How would you define your creatity?




It's trite, but I come up with ideas in the shower. Really.

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This is my way too ... perhaps one day there will be waterproof notebooks so half my thoughts don't go down the drain!




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Wow! Best link I've followed in ages!

5 stars for you!



My creativity comes mainly from history/words. If i cant think of anything good, i usually turn to history or i start thinking of random words and their meaning.



Kid you not, I use the History channel. Every morning they have some random show on who knows what. I turn it on during breakfast and watch everything from Wild West Technology to World War I politics to Ancient Wonders of the World. It's a random spark to my creativity for the rest of the day.



Kid you not, I use the History channel. Every morning they have some random show on who knows what. I turn it on during breakfast and watch everything from Wild West Technology to World War I politics to Ancient Wonders of the World. It's a random spark to my creativity for the rest of the day.

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Actually, i like to see the history channel sometimes too. Some of the things are actually *gasp* interesting!



I have an overflow of creativity. Anyone want some? I got plenty.

It creeps up on me and pounces on me all the time, from noon to midnight and beyond. New ideas that make me go "OOOhhhh Oooooh!" and rush to write them down. This is why I have a bunch of lv 5 guys spread accross servers cuz the ideas for them were too good to forget, most of them with bios at the max word limit.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Well... I'd say Insanity But that's just a start... see, insanity isn't the lack or loss of sanity... it's simply seeing things in a slightly askewed perspective... because you never call yourself insane, everyone else does!

Chemical wise... I'd say Caffeine & Nicotine (sleeplessness goes hand in hand with these... but which is the chicken and which is the egg, eh?). Although, I've ALWAYS wanted to go 'oldschool' and try absinthe (but being in the military, and it being illegal in the US makes it hard)... Or perhaps Oxygen... they actually have Oxygen bars in Japan; been there, seen them... never went to one.

MUSIC!!! I MUST listen TO music ALWAYS!!!! I can't see how people can live without music! Of ALL kinds! (please... no country though... nothing new and twangy! "My wife died, my dog left me, and my truck ran away!"... wait... BUT! --> Charlie Daniel's Band ROCKED!!! ) Metal, alternative, punk, ska, techno, jazz, classical, musicals, instrumentals, anything 80's... swing, and a million others! Oh... and no polka

I'd say history as well, but not in all cases. I am a table-top RPG'er as well, and have some characters (vamps; old as sin) that are very twisted into history. I've spent MANY long hours 'researching' history; so the places and people (most) were real... even some of the events. Another great source for history though... (if you're still in high school... close your eyes!) are teachers! It's not that they know about history that amazes me, it's the ABSURD things they know about history! And they RETAIN all that knowledge that the general populace would consider useless, or at best, trivial! For instance; did you know that when Napoleon attacked Morengo, Italy... the night after the battle (that he called a victory; only because his butt got saved) he had a chicken dinner... today, it's called Chicken Morengo! [censored]?! Who knows that?! Other than some historian, your history teacher... well... me... and ALL OF YOU NOW! WHO?!

Also... absurd objects, random words... and many wasted ours of key-pressing and ink-blotting... they generally come into great thoughts!

If you gave a thousand monkies typewriters, they'd eventually re-write the entire works of Shakespear! (and Chaucer I'm sure) FOURTY-TWO!!!!



I basically come up with costumes by hitting the random button until something 'clicks'..I don't know how else to explain it really. I then add and subtract things from the original costume until I like it. Once I have the costume made it takes a while for a name (as we all know far too well), and usually by that time I have a million different origins going through my head so the description is usually the quickest part.



1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart
2) Grasp reality firmly with both hands
3) Twist sharply.

How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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1. Read, view, and examine as much as possible. Creativity, unfortunately, is rarely creating completely "new" ideas; it's more a matter of reassembling what has already been done, and to do that, you need to prime the pump.

2. Go running, driving, walking, hiking, or whatever else puts part of your brain on autopilot; it actually frees up the more creative aspect of your brain to control your thought processes. I get my best ideas when doing these things; unfortunately, by the time I stop, I can't quite get them down on paper.

3. Mixing prescription medicine and tequila might work but is not recommended. (Digesting large amounts of powdered sugar and caffiene is a legal substitute.)

4. Get some sleep.



I caught the voices behind me eating my Cheetos. Now I am out. Damn them.



Where do I get my creativity from, you ask?

Three words:
Caffeine and television.



I swipe all of my original ideas from others.

Where do I get my creativity from, you ask?

Three words:
Caffeine and television.

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This one will work.



You didn't think I wouldn't take precautions, did you?

*Presses button, quoted post explodes*




Let this be a lesson kiddies. Never swipe anything from a cat with a tank. Now, where did that cat with the pistol go...



1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart
2) Grasp reality firmly with both hands
3) Twist sharply.

How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Come up with? I have to beat it off with sticks, knives, bombs, and random passing small animals just to actually do anything pragmatic. My problem is that I have so many ideas and inspirations that it's very difficult to see any of them through before getting distracted.

Heck, you can fill an entire server's allotment with characters based on the aesthetic and philosophical associations with the various modes of western music, one character for each mode.



I have a muse. I get sudden bursts of creativity and I am forced to write my ideas down or express them in some way, before I can forget about them. Otherwise they drive me nuts.

So I have tons of half finished crap in my computer since my main objective is to get it out of me. Benefiting others is of much lesser concern.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



My best ideas come in the form of really intense nightmares. Invariably, the things I create form them tend to give other people nightmares as well (usually stories) which makes me kinda proud.



I caught the voices behind me eating my Cheetos. Now I am out. Damn them.

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I've found if you cut little notches into each and every one of them, the cheerios will slip off of the unwound paperclips they use to fish them out of the box.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Eh usually when I am drunk, silly stuff I see in the city or on tv. Or just my own oddity, or from talking to myself.




I'm at my most creative after midnight and until I fall asleep. It is the curse of being a true night person.

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Same here. And for me it ususlly is when I am too tired to do anything about it. I'll say, "that's a great idea, I hope I remember it in the morning." But I usually don't



Dude, would you, like, practice your dark arts somewhere else?

I mean, I have a post in this thread somewhere, and it's a REALLY crappy and embarassing post and I'd hoped it was dead.



Hahhh! No such luck primal.

My creativity doesn't stop, but it has kind of started to remain cycling around the same types of characters or situations...

So I build generators. Many. Generators. I'm an avid fan of Steve Savage's seventh sanctum, where I got my original code. And if you're not involved with the Sanctum you all should be. It's a load of fun

Seventh Sanctum

My Generator links (not all of them either)

I find that by mixing up what I already know, I am almost instantly able to do something new and cool with something old and stale...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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I don't really create. I appreciate. And if I don't like something that I have control over, I make more or less random changes to it until I like it better. It's like the old joke about how to carve a statue of an elephant.

Sorry Primal