Chimera's Accuracy




I thought defense past 95% didn't matter except for things that do -defense?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



I fought the EB version of him with my level 50 blaster a few days ago. He was level 50. I started out by popping 3 purps. He never missed. Then 4. Not a miss. Then 8. Again, no misses. I'd actually hover on in, hit him with a powerful alpha strike, fight as long as my greens lasted (since the purples made zero difference) and run out of the map to buy more inspies and try again. After the failed attempt with 8 purples, it dawned on me that if I just bought and used 8 oranges, that'd give me a +40% resist bonus, stacked to the ~30% resist from the electric shield in my ancillary pool. Worked like a charm ... I basically had a minute where his shots could only do about 30% damage (and 120 point hits are far easier to take than 360 point hits), and that turned the tide. Frankly, I just figured the developers wanted to demonstrate to us that some EBs/AVs just respond better to oranges than purples, and so they gave Chimera (and several other EBs) a massive, massive accuracy boost to drive the point home.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Um... I have to agree with the other posters here. Chimera's accuracy appears to be auto-hit.

I attempted to solo the elite boss version of him a couple days ago with my FF/Rad defender. Even with Personal Force Field, Dispersion Bubble, and 4 purple inspirations going, he never once missed a shot with his bow. I stood there for several minutes just to be sure.

As it turned out, I had to call in help from a couple SG members to take him down. My build relies on defense, which seems to have no affect on Chimera.

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Seriously? I soloed the even-level EB version with my MA/SR not too long ago. Granted, the fight only lasted about 90 seconds, but he *never* hit me. I don't recall exactly, but if there was anything on top of my toggles, it was just some inspirations -- not Elude.

I must've gotten really, really lucky or something ::shrugs::



You probably got Lucky, People's Fist.

My Elude and Toggles and passives are all 3-slotted with defense SO's, and even with Elude up and -6- Extra Lucks, Elite Boss Chimera auto hit me every single time.

I ended up just popping 12 enrages to cap myself, and then ran in and beat the crap out of him as quickly as I could, and then healed myself with greens every time he popped me one.

Even then, it took 2 tries to kill him.

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*




Seriously? I soloed the even-level EB version with my MA/SR not too long ago. Granted, the fight only lasted about 90 seconds, but he *never* hit me. I don't recall exactly, but if there was anything on top of my toggles, it was just some inspirations -- not Elude.

I must've gotten really, really lucky or something ::shrugs::

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There is a difference. Melee vs. Range. Chimera uses his sword in melee and his arrows at range. The sword seems to have normal accuracy, but the arrows appear to be basically auto-hit. Since you are a melee AT, it makes sense that he would not have been able to hit you much.

For my defender, it is a little bit different. I usually fight at range because I don't have the hitpoints or resistance to survive in melee against an elite boss.




Seriously? I soloed the even-level EB version with my MA/SR not too long ago. Granted, the fight only lasted about 90 seconds, but he *never* hit me. I don't recall exactly, but if there was anything on top of my toggles, it was just some inspirations -- not Elude.

I must've gotten really, really lucky or something ::shrugs::

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There is a difference. Melee vs. Range. Chimera uses his sword in melee and his arrows at range. The sword seems to have normal accuracy, but the arrows appear to be basically auto-hit. Since you are a melee AT, it makes sense that he would not have been able to hit you much.

For my defender, it is a little bit different. I usually fight at range because I don't have the hitpoints or resistance to survive in melee against an elite boss.

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This is funny. I soloed him succesfully only after I got him to switch to his bow. He was royally owning my BS/Inv in melee, and I ran and convinced him to start shooting me with his bow, even when I returned to melee range. He does way less damage with the bow, and I was able to outpace him.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Um... I have to agree with the other posters here. Chimera's accuracy appears to be auto-hit.

I attempted to solo the elite boss version of him a couple days ago with my FF/Rad defender. Even with Personal Force Field, Dispersion Bubble, and 4 purple inspirations going, he never once missed a shot with his bow. I stood there for several minutes just to be sure.

As it turned out, I had to call in help from a couple SG members to take him down. My build relies on defense, which seems to have no affect on Chimera.

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Seriously? I soloed the even-level EB version with my MA/SR not too long ago. Granted, the fight only lasted about 90 seconds, but he *never* hit me. I don't recall exactly, but if there was anything on top of my toggles, it was just some inspirations -- not Elude.

I must've gotten really, really lucky or something ::shrugs::

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He probably tried to take you down with his sword. Hit katana seems to work normally, its his bow that has 10000% accuracy.



Any chance Chimera is running a power similar to Focused Accuracy? (OK, so we can probably rule that out since the katana doesn't seem to be affected)? Maybe his bow attacks are heavily slotted for Accuracy?

Really, I'm just thinking out loud, but all the suggestions here seem to be assuming that base accuracy, AV bonus, and bonuses for weapon draw are the only things we're up against.

Maybe there's more to the equation.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



You probably got Lucky, People's Fist.

My Elude and Toggles and passives are all 3-slotted with defense SO's, and even with Elude up and -6- Extra Lucks, Elite Boss Chimera auto hit me every single time.

I ended up just popping 12 enrages to cap myself, and then ran in and beat the crap out of him as quickly as I could, and then healed myself with greens every time he popped me one.

Even then, it took 2 tries to kill him.

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Yie, Arc. My Blapper beat him twice 1v1 (both in the arc and in his personal mission) with a total of 8 purples (2 sets of 4) and some blues. I think he hit me twice with the sword in one fight and once with the bow in the other, and that was it. He was the easiest of the Praetorians for me.

Mother Mayhem was harder than he was, by great amounts. That auto-hit Dominate hurts, and you can't make her not use it in favor of something else.

Triumph: Ion Force (SG)
Victory: Evil Triumphs (VG)
Proud member of the Triumphant Defenders Coalition.



For the accuracy of Chimera's bow, think of Hami's Mitos. They can and do occasionally miss(in a couple of hours of taunting a yellow Mito for a magnitude test, I recorded 2 misses), but for all practical purposes, they are autohit.

It defies the instincts of squishies, but the only way to survive Chimera is in melee range.



Chimera is really good with his bow. Sure, he can still miss, but it won't be often.

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Not to do any badmouthing here. But doesnt it seem like this response totally glosses over the complaint. Cant we at least get this looked at? And not on your servers either, on the live servers would be preferable. In the past there's been differences....

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Chimera is really good with his bow. Sure, he can still miss, but it won't be often.

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...Heh, or it could be another misplaced decimal point

In any case... Hey DEF builds... do yourselves a favor and make friends with some Kinetic and Dark defenders. Enough Siphon powers or Darkest Nights stacked on any EB or AV can take their damage down to Liuetenant levels.



Its a complaint about something which is working as intended, castle isn't glossing over anything. Manticore is supposed to be a master archer so the ability to hit you almost reguardless of anything is fine especially since he's an AV and they all have unique attributes.



Chimera is really good with his bow. Sure, he can still miss, but it won't be often.

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Chimera killed my SR scrapper buffed by a FF defender in under a minute at level 50....with elude up, overslotted toggles, and one slotted passives (-lucky). His accuracy is too good.

Global Chat: @Prime Knight

Panthera Knight - Claws/SR/BM scrapper 50!!
Prime Knight - Mind/Kin/Psi controller 50!!
Pshun Keru - Triform peacebringer 50!!
Pius Knight - BS/DA scrapper +20
Kaiser Presul - Rob/FF mastermind +30



Um... I have to agree with the other posters here. Chimera's accuracy appears to be auto-hi

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I soloed the EB version and he did hit but defenitively not auto. I muched 6 lucks and managed to defeat him with my invuln/ss tanker.

Once the I7 def changes roll in, he will be WAY less annoying for def based builds, right now having such a high acc and the substractive nature of defense, he will make defense almost useless unless you swallow a loooot of lucks.



I poked _Castle_ again and he found that the bow is marked auto-hit at the moment. He is working internally to decide if this is a bug. He suspects it may be.




I'd have no problem with his bow having extra Acc for thematic reasons, but the fact that it does not care about 12 purples is disturbing.

I have to admit I did not test how tough he was. Once I got owned three times in a row after popping 3-4 purples, I sort of got more interested in his accuracy than beating him. So I went purple popping and getting hit over and over again by his bow.

Whenever I feel like beating him I'll head into melee to smack him around some. His sword did miss few times.



(Do I get a badge? )



I poked _Castle_ again and he found that the bow is marked auto-hit at the moment. He is working internally to decide if this is a bug. He suspects it may be.


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Someone let Mr. Fish get his hands on the server code?




Seriously? I soloed the even-level EB version with my MA/SR not too long ago. Granted, the fight only lasted about 90 seconds, but he *never* hit me. I don't recall exactly, but if there was anything on top of my toggles, it was just some inspirations -- not Elude.

I must've gotten really, really lucky or something ::shrugs::

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There is a difference. Melee vs. Range. Chimera uses his sword in melee and his arrows at range. The sword seems to have normal accuracy, but the arrows appear to be basically auto-hit. Since you are a melee AT, it makes sense that he would not have been able to hit you much.

For my defender, it is a little bit different. I usually fight at range because I don't have the hitpoints or resistance to survive in melee against an elite boss.

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This is funny. I soloed him succesfully only after I got him to switch to his bow. He was royally owning my BS/Inv in melee, and I ran and convinced him to start shooting me with his bow, even when I returned to melee range. He does way less damage with the bow, and I was able to outpace him.

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That was the same experience I had with my Inv Tank against the AV version of him. We had 3 scrappers and a Tank on the team (not, maybe, the ideal AV team, but it is what we had). Initially I was in melee range and his sword was taking big hunks out of my hide (and this was pre I5 too...), so I stepped back, the scrappers formed a wall and I taunted him from behind it. Worked like a charm.



Post deleted by LiquidAir



it's chimera .... he's not supposed to miss.


man .. i'd crap my spandex in surprise if one f his arrows whizzed by, missing me, and didn't kill some unsuspecting hero behind me by bulls-eyeing between his eyes.

CHIMERA!!!! ... forget about it.



We tried an experiment on the AV Chimera with my BS/SR scrapper and a rad/rad defender...

With toggles, Elude, and a LOT of purples, we pushed Quest's defense to 187%. The defender then gave Chimera a -40% accuracy.

I think she died in 5 hits, even with the team healing her. He never missed.

Edit: *baps self* Oranges. I didn't think of oranges. We wound up calling in an inv tank because I was the only melee character on the team and we couldn't beat him.



I poked _Castle_ again and he found that the bow is marked auto-hit at the moment. He is working internally to decide if this is a bug. He suspects it may be.

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That would explain a lot. Now I don’t feel nearly as bad when my Stormy gets up in his face with Hurricane and I watch him fling arrows into the Blaster’s face in the back.

~Khenti, Pinnacle
Carl and Sons/The Establishment
Crey Cryostorm – Lvl 47 Ice/Storm Controller
Hound of Belial – Lvl 39 Fire/Kinetic Corruptor