settings (and one of the first keys I set up when I log a character into the tutorial). Tab to cycle, tilde for closest.
Probably could do better for a PvP bind, but then I'd have to relearn which buttons do what.
Anyone who's PVPed as a Stalker knows this situation:
You see heroes hiding within a cloud of helpful teammate buffs (caltrops, hurricane, repel, you name it). This happy cluster of heroes is engaged with villains/turrets. The health of one squishy drops to just below half and you only have a few seconds before the healer notices that.
Too bad you can't get close enough to finish them off right?
Wrong. Target injured. Build Up. Que up Focus. SJ right past them. Focus fires off and they are dead, rightfully thinning the herd. Your momentum carries you flying by. By the time you land suppression is over and you can hop away until hide reactivates.
Ranged attacks for Stalkers are awesome.