Defense bonus in Power Pools




States, very nice of you to come up with this solution. Slightly wondering why 2.5% dodge to Psi from power pools would be making your system suddenly screwy, but whatever, this covers most of the tanker sets.


You used past tense to describe the changes. Are they all completely done and currently working, or do you mean it's been added to the developer list of things to do? If the later, when is this fix planed to be released?

Will Super Reflexes be fixed to work with Fortitude, and to work properly with Force Field?

What about the remaining buffs (Steamy Mist, Superior Invis, etc) with positional defense? Will they be changed?

And finally: is the new typed defense equal in value to the previous values of positional defense? Will Combat Jumping, for example, give equal amounts of +def to ENERGY and to MELEE?



Taking your suggestions into account, I've added Defense to the Power Pools to EVERY single damage type EXCEPT Psi. In other words, the Pools are no longer limited to Smashing and Lethal.

Frankly, my original idea didn't account for the fact that some pools would have been situationally more useful to certain Tanker and Scrapper builds...This change addresses the inequality.

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It is really nice to see you addressing this player concern. Would it be too much to ask to also get the descriptions of the powers in game updated? I know that takes time but I am asking regardless because I think it is important.



It is really nice to see you addressing this player concern. Would it be too much to ask to also get the descriptions of the powers in game updated? I know that takes time but I am asking regardless because I think it is important.

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Agreed and also would it be possible to add in some info for endurance usage?



Good move Statesman!

Could we at least get your view on Steamy mist, Shadowfall and the other defender powers left in the cold?



All but Psi...interesting. Quick come PSI wasn't included?

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Because then powersets that have a psi-weakness like invul would stack up on psi-defense powerpools.

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Besides, a Ranged Psi attack would still be defended against by Ranged Def just like any other Ranged (type) attack.

Looking at this, it's a similar way of accomplishing what I had suggested in another thread. This would allow for the devs to make the highly mobile/agile defenses use positional def (and set those powers higher than type as appropriate). They'd also be able to do the same with Type defenses in relation to Positional.

The end result being the pool power defenses being useful to anyone who took them. This follows the logic that if I take a generic defense power and use it, it should have some level of useful effect.

This is one of their better changes IMO.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Taking your suggestions into account, I've added Defense to the Power Pools to EVERY single damage type EXCEPT Psi. In other words, the Pools are no longer limited to Smashing and Lethal.

Frankly, my original idea didn't account for the fact that some pools would have been situationally more useful to certain Tanker and Scrapper builds...This change addresses the inequality.

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It is really nice to see you addressing this player concern. Would it be too much to ask to also get the descriptions of the powers in game updated? I know that takes time but I am asking regardless because I think it is important.

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I'll 2nd, 3rd, 4th, whatever this. We will definitely need updated power descriptions detailing what each of the +Def powers do now. This will help with the goal of "No uninformed decisions".

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Taking your suggestions into account, I've added Defense to the Power Pools to EVERY single damage type EXCEPT Psi. In other words, the Pools are no longer limited to Smashing and Lethal.

Frankly, my original idea didn't account for the fact that some pools would have been situationally more useful to certain Tanker and Scrapper builds...This change addresses the inequality.

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Why not just have pool defenses (and buffs with incidental defense, like Steamy Mist and Shadow Fall) add to base DEF and be done with it? The only exception to this is Weave which makes thematic sense to stay melee/ranged/smashing/lethal - also, it's more defense than any other forms of pool defense, being a fourth-tier power without any upside such as stealth or manuverability.


Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Edit: yeah I goofed and moved my fingers before my eyes. Sue me!

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do you get all defensive instead of apologizing to Statesman for criticizing? Is it because you need to re-read what was said.



Parry and Divine Avalanche?

On the NDA boards these were only going to protect vs. one specific damage type - should they not recieve the same def vs. all but psi treatment the pools recieved?

Without breaking the NDA: We Probably should have Parry/DA use the same structure as the pools for the sake of consistency and to prevent problems with at least one class under NDA that can potentially use typed defenses with Parry-type powers.




Post deleted by Narcissus



Edit: yeah I goofed and moved my fingers before my eyes. Sue me!

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Why do you get all defensive instead of apologizing to Statesman for criticizing? Is it because you need to re-read what was said.

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Because having the same person repeat the same thing as 3 people above them gets annoying.

Not that it matters because you probably have no clue what the rest of my original post meant.

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Dude, I think you need to re-read what Statesman said, you totally missed the point.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I think the last few people pointing this out have been yanking your chain...



Good move Statesman!

Could we at least get your view on Steamy mist, Shadowfall and the other defender powers left in the cold?

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I would also really like to see the steamy mist and shadowfall powers addressed, as powers that grant defense.



Yolks on me for posting before morning coffee



Cool. I know an Ice Tanker. He'll appreciate this, though I'll have to explain the finer points of why it was necessary...


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Could someone explain it to ME? PM or something? I'm running a 32 ice/em atm, and, just for example, got out-tanked twice last night by khelds. Not by a a lot. This is my 5th tank...I know what I'm doing, but there are just situations where this guy is going to faceplant where other tanks would still be smiling and poinding stuff.

If running power pools is going to help, I'll load up on some in my respec, but I'd like to be able to know wth I'm talking about when i do.

I'm a computer engineering major...and even I cannot penetrate the ever-changing rules and requirements, stipulations and loopholes of the defense based wonder people prefer plain old resistances. If nothing else, this is a good move because it makes things simpler, and simple=good a vast majority of the time.



Taking your suggestions into account, I've added Defense to the Power Pools to EVERY single damage type EXCEPT Psi. In other words, the Pools are no longer limited to Smashing and Lethal.

Frankly, my original idea didn't account for the fact that some pools would have been situationally more useful to certain Tanker and Scrapper builds...This change addresses the inequality.

[/ QUOTE ]

But States, seriously this doesnt help becuase of what you are doing with...

oh wait.




Cool, this will help me choose my build a bit better.



Taking your suggestions into account, I've added Defense to the Power Pools to EVERY single damage type EXCEPT Psi. In other words, the Pools are no longer limited to Smashing and Lethal.

Frankly, my original idea didn't account for the fact that some pools would have been situationally more useful to certain Tanker and Scrapper builds...This change addresses the inequality.

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But States, seriously this doesnt help becuase of what you are doing with...

oh wait.


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NDA indeed. Can't wait for the flames on the CoH boards to reach fusion temperatures too. Eh, no guarantees yet, but it COULD happen...

Edit: Minutes after i post this Cuppajo is allowed to announce the change on the CoH boards. NDA is now irrelevant. i don't see that the change will change the defense bonuses much, since i never considered the defensive aspect of most pool powers worth slotting. Most.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Ouch poor states....never gonna get a break until he is no longer associated with COH :P.

Nice change.

There still might be some other issues to address but this definitely shows your listening and working on fixing them.

I hope the overly negative posters realize this. Keep up the good work

AND....when your done with the balancing of COH/COV take my advice and take a vacation :P....goodness knows your gonna need it.

For now....onto more power fixes.



end result. defense is getting another nerf so these boosts won't even return values to i5 levels.

bait and switch. thanks jack.



Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility,Combat Flight, Weave, Maneuvers, Vengeance, and Combat Jumping will grant a Defense bonus to Smashing and Lethal Attacks in addition to Melee and Ranged attacks.

I added the same to Controller/Illusion/Group Invisibility.

The result of this is that ALL defense builds will benefit from Pool powers. Previously, Ice Tankers suffered somewhat because the Pool defenses did not stack with their defense powers. This is now rectified.

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I am sorry you are incorrect.

If an attack is made by the user of a power with these, or is attacked then the defense bonus is negated(supressed) as per the latest patch.

In addition a user who uses these powers on another or is under the effects of these powers.....if they are currently using specific powers(such as toggles or ones that are considered attacks which is many of them in this game), then the stacking as you like to call it, will also be supressed.

In essence you need to read your own notes.

The Tanks will suffer due to....

BAh bah bah bah...

The inhearent taunt effect from their own shields which is considered an attack...therefore......those powers mentioned will not stack at all.

Unless of course this is an added defense that does not supress....but i somehow doubt that.


The Ice Tanker still suffers as do all other Tanks.

Thank you for playing.



Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility,Combat Flight, Weave, Maneuvers, Vengeance, and Combat Jumping will grant a Defense bonus to Smashing and Lethal Attacks in addition to Melee and Ranged attacks.

I added the same to Controller/Illusion/Group Invisibility.

The result of this is that ALL defense builds will benefit from Pool powers. Previously, Ice Tankers suffered somewhat because the Pool defenses did not stack with their defense powers. This is now rectified.

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Not even close jackass. Pure defense is still very much inferior to pure resistance. There is no powerset in the game that has pure resistance. Fire tanks have damage, Invulnerability tanks have defense and healing, sonic defenders and controllers have resistance debuffs and/or control powers. So any "resistance based" set clearly outshines Super Refelexes. Add in the godawful enhancement nerf that's coming, and they get screwed even more. If you don't like super reflexes, just say so and delete that powerset. If you don't hate them, and don't enjoy seeing them struggle, then take another look at the truth, and change them. Quit nerfing their guts out.



end result. defense is getting another nerf so these boosts won't even return values to i5 levels.

bait and switch. thanks jack.

[/ QUOTE ]

This does fix a couple problems and I think it might play a role in future changes.

Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility,Combat Flight, Weave, Maneuvers, Vengeance, and Combat Jumping will grant a Defense bonus to Smashing and Lethal Attacks in addition to Melee and Ranged attacks.

I added the same to Controller/Illusion/Group Invisibility.

The result of this is that ALL defense builds will benefit from Pool powers. Previously, Ice Tankers suffered somewhat because the Pool defenses did not stack with their defense powers. This is now rectified.

I am sorry you are incorrect.

If an attack is made by the user of a power with these, or is attacked then the defense bonus is negated(supressed) as per the latest patch.

In addition a user who uses these powers on another or is under the effects of these powers.....if they are currently using specific powers(such as toggles or ones that are considered attacks which is many of them in this game), then the stacking as you like to call it, will also be supressed.

In essence you need to read your own notes.

The Tanks will suffer due to....

BAh bah bah bah...

The inhearent taunt effect from their own shields which is considered an attack...therefore......those powers mentioned will not stack at all.

Unless of course this is an added defense that does not supress....but i somehow doubt that.


The Ice Tanker still suffers as do all other Tanks.

Thank you for playing.

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Only half of those are supressable...the stealth powers....the other powers would still stack in cases they wouldn't before....correct?



yay! rejoice the pool powers!



Edit: This will certainly bring back the issue with 30 sec phase shift to the concealment pool.



Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility,Combat Flight, Weave, Maneuvers, Vengeance, and Combat Jumping will grant a Defense bonus to Smashing and Lethal Attacks in addition to Melee and Ranged attacks.

I added the same to Controller/Illusion/Group Invisibility.

The result of this is that ALL defense builds will benefit from Pool powers. Previously, Ice Tankers suffered somewhat because the Pool defenses did not stack with their defense powers. This is now rectified.

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Sweet! I bet if you hadn't nerfed us, you'd have never realized these powers were broken to begin with! Thank you, issue 5!

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