Things Lord Recluse would never say...




"SO there I was covered in applesauce and babypowder..."



"Would someone turn on a light, please?"



::sings while dancing with midget arachnos soldier::

"You can dance if you want to..."



"I'll feel pretty, oh so pretty, just pretty and witty and..."



"I'll feel pretty, oh so pretty, just pretty and witty and..."

[/ QUOTE ]

XD Just imagining Lord Recluse sing that is just, it just cracks me up.

Luficia's Virtueverse Page



"Dude, seriously that's not cool. Not cool at all!"



"Tell me the truth, Ghost Widow. Does this suit make me look fat?"


LORD RECLUSE: "Well, it seems my plans for world domination have been squashed by that meddling Statesman."

*** The phone rings. ***

LORD RECLUSE: "Hello? Yes? Really? Well, that is good news." ** Hangs up. **
GHOST WIDOW: "What? What is it?"
LORD RECLUSE: "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico."


** Recluse stands over a beaten Statesman. **

LORD RECLUSE: "And now, my old adversary, it seems we-"

** Recluse starts snickering. **

STATESMAN: "Oh for-!"
LORD RECLUSE: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! He has something hanging out of his nose. It made me laugh. I'm sorry. Let's do it again."
DIRECTOR: "From the top!"


"I really had you going with that whole 'world domination' thing didn't I, States?"



You gonna finish those nachos, 'Rocco? Gawdam I love Chilli's. Best secret villain base EVER.



Recluse: *sitting in front of the TV*
TV: Who lives in a Pineapple under the Sea!

Recluse: SpongeBob Square Pants!

Recluse: *Standing on a defeated Statesman* Finally! Now, to finish you!

Ghost Widow: Hey Lord Recluse, Mikey Mouse is on!

Recluse: Mikey Mouse! I'll be right back!

Statesman: Hey! I wana watch!



*Lord recluse stands over Statesmans battered body* Now my beaten Foe...

States: w.w.w.What are you going to do now..?

Recluse stops and looks puzzled : You know, this might sound funny, But I really didn't think I would actually win!

*Lord Recluse looking in full lenght mirror* You know GHost Widow, I know what would truely make me look EVIL!

Ghost Widow: Oh? and what wouold that be my lord?

Recluse: An evil PINK TUTU!!!



I'm surprised Manticore aka Lord Recluse himself hasn't posted his own or laughed his butt off at this yet.

Luficia's Virtueverse Page



"NO! Widow I do not think I need my back waxed. Just braid it like normal."



Lord Recluse: "Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman. "
LR: Ghostwidow, this sushi is most excelent! By the way, have you seen Mako lately?
GW: <blink><blink> Ummm....about Mako......
LR: And now Statesman, I will tell you my ultimate plan of EVIIIL! If you just look over at this AMWAY catalogue, you can see we have many fine products.....
LR: GHOSTWIDOW! Have you seen my copy of the "Evil Overlords List"? I can't rule the world without it!



Isn't it sooo wierd how like every instance involves Ghost Widow. What is it about her that is sooo appealing???



"Man those Hellions have some really nifty codenames.I wanna be Char"



LR: I need a... CHANGE!

Scirocco: I don't think your hair can take another perm.



"I think I need a new evil catchphrase. How does 'I am one solitary and brooding eight-legged freak of evil' sound. I agree too long almost a monologue.'Oh what a tangled web' by default then."



Recluse: Ghostwidow. We have to talk.

Ghostwidow: Yes, Lord Recluse?

Recluse: I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and, well... I'm not sure how to say this, so I'll just say it.

Ghostwidow: Yes?

Recluse: ..................................... You need to wax your mustache.



"I'm too sexy for this game..."



<singing and dancing>"Aaaaaaaaaaaye Macarena!"



"I will love him and pet him and hold him and squeeze him and I will name him George!"



It's the whole "Dr. Drakken / Shego" dynamic (from Kim Possible for those post-children / pre-parents). At least, that's what I hear when I read the dialogues.



Recluse: Do you want to run this organization!?

Scirocco: Yes!

Recluse: Well..You can't!



Lord Recluse: Ghost Widow!

Sirocco: GHOST WIDOW GHOST WIDOW GHOST WIDOW! That's all I hear from you!

Black Scorpion: YAH! This is the first time I actually got my name on the forums!

Mako: Where is the bathroom? This base is too big!



Lord Recluse: Ghost Widow!

Sirocco: GHOST WIDOW GHOST WIDOW GHOST WIDOW! That's all I hear from you!

Black Scorpion: YAH! This is the first time I actually got my name on the forums!

Mako: Where is the bathroom? This base is too big!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahah! Nice one.