Issue 3: Release Announced, Tuseday the 14th.




Does anyone else find this fishy?

I mean, the 5th element? Springa Isle? And they report the date to be the 14th when certain changes that were announced this week to go with issue 3 havn't even landed on the test server yet?

I think this "Interview" requires a grain of salt.....or the entire shaker. I wouldn't trust it as far as I can throw it.



Striga isn't north (well, north-ish) of Talos? I seem to recall that it was when I looked on the city map, but it's been awhile since I did.

Actually, the 14th is about what I was expecting, given the recent announcements about reserving names and preloading and such.

If not then, it probably wouldn't be out until after christmas or new year's (because the devs will need to monitor and fix things when it hits). Updates don't go live on the weekend for the same reason. They don't go live on Mondays because Mondays are evil and nobody would want to deal with that sort of chaos. I believe both Issue 1 and 2 went live on a Tuesday, but I could be wrong.

Edit: Hah! I fixed it! Now you have no proof! Hmm, wait a second...



Issue 2 went live on a thursday.



Can't wait for Jerry Spriga Island!



Spriga isn't north (well, north-ish) of Talos? I seem to recall that it was when I looked on the city map, but it's been awhile since I did.

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Perhaps, but it isn't "just" north of Talos, it's in international waters!



Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.



The map shows it as being North-east, but it's just an insert, it's actually way off in the Atlantic somewhere.

Edit: [ QUOTE ]
Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much what I figured.

Obviously, Thursday is The Day.



Spriga isn't north (well, north-ish) of Talos? I seem to recall that it was when I looked on the city map, but it's been awhile since I did.

[/ QUOTE ]
While there may be Spriga Isle north of Talos Island it isn't featured in Issue 3.

Instead we're being offered Striga Isle which is somewhere off the coast and only shown in an insert on the map (top right corner of the ingame city map).



Thanks for clearing that up Stateso.



Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but that date is certainly not THE day. It all depends upon the bugs we squash and so forth. He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck, a week? It all depends on the bugs." There's no set schedule, though next Tuesday would be nice.

[/ QUOTE ]
So he took you out of context? Figures.

Hopefully this isn't respresentative of Digital Entertainment News' game coverage. Sadly, it probably is.



Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or hire an army of Ninja-Hacker-Killers to eliminate those who post them.

If you guys are looking for recruits I'm always available... I even have my own Ninja mask!



That really was a terrible article. Aside from the date thing, it was just... bad. Nobody proofread the thing at all, apparently.

Though I do hope Statesman wears that cape around the office, and walks around with his arms out going "Whooooosh!" That would officially make Cryptic the best place ever to work.



The 5th Element? I don't recall seeing Bruce Willis anywhere in Paragon City.... Maybe he's a new AV on Striga Isle??



I'll blame the article and sleep deprivation due to end of semester crunch for "Spriga" vs. "Striga" in my post.



That really was a terrible article. Aside from the date thing, it was just... bad. Nobody proofread the thing at all, apparently.

Though I do hope Statesman wears that cape around the office, and walks around with his arms out going "Whooooosh!" That would officially make Crypic the best place ever to work.

[/ QUOTE ]
Come on States, you have to earn that cape!

Come on! Someone make him protect a cardboard "time capsule" while the rest of the development team throws nerf balls at him.



He asked "When's Issue 3 coming out?" and I said "Heck.. set schedule... next Tuesday

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG! Confirmed, Issue 3 is next tuesday!


sending resume to DEN



Hmm... I wonder if I can go from 47 to 50 in three days....

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure you can, go solo some Monsters in PI.



Worst. Interview. Ever.

Cryptic really needs to proof read these things before letting someone post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic doesn't have editorial privleges on other people's publications.



In alot of ways I feel bad for States.... sure, he has one of the coolest jobs on the planet and gets to make his dream and imagination come to life on a daily basis.. (wait, maybe it isn't so bad)....

On the other hand, I feel bad for him every time he speaks. If he posts something on the forum, the thread instantly becomes 30 pages long and people speculate on every word he says. (he left out an apostrophe... why did he do that? Does the next epic archtype require a hero with an apostrophe in his name to unlock?)
Clearly the guy who interviewed him wasn't paying attention all that well. I swear everytime states does a little PR and speaks to someone, it's taken all out of whack and causes as many problems as it fixes. perhaps he should just answer every question with "yellow".

Zeus - god of all I survey (assuming I survey only myself)



You're saying the new Epic AT requires a hero with an entirely yellow costume?



You're saying the new Epic AT requires a hero with an entirely yellow costume?

[/ QUOTE ]


