Issue 3: Release Announced, Tuseday the 14th.




"Honey, Statesman said he would have the update on the test server in a couple days and it's been 4, so since 4 means a couple i'm going to get 2 other women and all of us can be a couple....k?"

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Absolutley hilarious.

Until I thought of her response:

"OK, honey, then you won't mind me bringing along 2 or 3 more guys the next time you and I go out, will you?"

Still, funny though.

Official Bureaucrat of Freedom
Ignis-Daemon-Lvl50 Fire/Rad
Red Singularity-Lvl50 Inv/EM
Lady of Ice-Lvl50 Ice/Ice
Mihoshi Sato-Lvl50 Katana/SR
Cyborg Warrior-Level 40 Robots/Poison
X Syndicate Officer




"Honey, Statesman said he would have the update on the test server in a couple days and it's been 4, so since 4 means a couple i'm going to get 2 other women and all of us can be a couple....k?"


Absolutley hilarious.

Until I thought of her response:

"OK, honey, then you won't mind me bringing along 2 or 3 more guys the next time you and I go out, will you?"

Still, funny though.

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LIKE, ZOINKS SCOOBY!! Thats some scary stuff!

*hides under rug*

And the whole time i wrote that i could see Shaggy in my head saying it....and then attempting to hide under a rug.



Awesome, that just happens to be my BIRTHDAY!



Awesome, that just happens to be my BIRTHDAY!

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If you mean the 14th, you might wanna read the whole post...hehe

But happy birthday anyhow!



Awesome, that just happens to be my BIRTHDAY!

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Check the Dev Digest, it's unlikely to actually be released then.
Maybe someone should change the title of the thread?



5th Element

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Mmm... Mila Jovovich

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Yes, Mmmmm PERFECT!

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Mmm, bandages.



Hey All,
I just read States interview about issue 3. Just wanted to let everyone know. Tuesday the 14th is the release date.

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Forget the date... the number of factual inaccuracies is repelling (where exactly do I find these 5th Elements again? are they on "Spriga Island"?).



Awesome, that just happens to be my BIRTHDAY!

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If you mean the 14th, you might wanna read the whole post...hehe

But happy birthday anyhow!

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Yea, I did read it; I'm just hoping it still makes the day.



The link..

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You quoted an article that calls the 5th Column the "5th Element" and Striga Isle "Spriga Isle"? Those should have been clues as to the quality and authenticity of the article right there. I wouldn't trust anyhing stated there.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!




I read that article. There is an error:

"First off, the 5th Element will be going away..."

All I've got to say is, "MOOLTIPASS!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Quick, someone call Bruce Willis--the 5th Element is gone!!

Proud member of the LEGION, and Sisterhood




Forget the date... the number of factual inaccuracies is repelling (where exactly do I find these 5th Elements again? are they on "Spriga Island"?).

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/Cliff Clavin ON
Well, it's a liitle known fact that Spriga Island is little North of Striga Island. Yeah, they breed a variant of the Shetland ponies there, oddly enough called Spriga ponies. Yeah, the ancient Egyptians used to use the Spriga ponies to crush hoppes for their beer-making practices. It's true!
/Cliff Clavin OFF

Proud member of the LEGION, and Sisterhood



I read that article. There is an error:

"First off, the 5th Element will be going away..."

All I've got to say is, "MOOLTIPASS!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! That is the very first thing that came into my mind when I read the start of that article.

"Lee LA Dallaz"

Have fun !



im sure this has already been said. but for reduncy sake. States has made a post saying that the 14th is not official. Plus, the interview is horrible (the fifth element, stripa isle, etc. etc.) w/ spelling mistakes .



I posted this in the tanker forum in a thread about this article. I provide the meat of the article with some flavor context. The details below are about as accurate as the article.

--Cut to scene at as Daniel "Monk" Pelfrey prepares to write about his recent interview.--

DP: Ahh, after I chug one more bottle of NyQuil, I'll be ready to roll!

*Starts typing while swaying unsteadily in his chair*

We talk with Crytic Studios Rick Emmerst about the upcoming City For Heroes update

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Rick Emmerst, Flavored Lead-Based Paint Designer and Creative Director at Crypto Studios, the developers behind City For Heroes. On December 14, the world will change as Calgon City will have a new set of villains, new powers and new public restrooms. This is one of the most expansive free expansions possibly ever to expand a MMORPG, and one that dramatically expands the overall story of City For Heroes forward or doesn't.

First off, the 5th Element will be going away on vacation to planet Phloston. Rumblers have been rumbling recently of a possible overthrow, and this is indeed the case. "Shadow puppets” of 5th Element members have taken over and the 5th Element will cease to exist. Although their charity luncheons will be sorely missed, in its place will be an organization that calls itself “The Pencil” and where the 5th Element was a rather stand-alone type of group, players will be able to see "The Pencil" partner up or ally themselves with some of the more technological orientationalated villains in Calgon City, for example, "The Erasers".


So in closing, Yes, I am in fact very bored.


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Have fun !



Yet oddly enough, I have teamed with Leeloo, Leelou, and Leeloo Dallas in the past.




Forget the date... the number of factual inaccuracies is repelling (where exactly do I find these 5th Elements again? are they on "Spriga Island"?).

[/ QUOTE ]

/Cliff Clavin ON
Well, it's a liitle known fact that Spriga Island is little North of Striga Island. Yeah, they breed a variant of the Shetland ponies there, oddly enough called Spriga ponies. Yeah, the ancient Egyptians used to use the Spriga ponies to crush hoppes for their beer-making practices. It's true!
/Cliff Clavin OFF

[/ QUOTE ]

Man, do i miss Cheers....



Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.

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honestly states... strigga. epics...epps.... I could care less.
I'm more concerned about the fate of my scrapper.

When will the changes be available for testing?



I sure hope they fix the epic ATs SUPREME gimpness before they push this crap out the door.



Narf ... the latest version of Issue three hasn't even hit test yet .. and its going live tues .. ROFLMAO



Looks like States needs to send in a Negotiator.

*voice from the hall*
“We’re sending in someone to negotiate!”
The hero walks in swiftly from the hall – BLAM !!

“Anyone else want to negotiate?”



It should be noted that this is a rather significant expansion – and it’s free. Most publishers would box it up and force players to buy it at an additional $15 or $20, but City of Heroes Episode 3 is free. A new villain set, a new location, new powers, two new archetypes, that’s a lot of content.

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Does the guy who wrote this article know NOTHING about the MMO market? From all that I know about this update it is not that much bigger than any other MMOs 3 months worth of updates, actually more like 4 months. Especially if Cryptic keeps with its habbit of heavily recycling, which it looks like they are.

90% of the "new" powers are essentially old powers that have been nurfed a bit and given to an AT that does not have them in their primary/secondary sets.

New zone looks like it only has about 10% new stuff. all of the old zones look almost the same. All they ever add in these "massive" updates are the same old stuff coated in a thin layer of new art.

Odd thing is he says most publishers would box this up and charge $15 for it. Well when you consider that we pay $5 more per month than some of the older MMOs and it is about 3 months worth of updates, then we ARE paying about $15 for it. So, I guess he is right. There IS one publisher who would charge for this update.



It should be noted that this is a rather significant expansion – and it’s free. Most publishers would box it up and force players to buy it at an additional $15 or $20, but City of Heroes Episode 3 is free. A new villain set, a new location, new powers, two new archetypes, that’s a lot of content.

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Does the guy who wrote this article know NOTHING about the MMO market? From all that I know about this update it is not that much bigger than any other MMOs 3 months worth of updates, actually more like 4 months. Especially if Cryptic keeps with its habbit of heavily recycling, which it looks like they are.

90% of the "new" powers are essentially old powers that have been nurfed a bit and given to an AT that does not have them in their primary/secondary sets.

New zone looks like it only has about 10% new stuff. all of the old zones look almost the same. All they ever add in these "massive" updates are the same old stuff coated in a thin layer of new art.

Odd thing is he says most publishers would box this up and charge $15 for it. Well when you consider that we pay $5 more per month than some of the older MMOs and it is about 3 months worth of updates, then we ARE paying about $15 for it. So, I guess he is right. There IS one publisher who would charge for this update.

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Hey don't get me wrong. the new stuff in the updates are okay. but I'm not holding my breath to play a fly freaking squid...(very un-superheroey) Nor is the addition of one new area. Some late game content that dosen't require me to ride geysers in an insultingly annoying manner just to get around might have been nice. something to ease congestion in PI since both the shard and the RCS suck it big time. Maybe a raising of the level cap so we could actually take some of our powers..... seeing as how 6 to 8 powers are wasted on stamina and travel powers. My scrapper couldn't take those epics if he wanted to. because I have to take and slot every damn power in my secondary now just to break even.... Of course my blaster could.... because his secondary is sewage. Having 3 good powers out of 9.... I would say 4... but I know what's about to happen to the status protection in burn..... Heck I can't even maximize those new defenses because I can't afford to add fighting. thanks to HAVING to take fitness.

All in all the whole damn thing is a wash. I'm left hoping my scrapper won't be screwed too much by the update. The other stuff? pfah.



Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.

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In that case can't you just put it out tomorrow and fix the bugs along the way?

(Its not as if there isn't bugs already



I read that article. There is an error:

"First off, the 5th Element will be going away..."

All I've got to say is, "MOOLTIPASS!!!"

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