17 -
I can't steal what I was otherwise ignorant of. If there are eye emotes like mine out there, they have been missed by a player that has been in the game since it has begun and spends at least an hour in AP on characters of every level and on every server. Again, I'll refer you to my Flamer Disclaimer. If you have a better place to put them...why not actually be helpful and tell me where that might be. If not, your words are pointless. *Looks for a forum /ignore feature*
I dropped the emotes here because they are non-tactical in nature and can be quite expressive for an otherwise non-communicative character. Hence, the RP placement.
Sheeesh. You try to shed a little light and somebody complains about the wattage. -
I just created a handful of fun emotes to give the impression of eye movements in game. Basicly, they appear as an AFK message over your head and each macro is a seprate eye movement. The following is used by my cat girl Black Abyssinian on the Justice server:
/macro o.o "afk ( <> ) _ ( <> )"
/macro <.< "afk (<> ) _ (<> )"
/macro <<.<< "afk (> ) _ (> )"
/macro >.> "afk ( <>_ ( <>
/macro >>.>> "afk ( <_ ( <
/macro 0.0 "afk ( () ) _ ( () )"
/macro u.u "afk (___) _ (___)"
/macro v.v "afk ( . ) _ ( . )"
/macro ^.^ "afk ( ^ ) _ ( ^ )"
...this is what I came up with in the first few minutes. I'll post more if I figure anything else out. If you have some suggestions, please feel free to add your own here!
(To the Flamers: I'm not claiming to be the first to have "animated" emotes but I have never seen anything like this before. If I'm wrong, so be it. I posted to share a neat idea.) -
Good stuff!
I wind up with a name I like better after a couple of obvious names come back as already taken. It makes me get creative instead of relying on an innate cool factor of a one word name. However, sometimes I get a really inspired idea about a costume that NEEDS a particular name...and if I don't get it its sort of back to the drawing board.
So, when you want to make sure you WILL get the name, go to the server on an already created character and try to add it as a friend. If it doesn't exist, BINGO! If it does, try another server. (I have 20-30 characters an every server so switching isn't as much of a problem for me as it is for some.)
Hope I could be helpful to someone out there -
Inception: November 9th, 2005.
Focus: Fellowship, teaming, and PvP.
Founders: Little Scorpion and Little Dragonfly
Ranking: Currently in the top 20 of the server.
Range: Security Level 2 - 40 (we have a handful of 40s pre-I7)
Channel: Murder Men
Voice Software: Ventrilo hosted by a professional server.
Website: http://Murdermen.guildportal.com/
Coalitions: Dust to Dust and Omega Kill (an SG for our alts).
Max Characters: Full members can have 2 characters.
Raids: Raid ready! Base teams are composed of players with the most group participation.
Ranks -
* Trial Member: We don't discriminate by age or game experience. Inactives booted after 10 days.
* Full Member: Promotion to this rank is based on the player's willingness to log on regularly, team with other Murder Men, and earn at least 20k Prestige. Full members are eligible to sign up for Raids. Inactives booted after 20 days.
* Leader: Promotion to leadership is a decision made by the player. Leaders are required to show a high degree of game knowledge and a willingness to spend time sharing it. This includes answering questions posed by new players, teaching them tactics in team, and in all ways being available to assist others. Leaders may recruit and accept Salvage for other Murder Men. Inactives will be booted at 20 days.
* Organizer: The Organizer position is offered to longtime Murder Men that have demonstrated maturity, competence, and commitment to the SG. It is not given lightly and only retained as long as the player remains active and dedicated. This rank is responsible for maintaining SG event teams and noting those members who participate in SG events. Organizers may recruit, promote, and accept Salvage for other Murder Men. An inactive Organizer will be booted at 20 days.
Re-invites: Characters booted for inactivity receive an email explaining our need to keep activity high and are always welcome to come back.
Description: We have members from all over the world but try to keep things neighborly. Members are encouraged to be friendly and team whenever possible. We are not soloists, grinders, power levelers, or uber build min/maxers but we do have a lot of mature knowledgeable people. Promotions to leadership positions are based on commitment and game experience, not Prestige or level.
Participation: Raid Points are given to any player that participates for at least 2 hours in an Event Team. An Event Team is any team with an Organizer and at least 4 other members. We have regularly scheduled events for Badge Hunting, Player vs. Player, and Strike Forces but Event Teams can form spontaneously throughout the week. The 16 members with the highest number of Raid Points that show up for a raid get on the team.
Community: Our website is still new but full of information. Forums and Screenie submissions are encouraged. We will be offering medals, such as our "Golden Clad Hand of Bitchslappiness" and others, to encourage participation, enthusiasm, and excellence.
Requirements: We want friendly, helpful, upbeat players. Greeting your comrades and teaming is a must. We don't PL but will LK whenever possible. SG Mode required until L30 and then goes on a schedule. Salvage and Components will be turned into the Architect.
Contact: Send a tell to Little Scorpion or Chain Ganger and register at our website here. -
Being LvL 50 isnt a magical antidote to stupidity. Plenty of people out there that have "maxed" out characters that I wouldnt trust a guide from if my virtual life depended on it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Total agreement.
I've played with high level characters who were completely inept and had no idea what their job in the team was or how to go about doing it. I've had an idiot Tanker tell my tank that, "Tanks are boring. Its just hitting button 1 through 5 and repeating." ...Mind you, he was always on the fringe of the group hitting minions.
As long as there is any possibility of PLing incompetents to 50 without any effort or consideration, level 50 characters don't mean [Expletive deleted]. -
I'm the leader of a full, active, and fun SG on the villain side of Victory called the Murder Men. With the help of my girlfriend, we have managed to get it off the ground fast and keep it going with a few easy guidelines. Its not the only way to get a group going, but if you find yourself on a server without a lot of people you know, this might be helpful to you.
[/ QUOTE ]
1. Name
Come up with a short, powerful name that will attract casual interest. This sounds shallow but characters are going to be hanging the SG name under their own and will want it to representative of something they can connect to.
2. Focus
Before you invite one player to your new SG, figure out what the groups goals are. Are you interested in PvP? Do you intend to make a raid base eventually? Will you accept a players alternate characters or only his main? Do you want people around your own age/maturity level? Are you about hardcore leveling or enjoy spending as much time hanging out as you do fighting? Do you accept and help new players? Do you routinely Power Level SG mates or do you frown on the practice? There is no right answer to these but you need to be ready to turn people away that wont fit well in the group of people you are gathering.
Some policies that have been helpful to me have been a 10 day trial period for new members, mandatory SG Mode, a limit of 2 characters per player, 10k Prestige as a minimum criteria for full membership, and generally inviting characters in at level 6+.
3. Advertizing
You need to get characters into your SG fast so think big and advertise. Despite many players objection to open recruitment, mainly on the grounds that the quality of player is not guaranteed, dont hesitate to make a macro and let people know who you are and what your SG is about. Note, Use the Request Channel instead of Broadcast and dont spam it every 30 seconds. Here is an example macro you can modify and use:
/macro sAD request SG RECRUITING: Death Squad is a new SG seeking all levels and archetypes. Friendly and PvP oriented. Will SK but not PL. Send a tell for more info.
Once you get going and have a base, you can use that as a way to interest more members:
/macro sAD request SG RECRUITING: Death Squad is an established SG with 50+ members and functional base with teleporters and worktables. All levels and archetypes. Friendly and PvP oriented. Will SK but not PL. Send a tell for more info.
Dont expect a huge response to your advertisement. A few will send you tells on a busy evening and ask you some questions about your SG. Be prepared for questions about how many members you have, how much experience you have in the game, and if you accept new players. (a lot of new players expect to be turned down and may become very loyal advocates of the first SG they join if you have enough patience to train them and answer their questions.) You will also get the occasional player that despises random SG invites. Tell him the truth: You want an SG up and running and youll deal with the problem players when they crop up.
4. Recruitment
Advertisements are helpful but by no means the only way to get new members. Essentially, you will have to be proactive and approach as many players as you can that dont have an SG. Of course, by level 10 every schmoe has created his own single-member SG for no better reason than to give himself color options for his costume. So recruitment begins in Atlas/Mercy Island and The Hollows/Port Oaks where you are surrounded by Characters level 2-9. I cant tell you how many times I got someones level 4 alternate in the SG and wound up with his main a few days later. The lowbie gives the recruited player a chance to check out how many actives you have in your SG, what your base looks like, and what kind of people you are. Note: Don't poach another SGs characters. Its okay to ask someone if their SG is active and if they like it, but trying to convince them of your own SGs superiority is morally reprehensible. Here are some macros to help you speed up your efficiency while recruiting:
This mac adds a character to your friends list to avoid spamming someone with multiple sendings by mistake and prompts them to respond if they want an SG.
/macro sASK "friend $target$$t $target, SG INVITATION: Hello $target! We are the Death Squad, a friendly SG interested PvP. If you are interested in joining on a trial basis send me a tell."
This mac sends an SG invite to the target and gives them a basic message that you want them to know about the SG.
/macro sINV "sginvite $target$$t $target, Welcome to the Death Squad! You are currently the lowest rank, but promotions are granted for those that frequently log on, team up, and have a good time!"
Recruit some place where there is a lot of lowbie traffic. Trainers and early contacts are great spots to hang out for an hour and get a handful of players. And the most important thing: as soon as membership drops below 60-65 members, start recruiting again. Keep it at about 70 members if you can so that special invites and member alternates can join if its allowed.
5. Communication
Its a good idea to send out an email giving members information about (1.) getting promotions and what each rank has permission to do; (2.) who to turn Salvage into and/or what they can make with it; and (3.) what the SG goals and requirements are concerning Prestige, the base, teaming, PvP, and use of audio software (Teamspeak and Ventrilo). Note: You can make a form letter and send it to yourself. From then on, you simply need to Forward it to each new recruit.
Also, use the Message of the Day to communicate with everyone logging on. This is an easy way to make event announcements, inform the group of the Prestige goal for next base upgrade, and to congratulate members on important level plateaus like L20 and L30.
Another important issue is establishing Coalitions with other SGs to mutually benefit one another with Salvage trades and filling teams. It is therefor important to establish a raport with these other groups and share a certain amount of solidarity when a CO mate needs help.
Lastly, establish an SG channel and invite all the members to it. If the payers add the channel to all their active characters they can hear when your SG is forming up or when a member needs special assistance even when they are logged on another server. This is a great way to let everyone know when people are logging on to avoid the login-and-then-logout-when-no-one-else-is-on Syndrome.
6. Dropouts
Provided you give the members the kind of SG you have advertised, you will get a ratio consisting of 1 Dedicated, 1 frequent login, 2 occasional logins, and 1 that never logs on again (A costume idea and nothing more), of those 5, several will move on to other SGs, start playing other non-member characters, or drop off the game for extended periods of time. Even if you really hit it off with a player, dont get down over their disappearing. With blind invites you are separating the wheat from the chaff and you get a lot more chaff then wheat. Spend an hour a day recruiting and as much time as you need talking with new recruits so they feel at home. If members dont have the personal connection with the group you dont stand a chance of keeping them.
7. Booting
Set a limit for inactivity with your membership. A week or 10 days is a good amount of time to let members log in again. Make sure everyone that joins knows the requirement as soon as they are a member. If they do log in regularly, then you have an active player. If they dont log back in, boot them. Its that simple. You can send them a friendly email letting them know they can get a re-invite once they are active again if it feels right. You might also want to give more leeway for members with seniority or that have informed you of an extended return date. Note: Beware of the inactive player that logs in for 30 seconds to hold their place in the SG.
8. Promoting
To avoid favoritism set some concrete standards for giving early promotions. 10-20k Prestige for full membership is a good standard. Later promotions may be dependant on higher Prestige levels, the players ability/desire to assist other members, or some other appropriate criteria.
9. Bases
There are a lot better architects out there writing guides on base design and Ill leave it to the experts but I will say one thing. Make your base appealing to the new member. Spend some prestige for decorative items so the place has the proper feel. If there isnt a place to hang out or draw the eye, the players will be disappointed. Treat the base as a showcase for your SG and its accomplishments.
10. Events
Once you have enough members logging on to make events possible, start doing them. Establish one day out of the week when Task/Strike Forces are encouraged. Make a day for PvP. Make a day to do anything special that enough of your SG is itching to do. Listening to membership needs is extremely important because something brought up casually once or twice that is ignored may actually be very important to the player and can lead to his finding another SG that can cater to his needs better.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I hope this quick-startup info has been helpful to you in your endeavors as an SG leader. I would love to hear other peoples experiences and comments, so post away! -
The Veiled Hand is closing it's doors. Since September of this year the groups activity has slowed to a crawl. I'm trying to get the more active members to merge into another more active supergroup. Eventually TVH will most likely become a ghost town of nothing more than a roster full of inactive members.
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I feel for ya, Phantom_Echo. Its a sad day when you finally realize there is no going back. -
Join the Murder Men...or die.
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Can I have a third option?
[/ QUOTE ]
We had a third option:
[*] Join Murder Men,[*] Pick daisies, or[*] Push up daisies.
...But, as would be expected, most opted for the daisy-picking.
I say again, Join us or die! -
Join the Murder Men...or die.
This is the link to our CoH/V Forum Thread:
Murder Men PvP Villain Group -
I have been griefed in non-enforced ways on a number of occasions. Usually this is about someone lurking around and taking shots at my groups and then telling me to 'lighten up' after I politely ask them to stop after the 3rd time. I have considered broadcasting the player's Globalname, and explaining to the community at large about his unrepentant behavior, and letting them know that I will be Globally ignoring him and that like-minded people might do the same.
QUESTION: Would I be griefing HIM by doing this?
[/ QUOTE ]
Any shmoe who wants to make trouble for someone could make up a sob story about being griefed, in order to grief someone by convicting them in the court of public opinion, irregardless of whether or not he/she actually did anything. That's the problem with these player-sponsored "ban lists"... they're not all that reliable.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. I can see how this could really be abused. My own experience with this occurred over a 30 minute period of time on broadcast with numerous people throwing their two cents in. He unrepentantly admitted to the acts and began to call me names for 'whining about it.' There were two camps, much like on the forum, with the 'get over it' side and the 'The guy is a jerk' side. (I presume a third side put the griefer and myself on ignore for spamming the channel with our argument.) Because of the very verbal admission on the griefer's part there was no question as to whether my claims were on the up-and-up. -
Read 'The Art of War' by Lau Tsu to see how its really done...
[/ QUOTE ]
Omega, you SERIOUSLY need to check your references before naming a book's author. The Art of War was, in actuality, written by Sun Tzu, NOT, as you ignorantly wrote above, 'Lau Tzu.' These are tzu very different people! ...I had to say it... -
I heard if anyone beats States to the office, he cuts their brake lines to make their trip home more fun.
[/ QUOTE ]
No no no -- they weren't "cut," they were "reduced in effectiveness" so you can "diversify your stopping options."
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, lets just call it what it is...States NERFED the guys' car. -
...level 50 people ganking level 10's.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure by now everyone has experienced the SK/EX mechanic in the PvP zones...This shouldn't be a problem.
spawn camping
[/ QUOTE ]
Does this mean killing someone who has just rezzed?
If i defeat someone and they dont take a trip to the hospital and instead Rez on the spot, i am going to send them straight back into the dirt... is that spawn camping?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope. Its far more insidious! Whacking a rezzing enemy is just good fun. If s/he didn't want to die again so quickly they oughtnt to have rezzed in the middle of combat. Camping is when you hang out at a known spawn site (like a hospital or an entrance) and, like hitting a row of ducks with a carnival BB gun, shooting every valid target that pops their head out of cover. Its about the lamest thing possible because it requires no strategy or tactical methodology. You shoot with your eyes closed and make a hit. Quite an accomplishment.
I propose special non-official taskforces of multiple teams that note the names of said campers and HUNT them down like dogs. Even an entire team of these types wouldn't be able to handle an SG-sized taskforce out to grind them to dust (without having to camp). Mmm...gankers iz tasty!
Yeah, yeah, it sounds like prison style protection...because it IS...One more reason to have a formidable and active SG at your beck and call
You enter into an area that is labeled as Free For All. As in "You" can attack someone else at anytime given any situation. Those are the rules you are accepting upon entering that zone.
Being struck from behind with an Assassins strike, is neither griefing or cowardice. If I play a class called a Stalker, and my class plays out the best when I prey on the weak. It would prove advantageous for me to strike you when you are exhausted, or otherwise engaged. That's not anything other than smart tactics.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup...War is hell, people. If you want it nice and fair when you enter a free for all zone you will be very disappointed. However, much like the Geneva conventions, there needs to be some limitations. Following through with the Convention simile, war is declared (entering a PvP zone), soldiers can move and attack other soldiers (heroes v. Villains or whatever), and the wounded are shuttled to safety (hospitals) unmolested. You don't attack the hospitals you attack soldiers in the field. Those who strike beyond those simple limitations should be treated as pariah, hunted down, and given savage justice. Booyah!
Carbon Devil, I understand that you want to play your stalker as it is intended to, but still, if I'm engaged with a NPC lieutenant and my HP is already at 25%, and then you strike me, I think it's coward from you.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think the problem here is perception. Spinomania (from the above quote) wants a duel in a war zone. That is what the arena is for...two sides ready and prepared for one another. Wars are no longer fought and won with everyone lining up and blasting each other. Its about tactics, strategy, applying strength where weakness is found. Read 'The Art of War' by Lau Tsu to see how its really done...it worked millennia ago...and it still applies today even in a virtual environment.
Hmmm, can video gamers rewrite the english language.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, we can. Languages are very fluid things. Just look up any word concerning the Internet in a dictionary. If you find it, my point is proved. The most ignorant-sounding misspelled word of one generation become accepted the next. Example: Thru <--- that would have gotten a markup 5 years ago in a 300 level English class and now it doesn't. Interstin' ain't it?
No and here is why you are wrong, which can be ascertained from the definitions of both words, which are found in most common dictonaries.
Grief; noun.
1, deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement. 2 a source of sorrow or anguish. 3 annoyance or frustration.
Notice no pural acknowledgement
Grieve; verb. grieved, grieving.
1 to cause sorrow: to distress. 2 to feel or express grief (Latin for gravdre, to burden)
Now number one in "grieve" sums it all up as to the action. But since it is a verb in order to convey it as an action, one must make it pural, hench it become grieving.
Now, if you can find the definition of the word "griefing" in the dictonary ( no such word exists) , sorry but you won't because it's the pural of grieve, as stating a "grieving" action and a feeling that was caused by it. See the pural of the word now, the action and the feeling caused by it?
[/ QUOTE ]
*beats INTRUDER over the head with the spine of 'The Big Book of Reality'*
Why don't you just become one of those miserable English teachers trying to cling to their generation's syntactic dogma as if it will outlive them. At least then I can openly despise you.
Intruder, stop with the Websters and wake up...your "you misspelled the word therefore your definition is moot" argument is itself moot.
[/ QUOTE ]
I SO wish I could moot your mooting moot...But I have to agree...DAMN IT!
How would you know if the person is intentionally (if they don't admit they are) causing malice or not?
[/ QUOTE ]
Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern. That is my rule.
If you choose to enter a PVP zone, you have no grounds for complaint when someone else PVP's you. REGARDLESS of the circumstances!
[/ QUOTE ]
Note to self: Some-bod-y needs an ars-woopin' to show the error of his reasoning. Not that I would, but If I show up with 30 SGmates and procede to knock your soloing hiney all over the zone until you log out...that is okay with you, Pax_arcana? I mean, you gave me permission when you entered the zone, right?
NO. That is not right. And if someone did that to you they need to be reported for griefing. Period.
instead of asking no pvpers not to come, why don't they ask developpers to not put any PvE content in their precious zone ?
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree. I'm not big on PvP because it seems to bring out the worst in players and I play a community-based game to interact with the best of players. If zoning in to a PvP zone gives other players the chance to treat you like a rag doll, then PvE players shouldn't have to be subjected to the abuse. Make missions that are PvP an optional mission. (i.e., choose between a PvP and a PvE mission at contact.)
Da shizit:
fuzzy_chainsaw's Rules of engagement, Thread #3932038
Good lord, man. Yes. That is it...'nuf said! -
I have been griefed in non-enforced ways on a number of occasions. Usually this is about someone lurking around and taking shots at my groups and then telling me to 'lighten up' after I politely ask them to stop after the 3rd time. I have considered broadcasting the player's Globalname, and explaining to the community at large about his unrepentant behavior, and letting them know that I will be Globally ignoring him and that like-minded people might do the same.
QUESTION: Would I be griefing HIM by doing this?
It seems a gray area. I would feel completely justified in doing it but I don't want to get GM reprisals for taking the 'law' into my own hands either. (Note that I do not tell anyone to ignore him...I just suggest that it might be a good thing to do as a sort of exile for the unscrupulous.) If such a broadcast is not officially considered griefing, would my continued broadcast of the incident once a day in AP for a week be griefing? I have threatened a couple of really obnoxious people with this sort of exile and actually gotten an apology for their abuses. Apparently, the threat of ostracizing is powerful enough to curb a$$hole behavior. Go figure. -
Well, regarding your "sta[t]us level thinger", I gotta say this: I am an odd duck. On the one hand, I have three accounts, so my time IN GAME would not be properly reflected. (I am also a paranoid duck so each account is completey seperated to counter any GM black-balling that might someday occur.) On the other hand, I like hanging out and talking just as much as I do actually fighting. So, yeah, my main is a lvl 34 Tank and I have 150+ alts spead over every damn server in the game. (sombody pull this character generater from my artery and put me in detox!). What about the freaks like me that are always on but nerver really doing something meaningful?
By the way, if any of you want to answer that last question with lip, send me a personal message so I can properly fold that face of yours over your skull all nice and purdyand keep it off the boards.
So far I'm liking Issue 5. The only thing that is confounding me is *discards Prima's Official Strategy Guide for the last time* WHERE are the numbers? I need a lot of information and % stacks for an upcoming SG presentation and I have had to scour these boards for snippets and tidbits.
Is there a single place to find out everything post-I5? I need things like new % ratings for armor, attacks, holds, movement, healing, and so on. Please help Mishter Omeger Von out, won'tchu?
Thanks ahead of time to all you help-minded individuals -
The Guardians will be a coalition-sized group (1 recruitment training SG, 4 Legion SGs, and an elite SG) based loosely on the priciples of the original Omega Guardian SG founded June 15th, 2004. The defunct SG will be reinvigorated via a huge website, with an acadamy, forums, and rankings beginning December 2005 with premere echilon that will become the revised group's first officer pool being enlisted around the same time.
The Alpha Guardians (red and gray)
The Delta Guardians (green and gray)
The Sigma Guardians (purple and gray)
The Omega Guardians (blue and gray)
.T.h.e. .V.a.n.g.u.a.r.d. (black and gray)
MOTTO: "Strength with Unity"
WEB SITE: Forthcoming January, 2006
LEADERS: To be announced. (interviews will be conducted November - December)
The future of earth hangs in the balance, with the survivng remnants of humans uniting as the Protectorate. This last bastion of humanity pools its collective scientific resources into the creation of the Guardian Graft that transforms subjects into cyborgnomic warriors capable of battling against a their genocidal threat. These few people willing to sacrifice their humanity for the survival of all they hold dear are made into the Alpha Guardians, the first generation of Guardians sent to Earth's past, Paragon's present day, to combat an unknow menace.
Within moments the Deltas and Omegas arrive with them, each reflecting several more years or R&D. They are suprised to find that a Omega version from an alternate timeline has preceeded them and already formed an alliance with the Sigma Guard, a legion never realised in thier own time line but harnissing strange alian powers. The Guardians are now united against the scurge of tomorrw with more units translating through the incalculable temporal aether every day. They were once men and women but now stand eternally as imankind's inhuman champions.
ROLEPLAY: Not inforced but definately an option. Macros will be made availible for the RP impaired.
Sundays will be our designated SG day with Saturdays encouraged when possible. Events will be announced once momentum begins.
The group will focus on a team power strategy and require a new character to be created for a Guardian SG. Leadership and discipline will be stressed to overcome the heightened difficulty rating for all missions. Rank offered to players for service to the group and honors bestowed to players for exemplary play. Only mature, goodnatured, and motivated players need apply.
Its still too early for an invite or even a leadership interview. However, if you have any questions, comments, or just want to meet a guy with enough free time to organize such a thing and check out the required duds (all of which are award winning in CCs so far) send me an email at: GuardianWatch01@hawaii.rr.com
Wow, you read all that? You have a lot of time on your hands -- The Guardians can use people like you!