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  1. Fighting bosses and elite bosses surrounded by lava with my mind/kin was a blast.

    I tk'ed and repelled them right into the lava.
  2. Hey,

    Thanks for the build ideas and design. There's one thing I forgot to mention which changes things a little. This is my flying character.

    So anyway here's a new design I created and there's at least one thing I might change. I kept TP in the design even though I have fly in there too. I might keep TP and trade recall friend for speed boost.

    Anyway, here it is, and about the only thing not in my price range right now is the res/end HO.

    (sorry for the delay in the reply)

    Please let me know what you think.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  3. I like your designs. They are close to what I'm trying to. I very much like the 47% range defense. That's impressive.

    Also, my character does feel very powerful, but he's also very squishy.

    I'm trying to do quite a few things:
    1. Stick to the concept of a telekinetic first
    2. I want to improve damage output and survivablity.
    3. I like mobility a lot
    4. I want to add more stealth

    I've never really ran the numbers on powers and slotting. And this character design is based heavily on the old SO design. I really haven't tweaked much other than when I respeced out of fitness and picked up the teleport powers and WoC (before I found out that WoC wasn't so good). And the way I still think about slotting, is "slot 3 enhancements for max efficiency"

    You singled out CJ as a mule, actually the reason I took the power was for the immobilization protection; as a kin, moving in and out of melee is important and I notice I got immobilized more than I liked. I just added the LotG because it was the perfect thing to slot.

    Like I mentioned above, WoC was a power that sounded cool. I took it before I read about it on the forums. So since then I've tried to make it work with the reactive proc.

    I'd like to add damage slotting to dominate and I'm playing around with a few ideas. I've got a few questions for you though.

    When slotting dominate without hold enhancements, how well does it do against level 54 bosses. I noticed without hold enhancements they don't stay held for long.

    I also noticed that you don't slot the damage proc's, but you do slot the others. Why is that?

    Also, 2 travel powers are fun, SS+SJ is great, and Teleport is wonderful.

    I also notice that you have basically all the ultra rare sets. Do you advice for someone that gets to play basically only on weekends the most cash I've ever had on a character was 200 mil before I used it on the coercive persuasion set. (or a basic design for then not so rich )

    Anyway, thanks for the response,the builds, and the advice. I'll try to put them to good use.
  4. Hello all.

    I'm trying to maximize my mind/kin/psi and I wanted to get suggestions as to how to improve my character.

    -I solo and team
    -I'm thinking about respecing a power out and adding in Super Speed for the bonus to avoiding agro.
    -Also, I wouldn't mind taking speed boost if I could fit it in. (I respeced out of the single target sb for a few reasons, but the full team version might work for me)
    -I have both the Vrare reactive and gravitic so I can do more damage or have an ability that doesn't break mesmerizes sleep.
    -I'll probably put positron's blast in terrify, Ragnarok would be nice to have as well.

    Here is the current design.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  5. First off. My Mind/kin is my main. Like others have said, it's fun and fast passed and there's always something to do. But there's one power that no one has mentioned yet: Mass Confusion. It one of my favorite powers in the game; it basically locks down an entire spawn with zero aggro allowing the entire team to jump in and wipe them out. Also, MC used in conjunction with Fulcrum Shift makes spawns disappear fast.

    A couple other points.

    Mesmerize stops bosses with one application.

    And then there's Levitate. It's a power I absolutely love. It knocks bosses up taking them out of the fight for a few seconds, and it gives mind another damage type, also cool. I also love patrolling low levels and levitating enemies 50 feet into the air. The power is just so fun. Then there's the whole moving things with your mind that I enjoy as we.

    There's another combo I don't see many talk about and it's the TK+terrify combo. It's nice, first you tk a spawn, then terrify. You get containment damage and soft control with two powers that recharge pretty fast.

    Anyway, with mind/kin you have just about everything in your toolbox and you can use all those tools with super speed, and if your nice everyone on your team is going just as fast.
  6. Prime_Knight

    Random Rolls

    When rolling for a rare IO recipe with merits is it possible to receive a purple rare?
  7. I would like to have a 100% -res instead of a 75% -res, 25% dot split. But for now staying put at the rare level at 75% -res works for me.

    I actually wanted to round out my mind/kin's abilities. He's got -regen, dam debuff, slows/-recharge, and -to hit. About all that he was lacking was def debuff and res debuff. And as a controller, more damage is always a good thing. Also, lighting things on fire with with my mind sounds fun. But sleep is too useful, so I'll probably go the -def, -dam route if I feel like slotting a very rare.
  8. Hi all,

    The fire damage from the Reactive ability in the Interface slot breaks the sleep in mesmerize. Has this been mentioned to the dev's; is this being looked at? Is there a way to suggest something to the dev's about this issue?

    Thank you kindly.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Domination + Mass Confusion is extremely useful on that section of the trial, it allows me to pretty much solo Crates/Containment Units. The only thing I haven't been able to verify yet is what happens temp-wise if mobs destroy a container without any player interaction...
    I've killed a create (solo) with mass confusion & confuse on my mind controller. And you get the credit.
  10. Hi all. I was looking for some advice on which interface power to focus on. My goal was to allow my controller to do more damage. However after slotting the common Reactive ability, I realized that if I get to the fourth tier there's a 25% chance to do extra damage. And I hear that this damage will break the sleep in memorize.

    So, does anyone have any suggestions as to what Interface ability to take on my mind/kin controller? (Suggestions don't have to be related to damage dealing either)

    Thank you kindly
  11. Prime_Knight

    Patron Powers

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to select a Patron on my scrapper, and I was wondering: Can I do all the patron arcs and have access to all the powers during a respec?
  12. Prime_Knight

    Fulcrum Shift

    Fulcrum Shift is awesome, yes, but I have a question. I never remember missing with it...not once on a tangible foe. So does it need accuracy slotted? I ask because I'm working on a respec...and every slot counts.

    Thank you kindly
  13. Hi all. I've been away for over a year and I'm looking to respec my claws/sr with the new I19 fitness inherent. And with that I was thinking of either adding swipe or slash.

    Does anyone have any opinions or useful data to help me make that choice. And have there been any changes to those powers in the last couple years I should be aware of?

    Thank you kindly
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I am one of those people that don't care about xp but do care about content.

    Do we have any idea when/if missions that aren't story arcs will make it to flashback? A lots of the cool and unusual missions are offered to you after you complete a story arc.

    I am glad about the xp smoothing, not glad about the xp boost.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Anything can be made Flashback, but the "completed" star checks for A) Souvenir clue or B) the Badge. If we did missions that were not Story Arcs and not Badged, then they would never show complete.

    That said, I have no problem doing this if you guys don't. Just let me know what missions you want on Ouroboros and I will do my best to get them there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The how come one of my characters has the badge for a few missions but no star in the Ouroboros tf/mission list? One of the missions he got the badge for was completed using the Ouroboros system.
  15. It should be noted that when team members drop the following makup of 5 heroes can not beat the task force

    1 tank, 3 scrappers and 1 controller.
    (note: my scrapper was a claws/sr and the controller was a ill/kin)

    This group of 5 went through most of the tf without the rest. We killed Hami and the Ritki AV, but we got stuck at the very end at Hero 1. Hero 1 used his invulnerably power at about a quarter health and he healed back to about half. This happened multiple times and it was basically a stalemate until the tank left the battle to go fight some Ritki and the scrappers couldn't handle the damage Hero 1 inflicted upon us. We yelled at the tank of course but it was too late. The scrappers went down and Hero 1 healed up to full. By this point it was about 2 am and we decided to scrap the tf. One of the scrappers and I did a glory charge on the rest of the Ritki and went down in glorious battle...then quit the tf and logged for the night.

    So, I think the guild glossed over how difficult the Hero 1 boss fight can be. Something helpful to add would be how to get around his special invulnerability power.
  16. Prime_Knight

    Drops II

    [ QUOTE ]

    Lighthouse, my own personal opinion is this:

    If we can't go back and do our story arcs, and there's no way we can sway you from granting reciepes off them, then why can't we just award a reciepes to the whole team, when a story arc is completed? Sure this would cause a lot more reciepes to be accessed, but the chance would still be unlikely that you would get an ultra-rare drop out of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Make these drops common to everything like story arcs, tf's, and defeating minions. Why is that so hard to do? What's the point of making any new enhancement rare?

    These enhancements are not going to get me to play the game more often, and it's definitely not a reason to keep paying to play, or to start paying to play.

    Customization is what people like...give the options to customize without making the game a time sink.
  17. Prime_Knight

    Drops II

    Don't make anything rare. Everything is common and it gets dropped by any minion on up. Players can by any of them from universities with prestege or influence.

    If the game isn't fun without these items then the dev's have a huge problem. So give every hero everything, and then the devs can add one more difficulty level to the mission slider.

    There's no reason to think so much. Making the stuff a scavenger hunt isn't the game, the game is beating up stuff....or whatever the player makes up in game, like kick the "propel forklift" or repel the minion. Extending the game back making the game into a scavenger hunt is only going to keep the most obsessive people happy...the rest are just going to give up and walk away.

    The obsessive people that like sucky game play already play other online games like WoW. Keep the game play fun and fresh and people will continue to play. Like making these new enhancements easily accessible to everyone will keep things changing. Making things rare means that there are less options, and creates frustration.

    So, make everything common and easy to get.
  18. The new animation and rooting changes worked great with SR.

    All the toggles animated if I kept my scrapper standing still; if I moved while the toggles were activating the animation disappeared (there was no rooting). PB worked just like the toggles...groovy.

    I didn't notice the back flips for elude...I don't know if it's because the animation was changed or if it's because I was in scrapper lock.

    Anyway, great job!!
  19. You ask these questions? This is why you lose members: Right from the start you’re asking the wrong questions.

    I play a super hero game to feel super.

    When changes like suppression, the GDN, and ED happen I got angry.

    I'll go down the list for you:

    -Costume Creator:
    It's impressive compared to other games, but I still can't make my main like I want to. Why is this? No cat heads. Think of Tigris from The Batman TAS episode Tyger, Tyger. Monster heads don't cut it nor does the Standard Feline head.

    -The Storyline:
    What story line? When I actually take the time to read the clues the stories are interesting and a few of them are really cool. They don't keep me around though, if I want a story I'll read a book.

    My main character is a claws/SR. Claws doesn't damage quick enough compared to other damage dealers and SR doesn't mitigate very well with all the buffs out there. It's not high on my list.

    Are annoying.

    They're cool, but not why I started to play and they aren't why I stay. Also, they're too expensive. After a year of playing with bases I'd like to have the starting plot filled up with rooms and equipment/decorations.

    Specific mob groups:
    I'm indifferent.


    I like feeling super so add XP for doing super things.

    That's what you want right?: something for the work force to focus on.

    Add xp for saving others, heroes and civilians via healing or assisting with kills. Add xp for just hitting or holding villains. Add Hami's to drops fighting anyone.

    Make it easier to be super. And stop balancing the game around defenders. They suck because balancing around them broke the game for any team without them (or controllers).

    This is what you did right:
    -issue 3/issue 4 scrappers and tanks.
    -permanent elude, unstoppable, PP version of MoG
    -Controllers (mostly...the AoE hold nerf was too harsh)
    -Peacebringers (they still need hold/disorient/sleep protection though)
    -the PVE combat
    -the setting (the city is awesome)
    -the amount of superpowers
    -flight (I wouldn’t mind if fly, hover, and Gfly were faster speeds however)
    -the enemies (Ritki, Crey, Knives, Malta, Hellions etc. = awesome
    -the concept of villain vs hero pvp
    -the concept of teaming for better xp and drops
    -the concept of blasters: they need to do more damage though. (they need as much hold protection as they need to be able to one shot, hold, or status any enemy that can hold)
    -the stalker concept
    -brutes are just about right
    -that lack of stuff to collect (little collecting is a good thing)
    -costume creator (even if it's lacking)
    -control set up
    -the usefulness of hasten and stamina....bring other pool powers up to their level
    -pre-GDN defense and resistance (give weave some use for example again...pool power defense is a joke)
    -issue 3 stealth
    -stealthing missions, yes it was a good thing to be capable of completing missions without having to kill anyone
    -holiday jet pack
    -the mission exit button (the first couple mission I didn't know I could click on the mission complete text to exit...because I didn't read the instructions because this is a video game...add a voice over instruction in the tutorial)
    -all the interface options
    -blinking power icons when click duration powers are about to stop working

    The greatest thing in this game is Flight!!

    Out of the options the best thing is the costume creator which needs the least work.
    The options I'd like to see worked on, that I like are: pvp and bases. PVP needs more protracted battles (getting 2 shotted, say by a stalker a scapper (as a controller I can deal with that since they're squishy) and bases need more functionality for less cost (sort of like the JLU's super laser)...IOP's need to be droped and craftable items can be made to use in missions like a proactive periment buff as opposed to the reactive buff from the rezing chamber (great idea btw)...and the basic teleporter needs to be the only type of teleporter, which can teleport to any zone with the sg exploration badges (without having to place a beacon)...

    That’s all I have right now…
  20. I've got a claws/sr so he's my take on the design.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Swipe: 1 acc, 3 dmg
    Strike: 1 acc, 3 dmg
    Slash: 1 acc, 3 dmg
    Spin: 1 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Follow Up: 2 acc, 2 rchg, 2 tohit (2 dmg in place of tohit optional)
    Confront: 1 range, (1 taunt optional)
    Focus: 1 acc, 3 dmg
    Eviscerate: 1 acc, 3 dmg
    Shockwave: 1 acc, 3 dmg

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Swipe: 1 acc, 3 dmg (If I ever respec back into it)
    Strike: 2 acc, 3 dmg, 1 rchg
    Slash: 2 acc, 3 dmg, 1 end (If I ever respec into it)
    Spin: 1 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg (Looks fine, never had it)
    Follow Up: 2 acc, 2 dmg (After a respec I'd put in a rchg and an end)
    Confront: 1 range, (Didn't take it, focus works better)
    Focus: 2 acc, 2 dmg, 2 rchg (can keep anyone on their butt)
    Eviscerate: 2 acc, 3 dmg, 1 end
    Shockwave: 2 acc, 2 dmg, 2 rchg

    [ QUOTE ]
    Super Reflexes:
    Focused Fighting: 1 endred, 3 def
    Focused Senses: 1 endred, 3 def
    Agile: 3 def
    Practiced Brawler: 2 rchg
    Dodge: 3 def
    Quickness: 1 run
    Lucky: 3 def
    Evasion: 1 endred, 3 def
    Elude: 3 rchg, (3 def optional)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Super Reflexes:
    Focused Fighting: 2 endred, 4 def
    Focused Senses: 2 endred, 4 def
    Agile: 1 def
    Practiced Brawler: 1 rchg (with hasten that's all I need to keep it up all the time)
    Dodge: 1 def
    Quickness: 1 run
    Lucky: 1 def (If I still had it)
    Evasion: 2 endred, 4 def
    Elude: 6 rchg, (yes six)

    This is a speed speed speed design I play by. The end usage is atrocious, but it's fun, it's really fun. With conserve power, elude, and stamina my end bar stays above half most of the time.

    Also this is a pre-I6 design and it still works great. If I swapped the extra (unneeded) slots in the toggle for the passives my SR would gain about 1% in defense. I decided it wasn't worth my time, and it was a waste of a good free respec. Yes elude still has 6 recharges in it. It used to be down only about 30 seconds, now it's a few minutes. I usually need the extra few seconds of elude more than I need the large jump in defense as sad as that is, elude's defense is just that good unslotted.

    I've also got a BS/DA at 20.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Broad Sword:
    Hack: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Slash: 2 acc, 3 dmg
    Slice: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Build Up: 3 rchg, (3 tohit optional)
    Parry: 2 acc, 2 def, 2 dmg
    Confront: 1 range, (1 taunt optional)
    Whirling Sword: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Disembowel: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Head Splitter: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Broad Sword:
    Hack: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Slash: 2 acc, 3 dmg (1 end optional)
    Slice: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Build Up: 3 rchg,
    Parry: 2 acc, 1 def, 2 dmg, 1 rchg
    Confront: 1 range, (1 taunt optional) (Not taking it)
    Whirling Sword: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Disembowel: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg
    Head Splitter: 2 acc, 1 endred, 3 dmg

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dark Armor:
    Dark Embrace: 3 dmgres
    Death Shroud: 2 acc, 2 endred, (2 dmg optional)
    Murky Cloud: 3 dmgres
    Obsidian Shield: 3 dmgres
    Dark Regeneration: 2 acc, 2 endred, 2 rchg
    Cloak of Darkness: 1 endred
    Cloak of Fear: 2 acc, 2 endred, 2 tohit debuff
    Oppressive Gloom: 2 acc
    Soul Transfer: 1 heal, (1 endmod optional)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dark Armor:
    Dark Embrace: 3 dmgres, 1 endred
    Death Shroud: 2 acc, 2 endred, (2 dmg optional) (If I take it)
    Murky Cloud: 3 dmgres, 1 endred
    Obsidian Shield: 3 dmgres, 1 endred
    Dark Regeneration: 2 acc, 2 endred, 2 rchg
    Cloak of Darkness: 1 endred
    Cloak of Fear: 2 acc, 3 endred, 1 fear (end hog)
    Oppressive Gloom: 2 acc, 1 disdr
    Soul Transfer: 1 heal, (1 endmod optional)

    Broadsword looks near the same as I'm planning on slotting it, if I have the slots. I may have to skimp slash and slice on slots.

    DA is end heavy with just Dark Embrace and Obsidian Shield. Every toggle is going to get at least one endurance reducer. Like SR, stamina is a given with DA. I couldn't get to level 20 quick enough. Also knockdown sucks so I'll be taking Acrobatics and I have Combat jumping. Which means there are 2 more toggle that have to be activated. End needs to be accounted for first to make a fully utilized BS/DA playable.
  21. Where are the empowerment stations located in the base edit menu?
  22. Prime_Knight

    Nice people

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ah yes...before this thread was out...maybe I shouldve started one myself.
    I reached 30 with my stone/stone tanker and Captain Blinky was there to help me get my aura. Blinky is da man. lol I remember us hanging in Hollows before you became the uber tank you are now. Dang he flew up those lvls I tell ya!
    Smoke Ring is an awesome dude. I go and bug him and Blinky under Atlas all the time. With one of my many Alts.
    Lemme list them cause I know sometimes they must be like wth is this? BlastFlame, Black Syn, SnapBack, WhipLashh, Syndera and my Beer Influenced SG Alt Corona King. Hope I don't bug u guys too much.

    Also...although they don't frequent the forums at all. I MUST mention N Fuego and all his other N names. (N Flamer, N Ept and who knows how many more) and gUf (Project 18 and all the other names she has) These two are my closest friends on CoH. I can't even count how many times they have helped me or invited me to team with them. Not even on game play only...sometimes we just hang and talk for a while. They are awesome. I'm sure I will remember more and come back here.

    [/ QUOTE ] Hey I'm here Blast!!!

    Blast and I met in the hollows, when gUf was a lowb and we been friends ever forward... He is a great Bud and he is there just as much for me I am for him
    But(hehe) my turn, I would like to thank a few also :::
    N Fuego(my hubby),Beats,BM (Black Monkey),Vi (Violet Violist),Tundra,Captain Blinky,Naugahyde,ILLINI,Blue Lizard--Ty for the awsome Badge hunting...Smoke-Ring,Thorned One,SelfLoather,The weapons and DJ X-Tacy ,American Flag,Electric Warrior,Cassius,Celtic Dagger,Bloodwynd (HA! who just gave me influence),Lightning Girl,Egyptian,Human-Inferno,Iculd,I want out!,Muford(my mu mu),Mystic Fortune, R Stainless',Saint JohnNB, Point Star!!(you go gurl!),Blue-Line,Brygid!!!(and the Sisterhood <3 yas!!), Hotima,Leoicavalier, Liquid Eyes,Jack Pot,Lord Dark Lotus,Mister X,Mindcures,Lycans,Magetta,Mune,Neocon,Mytria Diva,Nick the Giant, Prime Knight,Tecu,the Jackester,Singe 3.0,Total Damage, Ms. Liberty 2,and so many others Thank You 4 being you

    gUf- lvl 50 Tank invl/mace
    Zyra- lvl 30 Troller ill/emp
    Project 18- lvl 28 Blaster ice/device
    Mia Mermaid- lvl 24 WS
    Quick Silv3r- lvl 16 Scrapper claws/invl
    MisTboom- lvl 10 Defender ken/elec

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just noticed this (sorry about the thread necro)

    I wanted to say thanks.

    Also I thought I'd make a shout out to some friends I play with.

    <ul type="square">Psionique: Defender&amp;Controller by trade. I've played with her for a long time and she's become a very good friend. She's an exceptional defender and supporter...when she finally gets her butt into missions

    Darth Mysterio: Blaster/Corruptor &amp; Mastermind by trade. I've known him longer than most people and he's one of my best friends. There's no one I'd rather have at my side beating enemies into submission.

    Tenny: Controller &amp; Tank by trade. I wish I could remember his global name, but he's awesome. I played with him through the 40's with my main and it was a blast.

    Lxndr: Controller &amp; Controller by trade. When I play with this dude I don't get hit. Cool guy.

    Errant: (I hope I remembered the correct spelling) Scrapper by trade. We raced from about 40 to 50, very very fun. He's the best BS/Inv scrapper I know. My claws/SR scrapper and his BS/Inv scrapper my quite possibly be that fastest killing team I've been on.

    There have been other friends come and gone, most of which I don't even remember their global.

    Like a Dark/Dark defender named Dark Violet. The dude is a really cool guy.

    There's another Dark/Dark defender friend I had. She was fun to play with and helped me get through my mid 20's to take stamina. I usually notice her on someone called Electrozone anymore.

    There was a Rad/Rad defender named Radura (I think) that befriended me though the first few levels I played. Nice person.

    I had a good friend for while, who liked to use "Neko" in most her names. Neko Sukura or something close was her main. Her global was Isis. She was quite the whiner about the nerf to her ill/rad back in I5..very silly. Our play styles didn't mesh, but she was a good friend all the same.[/list]
    There's a whole lot more friends I know that I'm forgetting, but these people made an impact on me.

    Anyway, nice people. Thanks for helping to make Panth's 50 run a good one

    I remember MisTboom from somewhere, I just wish I remembered where and when.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Chimera is really good with his bow. Sure, he can still miss, but it won't be often.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Chimera killed my SR scrapper buffed by a FF defender in under a minute at level 50....with elude up, overslotted toggles, and one slotted passives (-lucky). His accuracy is too good.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    On all my characters, the very first thing I do as soon as I've entered the game as a level 1 character is type:

    /bind button4 "target_enemy_near"

    (No, that's not the same thing as tab, because tab will cycle through all enemies, while this button will always target the nearest one.)

    Button 4 is the mouse button on the left side of the mouse, next to the thumb.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone else uses button 4 for that? I find being able to target the closest enemy with the twitch of a thumb VERY useful.

    Has anyone figured out how to bind the other mouse side button (the one next to the pinky)? "button5" doesn't work.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My "pinky" button is button 5.

    I found the name by setting that key to a bind fuction in the "keymapping" options. It's named "button 5" in keymapping. For binds the name was "button5", a little different I know. You probably have a different mouse than I so it's just a suggestion. Maybe it'll help. GL

    And yes, Focus is my favorite claws attack. It gets 11 out of 10 in the awesomeness catagory.