How would you define your creatity?




I do Pretty much what the OP described,...but only while surfing through tons of pr0n





make profit

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Make mo money...



1) Mild hallucinogens

2) A schizophrenic mp3 playlist

3) A complete lack of standards, morals or shame

4) Profit!



When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.

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Self-inflicted head wounds, eh? I'll have to keep that in mind...




I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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When I squeeze my eyes real tight, I often think I ehar voice screaming too. Then I realize it's just me screaming because I'm squeezing my eyes too tight.

50 Fire/Dev | 50 AR/Dev | 50 Ninjas/FF MM | 50 Bots/Dark | 50 Kin/Rad |
44 EM/Regen | 39 BS/Regen | 38 Kin/Elec | 27 Thugs/Pain
"Rare is the man so noble that he will always give thanks for that which is freely given." -Jock_Tamson



Creativity is the art of concealing your sources.

Gandhi 2 - Inf - lvl 50 AR/Dev Bla, Gazebo - Virt - lvl 50 Ice/SS Tank, Ms. Summers - Champ - lvl 50 MA/Inv Scr, Rachel Rosen - Lib - lvl 50 Ice/Emp Ctrl
Kiaransalee - Virt - lvl 50 Nec/Pois Mmd, Tierna - Vic - lvl 50 SS/Stone Bru
(and many <50s)



My creativity is rooted in my reactivity...

Okie, I confused meself again...



To steal a quote from someone else, I stare at the keyboard until drops of blood appear on my forehead.

If that fails, run 3 miles.

Either process is enhanced by being stressed out by life.

Heroes on Freedom Server
Chord - lvl 30 Rock 'n Roll Muse
Mr. Payback - lvl 12 Natural Tank
Caryatid - lvl 14 Magical Stone Tank
Chronobot - lvl 11 Tech Scrapper



I'm one of the folks who can spend an hour creating a character between costume and archetype and power pools.

Being an alt-a-holic, while my main server is Justice (Pressure, Pretorian, Puma, Pugilist, Powderkeg, Protactinium, Petrify) I have other servers where I establish a theme. Sometimes by archetype, power pools, nationality, etc. Basically, whatever will work to give a jumpstart to character creation ideas.

When I sit down to make the character, I write out the bio, make any modifications to outfit or powers as required, and see if the name I want is available. When it is not, which is often, of course, I look to translate the name into Spanish, Latin, German, etc. that gives me the name I want without resorting to x, _, ., etc.

Personally I will not play a character without a bio, because even though I do not role play, I'm still making a character to enjoy.

As a result, if you start a character on the Justice server, you can find my main, Pugilist, dropping by to hand out influence to lvl 10 and below if they have a decent bio. Normally it's a 10K gift. Exceptional bios get more.

It's putting my influence were by bias is.



To Steal an idea from a single person is Plagarism.

To Steal an idea from the enemy is Gathering Intelligence

therefor I dub the world my enemy

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



I get my ideas from a little shop in schenectady.



I await the coming of the Incan Monkey God. His simple yet poetic language inspires me.

Failing that, I go back and rewrite something an editor foolishly bought from me. I get so worked up about how bad it is that I HAVE to write something better. On something particulary good I can get past the second paragraph before flying into overdrive.

Stonehand Jack
I've never finished anything but occasionally people take what I'm working on away...

[edited because you should never write while under the influence of cold medicine]



I get my ideas from a little shop in schenectady.

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I just like the way that sounds....mmmm schenectady



I give myself pemission to explore absurdity. And permission to bring some of it back with me.

And I liberally combine things I like into something new. If I had any artistic talent I'd make collages and parodies.

Well, I actually do make parodies.



I await the coming of the Incan Monkey God. His simple yet poetic language inspires me.

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Nice Dilbert reference.

Me, I find that I'm most creative when I'm walking.
Somehow, the task of locomotion removes all the distractions and limits that plague me, and my mind opens to a plane of thought nodes, the "Wouldn't it be neat if" zone. I draw connections from one node to another, pulling them together into a self-sustaining and highly scalable structure from which I can expand while maintaining continuity.

Or, I suffer a flash of inspiration before bedtime and write 4 - 7 pages of short fiction before I realize what I'm doing. After I go back and clean it up, it's just another nice node.

I just wish I could keep writing through the less interesting parts; I've got all these great ideas, but I can't just mash them all toghether without filler.

Ah, well...

My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman

Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain



Me I carry on a three way conferesation and arguement with myself.

I really do, no I do not, don't pay them any mind thay don't know what they are talking about.

Triumph Heros

Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP

Triumph Villains

Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison



There's only one voice in my head, and, curiously enough, it sounds exactly like my mother's voice. Is that significant?



I do really well with a dictionary and a thesarus. I once came up with a fantasy idea from the word Buttermilk.



I do really well with a dictionary and a thesarus. I once came up with a fantasy idea from the word Buttermilk.

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Indeed. I find that simple words thrown together can inspire nice concepts;


Ph3ar the TWIST!



I think my next hero shall be named Flatulent Mongoose.



My creativity is a byproduct of my boredom.

As far as CoH is concerned, sometimes I'll just sit at the costume creator and play around for a while 'till something catches my eye, then build a character from there. But I'm horrible with names, so usually I just delete it and go to sleep...



I think my next hero shall be named Flatulent Mongoose.

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Would that be some kind of dark and sonics defender combination?



Nothing, unfortunately the name is too long. Damn you Statesman, and your short name registration card.



1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart
2) Grasp reality firmly with both hands
3) Twist sharply.

How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Sporatic and recaltrant.

Still here, even after all this time!