Spectral Terror





Oh, and can the spectral terror look like Martha Stewart? Just wondering.

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Naw...It should look like Hillary Clinton. MUCH scarier.

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No.. No.. No... A naked Bea Arthur.

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Uh, no. We were all in agreement that having the mobs flee, never to return, was not the appropriate behavior.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Geko, You say you want to reduce the scattering affect of Spectral Terror.

Narrowing the cone will do that. Less affected foes mean less scattering. Unfortunately it also means the power is less effective. Please do not move that change into production. I feel that it will do more harm than good.

Adding a Cloak of fear that the only affects Blues, greens, and grey's adds no usability to this power. Lower level cons at level 28 are less of a threat & can be dealt with quickly enough with out it.

Reducing the run time does reduce the scattering effect. IMHO simply removing the run component completely would solve this issue with no further changes. If you must keep the run component, run time should enable an affected foe to run the distance of the cone X2 ( to account for having to cross the diameter of the Spectral Terror's range) maximum (if ti is less, I wqillnot be heartbroken).

Please don't gimp the Spectral Terror, That will make 2 powers in this power set that have been "looked into" and whacked with the nerf bat (yes I am still bitter of the treatment of Phantom Army in the whole pet change fiasco)



Yes, another vote from someone without spectral terror, telling us to accept a power that was working, and was broken on 1/18. Thanks! Lets leave powers broken and sub par, because its fun! Lets roll back twilight grasp to its previously stupid 4 second animation.. dead teammates are cool! Lets get rid of stacking armors. Bye bye punchvoke!

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone gets nerfs at one point or another, hence, I'm fully qualified to say "I don't care if it's broke for now". I have an Invuln tanker. I have an illusionist, though I don't have ST yet. My main focus is on content, not maximizing my build. I'm in the game to have fun, not stroke my ego by balancing elements to beat a lousy AI. Hence, I don't give a tinker's damn if ST has changed, as long as it doesn't crash the game. As to the rest of your illmannered hyperbole, I have only the vaguest idea what it's about, but I assume it's something to do with people's powers and how they weren't used within their temporary limitations. You got me there. I'm wounded deeply by the many more hours you've spent in the game that I spent doing something useful. You scored big trying to insult a total stranger.

Regardless of your MPMS, I never suggested "roll over and accept it" - merely that it's not the end of the world. I will never say "Roll over and accept it". It's our god given right to sue for redress when we see something wrong. So while I don't see the urgency of the matter that provokes your hissyfit, I support your right to hissy over it.


Without the "hero" in superhero, you're just a bully.

Engremore/IronMax/Jackalope/BaronMind - Infinity server
Engremore/IronMax/Doc Martian- Triumph Server
Just Click on City of Heroes



I have only the vaguest idea what it's about, but I assume it's something to do with people's powers and how they weren't used within their temporary limitations.

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Let me try to illuminate the issue a little further for you then.

This has also to do with mobs leaping off the high platforms in Orenbega down to the bottom and therefore tacking on an extra two or three minutes to a mission just to chase down one or two mobs.

This is about mobs affected by a seperate toggle power running into the next room and aggroing everything in it.

This is about your teammates telling you, "Don't use that stupid power! It's messing up the game!"

I've had teammates irritated by the KB powers of my Phantasms, but at least they're tolerable as they tend to do lots of damage (nevertheless I respectfully withhold them when teaming with fire tankers and the like). Spectral Terror, even with the changes that Geko proposes, may very likely continue to be an unpopular power simply because its practical application is very limited.

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!



As for your mediocre powers comment, Empathy can be called one (since if you don't take damage you don't need to be healed or buffed if you got the "right" build), or bubbles (if you have a healer you don't need "protection"), or the entire scrapper powers or tank powers(if you can hold the mobs so they can't attack or you can range defeat them), it depends on PLAY style, NOT powers.

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Except Spectral Terror is an inferior hold. We have a hold. So the power needs to offer some comparative reason to take it.

I figure your a XP/min type player judging by your statements of playing gimped to Arcanaville, if so more power to you, just hope not to team up with you ever; if not my apology for misconstrueing your statement.

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I'm your average player. I'm not going to intentionally do counterproductive actions in order to amuse myself (ie, dumping freezing rain on a tank, to force them to chase mobs) like Arcanaville does, which me, and the majority of players would consider a stupid play choice. I'm going to pick powers that are useful, and fun. But the are going to be useful. I wont take taunt on a blaster "because he likes to mouth off to enemies" and taunt them. I save my roleplaying for tabletop, I see little value in a computer game. Spectral terror was more useful post I3 and pre 1/18 patch, where it worked like all other fear powers in the game. I would like to know why it was downgraded to its inferior form.

My uses for ST that I have found.
With ST you can use it in a team WITHOUT scattering mobs. You stay at the back, pop ST at max range BEHIND YOU away from the group you are fighting. Then there is a safe haven for any squishy on the team that needs to retreat since the mobs will get ST'd and lose aggro.

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Again, inferior to how it was working. If they are cowering, you can pick them off one by one, use rest, go afk, cyber or whatever. This "safe zone" is pure BS compared to actual control, whcih is what ST offered. Its what fearsome stare, offers, its what terrify offers, etc. If a mob would have run, they would have been cowering (ie not attacking). There is no advantage to scattering. Single target? Pick thgem off one at a time, no advantage to scattering (its easier to maintain fear/hold lockdown as well). AE damage/debuff? DEFINATELY no advantage to scattering.

Also when ya have to protect something from getting destroyed pop one on top of whatever it is and the mobs will have other things to think of than destroying it. This is so far in groups since I don't have stamina or my RA yet to be able to pop pets, heal, hold and have a ST out yet also. I also don't team much since most of the time I spend healing cause the "real" healer is too busy being a offender instead healing.

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Again, INFERIOR, in every possible way, to how fear works for other powers. I have a 43 ill/rad, and a 32 dark defender, so I'm going to play the experience and level card here man. I solod my cape mission and the war walls mission as the defender using primarily fearsome stare. The mobs wont attack the object, they stand there cowering. When you attack them, they attack you, again... NOT the object. So theres no benefit to scattering them. If you could damage the object, that would be sone thing. Before 1/18, ST basically worked like fearsome stare, where it left mobs cowering, but clumped up if you wanteed to AE them or debuff, or fulcrum shift, or whatever, but still offered the same level of protection as this zone of safety garbage everyone is talking about.




Just a reminder, still no answer to my question. What a power costs and what an effect is has no bearing on anything. I contend that "bad side effects" are valid balancers in the game, and can be made to balance against the benefits of a power.

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If spectral terror was better than ahnold, you might have a point. However, its not, and you dont. Why argue with someone who enjoys playing ina counterproductive fashion (ie, tossing freezing rains on a fire tank, galing to ruin AE damage). You play a mediocre set to cause frustration. You like to gimp yourself, and play inefficiently. Good for you, continue to enjoy playing poorly. Most CoH players dont, and want their powers to be good.

[/ QUOTE ] I'm not sure if its true that most CoH players play efficiently, but I do know that most CoH players are not crazy about teaming with players who throw insults around.

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I owe you an apology. I went back and reread, and you werent the storm defender who was purposefully screwing up their team because they thought it was funny. So I detract anything I said about your playing abilities, and am sorry for mistaking you for someone else. Id edit them, but unfortunately cant.

I dont have a problem with people playing poorly, if they are trying to learn. I'll suggest ways that might help the team out (ie, the green cloud makes your attacks do more damage. If you wait to unload inferno until after you see it, you'll hit harder) or increase their survivability (ie, the black stuff on your feet from shadowfall generally marks my healing radius for twilight grasp. If you dont see it, I cant heal you). People's builds are their own issue, unless they complain about not being effective, then I can offer some assistance, if they want it.



Thanks for the update!



Let me try to illuminate the issue a little further for you then.

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Oh I got that part - it was his reference to other powers that had been broken, I assume, re:
Lets leave powers broken and sub par, because its fun! Lets roll back twilight grasp to its previously stupid 4 second animation.. dead teammates are cool! Lets get rid of stacking armors. Bye bye punchvoke!

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand that the current version of ST is frustrating - I never debated it, nor suggested that it shouldn't be changed back to the version that people seem to think works. "Get over it" was his take on what I said.

The gist of what I meant in the second part of my orginal post, and apparently didn't make clear, was that for now it be viewed as a challenge rather than cause to flail about, give up, and respec it away. The first part concerned how "fun" was a subjective criteria - that, for me at least, fun also included the challenge of dealing with a power gone awry (like Superman when he couldn't stop his heat vision, or when his powers were stripped from him on various occasions).

And I liked chasing mobs around Orenbega (and they fled even without ST - I was in my scrapper). Gave me a chance to hone my fly/hover pursuit tactics.


Without the "hero" in superhero, you're just a bully.

Engremore/IronMax/Jackalope/BaronMind - Infinity server
Engremore/IronMax/Doc Martian- Triumph Server
Just Click on City of Heroes



Illusion controllers have always thematically lacked control to make up for the extra damage that they get in PA and SW. And for having certain tools that make them actually valuable against AVs. ST being one of those tools.

ST, in the early days of I3, was overpowered... not for the power itself. It was only comparable to Earthquake, then. But for a set that is supposed to lack control, it gave too much control. As someone said, putting up 2 or 3 STs pretty much kept the mobs all "locked down", immobile, and retaliating at a slow rate... and on top of that, with the stacking fear debuffs, they were greatly debuffed. In one power, it was:

a long-lasting, perma-duration, stackable immobilize
a great debuff, with the drawback that it takes some time to stack its debuff effects
a "slow firing" effect, similar to a slow power, that forced the mobs to fire back at a lower rate.

All that in one power that was perma'd out of the box. With no extra slots, you could drop it into a fight against 20 mobs, and then get to work with Blind and SW to finish them off one at a time, without the others retaliating. Think about that... Blind, SW, and ST... and you could probably solo the Respec Trial. And if you couldn't, then if you 6-slotted ST, you surely could. All the mobs would enter range, get feared, and wait for you to get around to actually killing them.

The "fix" to it, then, was to make mobs flee. So ST became a defensive power, like my blaster uses caltrops, to create a safe zone for squishies. Well, that's fine. Not all control powers need to be lockdowns. I'm fine with a defensive power, especially one that also has the bonus effect of being a great debuff against AVs, and unlike caltrops, debuffing the enemies that it repulses.

But it had one major problem: mobs wouldn't just be repulsed. They'd run for hte hills, and never come back. That made it, unlike caltrops, a power that instead of using every fight to create a defensive formation, I would use only in those fights where I really felt the team needed a safety buffer. And as someone said, I always dropped it BEHIND the team, figuring that if we needed it, we'd be retreating anyhow.

Well, the new change looks like it fixes that problem. Now, I can drop it on our location. Enemies come close, get feared, back away (debuffed), but don't run all the way to kingdom come. Instead, they will stay relatively close, where they can still be killed. I'm not sure if it will be a great power as I state it, mostly since I'm worried about the aggro it will draw, but at least in this design, I can see how it's intended to work (as a "soft" repel effect), and it seems as if it will do the job.

I took it for I3, I kept it (it was this or Mutate), and I never planned to respect out of it (I solo AVs, and it's a great debuff against an opponent that's nearly immune to status powers), and now I see it getting more useful in normal situations. It's not a great lockdown power, but frankly, Illusion isn't about lockdown, it's about chaos and damage.



Seriously, where did all of you get this uber ST post I3?

It locked down mobs that never attacked?
It immobilized mobs?

Wow! That is incredible. Here's what would happen if I used ST:
1. I cast ST.
2. I get shot at by every mob.
3. 7.5 seconds elapse, and ST casts again.
4. I get shot at by every mob.
repeat Steps 3 & 4.

Yes, over time their accuracy dropped to the point where I was safe, but it took a while. I could mitigate this by casting PA first to soak agro, but I was still in danger for the first few volleys.

Was there an immobilize? God no. Sure, mobs weren't running all over the place to get into melee, but it wasn't an immobilize. You'd still get the occasional runner, and Knockback would send everything flying.

Would mobs sit there cowering while I picked things off one at a time? No, ST broke its own fear causing everything to shoot. There's 0 lockdown here.

Was ST an excellent debuffing tool that took some risk and power management to use? Definately!

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for situational powers (take a look at some of my recent posts on bonfire), but a power that just makes mobs flee away from me? That's not situational, that's near useless (esp. when you add in the fact that I'm still going to get a good amount of agro from it first).

What if we made ST work just like it did with I3's release, but we drop the stackable debuff? Make it a set amount that you have to slot up with tohitt debuffs. To me, this makes ST still uselful, but not as "uber out of the box" as some people believe it to be. And if you want that mighty debuff, commit the slots.



ST, in the early days of I3, was overpowered


a long-lasting, perma-duration, stackable immobilize
a great debuff, with the drawback that it takes some time to stack its debuff effects
a "slow firing" effect, similar to a slow power, that forced the mobs to fire back at a lower rate.

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Why do you think that made Illusion overpowered? Seriously, why?

Even if all that stuff was kewl (which is arguable, given how ST sucked so much aggro to you), it didn't make Illusion overpowered. When ST was worth a loaf of stale bread, it was still the 5 or 6th best power in Illusoin, after Phantasm, Phantom Army, Flash, Group Invisibility, and Blind. Probably worse than Deceive and Spectral Wounds, too.

Unlike Fearsome Stare (which unlike a lot of you, I've actually used), it was difficult to target the fear effect, adn the fear effect got reapplied every 6 seconds. Which meant you got shot every 6 seconds. By a lot of mobs. The only way to avoid that was . . . to control the mobs w/ Flash or Phantom Army.

IOW, yeah, ST was a great control power, if you were already controlling the mobs.

*rolls eyes*



New idea for improving spectral terror:

Make the villains flee, but only in straight lines while looking back at the ST. If they run into a wall, they get knocked down and disoriented, while little birds dance around their heads. Oh, and they should drop their weapons on the ground when they take off.

Makes it much less nasty in orenbega, and fun like heck to use.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Unlike Fearsome Stare (which unlike a lot of you, I've actually used), it was difficult to target the fear effect, adn the fear effect got reapplied every 6 seconds. Which meant you got shot every 6 seconds. By a lot of mobs. The only way to avoid that was . . . to control the mobs w/ Flash or Phantom Army.

IOW, yeah, ST was a great control power, if you were already controlling the mobs.

*rolls eyes*

[/ QUOTE ]

Ive used fearsome stare a lot, and dont get attacked when I reapply it (I can spam it, and they dont counterattack), hence my suggestion that ST casts a version of fearsome stare every X seconds. If the accuracy debuff stacking is the problem, make it not stack with itself, or just remove it altogether.

Any form of mob running is unacceptable after all the work put into making fear powers NOT make mobs run....



I don't care what they do w/ ST, as long as:

1. It affects +con mobs;

2. It doesn't scatter too much;


3. It doesn't generate too much aggro for the Illusionist.

Cloak of Fear would be great, Fearsome Stare would be great. even Cloak of Fear plus a single-target "run away" power would be fine. Current ST is just a fun way to get killed while also borking your team.



Current ST is just a fun way to get killed while also borking your team.

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No it isn't. It may need some tweaks currently but I've seen illusionists use it with brutal effectiveness both before and after I3. It's situational to be sure, but far from useless. I think I've seen it most effectively used in the respec trial.



Any Scattering is too much. If it scatters at all every group your in will ask you to not use it. Please make it a skill we can use in groups or solo to help us.



What would be really nice would be an explanation from the designers as to what they wanted ST to accomplish in the first place, and what their goals for it are now.

As others have stated, all scattering is bad. I (and many others) have completely bypassed any fear power beforehand, because of the scattering that occurred. I took ST because I was led to believe that it would be changed to 'cower in place'.

It's disappointing that the second highest Illusionist power ends up as useless, because of the scattering.

Now, if people want to point out that any alternative to how ST is working now, like to instead make mobs cower, would make the Illusionist too powerful, I can respect that. Then dump ST as a failure, and substitute any kind of even marginally useful power in its place.

Partial Character List: http://www.warlock-inc.com/CharList.html



here's an idea. change spectral terror to spectral delight (or something like that) and make it draw any nearby enemies towards it. medium sized range, but let it take damage. the guys aggro on the pet, and when its killed, they aggro on someone else.

or even, make it into a female of the phantom army, but make it dancing, and any nearby enemies just huddle around her and drool. like sleep, they snap out of it when you attack them.



here's an idea. change spectral terror to spectral delight (or something like that) and make it draw any nearby enemies towards it. medium sized range, but let it take damage. the guys aggro on the pet, and when its killed, they aggro on someone else.

or even, make it into a female of the phantom army, but make it dancing, and any nearby enemies just huddle around her and drool. like sleep, they snap out of it when you attack them.

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Oh great. Another herding tool. And one that generates influence thrown at its feet, too. Yep, that's what illusion controllers need.

OK, as long as we're coming up with ways to make the ST entertaining, how about giving the spectral terror teleport foe. Foes keep trying to run, the ST keep teleporting them back. That sounds very much in keeping with the chaotic control Illusion is supposed to have. Plus, for any foe affected, that sounds mighty scary. That would make it both a scatter bot and a gather bot, and if it could get a consistent lock on those fleeing flying freak LTs, I think that is an excellent trade.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



How about give it a duration of say 30 seconds and at the start and every 15 seconds it casts cower which has an accuracy check and if you hit any mob it comes out of that state.

So it would cast this 3 times durring its lifetime and if you hit the mob it wakes up unless it is hit again with the ST power. That would mean you would have to slot acc and hold duration. You couldn't use AoE as it would wake up all the mobs. I would be another medium hold for Illusion and be useful solo or on groups.

Lets face it this is the 2nd to last power for Illusion and should at least be something useful. I haven't taken all the powers but I can see how the other powers are useful in certain situations.

ST is useless solo and the rare times I have seen someone cast it in a group they are immendiately told not scatter the mobs. So it needs serious work.



So you want to make ST a sleep bot? (If they wake up when you attack them and don't go back until the power is cast again, thats a sleep.)

Ummm... no thanks, personally. Given that PA is coded to be as ADD as possible, and Phantasms' opening attack is a cone, I'm seeing little use out of this power.

Again, my favorite idea is just giving ST fearsome stare (Dark Servants gave it up! We'll take it!)



ST, in the early days of I3, was overpowered


a long-lasting, perma-duration, stackable immobilize
a great debuff, with the drawback that it takes some time to stack its debuff effects
a "slow firing" effect, similar to a slow power, that forced the mobs to fire back at a lower rate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do you think that made Illusion overpowered? Seriously, why?

Unlike Fearsome Stare (which unlike a lot of you, I've actually used), it was difficult to target the fear effect, adn the fear effect got reapplied every 6 seconds. Which meant you got shot every 6 seconds. By a lot of mobs. The only way to avoid that was . . . to control the mobs w/ Flash or Phantom Army.

IOW, yeah, ST was a great control power, if you were already controlling the mobs.

*rolls eyes*

[/ QUOTE ]

I never had problems getting all the mobs with one ST. Place the PA in the middle, and the ST a few seconds later on the side of the group. The cone would hit them all. Reapplying the cone did not cause them to retaliate, and if PA woke one up, it would retaliate at the PA.

It's true that ST was a weak opener given that it would draw one shot from everyone (but only one shot). However, if you could take that one salvo, then ST alone could perma-lock a group of enemies... and if you opened with PA, then PA would suck the initial salvo, and ST would then perma-lock them, and nobody would ever shoot at you. Keep them locked down and throw in PA as it recharged, and you could slowly kill a group without ever seeing a shot fired back at you. If you prefer to do it yourself, use Blind on a target, then SW him, while ST keeps the others busy.

I did try that, for amusement, and it worked... I think on occasion, one mob may run for some reason. I think it was the "default runner" out of a group.

I'd take it again happily. I'm just noting why the devs ripped it after seeing what could be done with it, and why we won't get it like that again. Earthquake functions immediately, so that's a benefit, but on the other hand, it's not as total lockdown as ST after ST gets going. Frankly, the only other power that locks down better for 10 minutes at a time, is Volcanic Gasses... and that's Earth's AoE Hold. ST would do the job on more people, for longer, than Flash, with the initial drawback that they get to fire back... debuffed... if you were in LOS and range (which you didn't have to be).

I'd take it like that in a flash. Problem is, I don't want to give up my damage as an Illusionist, and I would fear that if we got ST back as a great CC tool, that we'd lose out on damage for it.




Why do you think that made Illusion overpowered? Seriously, why?

Unlike Fearsome Stare (which unlike a lot of you, I've actually used), it was difficult to target the fear effect, adn the fear effect got reapplied every 6 seconds. Which meant you got shot every 6 seconds. By a lot of mobs. The only way to avoid that was . . . to control the mobs w/ Flash or Phantom Army.

IOW, yeah, ST was a great control power, if you were already controlling the mobs.

*rolls eyes*

[/ QUOTE ]

I never had problems getting all the mobs with one ST. Place the PA in the middle, and the ST a few seconds later on the side of the group. The cone would hit them all. Reapplying the cone did not cause them to retaliate, and if PA woke one up, it would retaliate at the PA.

It's true that ST was a weak opener given that it would draw one shot from everyone (but only one shot). However, if you could take that one salvo, then ST alone could perma-lock a group of enemies... and if you opened with PA, then PA would suck the initial salvo, and ST would then perma-lock them, and nobody would ever shoot at you. Keep them locked down and throw in PA as it recharged, and you could slowly kill a group without ever seeing a shot fired back at you. If you prefer to do it yourself, use Blind on a target, then SW him, while ST keeps the others busy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, a great control power . . . if something else does the controlling. The mobs won't shoot at you as long as PA sucks the aggro. If you waited 24 seconds for teh full cycle of ST fear attacks, you debuffed the mobs down to nothing, but that's pretty much AV's and +4 bosses. Nothing else lives that long.

And, of course, you still have 30 seconds of PA left. Minimum.

So what was the point of this again? A control power that doesn't control unless you use a more powerful control power first is useful because . . . why?



Time for me to finally speak up a bit. I'm a long time player, but as you can see, I never post here. The reason being, as this thread clearly shows, that a huge amount of replies to threads on this and other boards are filled with mis-information and paniced over-reactions. Still, there is some good information to be found on these boards.

I play a level 39 Illusion/Radiation Controller and have used Spectral Terror in all of it's forms so far. I am more than well aware of the situational use of this power. I still love it. The changes being made to ST as Geko has mentioned are GREAT! The problem on this thread as far as I can tell is a lot of people read his announcement up to the word FEAR and then blasted off a string of whining complaints.

Please for the love of Atlas re-read his message?:

• ST has a Cloak of Fear. Lower level/ranked foes will tremble in its presence.
• It has a Terrify attack power. This power can affect more powerful foes (even those not affected by the Cloak of Fear) and should cause most foes to run in fear, but only for a very short distance, and it should only affect a couple of targets (narrowed the cone area significantly, and decreased the run away time). The affected foes should only run far enough as to get out of range of the ST Terrify attack, so ST will switch to another target.
• Once the affected foes run out of range, they will tremble in Fear (even those not affected by the cloak of fear).

Ok, first of all not every power is wonderful in every situation. We know that. We live with that. Get over it. Key words that so many people missed due to excessive frothing at the mouth and gnashing of teeth are:

1) Lower level/ranked foes will tremble in its presence.

I group a lot and a lot of times my team mates are lower level than I. What's lower level to me is even/higher level than them. This is a good thing.

2) Terrify attack power will cause higher level foes to run away FOR A VERY SHORT DISTANCE. And THEN stop and tremble in fear. If this works as Geko has stated, this can be a very good thing when used in the right situation. Once again not every power can be the best in every situation.

3) The affected foes should only run far enough as to get out of range of the ST Terrify attack, so ST will switch to another target.

Ok, so in SOME situations the melee hero will have to move a few feet over to it/them to start whacking on it/them. In the meantime, that foe/foes is not attacking anyone and Blasters are blasting the snot out of it/them. I'm trying to find a bad thing about this but I swear I can't.

Honestly, the only people I can see griping about this are the ones who spend a great deal of time in a hearding group where ANY spreading out of foes is a bad thing. Yes.. in a hearding group, ST should not be used. But then anything but a tanker and AOE nukes should not be used. I'm not certain of that as I find hearding to be the most boring thing to do and don't do it.

Would it be better for us if ST was an AOE hold power? Of course! will I still use it when the new changes are implemented? You betcha! It's just a matter of finding out when and where and how is the best use for it.

The way it is now, when I solo and encounter a large-ish group of melee heavy baddies, I pop one right above my head and then don't worry about foes getting too close. If I want to keep a bunch from running out of a room, I post a Terror at the door. During respec task force, I place them around the reactor. If I need to save the team from a wipe-out, I'll chuck one into the thick of it. You can use it a lot if you learn how. I expect the same to hold true for the updated Terror coming soon.

All it takes is what so few people will try:

Common Sense
Common Sense
Common Sense

I mean, how many times have you seen someone tell a devices Blaster to stop using Caltrops because bad guys run away from it? Or any other power that makes bad guys move around a bit? I mean wow.. those Fire Blasters had better stop using their rain of fire power because, oh my gosh, bad guys try to get away from it!

Most complaints I read here assume that bad guys will start running away for huge distances and never come back. I've read Geko's message a few times and I swear I don't see that anywhere. And the bottom line really is: We won't know what it does until it goes live.

If you like it, use it. If you don't like it, don't use it.

If only common sense were available as a power in the game.... sigh....




You're high.

1) Lower level/ranked foes will tremble in its presence.

I group a lot and a lot of times my team mates are lower level than I. What's lower level to me is even/higher level than them. This is a good thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

So it'd be a bad thing if higher con also trembled? I don't get your point. Besides, at L39 you're phantasms should be killing -con mobs before you even finish casting ST. Let alone your Phantom Army decoys who also should be kicking [censored]. If that's not the case for you, I suggest you ask for build advice on the Controller forum.

*Controlling -con mobs. Sheesh.*

2) Terrify attack power will cause higher level foes to run away FOR A VERY SHORT DISTANCE. And THEN stop and tremble in fear. If this works as Geko has stated, this can be a very good thing when used in the right situation. Once again not every power can be the best in every situation.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, if that situation is, "Gee, things are too easy for my group. I'll amp up the difficulty a little bit." The number of times fleeing mobs are good is:

1. Respec trial (all the time).
2. AV's surrounded by a bunch of mobs (sometimes)

Ok, so in SOME situations the melee hero will have to move a few feet over to it/them to start whacking on it/them. In the meantime, that foe/foes is not attacking anyone and Blasters are blasting the snot out of it/them. I'm trying to find a bad thing about this but I swear I can't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Against -con mobs. How often at L39 does a Blaster or Scrapper fail to one shot any number of -con mobs? The Fear effect just makes things more annoying, since it singles some out of the herd.

Listen to me. You won't believe me, but listen. This is what's going to happen eventually. You're going to use ST against something that can one-shot you. It's not going to be a piddly little -con mob you couldn't care less about. And that mob is going to run away, and you're going to forget about it. And that mob is going to run back, and one-shot you.

It will happen.

* * *

Again, like all the other ST apologists, you fail to comprehend the futility of controlling -con mobs. If for some reason controlling -con mobs is important to you, I suggest you post your build, or your strategy, on the Controller forums so we can help you be effective.