How would you define your creatity?




I do really well with a dictionary and a thesarus. I once came up with a fantasy idea from the word Buttermilk.

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Indeed. I find that simple words thrown together can inspire nice concepts;


Ph3ar the TWIST!

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For those who like words and thesauruses (sp?)...

Heroes on Freedom Server
Chord - lvl 30 Rock 'n Roll Muse
Mr. Payback - lvl 12 Natural Tank
Caryatid - lvl 14 Magical Stone Tank
Chronobot - lvl 11 Tech Scrapper



How would I define my creativity... which you mispelt by the way... looks like you meant to say... uh... something different, Probably, annoying to others, funny to myself, very violent... did I mention annoying? I am not sure if I mentioned annoying yet... If I did not mention annoying, I will mention annoying... annoyingannoyingann- You annoyed yet?

See what I mean, doc? I can't help it... the joker in me... he is so lame, but I can not get control!!!! And he makes me kick puppies! THE PUPPIES!!!... I feel like kicking kittens but he won't let me! Speaking of kicking puppies, where is fido? His butt isn't red enough, I know it...



I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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Well. Someone likes attention.



I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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I steal ideas from my imaginary friends, who are all highly creative.

Sometimes I ask them where they get their ideas from, but they just stare at me and then return to that thing they do with the corkscrews and the lima beans.

When they are not around, the head-trauma thing is a good stand by, though. Once, when I was blocked, I hit my head so hard on my desk that I ... err ... what was I saying again?

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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Me....I copy off Gil :P

Actually, I don't ever hear voices, but I will have a conversation in my head about a subject over and over again, and everytime I run through it, I add a little more. Some how or another I always seem to have a decent idea or story after 10 or 15 times through..

and to describe it: almost every short story I've written, the main character, I'd say Tragic but Noble if I could put a name to my creativity.



to Paraphrase JAck Nicolson "I think of a Woman. then i take away subterfuge and guilt."

that or i sit at my drawing table listening to Jimi Hendrix and hammer out ideas until i find one i like and hammer out a complete creation.

alcohol or sleep deprivation also work when inspiration wont cooperate.



Nothing comes from nothing.

Creativity, in its most basic form, is the ability to combine old ideas to form something new. However, there is obviously a marked difference in the degree of creativity exhibited by different people at different times.

Any idiot can take two TV shows, and say "I want to make a show that is a combination of these two". That alone does not make for the trait that we normally recognize as creativity. "Real", or at the very least, deeper constructive creativity is arrived at by combining ideas from more different sources - preferably from a huge archive of those concepts and feelings that you have experienced over your lifespan, and often without being able to pinpoint the source of individual elements and quirks - and, equally important, the ability to extrapolate upon the combinations you have created based on alternating logic with intentional counter-logic.

Hmm. That came off more pretentious than intended. Short version: First, when we create something, it is derived in large part from other things in our mind, usually including a variety of creative works we have read/heard/seen. Visions we would classify as "more creative" are those that are further divorced from their respective sources, preferably by combining small parts of so many things that we would truly call it something new. Second, combining alone is not creation. To complete a creative concept requires you to extrapolate upon your core concepts - move forward the conflicts and deal with them. This requires you to use a mix of logic (self explanatory) and intentional avoidance of logic - because humans do not always do what is logical, and if your characters or fictional histories always progress in a 100% logical fashion, your audience will reject your work automatically, without necessarily knowing why.



How would you define your creatity?"

Forced by paycheck into slavery"



If I was actually creative, I would have a better job.

Tankers are the greatest in my book



We talking character-wise or in general? Eh, let's do both.

In general, whatever I come up with just gets dumped on me. Ever heard Stephen King talk about his Muse [rhymes with "fitting"] on his head? That's pretty much my experience with it too. It just hits me, no regard to time or place.

CoH wise, every CoH/CoV character I have is based on some girl I either knew or know (except for two, but we'll get to them in a minute). This isn't exactly new...whenever I had to come up with a character for whatever reason, I always made them female, and made them the polar opposites of all the "dainty" girls I knew (and that was all of them). I made them fighters, rogues, assassins, killers, warriors.

In my mind, my main character is modeled after a girl I was friends with for years (we've kinda grown apart), who's also named Alicia. They have different hairstyles and colors, and RL Alicia doesn't know Tae Kwon Do (as far as I know, heh), but in my mind she kicks a whole lotta rump. I won't bore you with the inspirations for my other characters, but take my word, I have an RL female in mind who fits each.

Perhaps most telling of all? My future CoV character is based on the girl I was almost married to, and had the longest relationship (5 years) with. She was also Hispanic, also a former juvenile delinquent, and I suspect also had an evil demonic spirit inside her telling her to do evil things. Buddy, if that's not Psychiatric Amateur-Hour Theatre waiting to happen, I don't know what is.

Oh, btw, the exceptions? I have two male characters, one who looks as much like me as I could get (though I'm not nearly as good-looking)...and the other one is a re-imagining of Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink (google is your friend) as a brilliant physicist. It's amazing what connections your mind makes when you stay up for two straight days.



I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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Sweet. Baby. Jeebus.



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Well...I didn't used to be all that creative.

And then, in Sept. of '97, I took a couple of blows to my head, got dain bramage, and now (sporadically) I get off-the-wall ideas.

Either that or I take my migraine medicine.....or alternatively, I just ask my daughter for ideas.



My creativity is a dark and foreboding creature that forever lurks within the hallways of my mind. In his left hand he drags with him all the nightmares that my mind can hold, in his right, a bag of assorted candies that he liberally tosses about to brighten up the place. He's friendlier than he looks and he makes great cocktails, but you always have to remember that there's that darker edge to everything he does.



My creativity is a dark and foreboding creature that forever lurks within the hallways of my mind. In his left hand he drags with him all the nightmares that my mind can hold, in his right, a bag of assorted candies that he liberally tosses about to brighten up the place. He's friendlier than he looks and he makes great cocktails, but you always have to remember that there's that darker edge to everything he does.

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...So your pretty much a Batman. He is good, but also can be considered mean by what he does. He interrogates people by holding them over the edge of a building, and sometimes, if they don't answer he actually drop's 'em... or if he doesn't, he should.



Mmmm... makers... a fine choice... a fine choice indeed...

Im pretty new to the CoH community and noticed that in the past there have been seasonal baddies (the snowmen) that pop up. I was thinking that there should be something for the summertime... everyone likes a nice summer picnic... until they are invaded by those blasted army ants! I think there should be giant army ants (man-sized, in an army uniform) that start springing up all over PC during the summer time.

How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Maker's Mark.

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My "understanding" seems to be broken, what?

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Sorry; 'hootch'.

EDIT: I'm setting a bad example, I'm sure. Kids, you get the same effect by extending your arms and spinning around really fast about two hundred times. Really.

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Was it a dream where you see yourself in sort of, Sun God robes, on a pyramid, with a thousand naked women screaming & throwing little pickles at you? � Val Kilmer as Chris Knight

TALUS - 50 fi/st tank
Horace Pinker - 50 en/dm corr



mit keine eier . . .



mit keine eier . . .

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Uh... yeah...



mit keine eier . . .

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Sie offensichtlich verstehen nicht Deutsches. Erlauben Sie mir zu übersetzen:

Sin los huevos

¿Qué? ¿Usted no español understan tampoco? Cómo sobre esto:

Senza le uova

Lascilo indovinare. Non capite quello, neanche? Provi questo:

Sans des oeufs

Pas même en français ? Vous des Américains... fins, ici il est en anglais :

With no eggs.

Although I have no idea what that means

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
. . . und keine eier



Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
. . . und keine eier

[/ QUOTE ]

Jetzt sind Sie kein sinnvoll auf Zweck

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
. . . und keine eier

[/ QUOTE ]

Jetzt sind Sie kein sinnvoll auf Zweck

[/ QUOTE ]

Densho na sai wa uul, Naja kei?

I figure if other people are going to exclude readers based on language, I might as well join in right?



For superheroes... I look around the room I'm in. That's my inspiration at the time if I didn't get inspired beforehand. I look at particular objects, words, think about properties of those objects, anything at all.

Sometimes, a flip through the dictionary, or thesaurus, can make a great character.



I would define my creativity as inspiration and enactment. All I need is a start-up idea, something small that manages to get a reaction out of me. Those things usually happen to me when I'm not thinking straight. Either when I'm up at 5 AM reading the forums, or when I haven't eaten in 8 hours after a small breakfast becasue I was too busy to go eat. Being solr of slim and with not a lot of reserve, missing sleep or going hungry can do wierd things to my brain, like make me woozy, unable to concentrate or constantly pop up ideas in my head. If I get one that gets me moved, I'll play it out in my head, and replay it, and replay it until it plays just like I want it to. I've caused myself quit a bit of grief that way, as it's so real it's actually unsettling. And that's exactly why it comes out good. The hard part comes when you have to adjust a character so that it's not yourself you're portraying.

Serious? Yes, there are some things I take seriously. If I don't, then they simply don't work at all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I go to Canadian Tire, stand in the plumbing section and let the ideas flow to me. This, of course, only works for the creation of...erm...."water pipes"



Take a forked stick- willow branches work real well for this for some reason. Place each branch-end on the forked stick on the left and right palms of your hand. Apply enough pressure to the stick to hold it between your outstretched hands, but not enough to break the stick. Walk slowly sround watching for disturbances in the way the stick points-

Oh! You said define my creativity... whups...