Spectral Terror





Let me put it this way: Dark defenders LOVE Fearsome Stare. Yes, it draws aggro (one shot), but it lasts long enough to be perma-applied on most groups. In other words, as a fear, it's a nice long-term lockdown power.

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They actually dont retaliate when they get hit with FS, or when you reapply the fear.



finally found a decent use of ST...we were fighting de's on a train mission. with me as the only healer with rad aura(which dont make me a healer atal) it was taking us awile to take down mobs.

not only that our lowest lev member was our highest damage dealer,which means,he was taking more damage then he was causing. and he was causing more damage then we were taking.

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And how is this preferrable to what EVERY other fear power does? Which is make the bees cower and allow you to defeat them at your leisure...

Oh wait. But you need to make them run away instead of locking them down.

If you all had used any other fear power, you would realize how weak ST is in comparison...



(tar patch or lingering radiation)+spectral terror==a really good way to keep baddies busy.



Or just Tar Patch, or just Lingering Radiation.

I'm not saying there aren't things to do w/ ST, it's just hard to see how ST adds anything to these other powers. It's a marginal benefit that doesn't seem worth giving up, say, Lingering Radiation in the first place.



Actually, Tar Patch isn't available to Illusion Controllers, as you can't choose Dark as a secondary (dear god, do I wish i could, though.)

That leaves Radiation and Storm summoning as the only two secondaries available with a slow component.

Personally, I'd rather ST be useful for Empaths, Force Fielders and Kineticists too.

And when you add in that Snow Storm is a toggle slow based off an anchor, and ST will cause things to scatter away from the anchor, Storm gets kinda screwed too. Not to mention that Freezing Rain will do a better job anyways.



Whether ST is useful is moot.

In my tests, ST does not make low level mobs cower in fear. When tossed on a lower-level mob, about half of the mob runs off from the first fear. By the third fear, the entire mob had fled. And they did not run a short ways, they ran off at least a hundred yards.

Cowering is never a good thing. Either fix the power to make victims cower, or give ST up as a failure and replace with anything else that's at least marginally useful. Since I am running an Ill/Emp Controller, having my second highest power written out of the handbook of useful powers hurts a bit too much.

Partial Character List: http://www.warlock-inc.com/CharList.html



If Spectral Terror is only marginal then it cuts deeper than a non pet power in the Illusion set.

I want to be the premier pet class. I want my pets to be cool. Why is it to much to wish that all illusion pets were an integral part of the package and not so situational that many players would never know that illusion had Spectral Terror?

Spectral Terrors got game with its nightmare animation and it fits illusion! But when it comes to utility there are so many better choices. I want the animation so bad I will stretch to get this power. I have had it in all forms. I still have it but I have reserved my free respect in case it is not repaired.

In the few days after I3 I had it out all the time and my teammates loved the animation. I did not find it overpowering and I loved the feeling of a whole posse of pets around me. I have had it through 15 levels in its current state it is a very poor choice. Here’s to hoping that the power will be salvaged. I further hope it will not be situational but a regular part of my pet posse.



ST is awesome for respec mission. I drop one or two of those things on the core and it never gets touched. On the lvl 44 respec, the Rikti would tport right to the core and just stand there, or run off. Yes, it might have been a pain to chase some of them down but I have not failed a respec mission when I have had one sitting on the core.



I used to hold baby Krakens by myself with ST....Although I don't know if that was before or after the revert back to running patch.

Oh wait it was both because later towards the end the Kraken ran off and I was like "..what the... it ran off!"

The Devs obviously want to make the power a "run away" power otherwise they wouldn't have went back to running. If you can't find a use for it don't use it. If you can great it's there for you if you want it.

It's my belief that after I3 was released they found that it made illusion too powerful. Just my opinion. Flame if you must.



ST is awesome for respec mission. I drop one or two of those things on the core and it never gets touched. On the lvl 44 respec, the Rikti would tport right to the core and just stand there, or run off. Yes, it might have been a pain to chase some of them down but I have not failed a respec mission when I have had one sitting on the core.

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If they were cowering in place as ANY OTHER fear power would have them do, the reactor would never get touched either. Stop perpetuating this silly myth. The supposed "flee/safe zone advantage" is only in your head. There is no advantage to fleeing ANY distance. There definately is a disadvantage.



I used to hold baby Krakens by myself with ST....Although I don't know if that was before or after the revert back to running patch.

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Funny. I hold them with 1-2 blinds. They never, ever break free, and are big fat exp punching bags. A blaster and I duod them.



I was just stating that it was an effective hold.



I was just stating that it was an effective hold.

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not really, when you consider the Kracken can attack back with fear.

With Blind he's not moving anywhere.



People sure like to pick apart peoples posts.

I was in no way comparing ST to blind in my previous post. I am very away that a hold is better than fear. And that you can also hold a monster by spaming holds.

That being said, my intention was to show that with ST as the way it was with I3 makes Illusion too powerful.(thus the change) And that the whole reason they have enemies flee is so the power has a drawback and to make it so it's not just a rip off of another power. This was all I was trying to say.

All of this is of course just my personal opinion.



People sure like to pick apart peoples posts.

I was in no way comparing ST to blind in my previous post. I am very away that a hold is better than fear. And that you can also hold a monster by spaming holds.

That being said, my intention was to show that with ST as the way it was with I3 makes Illusion too powerful.(thus the change) And that the whole reason they have enemies flee is so the power has a drawback and to make it so it's not just a rip off of another power. This was all I was trying to say.

All of this is of course just my personal opinion.

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I personally disagree that illusion was "too powerful" but showing how a level 26 power situationally can be used in place of a level 1 power hardly proves anything.

Actually its still not as good as the level 1 power in that situation...



We need to see how this works on test, but it is ESSENTIAL that this be made usefull as a CROWD control power, as CC is what it is supposed to be about. Making them run away isn't controlling, in my book. If I'm grouped, I want them cowered where my teammates can deal with them.

But as stated, lets see how it plays out on test, and return comments then.



I really have a hard time thinking Spectral Terror alone is overpowered, mainly because I also have a level 23 Dark Defender, who can control very effectively with Fearsome Stare, which makes mobs cower. In other words, if ST is overpowered, then other fear effects are also overpowered.
From the evidence, the Devs do not seem to think Fear is overpowered, just ST. Other fear effects have been left alone (Terrify, Fearsome Stare) but ST has been changed to cause scattering.
It seems to me that it is the combination of ST, PA, and Phantasm that is overpowered. It's the only reason why I can imagine ST was altered.



honestly, after having played as a teammate to an illusion controller for a good 6 months now, illusion is hardly about crowd control... Illusionists are essentially masters of chaos, with phantom army, spectral terror, and phantasms. There is one AoE hold in the illusionists power set, flash. But pretty much every other power is a damage dealer but all that damage comes with a price, it can heal back.

But as far as cowering, if spectral terror doesnt make them cower, thats ok, i dont mind the scattering as a scrapper, yes, i have to chase them down, but if i am fighting a boss, that means they arent trying to kill me.

Btw, as a Dark/Dark scrapper, cloak of fear doesnt cause scattering (even on -1 minions). But occasionally, i get the one guy running off, and screaming like a girl with his hands waving in the air. (i love that)

also, in the case of illusionists , CC needs to stand for something different, like Chaos Creators instead of crowd control.

Also, control can mean more than just locking them down. Controlling is affecting the bad guys behavior. In the case of illusionists, causing abject terror and forcing them to run off. In the case of the other sets (and flash), its forcing the bad guys to stay in one spot and not do anything.



but if i am fighting a boss, that means they arent trying to kill me.

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Bosses can be hit with the cower thing on fearsome stare too. I would hope that a controller could lock down the boss afterwards, removing the threat without any of the annoyance of chasing it...

In the case of illusionists, causing abject terror and forcing them to run off. In the case of the other sets (and flash), its forcing the bad guys to stay in one spot and not do anything.

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This serves no purpose in comparison to other fear powers, and only has potential drawbacks.



People sure like to pick apart peoples posts.

I was in no way comparing ST to blind in my previous post. I am very away that a hold is better than fear. And that you can also hold a monster by spaming holds.

That being said, my intention was to show that with ST as the way it was with I3 makes Illusion too powerful.(thus the change) And that the whole reason they have enemies flee is so the power has a drawback and to make it so it's not just a rip off of another power. This was all I was trying to say.

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You have yet to show that. All you've shown is that ST, as it was initially after I3, at times wasn't a whole lot worse than every other AoE control power. As it is now, you've shown that it's a whole lot worse than Blind.

Scatter sucks. A power that scatters w/o any other benefit sucks. ST is one of those powers.



I agree with Hanged Man, any power that scatters the enemy is bad. Unless the power provides other major benefits (such as good amounts of damage) the power is worthless in my opinion. ST as described by Geko sounds like it will end up worthless. If ST scatters the enemy I will respec out of it for sure.

I used a respec to get ST when it was causing th enemy to cower (even with the drawback of getting all that aggro). Now I am very disappointed with the way ST is going as it appears to be heading towards the 'reject power' group, i.e. fleeing enemies. In the end it will have cost me two respecs if ST ends up with fleeing mobs, what a waste.



You have yet to show that. All you've shown is that ST, as it was initially after I3, at times wasn't a whole lot worse than every other AoE control power. As it is now, you've shown that it's a whole lot worse than Blind.

Scatter sucks. A power that scatters w/o any other benefit sucks. ST is one of those powers.

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Be Nice.

The original Issue 3 ST,

-Imob Groups of mobs, and prevented attacks unless attacked
-It also debuffed and stacked with itself -acc until the point the mob cudn't hit.
-Mobs that can't hit back with success, and can't move, are pretty much sitting ducks
-ST was perma from the time you get it
-No defenses were designed for mobs against fear, unlike holds, since orgianlly it was an oh pooo power.

Is that powerful? I'd say yes.

The proposed spectral terror basically destroys its usefulness for AoE. The power would still be very powerful if combined with an Imob but, obviously thats not within the Illusion bag of tricks.

I think it should just be made to not self stack. It would allow the mobs a better then smoke grenade chance of hitting, while not destroying AoE.



You have yet to show that. All you've shown is that ST, as it was initially after I3, at times wasn't a whole lot worse than every other AoE control power. As it is now, you've shown that it's a whole lot worse than Blind.

Scatter sucks. A power that scatters w/o any other benefit sucks. ST is one of those powers.

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Be Nice.

The original Issue 3 ST,

-Imob Groups of mobs, and prevented attacks unless attacked
-It also debuffed and stacked with itself -acc until the point the mob cudn't hit.
-Mobs that can't hit back with success, and can't move, are pretty much sitting ducks
-ST was perma from the time you get it
-No defenses were designed for mobs against fear, unlike holds, since orgianlly it was an oh pooo power.

Is that powerful? I'd say yes.

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I'd say "yes," too, if you think "average" is powerful.

It certainly wasn't as useful or powerful as Flash. It certainly wasn't as good as PA or Phantasm, probably not as useful as GI, Blind, and SW. At least it was better than Superior Invisibility.

Does that make it powerful? Better than Superior Invisibility? I'd say . . . not.

I don't know why people care about the stackable debuffs. By the time ST put a mob at the accuracy minimum, the mobs were long since dead unless your build was terrible. It was kewl and all, but it didn't add to Subby's power at all.



I don't know why people care about the stackable debuffs. By the time ST put a mob at the accuracy minimum, the mobs were long since dead unless your build was terrible. It was kewl and all, but it didn't add to Subby's power at all.

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Well the fights your describing, using ST might be overkill. It likes comparing the minimum fighting even con minions vs fighting an AV. And saying well since I didn't need vs the even con minions the power mustn't be good. Stacking buffs/debuffs, make a heroe all the more powerful as a fight progresses. And if it doesn't make that big a difference I'd think you'd be very supportive of just removing the Stacking since afterall, it doesn't make much difference to you.



finally found a decent use of ST...we were fighting de's on a train mission. with me as the only healer with rad aura(which dont make me a healer atal) it was taking us awile to take down mobs.

not only that our lowest lev member was our highest damage dealer,which means,he was taking more damage then he was causing. and he was causing more damage then we were taking.

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And how is this preferrable to what EVERY other fear power does? Which is make the bees cower and allow you to defeat them at your leisure...

Oh wait. But you need to make them run away instead of locking them down.

If you all had used any other fear power, you would realize how weak ST is in comparison...

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now hold on pilgrim,where in my post did i say that i preferred ST to any other fear power? i didnt.

relax,i would love to see ST fixed just like the rest of us, and no,i dont have any other fear power so i dont have anything to compare it with. and the bees didnt run,they stayed in one place, so i didnt have to chase them either.

i dont like the scatter effect any more than anyone else posting here,was just saying that i found a small use of ST and was just sharing my experience...and as a matter of fact,tho everything i said was true,i was half arsed being sarcastic