9 -
1. A Super Group bank for influence, enhancements and inspirations.
2. A Super Group Bulletin Board.
3. Super Group chat. -
I for one totally agree with you Vermin. Why should I let some freeloader take control of my body in the interests of "helping mankind"? So far, us in Paragon City have had pretty bad experiances with aleins. I mean, think about it.... Isn't it just a little bit presumptuous of them to assume that they can just take up living in OUR bodies? How rude man. I don't even like anyone invading my personal space. And you know how it is when someone comes to visit you for awhile, and you just can't get them to leave. Here, the problem is permanant.
How about we just get those Kheldian's, or Kryptonians, or what ever to just go home. We defended the planet once without thier help, and by mamma's biscuts we can do it again!
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Exactly, this whole guise of "we've been watching your for centuries and now is the time to act" crap. Say what? We know just enough about these bodysnatchers' history to know that they retain some of the power of their previous hosts. Does this not scream to everyone of invasion?
They enter your body, take control of it, steal your power, and then leave you for dead after they are finished. That's my take on this whole "Brave New World" concept. Watching "over" us. Whatever! They've just been waiting for the time when our superhero numbers have been replenished and we have REAL power they can steal.
Some misguided individuals will say it's all "concentual" and "they won't merge unless you say it's ok". Just what drugs have these people been taking? Says WHO that it's only up to you? The ALIENS are the ones that say, that's who!
What? Somebody has interviewed a "merged" person and the person has said, "It only happened because I said so"? Does that not look a little suspicious to any of you?
It's good to see that some of you still have most of your major brain functions still entact and are voicing your concerns. For all of you others....well, looks like the reeducation process is about to begin. *pulls another spork out from behind back*
Just hold still, you can thank me when you get your body back.... -
OK, first, calm down. We are trained to help you with this delusion you are having, everything will be OK.
Now, this whole scenario reminds us of what happened when the Evil M*rve* Comics (name censored to prevent lawsuit) had the Bro*d come to earth and take over mutant's bodies, like BrickBat and fought the X-**n. We do not have room for another mind in here, two is plenty, so we will "Just Say No".
Besides, who saw those things? How are you going to get a skirt to fit?
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So....it's begun....prepare yourself Kheldian! *brandishes spork*
Don't worry Sibling! I know you're in there somewhere and the pain will be the pain of freedom! Just remember that someone, somewhere still loves you! *takes a step towards Sibling* -
((At the behest of a few others, I have posted this thread here. They seem to think that it's more of a RP thing...sheesh! Go figure!))
After scouring the boards, I have come to the conclusion that nobody but nobody knows how these beings from another planet are supposed to "merge" with a superhero.
Has nobody found it a bit odd that we are supposed to allow this "invasion of the bodysnatchers" to just occur? Nobody find it a bit odd that you now have something living inside of you in the way of a symbiotic relationship?? These aren't tape worms people, these are things that you are gonna be aware of. These things are gonna make you look different now...to the point that you're gonna freak some people out! There's gonna be little voices in your head now and they're gonna be real this time!
How do we know that this isn't some sort of alternate invasion? Hmm? Besides, the FDA nor any other government agency has had the chance to test the side effects of this "relationship" now have they? We just accept their ridiculous story of showing up and gladly bare our bodies for them to use as they see fit?!?
How do we know that all of their past host imprints won't start affecting our own psyche in some weird way? Why only select our most powerful heroes, hmm? I cry B.S. on the assumption that it's because "less powerful heroes couldn't stand the power or merging". Whatever! They may just be on universal conquest and want the most powerful heroes to add another strong set of powers to the collection they already have. Makes for an easier conquest of the planet, now doesn't it?
Cripes! I can see it now, first everyone gets "their" new symbiote and then we have to make new law to accommodate these new symbiotes. What do we do with rogue symbiotes? Can they be removed without hurting the host? How do we know that they can't control their host? Do they smoke pot and if so, do we have to legalize it now?
Have any of you actually taken a look at these things? Just how do they get inside of you or "merge" with you? Hello! Insert "R" rating here cause I bet it's not pretty folks!
Do we not have a choice as to who decides to take up residence on OUR planet? Don't get me started on this whole "Council" thing!
I petition that further questioning and at least some sort of official short-term and long-term testing be put in place before heroes run off and get themselves a little "buddy". This could be an "infestation" rather than a new dawning of human / symbiote achievement.
You people are such sheep! Lemmings even! Gah!
**Backs up against a wall brandishing a spork**
All of you freaks keep away from me or I swear I'll remove those oversized ticks myself!! -
Holy crapola, what's that around his waist?... Is that... a UTILITY BELT?!
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nah, he completed 6 missions, died 4 times, killed an AV and helped rescue 2000 lawyers...
His contact finally decided to trust him and gave him a phone
[/ QUOTE ]
Note the cellphone on his waist...I bet HIS contacts never blow him off until he PROVES himself worthy of their number! -
My current main, Ranger Kelly, is most definately "Just a Guy" with an attitude towards most spandex-wearing freaks.
Um yeah. Could you CC me on that memo too please? I don't want to be taken by surprise! LOL
Don't you just hate this...Statesman, the "Cryptic" prophet. Heh! Oh, good grief! Stupid pun and didn't even intend it to look that way.
Think I'll go pound my head into a wall until all of the bad voices go away and whatever the hell it is makes itself known...invasion, issue 2, whatever....sigh. -
Sounds to me like you are more concerned with gaining enough experience just to outfit yourself with SOs. Got news for you, all ATs need to work to get their respective enhancements. You sound like a blaster that has been reduced to a controller's xp earning capability and are complaining about it.
Just because you are getting spoiled with all of the drops and xp pre-issue #2, doesn't mean that now, all of the sudden, the game has become an xp prude and you now are not being rewarded. It IS the reward you're talking about, right...not the actual fun?
You're gonna level a bit slower...get over it. Besides, the game gives out too much influence and enhacement rewards post lvl 30 anyway. Hah! That ought to cause some debate! LOL