



I don't know who "we" is, but it definitely isn't all players. My Inv has invincibility unslotted and only uses it against large groups, he doesn't even have dull pain, and has RPD and RE slotted up along with TI and Unyielding.

He has no problem soloing on Invincible (except for the expected snails pace in dealing damage) or tanking for large groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I read this correctly, then you are by far a liar. You get nothing done. Nice try. Next time, come up with a more convincing statement if you want to counter someone's opinion.

- Captain Amazing



I don't know who "we" is, but it definitely isn't all players. My Inv has invincibility unslotted and only uses it against large groups, he doesn't even have dull pain, and has RPD and RE slotted up along with TI and Unyielding.

He has no problem soloing on Invincible (except for the expected snails pace in dealing damage) or tanking for large groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I read this correctly, then you are by far a liar. You get nothing done. Nice try. Next time, come up with a more convincing statement if you want to counter someone's opinion.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]Neither you nor I know for a fact if what he has done is feasible whatsoever, so why must you shut him out completely as if your way is the only possible way to get the job done? For all we know, he could have a completely different playstyle which allows him to accomplish this feat.



Burn was ridiculously overpowered in my opinion and was desperately in need of a hardcore nerfing. All this change means, by the way, is that you actually need to use and slot your secondary powers.

[/ QUOTE ] So you have a fire tank? Or is this the opinion of an outsider? Have you lived through the first 17 levels of pain till you get burn? Then another 5 to slot it so it does some good? Or is this all from things you’ve seen and heard?

[/ QUOTE ] The funny thing is that ignoring burn doesn't hurt a fire tanker's ability to deal damage in a team setting with team support, and it certainly isn't required for soloing a single-person mission set to heroic difficulty. Dealing damage is a function of tanker secondaries, not primaries, and damage in the primaries is basically "gravy".

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree that damage in the secondarys is the main thing of a tankers. But slots are very limited. If I have a tanker I am going to slot my defences not my damage dealing secondarys. What good is not being able to take hits. This just sounds like the Dev's are wantng to take my soloing ability away. Expecially now it is harder to find teams due to the fact that COH has turned into a ghostown.

Could it be that massive area affecting control powers were making combat too easy/predictable? I thought so. After all, where is the challenge in hitting one button and 100% (or close to it) locking down everything and being able to do that fight after fight after fight after....?

[/ QUOTE ] 100%? So you’ve never played a controller either.
AOE Control powers have an accuracy penalty so you need to add an Acc SO to get it to hit like every other power without any Acc.
Then you have bosses (have to hit twice successfully to hold)
AV’s (Look for the Invisible arrows)
It’s not 100% without a lot of work.
If you do manage to hold every one then:
Solo: you’re going to get killed when they get out of the hold
Team: Mobs already dead and the team is moving on to the next group.

[/ QUOTE ] You know, I've been on teams at all levels of the game, and I've watched my friends who played controllers function in those teams. While its not "never" that one sees a few mobs escape an AoE hold they don't generally appear to have nearly the difficulty you allude to.

What I witness in having watched them, as well as controllers in PuGs at various levels of gameplay, is that AoE controls basically resulted in "stand/hover there and spam attacks until everything was defeated". It made missions, even at invincible, rather easy.

Reducing the duration and frequency of usability of AoE holds has done wonders to add a feeling of being something other than a controllers player-controlled pet.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree with your view on this, it was that spam hold that kept you alive. If they had not been using that tactic you would have been flat on you [censored] dead. I play my Ill/Emp controller and to me it feels that I do more healing then using my AOE hold. Basically my AOE hold has become useless. Makes me wonder now are they gonna say that I am too effective healing now and we need to reduce the effectiveness of your heals by half and increase the recharge time be double.

We need Weave from combat jumping to resists knockdown/back (Critical now)

[/ QUOTE ] Or hover works too as far as I know. Just 4-6 slot it for flightspeed and you have something pretty darned zippy and useful for chasing aerial foes too.

Also while KB is annoying as heck (believe me I know) it doesn't detoggle you and doesn't prevent a tanker from performing their role in a team: meat shield and aggro manager. It might slow down being able to cast the taunt power, but with an aura effect going Guantlet is alive and well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would rather have it sloted for defence so i can prevent the knockback. And since I am limeted to only aggro 5 individuals I kinda need to be running around aggro people to keep them off my team. Then zipping around.



I don't know who "we" is, but it definitely isn't all players. My Inv has invincibility unslotted and only uses it against large groups, he doesn't even have dull pain, and has RPD and RE slotted up along with TI and Unyielding.

He has no problem soloing on Invincible (except for the expected snails pace in dealing damage) or tanking for large groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I read this correctly, then you are by far a liar. You get nothing done. Nice try. Next time, come up with a more convincing statement if you want to counter someone's opinion.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]Neither you nor I know for a fact if what he has done is feasible whatsoever, so why must you shut him out completely as if your way is the only possible way to get the job done? For all we know, he could have a completely different playstyle which allows him to accomplish this feat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I have 3 lvl 50 tanks, 2 inv and 1 fire i will say this unless he is only fighting -2 and -3 bad guys there is no way that tank would live long under almost any form of play i can think of and im not sure he would live long fighting the -cons unless one on one and that dont happen much after lvl 6 so....

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



I don't see a single TANKER on your impressive list of pre-50 toons. Go away and come back when you have more of an idea of what we're talking about.

Who cares about how he/she does whatever? Simple game mechanics apply, that is if you even know how the powersets work.

- Captain Amazing



I don't see a single TANKER on your impressive list of pre-50 toons. Go away and come back when you have more of an idea of what we're talking about.

Who cares about how he/she does whatever? Simple game mechanics apply, that is if you even know how the powersets work.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]I don't give a rat's [censored] what you think about my characters; I have fun with them and I know how the game works, after clocking over 1000 hours in. I play SR, the "gimp" set; I know how defenses work.

But, more importantly, back to the matter at hand, if you were to back up your statement, like Broomhilda did, then I would be more inclined to give you some merit, rather than outright shutting the guy out and calling him a liar without any facts to back it up. Sorry, but that kinda thing just sets me off.

Edit: I'll leave you guys to debate about all this, though, seeing as you obviously have more expertise in tanking. Sayonara.



I don't know who "we" is, but it definitely isn't all players. My Inv has invincibility unslotted and only uses it against large groups, he doesn't even have dull pain, and has RPD and RE slotted up along with TI and Unyielding.

He has no problem soloing on Invincible (except for the expected snails pace in dealing damage) or tanking for large groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I read this correctly, then you are by far a liar. You get nothing done. Nice try. Next time, come up with a more convincing statement if you want to counter someone's opinion.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]Neither you nor I know for a fact if what he has done is feasible whatsoever, so why must you shut him out completely as if your way is the only possible way to get the job done? For all we know, he could have a completely different playstyle which allows him to accomplish this feat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I have 3 lvl 50 tanks, 2 inv and 1 fire i will say this unless he is only fighting -2 and -3 bad guys there is no way that tank would live long under almost any form of play i can think of and im not sure he would live long fighting the -cons unless one on one and that dont happen much after lvl 6 so....

[/ QUOTE ]

This is so over the top as to be laughable, you have 3 level 50 tanks but clearly haven't a clue how to play any of them (other than possibly on a Dreck farm). My 50 tank is a stone/axe so has been largely unaffected by the nerfs, but among toons I team up with on a regular basis are a fire/fire tank and an invul/SS (levels 36/46).

The invul/SS seems to have few problems soloing and duoing on unyield/invinc or tanking for a group of 6 of us. I'm told there can sometimes be problems with medium sized (6-8 ?)non S/L mobs where invincibility doesn't provide enough of a defence bonus to avoid the extra damage that comes through the reduced damage resistance.

The fire/fire plays in a group of 6 of us where we always play the same toons together one evening a week, there were 2 conts, 1 def, 1 blaster and one scrapper (invul) in the rest of group. We were a mission or two into the Numina TF when I5 hit at level 35 against mainly level 39/40 bad guys. We completed it, yes there were a few deaths, but with the right support the 'squishy' fire tank could hold aggro for the team and survive. Doing invincible 6 man missions against +3/4 bad guys (which is our normal fodder) he holds up well, but we have plenty of support in the way of buffs/debuffs. The invul scrapper is finding himself quite a bit more fragile, but is adapting his playstyle to this and not taking quite as much aggro as he did before.

Mr Minotaur 50 stone/axe tank Freedom
Psycho Clown 50 ill/kin cont Freedom
Toxic Texan 50 DM/regen scrapper Infinity
and 50+ others

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only compared to I4. I2 and I3 were great. But then you are into "balance" these days so i guess its all relative.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope your not limiting it to the I5 bugs, you know the ones that were never resolved on test but you went live with them anyway.......

Because if you could find the time the remaining I4 bugs could use some work. I love hitting consume in a group of villians to find out most of them went down (but are still up) from my last AOE, of course you would probably post I need to set focus on all of them to confirm their life status before using the power, how silly of me to use visual clues. But of course some of the bugs are starting to blur....is the animations sequence bug I4 or I5? I cant remember. But I do have that nice big hand now and the small x to close so I guess you have been working on something. But why do you get gray spawns mixed in with +2, +3 villians in mission?

but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets

[/ QUOTE ]

I file this under the heading of "pets were never meant to have multiple castings after a year on live" file, getting pretty full in there too and its starting to get a very distinctive odor

I have enjoyed the game since July 2004 to the point of getting a second account so I could put more toons on Liberty. For me the game is no longer as much fun as in the past. If I were going to pick a point in time where this started I would say it occured with the addition of the Arena with the spill over into PVE and what seems to be less attention to maintaining the code (which was wonderful for such a long time).

Can someone explain to me why I can exit the side door of the freedom store in Talos immediate but the front door lags?

We, sorry I mean I need smarter villains not dumber heroes, more mission map variety, more surprises (remember the first time you encounted a transformation capsule in Striga, I still have friends talk about how enjoyable that was, even with the debt that occured).

It makes me sad...............



I have enjoyed the game since July 2004 to the point of getting a second account so I could put more toons on Liberty. For me the game is no longer as much fun as in the past. If I were going to pick a point in time where this started I would say it occured with the addition of the Arena with the spill over into PVE and what seems to be less attention to maintaining the code (which was wonderful for such a long time).

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed On the Games Downfall!!!



I agree with the games slow decline. The poster, 2 above said it right. Once the spill went over to PvP, the whole game changed. Some for the better, some for the worse. But I suppose I should expect that in any game I play. The Devs' want us to play CoV now, all the signs point to this. They will fix the current CoH issues once they see CoV is doing well. I promise you this. Your gunna buy CoV, find out it's pretty much CoH, but your a bad guy and will be more attracted to coming home to CoH once the fixes are made. I hope you do not expect that changes like this will not be made in CoV, cause you looking a the same issues. Sorry to say. Im done being Debbie Downer now, hehehe.



Jenita_Argool's post! Best Post Ever!. Intelligent, well crafted, speaks the language of the industry (its target audience) and presents well throught out arguement. Statesman should read that one and post it on his wall.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



The main difference I see between I-4 and I-5 is before when I played my tank, I would click a few attacks, sit back and watch the effects, then spin, repeat and fold while I went off and made a sammich...

With I-5, I don't have time to even think about food, it's click that toggle, run over here, leap to that person's defence, in between beating down some purple conned baddie with my particular brand of Hands-on-Justice!

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the hoped-for Effect of Issue 5. More Active Gameplay. You're stating this as if it was a good thing in general.

Unfortunately, since I play CoH for relaxation, spending intense concentration is not "fun" for me.

In fact, forcing a specific type of gameplay (which is, in the end, what I5 does) has negative effects.

1. "Active Play" means that I can't roleplay as well as before. This affects my SG and all my teammates. I'm not making battle comments while forced to pay attention to every little thing.

2. "Active Play" means that I can't design a Hero to play with automated defenses. Previously, there was a choice: do I make a click-power (active management) or toggle-power (set and forget) Scrapper/Tank. Now I don't have that choice. Taking away choices is bad, and is a recurring theme in I5.

Other Issues:

1. Costume choices were not all replicated in the new categories. These removed options need to be restored. Even worse, there are now Clipping issues with some of the copied "old" costume options. Beyond that, there is no choice whether the copied costume options are "Shiny" or "Matte", as there in many cases was.

2. The balance between +Defense and +Resistance is outright broken. Now that it's been shown that Positional Defense powers and Damage Type Defense powers do not stack, there is no way to recommend Defense as a primary mitigation. +Resistance is always better in every situation.

While it's a nice fix that Ice and Stone Armors can now be aided by Force Fields, +Defense-based sets still need to be "looked at".

I'll concede that the "double penalty" of increased Mob accuracy at higher cons isn't meaningful (we, after all, aren't supposed to be fighting +3's). That concession still doesn't make +Defense better.

The Mob Accuracy reductions don't keep up with the Defense loss. In addition, the PvP problems with too much Accuracy/not enough Defense was just worsened.

In fact, I haven't seen a Developer rationale for why Defense was lowered more than Resistance overall, at all.

3. The Defender Inherent power isn't as useful as some of the others. It does not apply, in fact, to a great many Defenders. Vigilance, like Gauntlet, is only useful when teaming. In addition, Vigilance is only helpful when a Defender isn't being vigilant.

Containment is universally useful, and Defiance will be used by default.

I don't sense that Inherent powers are balanced.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?




The invul/SS seems to have few problems soloing and duoing on unyield/invinc or tanking for a group of 6 of us. I'm told there can sometimes be problems with medium sized (6-8 ?)non S/L mobs where invincibility doesn't provide enough of a defence bonus to avoid the extra damage that comes through the reduced damage resistance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok now you seem to be a bit off here. I don't have a 50 tank but I have a 39 Inv/SS, 32 Fire/Fire, 27 Stone/Stone and a lower level group that does include Ice/EM and others.

But what I think you got wrong is what is causing issues for Inv, or rather what is the issue with Inv. It is possible your pal does not slot Invincibility enough and then yes he will have real issues with non-S/L groups even after he's closed with them. But if he slots it that is not an issue. 107 + defense to melee is usually more then enough and that is what Invincibility will give with 14 foes about. However closing to melee can be a serious issue as it give 0 defense while closing. That is when he is most vulnerable. That is also when his team need to support him. Problem is many can't. Not much a scrapper can do to help while you close, beside smoke grenade, and that isn't much, not much a blaster can do while you close. Some controllers can help and some defenders can. Others can't. Not much a Rad can do as you close unless he wants the aggro and well that's the point of letting you go in and grab aggro first. Dark can do some to some damage types but not tons. Storm again can do some to some damage type but not if he wants to stay back at all. There are things Emps can do. Obviously FF and Sonic can give you the edge you need while closing. Though there is an issue with different types of defense not stacking. Anyone once he closes he hardly needs help but getting there is the trick and for that many teammates can do little to help. Seems the reverse of wanting teammate help actually. Once in melee Inv is safe from most damage types (psi not withstanding). Actually reading the defense issue I get the feeling that once in melee FF bubbles are only helping in certain situations the rest of the time they add nothing to your defense. To need his teammates to help an Inv needs better resists and less defense from Invincibility as is things will only encourage Inv to find ways around it, such as stealth and TP and then not need his teammates at all.




The invul/SS seems to have few problems soloing and duoing on unyield/invinc or tanking for a group of 6 of us. I'm told there can sometimes be problems with medium sized (6-8 ?)non S/L mobs where invincibility doesn't provide enough of a defence bonus to avoid the extra damage that comes through the reduced damage resistance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok now you seem to be a bit off here. I don't have a 50 tank but I have a 39 Inv/SS, 32 Fire/Fire, 27 Stone/Stone and a lower level group that does include Ice/EM and others.

But what I think you got wrong is what is causing issues for Inv, or rather what is the issue with Inv. It is possible your pal does not slot Invincibility enough and then yes he will have real issues with non-S/L groups even after he's closed with them. But if he slots it that is not an issue. 107 + defense to melee is usually more then enough and that is what Invincibility will give with 14 foes about. However closing to melee can be a serious issue as it give 0 defense while closing. That is when he is most vulnerable. That is also when his team need to support him. Problem is many can't. Not much a scrapper can do to help while you close, beside smoke grenade, and that isn't much, not much a blaster can do while you close. Some controllers can help and some defenders can. Others can't. Not much a Rad can do as you close unless he wants the aggro and well that's the point of letting you go in and grab aggro first. Dark can do some to some damage types but not tons. Storm again can do some to some damage type but not if he wants to stay back at all. There are things Emps can do. Obviously FF and Sonic can give you the edge you need while closing. Though there is an issue with different types of defense not stacking. Anyone once he closes he hardly needs help but getting there is the trick and for that many teammates can do little to help. Seems the reverse of wanting teammate help actually. Once in melee Inv is safe from most damage types (psi not withstanding). Actually reading the defense issue I get the feeling that once in melee FF bubbles are only helping in certain situations the rest of the time they add nothing to your defense. To need his teammates to help an Inv needs better resists and less defense from Invincibility as is things will only encourage Inv to find ways around it, such as stealth and TP and then not need his teammates at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're missing the point I'm making, but making a valid one of your own about the closing. Some invul tanks have complained to me that they have no issues with groups of 14, but that with fully slotted invincibility, 6 foes rather than 14 and only thirtysomething percent resistances to non S/L can cause them a problem.

I also don't think I agree with your numbers on the defence, as I can't see how to get anywhere close to that high a defence out of invul. My understanding was (even level SOs):

6 slot invinc = 1.5% x 14 (foes) x (6x0.2 + 1) = +46.2 def
Unyielding = -5% def
Tough hide = 5% x (6x0.2 + 1) = +11% def
Total +52.2% def

which calculates as 6% + 3.3% per opponent. So against 6 opponents we're talking around +26% defence and 38% damage resistance, and particularly against non S/L opponents, some of which debuff one or both of these figures, this is insufficient. Council with their rad and sonic attackers plus negative energy vamps to make you miss, some of which will stay at range being an example.

Mr Minotaur

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



So far I'm liking Issue 5. The only thing that is confounding me is *discards Prima's Official Strategy Guide for the last time* WHERE are the numbers? I need a lot of information and % stacks for an upcoming SG presentation and I have had to scour these boards for snippets and tidbits.

Is there a single place to find out everything post-I5? I need things like new % ratings for armor, attacks, holds, movement, healing, and so on. Please help Mishter Omeger Von out, won'tchu?

Thanks ahead of time to all you help-minded individuals



Yknow what, Capt.? I take back my last statement and I'm not gonna run off like some piss-poor peon, I have a damn good opinion and if I want to show it I will. My issue isn't with the numbers of on that Tank, it's how you just brushed him off as if what he said was complete balderdash.
Like I said, he could have a completely different playstyle (pulling, stealth, other power pools, etc.) than most regular tanks, allowing him to do this. Maybe this makes a better tactic for him than doing the regular tank style of running into the fray, defense-born. Maybe simple game mechanics do apply, but they wouldn't apply if he were to pull, or maybe some other strategy he came up with. Everyone has a different style of playing, which is why I make this point of imploring you to consider this fact with some consideration.



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

I generally feel that I5 makes the game less fun for me. With all the nerfs in this issue, as well as issues past, it makes me a bit expectant, or should I say "paranoid" that any power that I discover to be fun or cool, will get nerfed. Maybe I am just plain wrong, but thats the expectation I have, that all good things will be nerfed.

I love the game, and really dont plan on constantly whining or even quitting, but I have grown pessimistic about the direction that it has taken. Some are happy with the changes, but I am not. I don't know what else to say. Have a nice day. And oh yeah, Dooom.



I know there are a lot of upset tankers out there right now, and I'm not sure if it's the right time to mention it given how unhappy you are over I5, but I was wondering if anyone had noticed that Phase Shift is totally useless now? So much time and effort is being spent on the current state of tankers that it's hardly been mentioned.



Nice. I respect what you've said and how you've said it. I will not, however, take back MY statement regarding that individual to be a liar. It's the way the game IS for tankers. I would have been more at ease if he had said that he DIDN'T even have Invincibility, but instead he concocts this unbelieveable farce of having it unslotted??? I felt his post was intentionally aimed at making tanker players IRATE. Well, he got ONE!

- Captain Amazing



Nice. I respect what you've said and how you've said it. I will not, however, take back MY statement regarding that individual to be a liar. It's the way the game IS for tankers. I would have been more at ease if he had said that he DIDN'T even have Invincibility, but instead he concocts this unbelieveable farce of having it unslotted??? I felt his post was intentionally aimed at making tanker players IRATE. Well, he got ONE!

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]And I thank you for that respect, Capt. It's good to know we can remain civil. I guess all that would remain is actually seeing that guy do his feat to believe it, then. I don't know; maybe I'm trusting.



Nice. I respect what you've said and how you've said it. I will not, however, take back MY statement regarding that individual to be a liar. It's the way the game IS for tankers. I would have been more at ease if he had said that he DIDN'T even have Invincibility, but instead he concocts this unbelieveable farce of having it unslotted??? I felt his post was intentionally aimed at making tanker players IRATE. Well, he got ONE!

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering that everything said on the boards must be taken on faith, calling someone a liar seems like a silly position unless you can back it up.

There's a large thread in the Tanker forum right now that has several people who are making the same claim, that they are perfectly viable as Inv tankers. Are they all liars, too?

What I find most disturbing is that you think me only using the default slot in Invincibility is an "unbelievable farce". Is it really so hard for you to believe that people play this game and don't pay attention to the numbers? I've got a basic idea of what does what, but know very few of the specific numbers. I picked up Invincibility in the mid-20s because it seemed like a good idea. I prefer the Resist-based powers, so I haven't bothered adding extra slots.

I'm really amazed that this is so unbelievable to you. I'm not claiming to be uber. I'm not claiming that I herd entire levels (though some on that other thread have). I'm just saying that I get by. Yeah, I'm set on Invincible. Solo I face groups of 3 to 6ish and grouped my teammates kill them before they kill me. I use inspirations as I get 'em. I run and rest when I need to. I get by just fine, just like before I5. I can't even figure out what part you think I'm making up!



I know there are a lot of upset tankers out there right now, and I'm not sure if it's the right time to mention it given how unhappy you are over I5, but I was wondering if anyone had noticed that Phase Shift is totally useless now? So much time and effort is being spent on the current state of tankers that it's hardly been mentioned.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point, I have 2 toons with PS and haven't used it since I5. I've seen it used once by another toon in that time (when a big ambush turned up after a good 5-6 minutes while we were fighting another mob, I didn't have PS and died, but bought time for the other guy to get through his animation).

As an aside, one thing I used to do with some of my squishies, was to PS if expecting an ambush. I could see how many turned up, and if it was too many to deal with I'd lead them to an unattended police drone somewhere to whittle down the numbers. Now I can't do that (many ambushes take much longer than 30 secs to turn up). Result, I fly up out of range and hope to spot the ambush, and if it's too many to deal with I run. So a load of innocent lowbies will get killed, but there's no way my blaster can deal with 2 lieutenants and 6 minions as a solo ambush (no idea why I got this many, but one lieut and 5 minions is pretty regular even on heroic). If mobs who can't normally see through invisibility but now miraculously can because they're in an ambush lost that ability in compensation for the PS nerf, I wouldn't need to do this.

Mr Minotaur 50 stone/axe tank Freedom
Psycho Clown 50 Ill/kin cont Freedom
Toxic Texan 50 DM/regen scrapper Infinity
and 50+ others

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Let me start with my Scrapper.
That inherent power thing seems to work in reverse, I seem
to do less crits now. The extra damage in my attacks no where near makes up for the extra damage I take.
I have left his free respec on the table as for now. Who knows
what new FUN you may have for us.

My Shade faired better until the NEB nerf. I mean come on,
you took a FUN, Cool travel(Baby SJ) power and made it
useless! If you wanted to Nerf NEB, you could have
at least moved the jump part to SHadow cloak! What were you
thinking? And to make the change two weeks after the I5 release??????? No warning, no nothing!(opps sorry used the free one on a tune up(and before the FB's start in, I got two earned ones, but I'm not wasting them because States screwed up))
Well,,,, I'm not happy about I5. I'm not happy my friends and
SG mates are not happy with I5. And I am not happy with
you Statesman.

Clock is ticking.




Well,,,, I'm not happy about I5. I'm not happy my friends and
SG mates are not happy with I5. And I am not happy with
you Statesman."

You say that as if he cares what you think. I''m pretty sure he's made it abundantly obvious that he has no interest or concern for the playerbase, as long as he appeals to the PvP market. Aside from that, really nothing you or anyone posts on these forums really even matters anymore.

Stand UP.