Chimera's Accuracy
if I understand, from what I've been told, after a few purps, you've hit the defense cap.
Chimera just has really high accuracy cause of that inherent weapon draw stuff. The same for Infernal and Dominatrix, notice how they hit a lot more often than the others?
The inherient weapon shouldn't matter... it's like 5-10% higher accuracy. In order to beat out a floored defense from purples, it'd need something like 2000% inherient accuracy.
I have floored out infernal, but in the cov side, so I don't know if that's different. But I was able to pop 3 purples and easily not get hit.
But then again, Luminary as a Hero I was completely unable to floor with purples or even affect.
well, the draw weapon inherents don't have the same magnitude as ours, I would expect it to be higher, which still leads me to my other statement, ever notice how Chimera, Infernal and Dominatrix hit more often than the other Praeotorian AV's?
The defence cap is 350%, IIRC.
Not all sets with a redraw or "pop" animation get an accuracy bonus, but those which do get a bonus of 5%. To bust through capped defence that would have to be on the order of a 375% bonus (plus the EB's 75% base, minus 350% defence = 100% to-hit).
Incidentally, MA (no redraw) has a 10% bonus. The idea that accuracy bonuses are strictly to do with redraw times is a bit of a myth IMO.
I've gone up against Infernal, Chimaera and Dominatrix with an SR scrapper. None of them hit anything close to 100% of the time and SR can't post anything close to 350% defence, even in Elude. This is therefore a bug - just a very, very nasty one.
Does he use some autohit attacks, perhaps?
To bust through capped defence that would have to be on the order of a 375% bonus (plus the EB's 75% base, minus 350% defence = 100% to-hit).
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All player inherent connection buffs are accuracy buffs : that is, they are multiplicative. To bypass a capped Defense (and assuming no tohit buffs), they must be on a factor of 1500% (to reach the normal 75% connection rate) or 2000%.
Incidentally, MA (no redraw) has a 10% bonus. The idea that accuracy bonuses are strictly to do with redraw times is a bit of a myth IMO.
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Correction. Martial Arts was reduced to +5% accuracy in the same patch that made it not suck completely.
As to the OP: don't know what to tell you. My scrapper took him down during a normal Moment of Glory cycle.
Chimera's arrows are 1.4 BaseAccuracy, and his katana is 1.2 (for comparison, player katanas are 1.05). Defense cap varies by AT: Squishies are 175%, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Kheldians are 200%, Tanks and Brutes are 225% (these are all at level 50).
So however you look at it, unless Tormentoso got the streak from hell (feasible, but highly unlikely) that many Luck inspirations means that Chimaera should have been missing him on almost every hit. Definitely something up there.
Just type "/demorecord chimera" once you zone into the Chimera map. Rest should take care of itself - the recording will stop when you zone, but if you prefer, "/demorecord stop" works too.
Yeah, this does seem strange. If a number of Lucks are letting you dodge his Katana, you'll be hit more often by his Arrows, but not as much as you seem to be describing.
Thanks for the info.
Managed to record 3 attempts. With 8,11,16 purples.
Was beaten in 3 shots by his arrows. Not missed once.
Now, I have no idea what to do with the demos, but at least I got them if needed.
EDIT: they're abit wonky in position, but the point goes across. Also, the power icon display is not there so you cant really see all the purpled, but the part when I activated them is.

Do purples work agains AOEs?
Do purples work agains AOEs?
[/ QUOTE ]
I suspect that Chimera's bow attacks are auto-hit. I don't know why they would be, but there you are.
Could be another of those oh-so-fun decimal place errors. Perhaps someone entered his bow's 140% accuracy mod as "140" instead of "1.4".
I noticed the exact same thing when I fought Chimera (although I fought him before the EB oatch, so he was an archvillain). His bow would *ALWAYS* hit, right through my toggles stacked with perma-elude. The katana didn't give me much trouble. I suspect the bow is auto-hit, or it ignores defense at the very least.
~Virtue Server~
Naomi Lynx - lvl 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
-Paradox - lvl 21 Empathy/Dark Defender
Callous Jane - lvl 10 Ice/Energy Blaster
Wander Wraith - lvl 12 Dark/Dark Defender
Very interesting. So the arrows are auto-hit or the decimal was misplaced for them. We should PM Castle.
Wasn't really paying attention to it at the time, but I was able to solo Chimera EB with my MA/Inv. I know I had unstoppable and invincibility running. Pretty sure I popped some purples too, but I don't remember if he missed or not.
I've done Dominatrix twice and don't recall her drawing a weapon. She may not have missed, but I found her to be quite easy - never even hit dull pain, let alone unstoppable.
Oh wait, I know why he doesn't miss. He think you're a teammate.
Chimera's bow seems to be capped at 95% to-hit, regardless of what sort of defense you have or accuracy/to-hit debuffs he has. The best thing you can do is close to melee range and make him draw his sword, which functions normally.
Apparently the bow has a .4 tohit buff on it plus the .5 tohit buff from being an AV. Plus any level based differences.
That makes the formula something like ((.5 + .4 + .5) - def ) * acc.
Stipulating that the acc is 1 in this case and assuming Tormentoso is using a storm defender, we get a capped defense of 1.75.
So (1.4 - 1.75) should result in floored final acc, i.e. 5% chance to hit.
The pure number of attempts seem to indicate he shouldn't have been hit that many times.
Chimera is really good with his bow. Sure, he can still miss, but it won't be often.
Um... I have to agree with the other posters here. Chimera's accuracy appears to be auto-hit.
I attempted to solo the elite boss version of him a couple days ago with my FF/Rad defender. Even with Personal Force Field, Dispersion Bubble, and 4 purple inspirations going, he never once missed a shot with his bow. I stood there for several minutes just to be sure.
As it turned out, I had to call in help from a couple SG members to take him down. My build relies on defense, which seems to have no affect on Chimera.
The AV into EB that gave me the most headaches was Longbows Agent X. I was an EM/Nin stalker soloing him, and he had some insane Regen that was almost faster than I could Placate/Build Up/AS him. I was so happy when he finally activated MoG, and my next AS floored him.
So I've been working on soloing EBs (even cons) and I come across Chimera.
I pop 3 purples (+25% defense) and he owns me. He does not miss a shot.
I proceed to pop 4 purples, same thing.
At first I thought it was a bad streak, so I go again a few times with 4 purps and pay attention to him. He attacks and he hits me, no missing.
I keep increasing the number of purples I munch till I reach 12 purples (12*25% = 300% defense cap iirc). And he still kills me without missing a shot.
Is this working as intended? Or did I hit the worst streak in history.
If its working as intended, and I wish to solo him, whats the best I can do? Pop oranges instead?