Your hopes for issue 4




Definitely Bows

Increased Supergroup functionality


Skip the new 'mez breaker' inspiration and add the functionality to disciplines

Bows (heck before Issue 4 would b just fine)

Another costume slot at 50

Did I mention bows?

And some of the really funky dance moves like they have in WoW



a good power to replace blizzard with...hey, i can dream.



New power sets fer all the existin archtypes.
Shields I would really like ta see.
a small throwable shield fer scrappers
a large shield fer tankers
Archery fer defenders an' blasters
Sonics fer defender's an' blasters

the ability ta change the look of the weapons.
buyable at icon
You git it at level 15, 'cause until then you was usin the stock weapon that the government has given you.

-The Legendary J-Man-



My monies on arenas and SSOOSC (or whatever the hell it is ;p)



OK gang, we'll throw at least 2 of your wants into Issue 4.

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My bet is:

assuming he is looking at the first post in the thread...

PvP - If you go to Peregrine Island towards the northwest of the main island on the test server there is some massive construction going on. The workers refer to it as, 'the arena'.

New Epic AT's - Stateman has previously said we will see more of them 'soon'. I would think Issue 4 fits with a game developers vision of 'soon'.

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isn't ssocs planned for issue 4? i'd say it's the arena and the skills/ssocs.



My dream list:

-Ability to go back and do things you missed. Sometimes I didn't do all my contact missions and I'd like to go back and do them (having them scale for my level of course.) Maybe we could have a way to tell if an old contact still had missions we didn't do and we could play influence or something like that to open them back up.

-Superspeed users running across the top of water!

-Speeding up flight a bit. Please?

-Random Rikti invasions. Bascially, a giant mother ship hovers over the zone and after about 30 seconds, an warning horn sounds like when a storm is coming (so you can clear out if you don't want to fight) and then Rikti, the proper level for the zone they're in, start teleporting in and attacking. Imagine everyone banding together to fight them off . . .

-Power customization. With some powers having certain color effects, like regen being green, it sometimes seems limiting if you're going for a theme like the Blue Avenger or something.

-Weather effects.

-Some kind of Nemisis/archenemy system within the villan groups where you could delare a certain group your enemy and maybe get special missions against them, get random ambushes and maybe a small influence bonus when fighting them.

-Holstered/attached weapons available at the costume store. For example, I'm sure the katana users would love to be able to wear those katanas that the Tsoo have on their backs.

-I really like a previous poster's idea of being able to buy temporary powers. Paying influnce at one of the stores for limited use powers would be neat.

-Ability to delete temp powers should go with the above. I have three temp powers that I never use just sitting around. I don't use them because they don't fit my character and I wish I could just delete them.

-Here's a funny idea I had. I was looking at all the newspaper machines everywhere. Why not make them functional? You can click on it, "read" the Paragon Times and find out what villan groups are doing what and then choose a mission from it. It would be a sort of self generating mission source. If you, for example, read that Crey is causing trouble then by clicking on the headline you get a mission to defeat 40 Crey. It would be an open mission so you can go to whatever zone you need to for your level. You'd get the usual xp bonus at the end, and it's something to do if you're street hunting. I got the idea when, at level 38, I used up all of my missions from all of my contacts and I've been doing a lot of street hunting. Everytime I set out to do it I think, boy it would be nice if I was at least doing a mission here. That's when I thought of the newspaper system, which has open missions for every villan group in it. That way, you're never out of missions. You've always got *something* you could do. It could also be used to advance the storylines by putting actual articles in it with each new Issue/update to the game.

k, I'm spent.



1) Melee can hit moving Targets and Attack while Running

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Pssst...... that's in Update 3......

Yeah, the 2 guaranteed things are definitely Skills (Stop saying SSOCS because it's not Super Secret anymore) and Arena. These 2 things=Me very happy.



Does he mean 2 out of the thread, or 2 out of each post?



I think he means 2 out of the thread are absolutely positively are going to be in Update 4.



1. Skills System (SSOCS)
2. PvP Arenas (needs no comment)
3. More, more, more zone specific events (one of the best things to hit issue three!)
4. Origin specific missions for us magic users (that we can hopefully do even after reaching 50 ;P)
5. Can never get too many zones/new mission types (love the Hollows and Striga, keep em coming! ^^ Preferably a new zity zones though, if I'm allowed to make demands... Which I'm not. ;P)
6. Costume options galore (I needs my flowing dresses)
7. Skills System (I know it's already been mentioned, but you can never wish upon a star so many times ^^)

Things I don't expect in issue four but I would love to see soon:

1. Arch-foe system (The one Positron had written up, I needs me an arch-foe! ^^)
2. Customizable powers (not weapons, my actual powers ^^)
3. Bases/Apartments and alike
4. More small instanced zones such as the dance club (bars/police station/Crey Main Office etc. Places with some functionality, not just fluff)

That's all I can think of for the moment ^^



Color panel for powers (Would love to have hasten be colorless or blue. Having fiery hands on an ice ice blaster ... com'on !
Tree system for powersets (Requires many more powers. YAY)!
Power/Environmental Effects (I.e. Burning ember dust after fire powers, Ice dust, Earth dust, etc.) !
Shards of Ice stick in enemies from Ice Blaster attacks !
Pet Commanding !
Visual aid for Singularity attacks (who hit who, what power failed, etc.)
Flawed Gravity Powerset recognition !
In depth enhancement variables !
Enhancement Design through use of a store/City Hall by story arc. (Multifunctional) !
Having to go to a Store/City Hall to be fitted for enhancments !
More Autofire ability (more than 1)
More Costume Options (At least 30 more of each area. At least. The current idea "No two hero look the same", is potentially true, however, when no one likes any but 1 or 2 of our options, ... )

"Re: Your hopes for issue 4" ?
I hope it comes soon.



I gotta figure that of the original set of options:


New Costume Choices
PvP Arenas
Another Epic AT or two avaliable to Everyone
Real post 50 content, more raids etc.

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What States could commit to for Issue 4 without committing to anything he hasn't ALREADY committed to would be:

New Costume Choices
Another Epic AT or two avaliable to Everyone

I can't imagine it would take much to add some costume choices, and they may HAVE to because of the lawsuit.

As for the new epic AT's available to everyone, I am guessing he will just add new AT's available to everyone - something he has already committed to.

Just my 0.02 influence!




OK gang, we'll throw at least 2 of your wants into Issue 4.

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Please give us some Supergroup content and a reason to play at level 50.



I gotta figure that of the original set of options:


New Costume Choices
PvP Arenas
Another Epic AT or two avaliable to Everyone
Real post 50 content, more raids etc.

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What States could commit to for Issue 4 without committing to anything he hasn't ALREADY committed to would be:

New Costume Choices
Another Epic AT or two avaliable to Everyone

I can't imagine it would take much to add some costume choices, and they may HAVE to because of the lawsuit.

As for the new epic AT's available to everyone, I am guessing he will just add new AT's available to everyone - something he has already committed to.

Just my 0.02 influence!


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I hope we don't have any new Epic ATs next update, I mean look at the troubles they're having balancing these new ones.



1) More distinction between Controller and Defender shared powers. Give defenders a reason to be.

2) Some way, be it mission or skill to make/receive the better enhancement.

3) Power specialization. Give character the ability to explore/research their powers, choose one, and develop that power and become the best at what he/she does in that aspect. I am an AR/Dev Blaster. Let me become a Sniper expert. Let me become a munitions expert with my time bomb and trip mines. Let me become a Rambo type with my Full Auto.

4) Missions to acquire additional enhancement slots.

5) How about missions/research to get unique costume parts, where one could quest to get an entire set.

6) Costume parts that augment powers.

7) Something to make one Archetype different from another. Maybe like specific costume parts for Tech peeps, others for Science people..ect...ect.

8) Enhancement that have a new/unique effect? Maybe rare drops.

9) Alternate character abilities. Something to allow anyone, no matter what their level, to continue to develop their characters.

10) Raise the cap on travel power speed. Make a map wide teleport power as the final travel power in the teleport power set.

11) Raise the roof. Let heroes adventure and fly/travel out into space. Missions to/on the moon or involving space/space ships.

12) More things to spend influence on. Hoping Super Team bases have a multitude of options for us to purchase. Personally I want a docking bay in my HQ to go on those space/moon missions.

13) More interaction with the world. I want to interact with my world, not just have it push me around.

14) Additional AT's. I like the idea of a gunslinger scrapper and Sonic blaster. I like the idea of a weapons expert better I think. A Bullseye type character that uses multiple weapon types. How about a true magic type character. Spell casting, magic blasts, maybe power progression based on getting artifacts such as Dr. Strange uses like his amulet and cloak.

15) Power combo attacks. When grouped with others the ability to cause come sort of a combined effect. I.E. Ice/Fire attack= steam effect, Tanker/Scrapper=fastball special, that sort of thing.

16) A blaster toggle attack. A continuos attack that deals damage. I.E. a continuos beam of energy/electricity/fire/ice/laser(for the AR people)

17) Random property damage. This a huge part of most any comic book is the random property damage that almost always occurs, possibly with an influence consequence for excessive damage to the city.

18) Pray that Kheldons are held back to issue 4 and rethought out. I am an avid comic book collector and I can't seem to find any of my Squid and Lobster comics. I could see this concept working with maybe a shapeshifter line of thinking on powers but short of this the current power scheme isn't very epic. I won't be making one in issue 3 as they stand now. Good at a few things, epic at nothing. Thanks to the Devs for the effort but please keep one thing in mind when making an Epic AT. When a player looks at one of these Epic AT running around the city, or fights with one in a group, they should immediatly say "dam, I gotta get me a level 50 character, and fast." I look at the Kheldons atm and after level 6, I just get a ho-hum reaction. Thor, Silver Surfer, Quasar, and Superman are what I envision a Epic type hero.

19) Additional body types. I want a Blob type character.

20) Additional weapon types for weapon using characters at character creation/costume missions or even missions to receive new graphics. Multiple sword types for scrappers, multiple gun types for AR people, multiple axes/maces(even a hammer) for tankers.



I get the feeling what is ment by EpicATs accessible to everyone, is that they won't require you have a level 50. Somehting like having a certain number of TFs done or a special TF...

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The funny thing is that even if new Epic ATs won't require lvl50 character but rather the completion of some TFs or some such thing, there will still be ppl who will find a reason to whine about that. I can just imagine: "OMG OMG The devs want us to complete a TF against Carnies, they are so hard, I can't possibly finish it. You nerfed me devs!"



New accessories for my outfits. More leather. Clothes, clothes, clothes!



I would like to be able to respec OUT of my title. I don't want it anymore.



Color panel for powers (Would love to have hasten be colorless or blue. Having fiery hands on an ice ice blaster ... com'on !
Tree system for powersets (Requires many more powers. YAY)!
Power/Environmental Effects (I.e. Burning ember dust after fire powers, Ice dust, Earth dust, etc.) !
Shards of Ice stick in enemies from Ice Blaster attacks !
Pet Commanding !
Visual aid for Singularity attacks (who hit who, what power failed, etc.)
Flawed Gravity Powerset recognition !
In depth enhancement variables !
Enhancement Design through use of a store/City Hall by story arc. (Multifunctional) !
Having to go to a Store/City Hall to be fitted for enhancments !
More Autofire ability (more than 1)
More Costume Options (At least 30 more of each area. At least. The current idea "No two hero look the same", is potentially true, however, when no one likes any but 1 or 2 of our options, ... )

"Re: Your hopes for issue 4" ?
I hope it comes soon.

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Elaborate on Tree please.
Allowing further customization is a large piece of the CoH pie!
And who doesnt like pie!



"OK gang, we'll throw AT LEAST 2 of your wants into Issue 4. "

Hey, doesn't this mean "A Minimum of 2?" Implying possible more than 2? Just a hopeful thought.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Skylights as entrances for missions.




8. Be able to sell inspirations, and to buy higher tier inspirations, at 40+ the lowbie inspirations are just plain lame.

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Why you would want the 20 influence from selling a Respite I'll never know...

As for getting better inspriations, may I introduce you to Dr. Huxley at Mole Point Charley? She has a fruit basket waiting for you.



"OK gang, we'll throw AT LEAST 2 of your wants into Issue 4. "

Hey, doesn't this mean "A Minimum of 2?" Implying possible more than 2? Just a hopeful thought.

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While I was reading this thread I was wondering if anybody was going to notice that he said 'at least 2' and not 'only 2' like folks seem to be assuming.



The changes I would like to see.

(2) Allowment of chest logo's on capes.

YES! I agree
(3) Missions that allow you more control of your powers by allowing you to select power effects colors.

YES YES YES I would love this! No more Blue energy, i can turn my red if i want or etc.



I haven't followed the entire thread, but one of the big cosmetic things that I'd like to se is a more organized contact list. For example, much like the Badges window, the contact list would have three tabs. One for contacts that have nothing left for you; ones that you're completely done with. The second tab would be for contacts that have things for you, be they missions or new contacts. The third tab would be for contacts that you are currently on a mission for. This kind of thing would make managing your contacts MUCH easier. By the time you get 20+ contacts, it kind of becomes a hassle trying to deal/manage them all.