Your hopes for issue 4




I want to be able to color our weapons.

I mean, I have an AR/Dev blaster with the colorings of White/Black/Blue and whenever he pops out his Riffle ( sounds wrong, I know ) it's an eyesore to see some brownish thing come out.

When we are creating heroes it should be TOTALLY up to us to make it what we want. It would be nice to actually have a weapon that fits the costume design

Too many 50's to list...



I would like a unique emote for each AT and each Origin.

I would like badges for rescuing certain types of civilians. 100 Scientists earns the 'Lab Coat' badge, 50 Activists earns the 'Tree Hugger' badge, etc. I swear I've rescued a million lawyers...

Tiger Khan



Super Speeders run on water!!! and more costume options



Super Speeders run on water!!! and being able to respec your secondry power set, after choosing /fire for a blaster and not knowing untill high lvl how much it sux, we should be able to respec it to another with a trial.



Super Speeders run on water!!! and being able to respec your secondry power set, after choosing /fire for a blaster and not knowing untill high lvl how much it sux, we should be able to respec it to another with a trial.

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mmm.... no. That wouldn't work at all. Sorry. Firstly, people wouldn't be satisfied if you said "Secondary, but not primary" because sometimes the secondary is essential. Read: Tanker. If you let people change powers... well you're inviting say, an FOTM to magically change to a gimped one, and have high level character run around not necessarily knowing what they're doing.

I do like the idea of superspeeders running on water though ^^



Issue 4...Im still waiting on Issue 3...can we at least get a date...sheesh



Slotting meter/ instrumetntation panel

Can you give us some kind of instrumentation panel for slotting our powers, and keeping track of things, like damage resistance for tanks, scrappers, etc. Our bonuses as far to hit, damage, movement etc.

One really big weakness of the game is actually knowing what's going on, as far as how much good you are doing when you add certain enhancements and buffs. Plus I know its also possible to overslot powers that have caps.

Right now, it seems like only the experts that read all the forums and guides can keep track of all this stuff. Anyway this is a really basic intuitive feature that I actually would have expected to have from the game from the very beginning. But with some of the various nerfs and other game modications I think is especially necessary.

And as for a second request. Well another free respec I'm sure would be appreciated. Especially since I'm sure there are going to me more nerfs, and game/enemy changes in our future.

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This is a first and the most interesting I have seen thus far.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



first I will say to Minchu that I would like being able to run on water with super speed.

The first point was differences in the defender and controller AT's. I am aware that there are some players (sorry I do not have any figures for the info in this post) that have said it was mistake to give both controllers and defenders the same power sets.

Controllers secondaries are the same as the primaries of the defenders. The same is true for blasters and defenders, blasters and tankers (some powers), and scrappers and tankers. Right now I cannot figure out anything to replace them with. I have a pen and paper roleplaying super hero game called Aberrant (published by White Wolf please go here to see a little more info ).

I feel that out of all of the super hero pen and paper rpg that I have tried this is the best. I have been looking for my copy for the last two days and have not found it. I know that if I had it I could sit down and come up with ideas that could make more distinction between all AT's. If you would have any ideas how you would go about this I am listening.

while I do not mind reading lists of hopes for issue four, I would like for all to put at least one to two more sentences in the list to explain their hopes. Just a short list of hopes can cause problems I far as I can see.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



I'd like to be able to select the pose I fly in.
It would be nice if we banked when we turned as well.



Actually this is more of a hope for a last minute change to Issue 3.

****DA Artwork Fix/Armor Stacking****



I'd also like to be ambushed in missions. For the most part in a door mission you see the villain mob ahead, everybody gets ready and you attack after you have been buffed and dropped inpirations. I'd like to see bad guys pour out of two doors that were locked to you, and pincer atttack the party, or erupt from a trap door in the ground. Something to shake it up a bit and never let you TRULY feel safe.

Also like to see traps that hold or damage, maybe visible and able to be blown up, maybe not, again include some more uncertainty to the mission. Arrow traps, spikes, moving armor that clonks someone on the head, fireballs, anything that scares the crap out of the party. A trap goes off and THEN an ambush happens, something like that.

Maybe several different kinds of "tension" music in the missions to make them more intense, but a variety so it isn't the same every mission. Sound is utilized very effectively in movies to create the mood, I'd like to see more of that.
Scare me.



I'd also like to be ambushed in missions. For the most part in a door mission you see the villain mob ahead, everybody gets ready and you attack after you have been buffed and dropped inpirations. I'd like to see bad guys pour out of two doors that were locked to you, and pincer atttack the party, or erupt from a trap door in the ground. Something to shake it up a bit and never let you TRULY feel safe.

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There are a few in-mission ambushes already, in Shadow Shard missions and some Malta/Knives of Artemis missions. They're just like out-of-mission ambushes, except...they're inside a mission.

I agree, I would like to see this sort of thing used more often...along with the rave map, the burning Hellion map, the Superadine Lab map, the Freakshow map, proximity bombs, NPC heroes...all that other stuff that shows up in only one mission and then is never seen again...



I've only gotten to 38, so I haven't seen any of that. Good to know though, should be a riot.



1- Some lvl 50 content for those of us not Rad or Spine. Why can't we be useful for Hami?

2- A /autolevel 30 command for players with already a lvl 50 character creating a non-epic alt. I mean, maybe i'd like to try some new powers without doing the same very limited content? I'm sorry, i'd like to try more alts, but i can't stand saving the fortune teller anymore... As for just getting PLed, well, might as well be straight lvl 30 if you don't plan to play anyways.



Accessories (ie. staffs, pistols, bows, wings, jetpacks, shields,rings.....)


underwater content/abilities

AT varients/ hybrids

SG bases and content



A full and complete overhaul of the Stone Armor looks, perhaps utilizing some of the myriad of wonderful suggestions they could have pulled off these forums in the last 6 months. The Issue 3 solution better be a bridge, they are better than the present but are still uglier than the beautiful graphics the devs seem to have time to put together for NPCs in every issue...




Seek team also allows you to put what type of team your looking for, ie task force(maybe include which tf specifically), street hunting, missions, trials, ect.

robes in the costume choices, japenese robes, magician robes
cowls added to the hoods choice
draping sleeves (elven or magician style?)
Ability to change pattern on DVD edition Cape
Cigars for women (this is 2005)
More Animal likenesses, (beaks, wolf snouts, feathered wings ect)
Wings in general --fairy wings, bird wings, butterfly wings--maybe instead of a cape choice?

Level 17-21 area, brickstown and skyway just isn't doing it for this level, this is my slowest period. I can find enemies this level but it would be nice if they weren't surrounded by greys most the time.

Ability to look at my badges like everyone else sees them when they look at my info page

Let me think....i think you already said you were working on everything else i want so i think that's it for now



2- A /autolevel 30 command for players with already a lvl 50 character creating a non-epic alt. I mean, maybe i'd like to try some new powers without doing the same very limited content? I'm sorry, i'd like to try more alts, but i can't stand saving the fortune teller anymore... As for just getting PLed, well, might as well be straight lvl 30 if you don't plan to play anyways.

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YES YES YES...even if it was only to level 20 i'd be happy!

okay got some more

More female villains, the knifes of artemis are great, but maybe another?

make all pet types voltanic sentinel and autoturret?

Costumize pets...names, colors, duties?

Underwater missions? Against some type of water-based enemy--um--sirens or merpeople? i know sounds cheesy, but if underwater it could be timed for your air-quantity... you miss the timelimit you die from drowning?

And finally if you raise the level cap, plz lower the level xp reqs, there's already too much grinding after level 40...maybe you could raise mission completion xp so that they give more xp? After 10 missions it makes me sad to see i've only gotten half a one level doing only missions took 3 weeks until i gave up and started grinding.



Here’s some stuff I’d like to see, if not in issue 4 maybe in the near future. Some of this I’m sure will never happen but I can dream can’t I?

1. Raise the speed of travel powers. Even 4-slotted fly is really slow, especially when getting around big zones like Firebase.
2.Somehow make Origins a more involved part of the game other than just buying a certain type of enhancement, maybe being about to have origin specific temp powers.
3.New power sets: bows, staffs, whips, pistols, poison blaster, water manipulation, plant controllers, shield tankers, FF tankers
4.More emotes
5.Being able to change the power fx colors
6.More, more, more costume options: fisnets, long skirts (like classic Catwoman type stuff), robes, wings(bat, angel, butterfly, insect), more animal options maybe bunny ears or something, trench coats, pinstripes for the suits, fishnets!!!, corsets, Carnie type clothing, females being able to have a hood AND horns(the male body type has this option), did I mention fishnets? Dracula type capes that drape over the shoulders, batman type cape, tattered capes, new skirt options: jagged hem line so it’s kind of pixie looking, draping sleeves
7.New body type options: fat and child body types
8.Space and underwater missions
9.Puzzle type stuff in missions that you need to figure out to complete mission
10.Giving mind controllers a pet
11.An option to fail or cancel a mission
12. More lvl 50 content, sure we can do shard missions but they are all the same, gets pretty old pretty fast



A full and complete overhaul of the Stone Armor looks, perhaps utilizing some of the myriad of wonderful suggestions they could have pulled off these forums in the last 6 months. The Issue 3 solution better be a bridge, they are better than the present but are still uglier than the beautiful graphics the devs seem to have time to put together for NPCs in every issue...


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i alos would like to see the stone armour fixed especially the armour design i mean what is the point of making a cool looking char that once armoured up looked like a dinosaurs biobreak? the rock armour should maybe be like a statue version of the hero, maybe a little larger to give you the impression that it is armoured....imagine the emoted versions od stone armoured heros looking like statues all around atlas plaza. also solves that other problem of heroes wanting statues of themselves to put on display they can be the statue...

also its a small change but if the emotes for boombox, the dance type assocaited with boom could be optional, so you could choose the dance style to go with music...

underwater villians and underwater cities could be explanded content...imagine of the coast of IP it could tie in with the event of that tanke that mobs to attack the contact gives you some sort of new drug to enable breathing under water, maybe powers work diff underwater...

also wings or some sort of powerbased movement powers....
ie ice slide for ice based chars or options of wing types instead of capes, ie batwings, butterfly, bird like

possibly maybe a rock equivelent of ice slide...what do you think?

personal note please fix ice tankers so they have mezz def against PSI, work into wet ice etc, so IF they allow stackable armours in the future then we can survive...also unlisted damage ie acid spits protection...



2A) Bar Fights - Have a Bar where heros can hang out. Have villains spawn and try to pick fights. Pick up adventure from sleezy bar types.

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yeah but make it easier to find then the dance club maybe give it a large sign saying its name and have big spotlights like the monorail.



I like all of your hopes for issue four. The one that I find that is the best is the one about stone armor. My question is would a look like an old Marvel villian (of course not a clone of him) Grey Gargoyle be okay with you and everyone else?

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



Skills System.

Ranged Defense.

More Powers

The ability to respec powers.

More content.

Vehicles. :P



RAISE THE [censored] LEVEL CAP, lvl 50? most games go to 99, and it takes forever to level up in CoH, but I still love it!



How about dramatic conclusions to missions, Nothing more of a buzzkill when you duke it out with the mission Boss, finally narowly defeating him, but alas no mission ending music because some minion was hiding behind a plant and is waiting to be arrested.