Lady Grey on A Dollar a Day! LGTF Guide!




After my 29th run of the Lady Grey Task Force last night, I decided to post a little guide of how my SG has managed to complete this TF sometimes 5 times a day, and always under 2 hours.

This is for any makeup of team, and any levels. Always easier when the team makeup includes at least 4 lvl 50s, in addition to any lowbies to sk/lk up.

*note, these methods require only one thing! Stealth of some sort, and TP friend, on the same character!*

Mission One: The Seer
Mission Time to complete: 5-10min
Requirements: Stealth, Invisibility, ShadowFall + TP Friend

All characters enter mission, The person stealthing and TPing, will run to the end hallway where the room is that Penny Yin is in. TP The whole team to the hallway. Promptly agro the whole room with your Tanks/Brutes/Pets etc. Once the two portal generators are down, the fun begins. Penny will go into a long dialogue, and the clockwork ambush will begin. Once Penny is done, she will be tied to a character as a follower. This is the point when you, most of the time, take her back to the entrance and defeat the Clockwork King. But no, Penny is a useless little girl! Lead her into the hallway, into the next room, and let her attack the Rikti. She will get killed, and you will auto-fail the mission. This will boot you all from the mission, and you all will get end-mish XP, and be on to the next one.

Mission Two: The Horseman Four
Mission time to complete: 15-25 min
Required: Stealth, Invisibility, Shadowfall + TP Friend

All enter mission. Stealth to the first rider room, and TP the whole group to the left hand side of the room, across from the rider - War. Once the group is buffed and ready, the Stealth/TPer stands back and does nothing. The group takes War out. This will open the doorway to be clicked on, and the Stealth/TPer can continue on to the next room.

Once in the next room, he will repeat the previous steps, go all the way to the end of the room, and to the right, there is a small hallway there. TP the team to the small hallway. and take our Famine first, the War this time, as Famine saps endurance. Once the mob is down, you can now click on the door, for the next room.

In the third room, go in and all the way to the left. There is an area near the pumping unit, you can TP all the team there. This room can get tricky. Take the mobs at the room entrance out first before you attack the rider mob. This will give you running room. In this rider mob, take the riders out in this order, if you can: Pestilence --> Famine --> War. Once the mobs are down, the next door can be clicked on.

The last riders are in a large room at the end of a hallway. The stealth/TPer will stop in the hallway where it seems there is an archway. The team TPs to here. Have a blaster/corruptor snipe the riders in this order if you can, or any order if they are bunched together. Death --> Pestilence --> Famine --> War. Once the riders are down, clear the last room, usually if the mob the riders were in is cleared. The mission is over, we have found sometimes the mob spreads a little, and we have to clear the room.

Mission Three: The Dragon
Mission Time to complete: 20-30 min
Requirements: None special

This mission is done the old fashioned way, fight! You will find the first hostage, Infernia. Once you clear her mob, she will spout what seems like an endless line of text, and it will seem it will never be done. All she is doing is keeping the team there until the ambush comes. Once the ambush is taken care of, she will follow the player she is bound to. What we usually do at this point, is half the team goes with Infernia, back to the entrance, and half goes down to the 4-way hallway where you find hostages.

The half that goes back with Infernia, will find Glacia usually near the entrance. Rescue her and lead both to the Mission Entrance door. Then rejoin the team.

The half that is getting hostages, the 4-way hallway leads to the remaining 6 hostages. Usually we have found that 4 are in the right and left halls, in the small rooms off the narrow corridors that run either way off the hallway end. No special tactics here, just find em and save em.

Down the middle hallway is Dra'Gon, the big honkin' Rikti boss. He's a pushover! In this room, you will usually find 2 hostages. Move around the room's edge and rescue the hostages first. They are easy, there is usually a Boss/Elite Boss and a Lt/minion on each hostage. Once done, your ready for the big boy!

Move the group back to the hallway, and snipe his happy butt! He will come to you. If you have debuffs, this it the time to use them! He goes down rather quickly with MM's in the group.

Mission Four: The Beast and the Sea
Mission Time to complete: varies, usually 20-30 min
Requirements: Melee damage very helpful

This mission is HAMIDON! He is easy, quick, and not very challenging. Here is how 'WE' do him, and it works rather well.

Fly, Jump, TP, whatever, down in front of a pylon. Agro the Rikti on the first pylon, just choose one, it doesnt matter at this point. Once the Rikti are down around this pylon, DO NOT DESTORY THE PYLON AT ALL, leave it there. Do not take out the other Rikti at this point. They will leave you alone!

Gather around the empty pylon now, and get your Scrappers/Stalkers/Brutes/Tanks ready. Your target, Mitochondria Antibodies! Yellow Mitos! A good Spine/Regen Scrapper, or Energy/Energy Brute wtih Fly, can take these down in like 2-3 hits. If they die, TP them back to the Pylon for a rez, awaken, or whatever floats your boat at this point. Just go from one yellow to the next, ignoring hami and the other mitos.

Once yellows are down, it's time to move onto the Sapper Mitos, Blues! Mitochondria Electrolytes! These little buggers like to sap endurance, but once the Yellows are down, it's time for ranged attacks! Target the first blue and hit it with everything you all have, it will go down in seconds, and then move on to the next blue and so on, until they are all down.

What's left, oh ya! Mending Mitochondria, Greens! These are very easy, just repeat the steps for the blues and your home free.

Now once all Mitos are down, you need to shift attention back to the pylons and Rikti. Go ahead and clear them all, we usually move in a clockwise direction around but whatever floats ya'. Once the pylons are down, time for Hami himself. It will take about 2-3 min, throw everything you have, debuffs, tar patch, holds, anything. He will go down swiftly.

Mision Five: Apocalypse
Mission Time to complete: 15-20 min
Requirements: Stealth, Invisibility, Shadowfall + TP Friend

All enter mission and stay on the first floor, except the Stealth/TPer. This person will go all the way to the end of the mission, where the hallway forms an 'L' before the last room, he will TP the entire group to this 'L'. Clear the mob behind you first, then taunt/snipe the mobs just inside the doorway into the hall and clear them, it makes this faster and easier.

Now you can see Hro'Dtohz just inside the waves of Rikti, and he is easy to get. Fly to the ceiling cap, using fly, hover, or jetpacks, if you can, if no one has fly, you will have to use a very long snipe. This is how I do it on my MM:

Fly using Jetpack, to the ceiling cap. Come down just enough to get in range of hitting Hro'Dtohz with my Nemesis staff power (Vet power) and hit him once. Then immediately fly back into the hallway and around the corner. If done correctly, he will come BY HIMSELF!

Once Hro'Dtohz is in the hallway, just take him down as you know how. he will go rather quick. At about 25% health, you will get the cut-scene of Hero 1 arriving. Ignore this for now, just finish this Rikti Sum-****** off.

Once he is down, heal up, buff up, and the sniper can do phase two.

Fly to the ceiling cap again, and repeat the steps to draw Hro'Dtohz, but this time target Hero 1. Beware!!!!!! Hero 1 can fly, and he will fly after you, get back to the hallway pronto! Once there, Hero 1 will be in tow, take him down. He is a little tougher than Rikti-boy, but he goes down rather quickly.

Now the two are down, and theres a room with lots and lots of Rikti left. You don't have to clear the room, just take the generators out. BEWARE!!!!!!! Each time you kill a generator, an ambush will come from the back hallway! We usually send a flying brute/tank, or a scrapper with fly, in to kill the Gens alone if they can survive. While the group deals with the agro from the ambushes. Once all four Gens are down, Bob's yer uncle, you get the screen for reward choices, and here's to hoping your rare recipe sells for 25mil!!!!

Once everyone exits the mission, call Lady Grey, and the team will disband. If you are being nice, go back to the base, and TP the team before you call her, that way you don't leave the lowbies (if you have some) out in Rikti-land without a LK/SK. Once done, you should have spent approx 1 hour 45 min, with the occasional downtime between missions. Start a new team, and rinse and repeat guys.

Between 4 runs of this last Saturday on my 50 MM, I ended up with the following:

Infamy gained from kills: 5,325,000
Infamy gained from selling Salvage: 690,000
Infamy gained from selling Recipe Drops: 9,250,000
Infamy gained from selling Rare Recipe: 38,000,000
*Note- not always will you get a good one, one day I got one that only sold for 10,000*
Merits earned from Rikti Kills: 385

Total Infamy earned in 4 runs of Lady Grey, totalling about 6-8 hours of play time: 53,265,000
*Edited 10-15, realized my totals were wrong!*

Not bad earning for one days play!

Enjoy guys, and your always welcome on my LG teams!

TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten



Great guide. By not taking out all the pylons before attacking hami, do you leave them all in stasis or something? Every team I have been on has taken out all the pylons and rikti first, and then gotten completely, repeatedly pwned trying to kill the mitos and hami -- it takes forever. So if you leave all the pylons standing do hami and the mitos not attack?

"Sometimes you have to roll the Hard Six." -- Adama
Teabagging Ms. Liberty -



Question for you on the salvage part, those numbers just cant be right. What kind of salvage were you getting because the bulk of the mobs on this thing drop tech salvage and that goes for next to nothing on both sides of the game so how did you get 6 million just from that?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Yeah. The totals all seem logical until the Salvage totals.
80% of the salvage i get during LG, are the commons that sell for 10-100 on the market... (250 at a contact) 600K in 4 runs seems more logical, not 6mil



It should be noted that when team members drop the following makup of 5 heroes can not beat the task force

1 tank, 3 scrappers and 1 controller.
(note: my scrapper was a claws/sr and the controller was a ill/kin)

This group of 5 went through most of the tf without the rest. We killed Hami and the Ritki AV, but we got stuck at the very end at Hero 1. Hero 1 used his invulnerably power at about a quarter health and he healed back to about half. This happened multiple times and it was basically a stalemate until the tank left the battle to go fight some Ritki and the scrappers couldn't handle the damage Hero 1 inflicted upon us. We yelled at the tank of course but it was too late. The scrappers went down and Hero 1 healed up to full. By this point it was about 2 am and we decided to scrap the tf. One of the scrappers and I did a glory charge on the rest of the Ritki and went down in glorious battle...then quit the tf and logged for the night.

So, I think the guild glossed over how difficult the Hero 1 boss fight can be. Something helpful to add would be how to get around his special invulnerability power.

Global Chat: @Prime Knight

Panthera Knight - Claws/SR/BM scrapper 50!!
Prime Knight - Mind/Kin/Psi controller 50!!
Pshun Keru - Triform peacebringer 50!!
Pius Knight - BS/DA scrapper +20
Kaiser Presul - Rob/FF mastermind +30



Sorry all, was on vacation and didnt see the questions and replies until today.

We have completed the TF with only 4 people left. But our makeup was the following when we did it.

1 50 MM Bot/Dark (debuffs from the dark sect work wonders on Hero 1)
1 50 Brute En/En (he can do hella damage!)
1 50 Dom Fire/Fire (The holds take on Hero 1 about 40% of the time, in dom, 80%)
1 36 Brute St/St (agro holder lackey'd)

You are correct, without the team makeup for debuffs, you can't beat Hero 1.

We did it, even through the invuln part, but we had debuff coming from the Dark Powers, and the Dark Servant. and Damage coming from 6 Bots, 2 Brutes, and the IO'd to the [censored] Fire Imps from the Dominator. He went down in 2 min.

On 10-15, I did notice the numbers were off, and I did edit them for that last run I did.




Mission Four: The Beast and the Sea
Mission Time to complete: varies, usually 20-30 min
Requirements: Melee damage very helpful

This mission is HAMIDON! He is easy, quick, and not very challenging. Here is how 'WE' do him, and it works rather well.

Fly, Jump, TP, whatever, down in front of a pylon. Agro the Rikti on the first pylon, just choose one, it doesnt matter at this point. Once the Rikti are down around this pylon, DO NOT DESTORY THE PYLON AT ALL, leave it there. Do not take out the other Rikti at this point. They will leave you alone!

Gather around the empty pylon now, and get your Scrappers/Stalkers/Brutes/Tanks ready. Your target, Mitochondria Antibodies! Yellow Mitos! A good Spine/Regen Scrapper, or Energy/Energy Brute wtih Fly, can take these down in like 2-3 hits. If they die, TP them back to the Pylon for a rez, awaken, or whatever floats your boat at this point. Just go from one yellow to the next, ignoring hami and the other mitos.

Once yellows are down, it's time to move onto the Sapper Mitos, Blues! Mitochondria Electrolytes! These little buggers like to sap endurance, but once the Yellows are down, it's time for ranged attacks! Target the first blue and hit it with everything you all have, it will go down in seconds, and then move on to the next blue and so on, until they are all down.

What's left, oh ya! Mending Mitochondria, Greens! These are very easy, just repeat the steps for the blues and your home free.

Now once all Mitos are down, you need to shift attention back to the pylons and Rikti. Go ahead and clear them all, we usually move in a clockwise direction around but whatever floats ya'. Once the pylons are down, time for Hami himself. It will take about 2-3 min, throw everything you have, debuffs, tar patch, holds, anything. He will go down swiftly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey - great guide for this TF - ran with it for the first time on Fri night & we finished in 2 hrs 24 mins. (We had a little bit of stealthing problems in the first mission & then Penny took her time dying).

Just one question that someone asked me for mission 4 - is there a reason we leave the pylons up & take on the mitos first?

Thanks for posting this guide - it works quite well.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I have a team on Pinnacle who are going to give this a try on Monday (or the next Monday) .. if we can find people to help us fill up our team

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question