Your hopes for issue 4




"OK gang, we'll throw AT LEAST 2 of your wants into Issue 4. "

Hey, doesn't this mean "A Minimum of 2?" Implying possible more than 2? Just a hopeful thought.

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While I was reading this thread I was wondering if anybody was going to notice that he said 'at least 2' and not 'only 2' like folks seem to be assuming.

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Hey, I noticed it. I just didn't want to ruin everyone's fun of arguing over who's ideas were more important.



Well it seems that this thread has turned into a big wish list of miscellaneous stuff, so I guess I'll throw something in.

I wish that the Rikti would come back and blow half of all the city zones up, so the zones could be rebuilt with brand new architecture, instead of the same darned skyscrapers. Yeah that's my pet peeve, I'm a flier so I have all the time in the world to stare at the sky.

Yeah, and I hope that the developers use the construction site thing they're doing with the Arena for future places. It's a great teaser.



More things to do with my hero. I don't want to make another one.

At level 50, the only choice is to reroll or exemplar down and do everything I already did again. Which is pretty much the same as rerolling.



skill system
pistol scrapper
a perma dungeon in the 'Ziggurat' from brick



1.) Maybe a bank you could have for each account to save a certain amoutn of enhancements for when you can use them or store influence there so that all of the heroes you roll up can share from this one bank account.

2.) Casino would be nice, give us higher lvl toons something else to do when we are relaxing from the battle field

3.) More choices of clothing, such as trench coats and gowns for the ladies

4.) Definately more content for lvl 50 toons as well.

I could go on and on but these were the first to pop into my hollowed brain :P

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how about "missions that never grow old." Mission level should be set when you walk in the door, not when you get it from the contact.

there's nothing worse than wasted content because you levelled after getting a miss. Additionally, at level 37 I have a contact that only gives out level 34 missions (yes, freshly received missions via cell phone end up level 34). Usually they stop talking to you if you outlevel them but it was a dandy waste of time running around to see packs of green/grey pop in the missions.

Also how about getting cell phone access earlier in the contact's arc? it really wastes time to constantly run back and forth from say founder's falls to king's row/steel/hollows.



skill system
pistol scrapper
a perma dungeon in the 'Ziggurat' from brick

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Statesman said that Pistols would be in Update 6 at the earliest.



The ability to make a title change via an NPC mission (akin to the cape and aura missions).



I dont know if this has been suggested yet but it would be cool to be able to run on the water if you have Super Speed for your travel power.



1)Buyable temporary powers
2)More jackets
3)Long dresses
4)Logos on capes
5)Better organized contacts
6)More information in the Find/SG/Friends list (level, primary, secondary)
7)More simultaneous missions (3 is just too few)
8)A way to cancel mission (voluntary failure)
9)More branching storyarcs (a few already do this)
10)Customizible powers (at least the colors)
11)(and here's an unpopular one) more failible missions & shorter timers.

Enjoying every AT in the game.
Remember the Golden Rule: Skill > Build
Leader of the True Blues on Liberty



Man States you really narrow things down for us eh: LOL Personally I'm Hoping that Means Trench Coats for all

"When chaos happens... I'll be right in the middle of it."
Let Your Spirit Fly!!!
Kid K



New powersets for the existing ATs. Everytime I find myself getting bored, all I have to do is make a new alt and I'm happy trying out new stuff. Problem is I'm running out of new stuff. I tried the Kheldians for a while and at the moment don't find them fun.

On the powersets, I'd like to see something for scrappers that feels more "superheroish". Swords and fists don't feel that way to me except when dudes go flying. How about being able to throw someone? Maybe a little street fighter 2 influence for sets.

I would not have thought of it myself, but the casino sounds great! I love playing cards.



1) 2 points of endurance with each level added to our charcters endurance score so most oif us dont have to take fitness to have enough eneregy to fight

2) The ability to use the hero desighner to customise our pets
and make thier apperance fit our heroes concepts

3) The abilty to do any mission, with all the contacts you have, not yet completed. Its really sad when you arrive to help a contact who says, he needs all the help he can get, but you are too powerful and that he would perfer that his long lost son rot in hell then be rescued by a hero who could easily save him. Unfortunately this is a reall extrapolation from the events of the Hollows. Yes thats the kind of carp I really dont like. It makes the game feel cheesey and smell like rotten fish. Or as some other people suggested artifically set villians level limits even if they dont normally go that high, so that missions never get old.

4) the ability to add extra auaras at levels 40 and 50.

5) color custumizaton and sound custimiztion to our powers so if theres an annoying sound effect we could turn the thing off.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



I want to walk, slowly.

I want a sheth(spelling) for my sword.

I want swimming.

I want bases and/or homes.



Oh, and I'm sure it's been mentioned - but some sort of 'traditional' supernatural/mythical AT. Vampires, Banshees, hell, even the Firbolgs we saw during Halloween. That'd be hot.

(controller set that has Chupacabras as pets? heh heh heh. joking.)



::sits on Statesmans lap::

umm I want new costume options (all levels), especially more jacket options, flowing type clothing, and those skirts the tsoo wear

I also want weapon options, not power colors (although thats cool to) but new swords, guns, etc...

I hear it's a ways off but the BowNArrow and Pistols powersets, mmmm, pistols...

Pie inspirations

and a PONY!



I dont want to be the party pooper or anyting, and all this talk about issue 4 is dandy and all. But what about issue 3? Did i miss somthing somewhere? When is it going to be released? Is it being pushed back from Jan. 1st? Whats going on with it?



Jet Packs plz!!!!!!! I've been using only sprint for my travel power since launch for my natural blaster for rping purposes. My feet hurt lol add jet packs plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hey, I have a HUGE queston.

What is SSOCS? A PM would be nice, but a reply here weould be good to.

I know its supersecret something, but I dont know.



I'd like to know too, cause it's been bugging me to no end.



Try running a search for SSOCS on the forum serach it will pull up a thread or two.



how about "missions that never grow old." Mission level should be set when you walk in the door, not when you get it from the contact.

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This would be a disaster. There are plenty of people who can't solo a lot of missions unless they can go up a level first and have the bad guys be a level below them.

I've been using only sprint for my travel power since launch for my natural blaster for rping purposes.

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Have you considered jetboots?

What is SSOCS?

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Super Secret Out of Combat System. Other than that, no one but States really knows for sure. Rumor has it that it's some kind of skill system which allows for additional character customization. There may be some crafting involved as well, but don't expect it to turn into SWG (thank goodness!)

As for my own hopes for issue 4?

* Something to help me deal with those annoying lost clicky glowy things. The SSOCS might do that, or whatever. Anything.

* Even more variety in missions, and even more exciting story arcs. They are okay now, but I want more and better!

Otherwise, I really am quite happy.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Lets see...

Power customization. I probably won't play a blaster extensively until that's available to me. I love the uniqueness people have with their costumes, it's time to make our powers unique too . I understand it'll take a while though, but do get it right! Custom weapons would be a nice filler while we're at it.

More costume options... fix the cape/hair thing. Can't make a caped heroine with long hair without it looking wrong.

Proper instanced missions? Like the small kind you get randomly on the street that people have been suggesting for ages. Just a wish :P.



OK gang, we'll throw at least 2 of your wants into Issue 4.

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I would just hope that Statesman would do some datamining on Mind Controllers to see how disadvantaged they are compared to other controllers and how totally hopeless they are in the grander scheme of things.

Someone has to be on the lower rung of the ladder power-wise, and it's fine if Mind Controllers have to occupy that space (for whatever reason). Just bring that bottom rung up a little closer to the other, rather tightly spaced rungs. It's a bit of a leap up to the next lowest one.