How would you define your creatity?




1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart
2) Grasp reality firmly with both hands
3) Twist sharply.

How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?



It's trite, but I come up with ideas in the shower. Really.



It just happens. I don't know why. That being said, I have failed miserably in any attempt to ever have an original thought. They all stem from something that came before.



I'm at my most creative after midnight and until I fall asleep. It is the curse of being a true night person.



I usually come up with my best ideas when I'm almost asleep. Like, right when I'm about to pass out. I've come up with some of my best riffs that way. (and some character concepts)

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



I buy my ideas from a guy that hangs out by the dumpster behind my apartment.



My most orignal moment came when I tried to come up with something to link me and my brothers hero. In the process I came up with something that I've never seen before.

But most of my creative moments come to me when I'm bored and should be paying atttention to something else. My mind just wanders till I come up with something. I run wth it and flesh it out.



I use a three-step approach as well:

1) Observe beauty (natural or other)
2) Remember personal experiences that incited emotion
3) Mix the two with some special seasoning and bake at 350ยบ for 15 minutes




How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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I don't. I am not creative at all.

Ignorance is being untaught. Stupidity is being unwilling to learn.




How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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I don't. I am not creative at all.

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Bah! Lies!



If you ever see me pacing back and forth and mumbling to myself, forgive me.



My muse strikes at odd times, and then gets distracted by shiny objects.

I came up with a character idea, full blown, powersets, backstory and name between shampooing and conditioning my hair. I zoned out in a poker game and thought of a great background for another character (I lost the poker game by the way). Came up with a third while high on migraine drugs...

Problem is, due to the shiny thing syndrome, none of these ever make it to text. I'm so doomed.



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Maker's Mark.



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Maker's Mark.

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My "understanding" seems to be broken, what?



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Maker's Mark.

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My "understanding" seems to be broken, what?

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Maker's Mark is bourbon. His creativity is fueled by booze. Not a bad way to go!

I have no creativity. I steal all my ideas. Got any spares lying around I can "borrow"?



How do the rest of you come up with creative stuff?

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Maker's Mark.

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My "understanding" seems to be broken, what?

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Sorry; 'hootch'.

EDIT: I'm setting a bad example, I'm sure. Kids, you get the same effect by extending your arms and spinning around really fast about two hundred times. Really.



I believe Makers Mark is a type of whiskey...or bourbon, or something like that..

And I come up with Creative stuff by mind melding with my 2000 year old spirit guide named Joemamaisphat. He was killed in the year 5 by a rabid pack of jackalopes that smelled the pie in his pocket. (Quite obviously carrying it in his pocket due to Tupperware not having been invented yet.)

As for how I define my " Creatity ", I havent a clue, cause I don't know what that is...



I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.




I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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The voices aren't actually in your head. They are behind you.






You do that too?! Wow!

The headwound thing I mean. What are you.. a lunatic?



For me it's usually just some random thought that I get exposed to somewhere. My brain then takes that thought and extrapolates it out to the most absurd, ridiculous, fantastical extreme imaginable(this may or may not be with my conscious consent). I then back the line of thought off a bit from that gobbledy-[censored] and wind up with something that works.

When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.


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I hear ya, you old Sumerian King, you. I used to do that, but gave up after all I got was the voices in my head repeating the phrase "stop hitting yourself" in a distinctly petulant and mocking tone.




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make profit



my best ideas come either from inside the bathroom (hey its the best time to focus on something other than what you are doing in there) and just before falling asleep or just waking up.

problem I have is modivation to put the creativity to a positive outlet such as writing.