Issue 3: Release Announced, Tuseday the 14th.




So we're all agreed this is bull-poop then?

[/ QUOTE ]

In the words of a wise man: "More than somewhat".

P.S. That wise man is me!@#



Shouldn't someone get Marvel to sue then?



Holy crapola, what's that around his waist?... Is that... a UTILITY BELT?!

[/ QUOTE ]

nah, he completed 6 missions, died 4 times, killed an AV and helped rescue 2000 lawyers...
His contact finally decided to trust him and gave him a phone



Holy Inaccuracies Batman, what a bad interview. Digging all the 5th Element jokes.



Um... I really hope we get at least a few days to test the next round of Tank/Scrapper changes, Statesman. At this point, with no indication of when we will get to play with them, the idea of an issue release on Tuesday sounds dangerous.



hey states, was that the only pic they had of you? you stuck in cement while trying to fly away.

jk, i bet you love interviews.



Same here. What's an "Ancillary" Power?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, according to

Main Entry: an·cil·lary
Pronunciation: 'an(t)-s&-"ler-E, esp British an-'si-l&-rE
Function: adjective
1 : SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDIARY (the main factory and its ancillary plants)
2 : AUXILIARY, SUPPLEMENTARY (the need for ancillary evidence)

Presumably, thus, it's an AUXILIARY or SUPPLMENTARY power pool. Personally, I would have called it a Tertiary Power Pool, in keeping with Primary and Secondary power sets, but perhaps that would have led to confusion with other power pools. Ancillary fits in reasonably well jus the same, and it's more accurate than "Epic".

Hardly the first name change to a new feature being introduced; remember how "Tourist" Badges became Exploration Badges?

Of course, this does kind of depend on that interview having been able to get one thing correct...



I think the Q&A on Slashdot was much more interesting than this crappy article. I don't blame States for the article, I blame the guy who wrote it who can't get his facts straight.



The link..

[/ QUOTE ]

Ew. "Digital Entertainment News"? Haven't came across this site before, and the "interview" read more like a paid advertisement.

As for the date... was hoping for this weekend, guess they're still datamining the test server.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this was a paid advertisement, Cryptic got skrewed! This article had way too many spelling, grammar and name mistakes! Statesman, ask for your money back!




First off, the 5th Element will be going away

[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
The Council will be headquartered on Spriga Isle.

[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
This area just north of Talos Island

[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
Since the area is controlled by The Council, there will not be a trainer available

[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
The Council are allying themselves with alien beings, a race calling themselves the Kheldians.

[/ QUOTE ]

How many did you find?

wait...this wasn't a game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget the "Ancillary", also "largest free expansion ever"...Issue 1 was far bigger than this, and even Issue 2 was probably larger.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd also point out calling Warshades "Nictus". Correct me if I'm wrong, but, while this may be technically accurate, aren't Warshades reformed Nictus? And the ones that actually call themselves Nictus are the ones that didn't reform?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Plus, at the very *least*, we need some time to test the changes to Regen/Invuln... those haven't even gotten patched in to Test yet (I think the Kheldian Bump stuff switched their gears for a bit :P)




Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic doesn't have editorial privleges on other people's publications.

[/ QUOTE ]

But they certainly should have proofread it before a red name posted an official link to it on their website in the Announcements Section.

Official Bureaucrat of Freedom
Ignis-Daemon-Lvl50 Fire/Rad
Red Singularity-Lvl50 Inv/EM
Lady of Ice-Lvl50 Ice/Ice
Mihoshi Sato-Lvl50 Katana/SR
Cyborg Warrior-Level 40 Robots/Poison
X Syndicate Officer



Clearly the guy who interviewed him wasn't paying attention all that well.

[/ QUOTE ]

He was probably busy trying to create a Leeloo costume with the generator



5th Element

[/ QUOTE ]
Mmm... Mila Jovovich



Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic doesn't have editorial privleges on other people's publications.

[/ QUOTE ]

But they certainly should have proofread it before a red name posted an official link to it on their website in the Announcements Section.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure they did, but what can they do when that site's already put it up? Either link to it themselves, or wait for one of us to discover it and then link to it.



I posted this in the tanker forum in a thread about this article. I provide the meat of the article with some flavor context. The details below are about as accurate as the article.

--Cut to scene at as Daniel "Monk" Pelfrey prepares to write about his recent interview.--

DP: Ahh, after I chug one more bottle of NyQuil, I'll be ready to roll!

*Starts typing while swaying unsteadily in his chair*

We talk with Crytic Studios Rick Emmerst about the upcoming City For Heroes update

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Rick Emmerst, Flavored Lead-Based Paint Designer and Creative Director at Crypto Studios, the developers behind City For Heroes. On December 14, the world will change as Calgon City will have a new set of villains, new powers and new public restrooms. This is one of the most expansive free expansions possibly ever to expand a MMORPG, and one that dramatically expands the overall story of City For Heroes forward or doesn't.

First off, the 5th Element will be going away on vacation to planet Phloston. Rumblers have been rumbling recently of a possible overthrow, and this is indeed the case. "Shadow puppets” of 5th Element members have taken over and the 5th Element will cease to exist. Although their charity luncheons will be sorely missed, in its place will be an organization that calls itself “The Pencil” and where the 5th Element was a rather stand-alone type of group, players will be able to see "The Pencil" partner up or ally themselves with some of the more technological orientationalated villains in Calgon City, for example, "The Erasers".


So in closing, Yes, I am in fact very bored.




WOOT! Tues, wed, thur = days off!



Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic doesn't have editorial privleges on other people's publications.

[/ QUOTE ]

But they certainly should have proofread it before a red name posted an official link to it on their website in the Announcements Section.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure they did, but what can they do when that site's already put it up? Either link to it themselves, or wait for one of us to discover it and then link to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The best thing would have been to not put a link up and let someone else post it who isn't affiliated with Cryptic. That way, Cryptic doesn't give it's implicit approval of the content of the article.

Posting a link to something with obvious errors in it and then saying "Enjoy" is like a newspaper publishing as a front-page headline something that is blatantly wrong because a freelance reporter sent them the headline. Sure, the initial error isn't the newspaper's fault, but it then becomes it's fault when people start asking why they didn't do a fact check before printing it.

It isn't a long interview and it should have been proofed before it was linked. At the very least, had it been me, I would have gone to my supervisor and asked him to sign-off on the link because of the glaring problems with it.

Official Bureaucrat of Freedom
Ignis-Daemon-Lvl50 Fire/Rad
Red Singularity-Lvl50 Inv/EM
Lady of Ice-Lvl50 Ice/Ice
Mihoshi Sato-Lvl50 Katana/SR
Cyborg Warrior-Level 40 Robots/Poison
X Syndicate Officer




Holy crapola, what's that around his waist?... Is that... a UTILITY BELT?!

[/ QUOTE ]

nah, he completed 6 missions, died 4 times, killed an AV and helped rescue 2000 lawyers...
His contact finally decided to trust him and gave him a phone

[/ QUOTE ]

Note the cellphone on his waist...I bet HIS contacts never blow him off until he PROVES himself worthy of their number!




While I can't wait for some of the proposed changes, such as being able to hit runners from behind with melee attacks, I hope there will be some time to test other changes which haven't even made it to the test server yet.



So I was a bit bored and vindictive a few minutes ago and decided to write DEN. The following is a copy of my email:


Mr. Pelfrey,

I am writing in regards to your article regarding your interview with Jack Emmert.

This article was one of the worst pieces of journalism I have ever read. It is obvious you did little research before hand and that you put words into Jack's mouth.

I assume this interview was done over the phone because the consistant typo of "Spriga" Isle is laughable at best. Your incessant use of the "5th Element" is barely readable when anyone who has any inkling of the game knows this villain group is called the 5th Column.

Your most glaring error in this article is the statement about Issue 3 being released on the 14th of December. This is false and apprently Mr. Emmert did not give you a concrete date for this release. Your assumption or misunderstanding of what was said is not at all forgivable because of the fact you release this information to the world ( or whoever visits your site ) when it in completely unfounded.

You call yourself the Editorial Director.. I would demote yourself, personally.

In the future please do some research of the topic at hand and do not make assumptions. Ask if you are unsure and have even a feeling that what the interviewee said could be mistook.

I would edit that article to reflect the truth and use of proper places and organizations within the game.

The only good thing I can is your site has a decent design and fair load times.

A CoH subscriber.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing I regret is forgetting to request him to apologize to Statesman.

I don't know if I should expect a reply or not...



The 5th Element? I don't recall seeing Bruce Willis anywhere in Paragon City.... Maybe he's a new AV on Striga Isle??

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah not sure if the guy writing it was just clueless or if its part of the ongoing conspiracy to erase the 5th column from out minds hehe.

Seriously though, they should release it this weekend. But wait you say, there is still alot that needs to be fixed! Who cares? We could give them till next year,and there would still be alot that needs fixed. And when it is released, you can be sure there will be small patches afterward to clean it up anyway.

Heck, they've had all of beta and the entire life of the game to fix some broken sets and annyoing bugs (like follow or SS/door) and they're STILL not done. There's gonna be bugs and imbalances no matter when they release it, so they should just give it to us and get it over with. Besides, then they will have all the datamining fuel they could ask for



Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much what I figured.

Obviously, Thursday is The Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never did get the hang of Thursdays . . .



I posted this in the tanker forum in a thread about this article. I provide the meat of the article with some flavor context. The details below are about as accurate as the article.

--Cut to scene at as Daniel "Monk" Pelfrey prepares to write about his recent interview.--

DP: Ahh, after I chug one more bottle of NyQuil, I'll be ready to roll!

*Starts typing while swaying unsteadily in his chair*

We talk with Crytic Studios Rick Emmerst about the upcoming City For Heroes update

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Rick Emmerst, Flavored Lead-Based Paint Designer and Creative Director at Crypto Studios, the developers behind City For Heroes. On December 14, the world will change as Calgon City will have a new set of villains, new powers and new public restrooms. This is one of the most expansive free expansions possibly ever to expand a MMORPG, and one that dramatically expands the overall story of City For Heroes forward or doesn't.

First off, the 5th Element will be going away on vacation to planet Phloston. Rumblers have been rumbling recently of a possible overthrow, and this is indeed the case. "Shadow puppets” of 5th Element members have taken over and the 5th Element will cease to exist. Although their charity luncheons will be sorely missed, in its place will be an organization that calls itself “The Pencil” and where the 5th Element was a rather stand-alone type of group, players will be able to see "The Pencil" partner up or ally themselves with some of the more technological orientationalated villains in Calgon City, for example, "The Erasers".


So in closing, Yes, I am in fact very bored.


[/ QUOTE ]

OMG.....that was hilarious, i laughed my rear off for a good 3 minutes reading it....on a more serious note i quoted States in another thread as saying
Based on feedback and data from the Training Room server, here's some new stuff coming down the pike in the next couple of days (at least on the Training Room!):

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure everyone is aware that was posted on the 6th, and it's now the 10th...hmmm i thought a couple was two (2), if a couple is more than 2 then i can't wait to let my girlfriend know, cause if that's the case I can sleep with multiple women at the same time and all of us still be a couple

"Honey, Statesman said he would have the update on the test server in a couple days and it's been 4, so since 4 means a couple i'm going to get 2 other women and all of us can be a couple....k?"

Happy Holidays

To correct sad, sad censorship



5th Element

[/ QUOTE ]
Mmm... Mila Jovovich

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, Mmmmm PERFECT!