Things Lord Recluse would never say...




(can't remember if I, or someone else, has already done this but what the heck)

<singing> " I'm So Ronery
I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry"

Apologies to 'Team America, World Police'



"Now that's fresh brewed coffee from the hills of Columbia."



LR: Hey Earl!
Earl: Hey, Crab Man.
Lord Recluse speaking before his villains
LR: I am glad you could all be here today. Despite our combined power, we are still not strong enough to defeat Statseman and his accursed Freedom Phalanx. But today, that changes. We have a new powerful ally. One who will ensure our total world domination! I give you....
Lord Recluse dramatically holds up a small grey kitten
LR: Mittens McWiskers! Bwuhahahahahahahaha!
On televisions and computer monitors across Paragon City, Lord Recluse's face appears!
LR: Citizens of Paragon City! I have someone here who wants to talk to you!
The camera pans down to reveal Recluse's shirtless torso, which has been painted to look like a giant face, with a belly button mouth and nipple eyes. Lord Recluse speaks in a high pitched voice.
LR: Hey Kids! I'm Billy the Belly, and I'm gonna whistle you a song!
Lord Recluse starts to whistle a jaunty tune.



(can't remember if I, or someone else, has already done this but what the heck)

<singing> " I'm So Ronery
I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry"

Apologies to 'Team America, World Police'

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, that hasn't been done. On the live boards. I remember the guy on the beta boards that posted the whole song.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Recluse: Do you ever get that .... not so fresh feeling


Recluse: Sometimes I just wish men could really express their feelings.. *sigh*



*Lord Recluse's cell phone beeps*
Where you at?



And now, Statesman, you shall feel the--, [censored]. Line?

And now, Statesman, you shall feel the wrath of my gnomish armies. Did I just say gnomish? Gnomish armies? Really? Great, now we're gonna have to loop this AGAIN.

And now, Sta-- *splutters and bursts out laughing*

And now, Statesman, y-- my mask slipped. Makeup! Can-- I can't see. No, seriously, I think it's stuck.


Okay, wait, wait, wait. YOU'RE going to save the city? Well... That's what *I* was doing! No, really, I was all set to be the new superhero, I thought you were the bad guy!


(Sinister voice -- as if he could speak any other way) Ah, Statesman. How nice of you to drop in like this. Canape?


I hope you realize, you're paying for that Death Ray, Statesman. I've got lawyers! You wouldn't BELIEVE the number of laywers I've got.



And now, Statesman, you shall feel the--, [censored]. Line?

And now, Statesman, you shall feel the wrath of my gnomish armies. Did I just say gnomish? Gnomish armies? Really? Great, now we're gonna have to loop this AGAIN.

And now, Sta-- *splutters and bursts out laughing*

And now, Statesman, y-- my mask slipped. Makeup! Can-- I can't see. No, seriously, I think it's stuck.


Okay, wait, wait, wait. YOU'RE going to save the city? Well... That's what *I* was doing! No, really, I was all set to be the new superhero, I thought you were the bad guy!


(Sinister voice -- as if he could speak any other way) Ah, Statesman. How nice of you to drop in like this. Canape?


I hope you realize, you're paying for that Death Ray, Statesman. I've got lawyers! You wouldn't BELIEVE the number of laywers I've got.



Can you hear me now? Good.

Exactly how often SHOULD you wash a cod piece

I must be retaining water, my butt armor is a touch tight

Where is the frickin zipper on this thing.

Yes Mom, I am wearing clean underwear.



"Screw you guys. I'm going home."



*while assembled with the hierarchy of Arachnos* Okay, now, we've got our... GOOD GOD, WHO CUT THE CHEESE IN HERE???

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



Recluse> *cackles* And now Statesman, do you know what I and my allies will do to you and your precious Phalanx!?
Statesman> *trapped in a diabolical machine with the other Phalanx members* You've tried to kill us a hundred times Recluse and it never works!
Recluse> Kill you?! What're you dense? This is the year 2005! WE'RE GONNA SUE YA!



Lord Recluse stands over statesmen's body
Lord Recluse:I TOLD YOU! those are MY apple jacks!



LR, as Statesman lies on the ground, battered and bloody> 'Aha! You defeat has come, swiftly, and soundly. Now, as the strongest remaining super-powered being, I shall take over the world! But first... Want some Victory Cake? I had Widow bake it special... No? Sure? It's really good... You're certain? Okay... More for me... Oh, but, as I was saying... With you out of the picture, I -- Oh, god, this cake is amazing! *To GW* Great cake, hun! *Back to Statesman* Oh, right... Where was I? Oh, yeah... Eh... I've forgotten the rest of my speech... Uh... Awkward...? ... PWNT!'



*smacks statesman to the ground*
Hah ive defeated you! *laughs*
You Too can be like me Lord Recluse just drink Alpharade! You can be super strong and blast through heroes with ease Now in strawberry flavord and Moms approved! *not a good source of Calcium*



<Lord Recluse>Hah Statesman I have defeated you! Now i should poke you with a stick! *poke poke*
<statesman> Ouch ouch! *snaps the stick and gets up*
<Statesman> What Now!
<lord Recluse> PUNK *gets out a Wet Noodle* *smacks States man with it* *AS with the noodle*
<Statesman> *Slice Dead*
<Lord Recluse> Now back to my poking



"Huhuhuhuhuh uh cut it out dilhole."



Lord Recluse: Mako, pull... pull my finger!



And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling capes and their stupid anime cat-girl!
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you're about to put the final touches on your plan for revenge and you realize you've been fighting the Statesman in your underwear?
BRB -- Bio.
And you say this... "Amway"... will help me on the path to world domination?
AAAAH! TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP!!!!!!!!! *splat*
Anyone got any Awakens?
Wait.... plan? Since when do I have to make the plans?
Statesman -- can this wait? Divorce Court is on.



*looks at security monitor*
*mutes TV*
*presses intercom button*
um... Yes I know you called ahead for once, but can you comeback later States?




I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifi... what? Waynes World was on last night.


Holy <BEEP>! What happened to the cable? I was watching Fried Green Tomatos! WHO FORGOT TO PAY THE CABLE BILL?! *sigh* and it's not on again until 2am Sunday night. You know I can't stay up THAT late, I need my beauty sleep!


LR: You know what Mako? I think Snoopy was just a big attention seeking suck up.

Mako: ...


(to Ghost Widow)

Gee someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.



*to Baracuda* 1 7hil\ll< y0ur h4\/\/7

*to States* Hey soul brutha, lay down the war and give me some leather! *holds out hand like he was going to do a high five*

*on a broom in a tornado* EEEEEEEEeeeeee hee hee hee HEE!! *flying monkeys soar by*

*hand in hand with Black Scorpion, Mako, and Ghost Widow* Lions and tigers and bears; oh my!



"Seriously?Okay guys Mako wants to sing'Baracuda'.Does anyone else find this amusing?"



"Kill that shizzle with fire!"



"The Hills are Alive...With the Sound of Muuuusic!"
"And now, Paragon, since I've finally crushed the Freedom Phalanx, I can reveal my true identity!" *Attempts to remove helmet* "Damn it! It's stuck in my fur! Sonuvacrap! Mako! Get my scissors!"



Lord Recluse: I just want sharks with Freakin laser beams on their heads!

Captain mako: *puts a lasor on his head*

Lord recluse: YAY! ^_^


Lord Recluse: Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Everyone in the universe: *shocked, open-mouth looks*

Lord Recluse: What? Is there something on my spider-arms? A bit of human flesh?