Things Lord Recluse would never say...




Narrator: "As Lord Recluse infamy continues to rise, he is becoming quite a phenomenon here in the states. He has begun to do interviews with several talk show hosts here in the US. The following are a few of the clips."

*Lord Recluse on the Larry King Show*

LR: "As a villain, I'd rate myself above Magneto, but below the Red Skull. I believe I have great potential, but I think my lack of a nemesis at my level is hurting me. I mean Statesman is a great guy, but he's not Captain Amer..."

*Lord Recluse with Barbara Walters*

BW: "People claim that your criminal acts, and aggression against the people of the world have caused pain, suffering, and costless lost lives. What do you have to say for yourself."

LR: "Booyah!"

*Lord Recluse on Oprah*

Oprah: "Here's a before picture... Can you believe it? Lord Recluse weighed over 450 pounds, not counting his mechanical arms... as you see today, he's made an amazing recovery and is well on the way to be a respected villain. I think that's something to be proud of."

*Lord Recluse sobs uncontrollably* "I'm so... happy."

*Lord Recluse on Lives of the Rich and Famous*

LR: "And this is my bedroom... What the?!?! What are with all these egg sacks..."
GW: "They are our 10,000 children, I just laid them this morning."
LR: "Oh snap!"

Narrator: "Where will the Lord Recluse mania end?"



"Whatcha Gonna Do Statesman?Whatcha Gonna Do Bruther? When the largest privately funded army in the world and Arachnosmania Run Wild on You!?"



Lord Recluse: Soon you pitiful city well be reduced to rumble
Statesman: Not if I have anything to say about it.

*Statesman lands a punch at Lord Recluse*

Lord Recluse: WAIT! STOP! You freaken hit me, oh my god I cant believe you did that, that hurt it really did, its gonna leave a bruise I just know it.

Statesman: *speechless*

Lord Recluse: Does it make you feel good to hit people, do you feel like a big man now huh? Wreaking peoples pride? *Crys* I try sooooo hard but its never good enough and now you hit me for all that I doneĀ….why? *crys* why?

Statesmen: *sneaks Away*



"WOOT! First Post!"



"What's wrong Mako?"

Chin up, chin up
Everybody loves a happy face
Wear it, share it
It'll brighten up the darkest place
Twinkle, sparkle
Let a little sunshine in
You'll be on the right side
Looking at the bright side
Up with your chinny chin chin

Chin up, Chin up
Put a little laughter in your eyes
Brave it, save it
Even though you're feeling otherwise
Rise up, wise up
Make a little smile begin
You'll be happy hearted
Once you get it started
Up with your chinny chin chin!

Chin down
You can't come frowning
Turn around
Starting, clowning
Think sad - your trouble's double
Think glad - they burst like bubbles

Chin up, chin up
Every little time your spirits wilt
Chin up, chin up
Give your attitude in upward tilt
Twinkle, sparkle
Make a little fun begin
You'll be on the right side
Looking at the bright side
Up with your chinny chin - chin up!



Mako: What are we going to do tonight boss?

LR: The same thing we do every night Mako. Try and take over the world!
BS: Sir! We've discovered Stateman's true identity, we can now strike at his home.

LR: Excellence! I'll need a brown paper bag, some matches and some dog poop stat. This will be a day that the Stateman's won't soon forget

BS: .....
GW: My Lord Recluse, you've finally conquered the Rogue Isles once again, what are you going to do next?

LR: I'm going to DisneyLand!



Here is a great one

Lord Recluse: "NOOOOOO, It can not be! I have been vanguished by, by, COLDFIRE KAISER!!! NOOOOOO!"

Coldfire Kaiser: "Now give me the 5 bucks."



"Ah but is this tuna dolphin safe? Then get me some that isn't. I am just that evil."



Lord Recluse: AAAAHHHH!!! Gaurds! Ghost Widow! Mako! Someone! Anyone!

*Ghost Widow walks in with a black night gown on*

Ghost Widow: What is it?!?

LR: My nighty light is broken! I'M AFRAID OF THE DARK!

GW: *Sigh* Again?

Mako: Sir?

Lord Recluse: Yes, Mako?

M: Dosen't it bother you that Black Scorpien sits so close to you at the table?

LR: Why's that?

M: Becous, scorpiens eat spiders...

*Black Scorpien eyes Lord Recluse hungrily*

LR: No, I think we can manage...



"Is it just me or does everbody have fat days?" :outs while looking in the mirror::



*Singing* I am hot sticky sweet
From my head to my feet...



Lord Recluse: A few times I been round that track, but it aint gonna happen just like that, 'cause I aint yo hollaback girl...

Lord Recluse: Now, Statesman, we shall finish this once and for all.

Statesman: Lord Recluse! It doesn't have to be like this!

Lord recluse: No, it does! You took Sister Pysch from me! I loved her man!

Statesman:... No you didnt.

Lord Recluse: Well, alright then, I loved the candy she gave me.

Statesman: You hate chocolate.

Lord Recluse: Fine, I liked that she buffed me, if ya get my meaning *hip thrust*

Statesman:... Right, im gonna commit suicide now... Cant beleave I actually kissed her...



"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"



"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"



Now Statesman, before I kill you I am going to tell you my whole life story, for I believe that you are the only man alive who would understand me.
WAIT!!! Whats that sound? ... ICE CREAM!!!!
Iludium Pue 236 Explosive Space Modulator!!



::Sings along with the T.V.:: "Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? I really hope this is a Count Von Count heavy episode."



Lord Recluse: Now, Statesman, the great moment has come... we finally face in combat... wait... I got a call on my mobile phone...


Scirocco: My lord, why don't we ever leave the Rogue Isles?
Lord Recluse: Well, I... I fear water.


Lord Recluse: Ghost Widow, don't you think I should add some pink to my outfit?


Ghost Widow: Why do you look at me like this, my lord? Are you a necrophiliac?
Lord Recluse: Yes. No. What did you say? I didn't listen because I just wondered if you would lend me your lipstick...


Lord Recluse: Sorry, Ghost Widow. I feel so sick today. Can't we take over Paragon City tomorrow?


Lord Recluse: Ghoooost Widoooow!
Ghost Widow: Yes, my lord?
Lord Recluse: I have a very special task for you.
Ghost Widow: I feel honored.
Lord Recluse: Drive to Burger King and bring us some big tasty burgers....


Lord Recluse: Black Scorpion, do you think Ghost Widow has more sex appeal than me?


(Late night problems)
Lord Recluse: Ghost Widow, could you please stop reading the hero boards, turn off that laptop and join us for sleep?
Ghost Widow: Sorry, my lord. I'm dead. I don't sleep.
Lord Recluse: *sigh*
Scirocco: My lord, don't you want to take off your helmet while you sleep? Your snore resounds very strong in that helmet...
Lord Recluse: No, I never take off my helmet.
Scirocco: Could you please close your eyes then?
Lord Recluse: Why?
Scirocco: Because I can't sleep with that red glow in the dark!!!


Lord Recluse: Ghost Widow, do you think Spider Man will sue me for my logo?


Lord Recluse: Good morning, Miss. May I help you cross the street?


Mako: My lord, would you please stop impaling the meat balls with you spider arms?
Lord Recluse: Hey, do I complain about you shaking your sharkhead around with the meat balls between your teeth?


Lord Recluse: Scirocco, I know that you hide from me. Reveal yourself!


Lord Recluse: Could someone here take my fur to the cleaning?


Lord Recluse: Doooooooooooom! ED screwed me! I will never beat Statesman!


Lord Recluse: Oh, Statesman, it's you. Your timing is inauspicious. It's tea time!


Lord Recluse: Prepare our base for Statesman Strike!
Scirocco: My lord, we don't have a base yet.
Lord Recluse: What? *disbelieving look*
Scirocco: We couln't afford the high amount of prestige...


Lord Recluse: Lolz!


Lord Recluse: Ghost widow, r u h34lar?
Ghost Widow: No, my lord.


Lord Recluse: Mister, is there a convertible version of this Ferrari?
Ferrari Employee: No, Sir. Why do you ask?
Lord Recluse: Because my spider arms don't fit in this /=\/(|<!%& small vehicle!!!


Lord Recluse: This lag is going to kill me...


Lord Recluse: Damn! Ghost Widow doesn't want to be my bride. When will they fix this bug?


Negative One
PS: I can't stop laughing! It took me forever to write this...



LR: Ghost Widow, it has taken me years to realize my true feelings. I am sorry I could not help you in your time of need. I could have saved you from death and I could hold you in my multiple arms to this day. Ghost Widow, if only...IF ONLY I HAD BOUGHT LIFE INSURANCE!!!

LR: h4h4 73h n0085 g075 k!k'D !n d333z nu75!!!111!1!1 h4h4, $7@75m4n suXXors @!! nn!gH7 l0n9!!!111!!!11!11

LR: Coldfire Kaiser, can I borrow some cash. Could you PL me? I gotz my own bridge, Ghost Widow!



(( Apologies if some of these have been done before. ))
(Broadcast) Lord Recluse: Lv 14 Emp/Psy Defender LFT for FF
(Local) Lord Recluse chuckles darkly, waiting for his bait to be taken...
(TELL)-->Statesman: Can you SK me?



"Vote 4 Craban"



*pew pew*





"Jimmy cracked corn and now I care. How dare he crack my corn? Who does this Jimmy think he is? I decree that this Jimmy shall be hunted like a wild animal and killed for his corn cracking without a license. Get me the Corn Cob King this will be his test of loyalty and ability."



Recluse: That n00b-Buster666, that villains going to go places, I can tell.
Ghost Widow: He can't even spell!
Recluse: So? He can fight can't he?
Mako: I would hardly call "Hy! Dat stoopid Cobra came out of no where! Wut the heck!?" being good in a fight.
Recluse: SILENCE! Recluse has spoken!



*while looking at Ghost Widow* More than a woman... more than a woman to me...

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



::Lord Recluse sings in the shower:: "I've got legs and I know how to use them..."