Defense bonus in Power Pools




As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll start with echoing "band aid".

Beyond that, I have to wonder about the statement above. I have a memory of people testing various defense combinations very early in the game and seeing them stack. Force Field Defenders used to actually see an improvement when running Maneuvers, right? SR scrappers used to have more survivability when they had Fortitude laid on them, right?

The belief currently is that the double-defense "fix" for multiple-damage-type attacks is the source of the current problem. A previous fix introduced the change that is preventing positional and typed defenses from stacking. Is this belief wrong?



Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility,Combat Flight, Weave, Maneuvers, Vengeance, and Combat Jumping will grant a Defense bonus to Smashing and Lethal Attacks in addition to Melee and Ranged attacks.

I added the same to Controller/Illusion/Group Invisibility.

The result of this is that ALL defense builds will benefit from Pool powers. Previously, Ice Tankers suffered somewhat because the Pool defenses did not stack with their defense powers. This is now rectified.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why just smashing/Lethal? I mean, if it provides defemse to melee and ranged attacks, that seems to be a greater percentage of damage coming in than just smashing/lethal...wouldn't making it defense to smashing/lethal and energy/negative energy be a bit more on par? (Of course, I'd love to see psi defense too since that seems to be kryptonite to all but a few...but I know that's asking for too much)

Also, what about the defender powers that grant defense? Are those only buffing one type of defense as well?



Combat Flight

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa, did Hover get a new name while I wasn't looking? ;-)

Letting the power pool defenses stack with more of the primary/secondary defenses does give the pool powers more flexibility, rather than added power, which I think was their goal here.

Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.

[/ QUOTE ]
And look what happened...



I'm still not sure why DEF stacking can't simply boil down to: For each DEF power in effect, do any of its types (positional or damage) match any of those of the incoming attack. If yes, its DEF adds with that of any other current effect which passed the test. If no, ignore it. So a power like Combat Jumping which gives MELEE/RANGE would stack its 3% to the sum against any attack that was MELEE or RANGE - regardless of any other considerations. How hard is that?



Again, I ask why it's not possible to turn the power pools into across-the-board defense. You're already adding classes, is it somehow impossible for all classes to have a non-zero value?

What about Defender powers that give a boost to defense like Shadow Fall? Or the Illusion powers for Controllers?

[/ QUOTE ]
Steamy Mist and Shadowfall are not on his list of fixed powers. So, we can probably assume that defenders are still screwed. But on the upside, Illusion Controllers had their friendly buff fixed for Group Invisibility, because as we all know, Controllers are supposed to be the ones with great team buffing ability.



How hard is that?

[/ QUOTE ]
Apparently hard enough to not warrant the time investment at this time.



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.

[/ QUOTE ]
And look what happened...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, my point is that history shows its not hard to change, so I don't buy what Statesman is trying to sell in that statement.

Its simple. A hose on your car's engine spring a leak, do you patch it with a band-aid and forget it ever happend? Or do you replace the hose?



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.

[/ QUOTE ]
And look what happened...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, my point is that history shows its not hard to change, so I don't buy what Statesman is trying to sell in that statement.

Its simple. A hose on your car's engine spring a leak, do you patch it with a band-aid and forget it ever happend? Or do you replace the hose?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why you change the transmission of course!



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.

[/ QUOTE ]
And look what happened...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, my point is that history shows its not hard to change, so I don't buy what Statesman is trying to sell in that statement.

Its simple. A hose on your car's engine spring a leak, do you patch it with a band-aid and forget it ever happend? Or do you replace the hose?

[/ QUOTE ]

But your assuming that this one change will be the only fix ever done for it. Personally, I'd patch the hose with a band-aid long enough for me to actually get a chance to replace the hose. And while it may not certainly be hard to change, it IS hard to change and do it *RIGHT*.

Plus, people are already upset because they "had" to make changes for I4 and I5. If the Dev team went and completly reworked defense, do you honestly think people are going to be happy about having to change their characters again?



For those interested, straight from StarShield's excellent post on the matter, here's a list of power combinations which will remain [censored] even after this "fix".

Illusion Control: Group Invisibility (MELEE/RANGE):

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Empathy: Fortitude
- Invulnerability: Invincibility
- Invulnerability: Tough Hide
- Ice Armor: Wet Ice
- Ice Armor: Energy Absorption
- Stone Armor: Granite Armor
- Force Field: Dispersion Bubble
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Does not ever stack with:
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will

Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist (MELEE/RANGE):
Dark Miasma: Shadowfall (MELEE/RANGE):
Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility (MELEE/RANGE):

Do not ever stack with:
- Empathy: Fortitude
- Invulnerability: Invincibility
- Invulnerability: Tough Hide
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Ice Armor: Wet Ice
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Ice Armor: Energy Absorption
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Stone Armor: Granite Armor
- Force Field: Dispersion Bubble
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Force Field: Deflection Bubble(MELEE/SMASH/LETHAL)

Does not ever stack with:
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will

Force Field: Insulation Bubble(RANGED/FIRE/COLD/ETC)

Does not ever stack with:
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- All Power Pool Defenses
- Leadership: Maneuvers
- Leadership: Vengeance
- Leaping: Combat Jumping
- Flight: Hover
- Concealment: Stealth
- Concealment: Grant Invisibility
- Concealment: Invisibility
- Illusion Control: Group Invisibility

Does not ever stack with:
- Dark Miasma: Shadowfall
- Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Regeneration: Moment of Glory
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Super Reflexes: Elude
- Dark Armor: Cloak of Darkness
- Devices: Cloaking Device
- Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility

Force Field: Dispersion Bubble(AOE/FIRE/COLD/NEG/NRG/PSY/SMASH/LETHAL)

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- All Power Pool Defenses
- Leadership: Maneuvers
- Leadership: Vengeance
- Leaping: Combat Jumping
- Flight: Hover
- Concealment: Stealth
- Concealment: Grant Invisibility
- Concealment: Invisibility
- Illusion Control: Group Invisibility

Stacks only against AOE
- Super Reflexes: Elude

Does not ever stack with:
- Dark Miasma: Shadowfall
- Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Dark Armor: Cloak of Darkness
- Devices: Cloaking Device
- Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility



I'm still not sure why DEF stacking can't simply boil down to: For each DEF power in effect, do any of its types (positional or damage) match any of those of the incoming attack. If yes, its DEF adds with that of any other current effect which passed the test. If no, ignore it. So a power like Combat Jumping which gives MELEE/RANGE would stack its 3% to the sum against any attack that was MELEE or RANGE - regardless of any other considerations. How hard is that?

[/ QUOTE ]

This goes back to the original issue though. Take, for example, a smashing/energy melee attack. If we use your system to take this attack versus an Ice tanker who has both FA and GA, then you would take the smashing defense of FA, and add it to the energy defense of GA. This should not be happening, as it should only calculate against the better of the two. Now, I agree that if you have both melee defense, and smashing defense, these two should stack against this attack. So if this particular Ice tanker had weave and FA running, they should both be adding to the same defense value against this attack.

I would ask the same question to Statesman, why only S/L defense in weave, combat jumping, etc.? If I have made myself nimble enough to dodge a bullet, why am I not nimble enough to avoid and energy beam, or an icicle thrown at me?

I just find it funny that people without defense will gain more use out of these powers than people who already have a bit of defense. This is indeed a band-aid on the issue, and while appreciated, I do not think that it is even close to what this community was asking for.

I think I would have been much happier if a Dev had come out and said, "We do not have a fix for this issue yet. It will take some time to rework defense so that all characters can benefit at least a little from every power. We did not want a quick solution to this issue, but wanted to do it right. Thus, while no fix exists right now, we are working on the issue, and will let you know you know when we have a system that we think will work."

This would have let me know that the issue was thought through, and would have been better than the "quick fix" that they seem to use all the time instead of fixing the entire system. We still have powers that are in limbo for who they are helping and who they aren't. And the fact that several pool powers are not helping versus all attacks I think is just silly. I'd much rather have the Devs take their time and fix the system right, rather than putting some duct tape on the sinking ship and saying that it's fixed.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



For the record, I think that the combinations of Ice Armor and Force Field bubbles should be taken off of that list. At least the ones that they don't stack with. Basically, Insulation shield is on that list as not stacking with FA, and it should not stack with this power, because they are supposed to protect versus different things. Thus, they do "stack" in that they are side-by-side defenses, but not on top of each other. That is the only reason that I would take these off of there, just to avoid confusion.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



This goes back to the original issue though. Take, for example, a smashing/energy melee attack. If we use your system to take this attack versus an Ice tanker who has both FA and GA, then you would take the smashing defense of FA, and add it to the energy defense of GA. This should not be happening, as it should only calculate against the better of the two.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the original issue was that DEF powers that provided both SMASH and NRG defense - like Dispersion Bubble - were counting *twice* against such attacks. My proposal would not allow any one power to apply twice. But I see no reason why both of the Ice Tankers armors should not apply against an attack against which both are applicable. Its not like Ice Tankers (or non-Granite Stone Tankers) are overpowered at present...

The only real problem I see here is with FF Deflection and Insulation stacking against energy attacks. But if they were made solely MELEE (Deflection) and RANGE(Insulation) - and stacking worked as I requested - then even that would not be a problem.



This goes back to the original issue though. Take, for example, a smashing/energy melee attack. If we use your system to take this attack versus an Ice tanker who has both FA and GA, then you would take the smashing defense of FA, and add it to the energy defense of GA. This should not be happening, as it should only calculate against the better of the two.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the original issue was that DEF powers that provided both SMASH and NRG defense - like Dispersion Bubble - were counting *twice* against such attacks. My proposal would not allow any one power to apply twice. But I see no reason why both of the Ice Tankers armors should not apply against an attack against which both are applicable. Its not like Ice Tankers (or non-Granite Stone Tankers) are overpowered at present...

[/ QUOTE ]

While you'll get no argument from me about Ice tankers, I do not think that this system would be good. This might just be something that we can agree to disagree on though. I do not think that any two defense powers in a set should stack with each other (with the caveat of powers that are supposed to stack with each other, like dispersion bubble and IS). Thus, FA would not stack with GA because they are supposed to handle different things, but both would stack with Wet Ice (if you consider a 1% boost to be stacking) because WI is supposed to cover everything but Psi and toxic. I hope that makes sense, but I am a little sleep deprived, so it might not. Basically, I think that powers in a set should not double-count towards defense, but that power pool defenses should stack with everything else out there.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was changed before.

[/ QUOTE ]
And look what happened...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, my point is that history shows its not hard to change, so I don't buy what Statesman is trying to sell in that statement.

[/ QUOTE ]
It was easy to change in the first place?

It would not be hard to change again?

There would not be as many questions, irregularities, bugs, etc., as there was when they changed it the first time?

There is enough resources to shift effort into this area to re-work the game engine again?

C'mon, Circeus. You're way smarter than that. Sure there is a possibility that the answer to some or all of those questions is "yes". But how do you know that the answers are not "no"?

Your point is that history shows it's not hard to change. How so? Just because they did manage to change it, doesn't mean it was easy.

Hell, there was all kinds of bad crap (i.e. non-stacking defense issues) that came out of the change. How do we know that more of that kind of crap wouldn't be headed our way if they tried to "fix" it again. Personally, I would prefer a band-aid, rather than a shiny new leaky hose.



If you're going to insist on a band-aid, then, why not make the band-aid actually match the size of the wound?

In case you missed it the first time :

Illusion Control: Group Invisibility (MELEE/RANGE):

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Empathy: Fortitude
- Invulnerability: Invincibility
- Invulnerability: Tough Hide
- Ice Armor: Wet Ice
- Ice Armor: Energy Absorption
- Stone Armor: Granite Armor
- Force Field: Dispersion Bubble
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Does not ever stack with:
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will

Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist (MELEE/RANGE):
Dark Miasma: Shadowfall (MELEE/RANGE):
Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility (MELEE/RANGE):

Do not ever stack with:
- Empathy: Fortitude
- Invulnerability: Invincibility
- Invulnerability: Tough Hide
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Ice Armor: Wet Ice
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Ice Armor: Energy Absorption
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Stone Armor: Granite Armor
- Force Field: Dispersion Bubble
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Force Field: Deflection Bubble(MELEE/SMASH/LETHAL)

Does not ever stack with:
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Ice Armor: Glacial Armor
- Stone Armor: Crystal Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will

Force Field: Insulation Bubble(RANGED/FIRE/COLD/ETC)

Does not ever stack with:
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Ice Armor: Frozen Armor
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Stone Armor: Rock Armor
- Stone Armor: Mineral Armor
- Blaster Epic : Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Cold Mastery: Frozen Armor
- Controller Epic: Psionic Mastery: Indomitable Will
- Controller Epic: Stone Mastery: Rock Armor

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- All Power Pool Defenses
- Leadership: Maneuvers
- Leadership: Vengeance
- Leaping: Combat Jumping
- Flight: Hover
- Concealment: Stealth
- Concealment: Grant Invisibility
- Concealment: Invisibility
- Illusion Control: Group Invisibility

Does not ever stack with:
- Dark Miasma: Shadowfall
- Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Regeneration: Moment of Glory
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Super Reflexes: Lucky
- Super Reflexes: Evasion
- Super Reflexes: Elude
- Dark Armor: Cloak of Darkness
- Devices: Cloaking Device
- Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility

Force Field: Dispersion Bubble(AOE/FIRE/COLD/NEG/NRG/PSY/SMASH/LETHAL)

Stacks only against SMASH/LETHAL
- All Power Pool Defenses
- Leadership: Maneuvers
- Leadership: Vengeance
- Leaping: Combat Jumping
- Flight: Hover
- Concealment: Stealth
- Concealment: Grant Invisibility
- Concealment: Invisibility
- Illusion Control: Group Invisibility

Stacks only against AOE
- Super Reflexes: Elude

Does not ever stack with:
- Dark Miasma: Shadowfall
- Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist
- Katana: Divine Avalanche
- Broadsword: Parry
- Super Reflexes: Focused Fighting
- Super Reflexes: Focused Senses
- Super Reflexes: Agility
- Super Reflexes: Dodge
- Dark Armor: Cloak of Darkness
- Devices: Cloaking Device
- Illusion Control: Superior Invisibility

That's a hell of a lot of places that are either under adhesive or completely uncovered. But there are band-aids that can work.

Make all defense positional - just set all typed to 0, and give melee/ranged defense to all defense powers.

Make all defense typed - set positional defense to 0, and give all defense powers typed defense. Give power pools defense for all types of damage.

Make all power pool +DEF powers, Controller + DEF powers, and Defender +DEF powers cover everything. Set all positional and typed defense to the same value.



No, I believe Statesman is saying that all power pool defenses, in parallel with providing melee/ranged defense, will also be providing smash/lethal defense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep. That's what it meant.

As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.

As for why only S/L? Because in these powers, that simply made sense - and because of the prevalence of S/L damage throughout the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's a suggestion:

Make all +DEF powers linked to ATTACK TYPE only

Make all +RES powers linked to DAMAGE TYPE only

It seems to make sense. Defense is related to the method of delivery. Resistance is related to what happens IF you get hit.

This could be implemented with little or no change to the current DEF and RES systems. All that would be needed are some power tweaks. Actually, the DEF and RES systems would be greatly simplified. At worst, the system could be used as is, with some superfluous code in place (i.e. calculations for damage-type-related DEF, etc.). The system would run as it is now, and the extra code could be slowly peeled off at leisure (which would only increase the system's efficiency).

If there was an odd power that, for example, gave +DEF vs. psi attacks, it would need to be changed either to a +RES vs. psi, or to be tied to ranged attacks, whichever makes more sense.

The question would be, of course, would these tweaks be worth a better, more efficient, more common-sense system?

Although I greatly appreciate the step in the right direction, it's time to dump typed defense. It makes perfect sense for damage resistance to be typed, and it makes good sense for defense to be positional.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see that BillZBubba had a similar comment earlier.



Here's a suggestion:

Make all +DEF powers linked to ATTACK TYPE only

Make all +RES powers linked to DAMAGE TYPE only

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly what I proposed prior to Statesman saying that changes to the defense system would be too hard and break too many things.

Read his post as, no way, man, we're using typed defense in CoV as well, we're not going back now. Too many power changes.

Doesn't really matter that it WOULD simplify the combat system, and that it WOULD make a helluva lot more sense than having damage resistance be ONLY typed while defense is typed, or positional, or both.

Yea... fark a bunch of logic. Fix things for now with a bandaid. It's just a flesh wound after all.

(But your arm's off! No it isn't.)

Be well, people of CoH.



I like the idea of all +DEF being positonal and all +RES being typed.

But ... thematically that makes ice armor, stone armor, and SR all bascially identical sets. That could be fixed by keeping SR as is, and adding a bit of resistance to the tanker defensive armors (cold/energy RES to ice and smash/lethal RES to stone)

Making +DEF all positional (melee, ranged, aoe) would make defense MUCH easier to understand in addition to fixing the stacking problem.




If you're going to insist on a band-aid, then, why not make the band-aid actually match the size of the wound?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not insisting anything. I quite agree that things could have been done better.

So what was the point of re-posting all that? I have been following this issue very closely this whole time.

I never said that the current band-aid is adequate. I am aware of all the holes.

All I'm saying is I'd rather have a band-aid at this point. This is mostly because I don't have the faith that a complete re-work of the system will come out any better, with any less issue that we currently have. Remember, this all came about becuase they were trying to "fix" something.

Again, what was the point of re-posting all of that? To insult me?



Folks, let's nip something in the bud here:

There is absolutely NO point for us to be fighting amongst ourselves on this issue. There is absolutely NO point to be insulting to one another.

In America we've already let the democrats and reublicans set the populace at each other's throats, when THEY are the true enemies of the nation. We shouldn't let the same happen here.

We have a broke-[censored] convoluted combat system that needs an overhaul before CoV goes live.

Someone stated earlier that if we were to make all defense positional, then Ice, Stone and SR would all be the same set. They'd be more similar, yes, but quite frankly the only difference between many sets is animations anyway if you really get down to it.

In my opinion, getting rid of typed defense is the best and most logical solution.

Would it take a lot of work? Yes. Would that work be well worth it for everyone in the end? HELL YES.

Be well, people of CoH.



In America we've already let the democrats and reublicans set the populace at each other's throats, when THEY are the true enemies of the nation.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure it's any worse than the state of affairs we gots up here! *grins*

Ahem, back on topic:

Someone stated earlier that if we were to make all defense positional

[/ QUOTE ]
Somehow, this makes all the best sense to me.

For example, why would anyone need to defend against fire if they can resist it?

If you could get out of the way of a cone flamethrower, wouldn't it stand to reason that you could get out of the way of a cone of ice pellets?

I dunno, it just makes more sense to me defense should only be melee, ranged, and AoE. Let resistance take care of the damage types.