Your hopes for issue 4




Make it so we can lock windows and tabs.

Make the map resize-able and able to be transparent.




I'd just love to see my heroes feet move when I tured around rather than this Slid In Place version we have now.




I'd just love to see my heroes feet move when I tured around rather than this Slid In Place version we have now.

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Indeed, it does look funky. All they need do is make the torso and hip move a little before then have the feet follow. Simple animation goes a long way for immersion.

It would also be cool if clicked on a target (friendly or enemy), if your head moved to show you were looking at it.



1) More distinction between Controller and Defender shared powers. Give defenders a reason to be.

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I believe there is enough distinction in their shared powers. Controllers secondary's are the same as most of the defenders primaries. We know that primaries are stronger than secondaries and that is enough distinction for me. Included would be the powers that they do not share would make enough difference.

3) Power specialization. Give character the ability to explore/research their powers, choose one, and develop that power and become the best at what he/she does in that aspect. I am an AR/Dev Blaster. Let me become a Sniper expert. Let me become a munitions expert with my time bomb and trip mines. Let me become a Rambo type with my Full Auto.

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You can be a sniper expert right now. All you have to do is to slot your six slotted powers with three range and three damage. Yes you would loss damage but would increase range and make a sniper expert.

4) Missions to acquire additional enhancement slots.

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How many total slots would you add? Right now we have a total of 94 slots (67 to spend and 27 that come with the powers).

5) How about missions/research to get unique costume parts, where one could quest to get an entire set.

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I think that would be unfair to everyone. I like things as far as costumes go now that all pieces are available to all at level one.

9) Alternate character abilities. Something to allow anyone, no matter what their level, to continue to develop their characters.

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We already have that it is called getting experience and leveling your character by chosing slots or powers.

10) Raise the cap on travel power speed. Make a map wide teleport power as the final travel power in the teleport power set.

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I think that the travel powers are fast enough.

11) Raise the roof. Let heroes adventure and fly/travel out into space. Missions to/on the moon or involving space/space ships.

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Bad idea to do this you would have to design space type map, as well as giving the heroes a new pool power to allow them to survive in space.

13) More interaction with the world. I want to interact with my world, not just have it push me around.

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We already are, we speak to contacts to get missions, report to them when we complete them. The people we save thank us. The villians mention us by name.

14) Additional AT's. I like the idea of a gunslinger scrapper and Sonic blaster. I like the idea of a weapons expert better I think. A Bullseye type character that uses multiple weapon types. How about a true magic type character. Spell casting, magic blasts, maybe power progression based on getting artifacts such as Dr. Strange uses like his amulet and cloak.

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The first part is not a new AT, what you are talking about is new power sets for all of the AT's. Second part, origins are just the source of their powers. The devs never intended for origins to have a great effect on the heroe's powers.

16) A blaster toggle attack. A continuos attack that deals damage. I.E. a continuos beam of energy/electricity/fire/ice/laser(for the AR people)

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Bad idea because it would become an endurance hog. Is you idea to make blasters use as much energy as defenders and controllers?

17) Random property damage. This a huge part of most any comic book is the random property damage that almost always occurs, possibly with an influence consequence for excessive damage to the city.

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Bad idea because after a period of time you would not have any buildings left to do a mission in. Yes property damage does happen in the comics, but will never happen here. Because the property damage in the comics can and usually is fixed by the next issue when the artist redraw the city. Paragon City cannot fix damage that fast.

19) Additional body types. I want a Blob type character.

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I think this is the worst idea of the bunch. The Blob type body would suggest you want to create a Blob clone.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



I'd like the option at post 40 NOT to take a power and get slots instead,I dont see very many (maybe 1) power I would like for my toon after 40,she is a healer and does some damage ,with all the notmal powers the new epic dont interest me(for her),but to be able to get 3 slots insteat of a filler power that I will not be useing just to get to the next power

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



1)Buyable temporary powers
2)More jackets
3)Long dresses
4)Logos on capes
5)Better organized contacts
6)More information in the Find/SG/Friends list (level, primary, secondary)
7)More simultaneous missions (3 is just too few)
8)A way to cancel mission (voluntary failure)
9)More branching storyarcs (a few already do this)
10)Customizible powers (at least the colors)
11)(and here's an unpopular one) more failible missions & shorter timers.

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I like the voluntary failing by canceling a mission, because there are missions that I have heard that are timed and team required and are not clearly marked. I do not know what missions they are, I have heard about them so I could be wrong. We do not need more failed missions or shorter time limits because the changes to the bosses, if issue three goes live as is will cause more failed time missions because players will have to leave missions to get more inspirations. How much of a failure rate are we talking about? I know that heroes do fail missions but it is rare they are more likely to lose a few fights, but still come back and complete their mission in the comics.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



Was pretty dissapointed with you Gilfred. You completely ripped apart Nagical's post, his opinions and some very good ideas. You may have put him off posting and you didn't even put down an idea of you own on the post. There were lots of things you said i disagreed with, however i will pick one.

11) Raise the roof. Let heroes adventure and fly/travel out into space. Missions to/on the moon or involving space/space ships.

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Bad idea to do this you would have to design space type map, as well as giving the heroes a new pool power to allow them to survive in space.

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So what your saying is that an extra pool power set and a space map wouldn't be welcomed? How does that makes sense?

Please be a bit less callous with people's ideas. Dont just quote every line and rip them to shreds. And if you are going to do that, at least put down an alternative suggestion.



Combat music!



My hopes for issue 4
1) High boots for male.

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I'm not gonna add to the list, just say WOW to that wish, and ask the only possible question........WHY??



My hopes for issue 4
1) High boots for male.

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I'm not gonna add to the list, just say WOW to that wish, and ask the only possible question........WHY??

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I understand this one. Both Parallax and The Sentinel wore high boots. Although i managed to obtain the same effect without them.







I'd just love to see my heroes feet move when I tured around rather than this Slid In Place version we have now.

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Indeed, it does look funky. All they need do is make the torso and hip move a little before then have the feet follow. Simple animation goes a long way for immersion.

It would also be cool if clicked on a target (friendly or enemy), if your head moved to show you were looking at it.

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I liked that when I played Saga of Ryzom. Definitely added to it. Also, emotes use names when you target someone, so say, a wink would leave the caption "I wink at you". Names substituted of course. If no one's targeted, it's just "I wink". Nice bit of RP meat to throw around.



Combat music!

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Yes! Zone music's alright, but it'd be nice to have music more often!



I have time on my hands. I'll go ahead and rip you apart, Gilfred.

First of all, just because you are happy with something doesn't invalidate someone else's belief that it could be better.

I believe there is enough distinction in their shared powers. Controllers secondary's are the same as most of the defenders primaries. We know that primaries are stronger than secondaries and that is enough distinction for me.

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Obviously there are some differences between defenders and controllers. I'm glad that's enough distinction for you. Do you play a defender or a controller? The guy wasn't saying that they were identical, just that he wants them to be more different, and there is nothing wrong with that. Same thing with point 13, about world interaction. Yes, we have some world interaction. The guy wants more. Nothing wrong with that.

Power specialization: of course you can enhance your powers. That isn't what he is talking about. Any AR blaster can choose to add enhancements slots to the sniper power, and can choose what sort of enhancements to use. He was suggesting that people be allowed to strengthen certain skills AT THE EXPENSE of other skills, to an extent not currently possible. Specialization. It's not a bad idea.

I like things as far as costumes go now that all pieces are available to all at level one.

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Except capes, or haven't you hit level 20 yet?

9) Alternate character abilities. Something to allow anyone, no matter what their level, to continue to develop their characters.

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We already have that it is called getting experience and leveling your character by chosing slots or powers.

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*no matter what their level*. You can't level your character past level 50. Though you may not have known that, since I know you haven't hit level 50 yet.

I think that the travel powers are fast enough.

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Well you just keep thinking that. What's the biggest zone you've had to cross? Steel Canyon? You are welcome to your own opinion, but I don't like the implication that no one else is.

Bad idea to do this you would have to design space type map

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Well then you'll be very sorry to hear that Statesman has already promised to do just that. Not in Issue 4, or anytime soon, but missions in space will happen.

Bad idea because it would become an endurance hog

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And that makes it a bad idea? Should we eliminate all powers which use too much endurance? Scrappers and tankers can get toggle AoE attacks, and they are heavy on the endurance, and some people still find them worthwhile. Other people don't, and don't take them. Where do you get off calling this a bad idea, especially for such a silly reason?

I admit the property damage idea would be hard to implement zone-wide, but in an instanced mission it could be done, and would be very cool.

Bleh. Maybe I got a little carried away, but I really don't think it's nice to take a perfectly fine list of ideas and just tear it up and throw it out like that. It's not like you even had anything constructive to add.

And in the interest of adding something constructive, I'd like to expound on that property damage idea. Just in the typical office layout, imagine how much fun it would be if every office plant burst into flames when a fireball went off nearby. Picture broken windows, crushed furniture, bullet-riddled walls. That would just be fun. Then imagine bringing a balcony down on someone's head, and then trying to get into the offices which were off the balcony. Or blasting a hole through a staircase, and then trying to find a way up to the second floor. It adds a tactical element. What if powers really interacted logically with the environment, so you couldn't lay a burn patch in a fountain, but if you tried then you wound up with steamy mist? Fun stuff.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



OK gang, we'll throw at least 2 of your wants into Issue 4.

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Ok, let's put this out on the table. It's 2005. Time to just say what I want.
My "main" is a tanker. I put that in quotes because, well to be frank my blasters (I have two of them) feel more heroic.
So I want to see tanker put on an even keel. If I'd wanted to hunt rats and die pointlessly I'd play Dark Age of Camelot, or Everquest, or whatever. I wanna play a superhero. I want my tanker to kick tail like they do in the comics.
We don't do as much damage, yet we melt like butter in fron of psionic attacks (with the exception of stone tankers). I want Tankers to be able to solo beyond 40.
So I'd like all tankers to get some psionic protection. Across the board. There I said it. I want Tankers to be able to solo beyond level 40.
I have a level 44 tanker who can't solo a Carnival mission, because the carnival boss beats his #$$ in like three shots.
That's crap. That's not worth the $15.00 I give you guys every month. So there I said it. You asked me what I want. I said it.




I was not trying to tear him to shreds. I was simply expressing my feelings about his suggestions. Expressing your feelings about anyone's suggestions is what everyone else does. Are you saying that I cannot do that? Are you saying that everyone's ideas are golden, and I have no right to express my feelings on them. If so then you are just as guilty as you claim I am of trying to make him feel so bad that he will never post again. Are you trying to do that to me?

1.) How much of a difference between the defenders and controllers do we need and how would you do that?

2.) How would you increase world interaction?

3.) Power specialization at what expense? You said that you would be for being a specialist in one power at the expense of the other skills. Would say 50% reduction in accuracy and damage?

What about blasters that use the combo of perma hasten+stamina+stealth+alpha strike? I have read posts that have said that is the only power combo that some are using during their missions. They sneak into alpha strike range using stealth, then fire their alpha strike. They then use the perma hasten and stamina to recover quicker to be ready to do the same combo again.

I am afraid that this suggestion would cause players to specialize so heavily on one or a few skills that players would take advantage of this and only use a few powers clicking on the same buttons all of the time. Also if there are any enemies that would require a hero to change his use of powers would mean that now he has to use powers that are much weaker, powers that he himself nerfed. Good idea?

4.) New costume pieces he suggested was based on a task force mission. There are many players (myself included) that do not have the time to do a task force mission. Now I know that capes were added and you must do a mission to get them which I do not mind. If he was talking about adding new pieces that have never been there like capes then that would be okay to tie them to a mission similiar to the cape mission. Now if he was talking about new boots, gloves or anything else that is already there then no because it would be unfair.

5.) I see you think that I am talking about all levels even level fifty. Then what you are saying is that you hate the fact that this game has an end. Maybe you would be for a section of the game that would be like a Playstation game called "Jade Cocoon". In that game it had a neverending corridor. Are you saying that playing with alts is bad and you should be able to play only you main forever?

6.) How much faster do you have to be moving? Do all travel powers have to equal teleportation? You would be so fast that you could stand at the south end of Steel Canyon, blink your eyes and you are standing at the north end. Maybe you do not like to use the tram to travel.

7.) Seven I was unaware that Statesman said he promised to add space missions. I thought he said he was thinking about it. Also you yourself said that this will not be added in issue 4 or anytime soon. I thought that the title of this post was "Your Hopes for Issue 4"

8.) Are you saying that all power sets must have a toggle? Did you forget that /dev has at least two toggles, cloaking device and targeting drone? And what about /electric has a toggle Lightning Field? When I said that would make it an endurance hog, does not mean I was saying that all toggle powers and high endurance powers must be removed. There are very few blasting powers in the comics that are continuous.

Finally I guess that you like other players play games that allow you to do more than just fight the enemy. Those games allow you to destroy things as well. You feel that would be great to add in this game. Remember the reason why the heroes are not allowed to do this according to one poster. This poster had the best explaination why as far as I am concerned. He said it is because heroes have control over their powers. A suggestion like this is saying that you want heroes to appear as uncontrolled super heroes, instead of heroes with great control.

You know if what I did is wrong why make the same mistake and try to do the same thing I did. Why not instead of taking the time to rip me apart, show me why I am wrong and all of his ideas are the greatest thing that could happen to this game.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



The thing I want most of all in CoH is new powers. Issue 4 might be too soon, but by issue 5 I'd like to see a new primary and new secondary for every AT.

The SSOCS is also very appealing.

Nothing earth-shaking here, just getting my opinion out.

--Mr. Strange



I was not trying to tear him to shreds. I was simply expressing my feelings about his suggestions. Expressing your feelings about anyone's suggestions is what everyone else does. Are you saying that I cannot do that? Are you saying that everyone's ideas are golden, and I have no right to express my feelings on them. If so then you are just as guilty as you claim I am of trying to make him feel so bad that he will never post again. Are you trying to do that to me?

1.) How much of a difference between the defenders and controllers do we need and how would you do that?

2.) How would you increase world interaction?

3.) Power specialization at what expense? You said that you would be for being a specialist in one power at the expense of the other skills. Would say 50% reduction in accuracy and damage?

What about blasters that use the combo of perma hasten+stamina+stealth+alpha strike? I have read posts that have said that is the only power combo that some are using during their missions. They sneak into alpha strike range using stealth, then fire their alpha strike. They then use the perma hasten and stamina to recover quicker to be ready to do the same combo again.

I am afraid that this suggestion would cause players to specialize so heavily on one or a few skills that players would take advantage of this and only use a few powers clicking on the same buttons all of the time. Also if there are any enemies that would require a hero to change his use of powers would mean that now he has to use powers that are much weaker, powers that he himself nerfed. Good idea?

4.) New costume pieces he suggested was based on a task force mission. There are many players (myself included) that do not have the time to do a task force mission. Now I know that capes were added and you must do a mission to get them which I do not mind. If he was talking about adding new pieces that have never been there like capes then that would be okay to tie them to a mission similiar to the cape mission. Now if he was talking about new boots, gloves or anything else that is already there then no because it would be unfair.

5.) I see you think that I am talking about all levels even level fifty. Then what you are saying is that you hate the fact that this game has an end. Maybe you would be for a section of the game that would be like a Playstation game called "Jade Cocoon". In that game it had a neverending corridor. Are you saying that playing with alts is bad and you should be able to play only you main forever?

6.) How much faster do you have to be moving? Do all travel powers have to equal teleportation? You would be so fast that you could stand at the south end of Steel Canyon, blink your eyes and you are standing at the north end. Maybe you do not like to use the tram to travel.

7.) Seven I was unaware that Statesman said he promised to add space missions. I thought he said he was thinking about it. Also you yourself said that this will not be added in issue 4 or anytime soon. I thought that the title of this post was "Your Hopes for Issue 4"

8.) Are you saying that all power sets must have a toggle? Did you forget that /dev has at least two toggles, cloaking device and targeting drone? And what about /electric has a toggle Lightning Field? When I said that would make it an endurance hog, does not mean I was saying that all toggle powers and high endurance powers must be removed. There are very few blasting powers in the comics that are continuous.

Finally I guess that you like other players play games that allow you to do more than just fight the enemy. Those games allow you to destroy things as well. You feel that would be great to add in this game. Remember the reason why the heroes are not allowed to do this according to one poster. This poster had the best explaination why as far as I am concerned. He said it is because heroes have control over their powers. A suggestion like this is saying that you want heroes to appear as uncontrolled super heroes, instead of heroes with great control.

You know if what I did is wrong why make the same mistake and try to do the same thing I did. Why not instead of taking the time to rip me apart, show me why I am wrong and all of his ideas are the greatest thing that could happen to this game.

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1.) There's nothing wrong with a little more diversity, in fact, I don't think you can ever have too much. Right now the only big difference between defenders and controllers is the order they get their powers in. A possible solution might be to make more controller only and defender only power sets to help distinguish between them.

2.) There's plenty of ways you could do this. One of the original ideas that I think States had in Beta was that when a hero accomplishes a lot of goals then they become more integrated in the world, such as having their face on a bilboard or having people come up to them more often asking for autographs and the like. Obviously this would be a little hard to implement simply because of the sheer number of players, but something along these lines would help with game immersion.

3.) I think there's definitely some truth in what you say, if power specialization wasn't done carefully then it would definitely lead to people using only certain powers, but then again, isn't that how it is now? The higher up you go in a power set, the more situational the powers get. I'm an Invuln Scrapper, and as it stands, the powers I use the most are Temp. Invuln. and UyS. When I finally do get Unstoppable, I seriously doubt I'm going to use it a lot, because it's pretty much a panic button (as I've heard it described) that you only use as a last resort. I can't really think of any specific way that power specialization would work, but again, I think you can never have too much diversity.

4.)I agree with this one, there should never be a TF required to get a certain article of clothing unless it was a godly awesome costume upgrade like having wings, but even then it's still pretty hard to rationalize getting 3-7 other people together and going through a pain-staking process simply to get an addition to your costume.

5.) Here's the thing about getting a character to level 50. It's hard, it takes a long time, and it takes a lot of devotion, so odds are that once you finally do reach the elite status of being a level 50, you're going to have a pretty strong attachement to your character. This isn't a console game where there's a finish line set in stone that once you reach it everything stops, this is an MMO, it's designed to be open-ended and have the possibility of never ending. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have as much fun as you can for as long as you can with a character you've invested a lot of time and money in (because we do pay for this game after all). As far as the alts thing goes, it's not the same as experiencing everything for the first time. Granted, you're experimenting with new powers and possibly different missions, but a lot of it's the same thing every time through.

6.) I don't think anybody's asking that all travel powers be given the same speed as teleport, but I don't see anything wrong with making some of the powers a little faster.

7.) No response really needed here.

8.) I sorta agree on this one. I don't think that toggle powers are absolutely necessary for all power sets, but I don't see any real harm in it. If people are willing to sacrifice end. for a powers effect, then let em.

As for the collateral damage thing, not every hero has perfect control. There's plenty of instances where a hero's powers have gone beyond their control and ended up destroying things around them. Also, even if a hero has perfect control, the damage isn't always done by them. A lot of times the damage is done when the bad guy attacks the good guy, like throws them at a wall and puts a hole in it, or throws heavy objects at them and breaks a bunch of tables or something like that. I think it's a cool idea that would be pretty cool if they figure out how to implement it.



There are a ton of ideas I can come up with (as we all can, looking at this thread ) so I'll just post three of them:

• A new non-hazard zone. Most of the zones added since launch have been hazard zones. I'd like to see a section of the city reclaimed by the citizens. Whether it would be another district like Steel Canyon or Atlas Park or something entirely new (water zone, etc.) I'd leave to the devs.
• New tilesets. I appreciate how some existing mission sets have been tweaked to give them a more distinct look (the ice in Frostfire's mission, the Skulls' superadine warehouse) but what I'd really like are some entirely new tilesets. Variety is good. Heck, even just reworking the layout of existing sets would be a good first step.
• Ragdoll animations for player/villain defeats. I don't want nor expect a full-on physics system but I would love to see ragdolls for people (good or bad) when they are beaten. Who wouldn't want to watch a defeated tank smasher crumble at the top of a ramp and then roll down to the heroes standing at the bottom doing the "victory" emote?



I still love you Statesman. Even if you're cryptic. *rim shot*

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Hehe, game developers working in a company named Cryptic...who'da thunk it!?



I was not trying to tear him to shreds. I was simply expressing my feelings about his suggestions.

[/ QUOTE ]Hey guess what?!?

The title of this post is "Your hopes for issue 4"

Lets stay on topic and stop trolling.If you want to start a NEW post about "What I hate about other players ideas for issue 4" your more than welcome.



Only two huh. Well how bout SG Headquarters, with customizable features and personalized rooms for each hero and a SG Bank with in this facility. Second wish, This might be a stretch but how bout more NPC hero interaction. What I mean is if like say post 50, NPC heros like Statesman, and others would actually go on missions with you and help you some how. Or just vehichles. Dang I hve too many ideas. Curse you Statesman! Why not here's some more. Just for fun. I agree with more costume options i.e. trenchcoats, vests, more auras like maybe a swirling wind looking one. Just my two cents Thanks.



customizables items for powerset (or more than one model : assault rifle, swords, maces, hammers..multiple models to choose )
more perma inside zone / dungeon like (even small ones ), to increase the immersion feeling



1) Being able to delete clues accumulated doing the Hollows arc when I did someone elses Trancendence mission and got the stupid badge anyway.
2) Trenchcoats, weapon sheaths, backpacks and wings, even if only unlockable with cape mission.
3) Customisable powers, such as an energy blaster getting black bolts or an AR blaster using an M-16 w/M-203.



I want a bare hand fighting set for scrappers that dont make my character look like a ballet dancer.