Resisting Sleep, Stun, Hold, etc.




Nice, very nice.

Speaking of inspirations, I remember reading (from a dev post or interview) that inspiration drop rates (or perhaps, just certain ones) would be looked at. Is this still happening?



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is great news for my blaster! Now I have a good advantage combating mobs with status effects! Thanks to the devs for the update, you guys are doing an awsome job making the game of the year even better than ever!

Kharn Rimfire AR/DEV -Justice Server



Will the bad guys get these too?

Wouldn't that be fair?

[/ QUOTE ]

Villains don't have the heart and determination to fight through being stunned - heroes do...

Atleast that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it...

BTW - GREAT IDEA... I can't tell you how many times I've been stunned and tried to use the Discpline inspiration, hoping to be unstunned...

[/ QUOTE ]

Fight a group of Nemesis with a Lance Surgeon. Any held enemy gets a shot that puts him back in action.

[/ QUOTE ]

I forgot about those... However, he still doesn't "gather all his strength, thinking about the kids playing peacefully in the playground" to break the hold ...



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope these are rather common... discipline inspirations are still way too rare imho.



Holy Smack! Thanks!

Alleviates that whole chain stun issue. Very good call.



If your dog has been shot, you don't hire a live in vet, in order to make life easier, you prevent the person who is shooting the animal from shooting it.

Backwards thinking like this in CoH is frankly mystifying. Instead of having inspirations to prevent perma-sleeps by enemies, just prevent groups of enemies from spawning together who can perma sleep, or put a timer on these effects, so that they can only affect a player every couple of minutes, like they have done with the new stun timers in DAoC.

This proposed solution by the devs seems needlessly complicated, and appears to be part of the make more coding than necessary backwards thinking that seems to be the norm within Cryptic's design team.



A seventh type of Inspiration will take up more precious tray space...
So instead of adding a new inspiration type, would it be possible to just add this ability to Disciplines?

That way Disciplines could be used preventatively OR after the fact, in the same way you can use Clear Mind, O2 Boost, etc. preventatively or after the fact.





CoV, will not be controller versus blaster PvE. CoV will not focus (nor should it ever try to balance) on hero vs Hero. It will have Heors fighting Villians, which will have different and unique powers. Just as tuant will be re-worked specifically for PvP, I suspect Cntroller powers will likely have different effects in PvP.

I do not think we need to worry about changes now, to Hero At's effecting balance in CoV PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

This isn't about Hero vs. Hero interaction. This is about an INSPIRATION, which will be available to everyone (no matter the archtype), that completely negates the function of the controller class.

It radically alters their abilities in ANY instance of PvP. Doesn't matter who's fighting who ... if you're a controller, you just had your powers de-fanged when facing any other hero with access to inspirations.




Where is the evidence that this or any other inspiration will be available in PvP or would work the same way in PvP?




This isn't about Hero vs. Hero interaction. This is about an INSPIRATION, which will be available to everyone (no matter the archtype), that completely negates the function of the controller class.

It radically alters their abilities in ANY instance of PvP. Doesn't matter who's fighting who ... if you're a controller, you just had your powers de-fanged when facing any other hero with access to inspirations.


[/ QUOTE ]

I agree it doesn't matter who is fighting who in this case...however, as far as PvP is concerned, I think you are making the assumption that villians will even have access to this inspiration. I sounds like you are expecting the villians in CoV to have the same inspirations that heroes have in CoH, but I do not think that this may necessarily be the case.

So, for example, a Controller hero would run into a [insert AT here] villian and it wouldn't matter.

On the flip side, I would hope that if they create a "controller-type" AT villian in CoV that the stun/sleep/hold inspiration used by heroes would have lesser impact (or no impact ).

Basically, it's way to early to speculate on this right now. We don't know what the CoV ATs are going to be, what the powers are, or even what the inspirations are going to be.



There will always be at least ONE of these new inspirations in my tray at all times






I sounds like you are expecting the villians in CoV to have the same inspirations that heroes have in CoH, but I do not think that this may necessarily be the case.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you suggesting that villains will not have access to damage inspirations? healing inspirations? inspirations of any sort?

Yeah, I'm going out on a limb here and expecting a PLAYER who plays a villain will have access to similar power choices AND similar inspirations.

Yes. That is a guess. However, it's a much SAFER guess than suggesting villain players won't have access to the same basic things hero players do.

Basically, it's way to early to speculate on this right now. We don't know what the CoV ATs are going to be, what the powers are, or even what the inspirations are going to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not too early to speculate that basic game functions will be similar. And inspirations are a basic function of the game. I fully expect them to be there. And, unlike healing inspirations which affect damage dealers negatively, this one has a much larger impact on affecting controllers. It removes their ability to do anything to the opponent.

EDIT: Oh yeah, reason 2 why I expect villains to function similar to heroes. They already do. Combat rules apply the same to villain NPCs as they apply to Hero PCs.



SOOOOOOO, then when can we expect an insp to come down the pipeline that will insta turn all of my toggles back on after being insta awoken from sleep?

I mean being able to cut your status effect duration is nice but being awake with no toggles in a fight is still a death sentence. esp if your a DA user

One more question......will this set up an immunity timer of some sort? Because I know some mobs spam status effects like theres no tomorrow, so taking this "wake up" insp does me little good if Im just going to fall back into a deep sleep 2 seconds later, all Ive done is delay my death, um yeah....big deal.



Are you suggesting that villains will not have access to damage inspirations? healing inspirations? inspirations of any sort?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not making any suggestions, and if you are referring to the examples I gave in my post, those examples are hardly along the lines you mention here. They are examples, to further my point...not suggestions for how the game should be, I do that in another part of the forum.

To me, it sounds like you are the one making suggestions and then making assumptions on PvP based on them. Dev has announced nothing about inspirations in CoV. Geez, we don't even know if they'll be CALLED "inspirations". When they start presenting ideas, then I'll start making suggestions.

Yeah, I'm going out on a limb here and expecting a PLAYER who plays a villain will have access to similar power choices AND similar inspirations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, you are. There is a big difference between something being "similar" and something being the "same". Damage and Healing inspirations, ok these will probably have to be must have items. A Sleep/Stun/Hold Inspiration? MAYBE. Other defense inspirations? MAYBE. And even if the answer isn't MAYBE but YES, we still can't make the assumption that they will function EXACTLY the same way and with the same weght.

Yes. That is a guess. However, it's a much SAFER guess than suggesting villain players won't have access to the same basic things hero players do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again I disgree, there is no SAFER guess...for the simple fact you AND myself know diddly squat about that the Devs have spent months planning. Based your guess on how you think they are going to do CoV and inspirations, you have already found a fatal flaw. I offered you another guess as to how CoV could work that would remove that problem.

It's not too early to speculate that basic game functions will be similar. And inspirations are a basic function of the game. I fully expect them to be there. And, unlike healing inspirations which affect damage dealers negatively, this one has a much larger impact on affecting controllers. It removes their ability to do anything to the opponent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stated again for emphasis, you and I know diddly squat about CoV ATs, power sets, inspirations (or whatever they are called), NPC villians/monsters that player villians will run into and their powers, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Bringing up the issue you meantioned is GOOD, don't get me wrong, but making general assumptions on how CoV is going to work, finding possible fatal flaws based on that assumption, and also assuming that Dev is going to be stupid enough to make controllers a "worthless" AT for PvP in that way is a little off to me.



I'm curious how they will function, honestly.

Will there be some consideration for the magnitude of the effect that they are "clearing"?

Will they clear multiple effects at once ( Hold + Sleep + Disorient )?

I share Superchum's concern that improperly implemented this new inspiration type might just gut PvP Controllers.



Wow and I felt like a walking group insperation before.
<-----Kinetics/Rad Defender

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye, sounds like one more reason to respec ID out of my pool of kinetic powers. Granted I won't but still some people already think they don't need it.



Controllers will still be valuable to a great degree, even with these inspiration types. Consider a regenner, drop toggles, dead regenner. And you also have to assume that the person you are fighting had the forethought to purchase/stock up on em.
Pvp fights wont be over in one/two shots, so hit them again. If the inspiration only gives a resistance to stuns/sleeps/holds after the first hold is broken, hit them enough to break through the resistance. Toggles dropped again, dead enemy.
Controllers will still be feared, and very rightfully so. Even the blaster hovering above will be knocked out of the air when hover turns off on him.
Wouldnt worry too much about it, as I suspect this will be playtested before implementation.



hello before we get all excited... mr stupid question here... I am assuming we will be able to buy these from our standard contacts for the same 50 inf? or do we have to jump through rings of fire to get them??? i mean he did not actually specify... and you know how devs can be



When does CoV come out?

how much have CoH AT's and powers changed in a less time?

I think worrying about how yoru char will act in PvP is a little rash at this time. Have fun playing CoH, enjoy what you have right now, and stop obsessing over a feature that won't be available for a very long time.



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]
Statesman - FWIW, I'd rather see more defender/controller types have access to Clear Mind, or a similar ability, than to create these inspirations. I fear that these will only help discourage grouping. Maybe even buff Stimulant from the Medicine power pool to include similar functionality.



Yet again, people have found a reason to complain...

We already know that all powers won't work the same in PvP, so why do you think the devs would be stupid enough to not do the same with this inspiration?...

Please people, THINK - it doesn't hurt... I promise you it doesn't hurt...



Guy has, oh, let's say 5 of these insps in his tray. You hold him. He uses one. You AoE hold him. He uses one. Your gravity pet uses one. He uses one. You Wormhole him. He uses one. You hit him with your hold again. He uses one. Your pet holds him. OOPS! HE'S OUT OF INSPS!

This'll be about as crippling to your AT as healing insps will be to mine.



Who here thinks the inspiration animation should a Captain-Kirk-resisting-the-mind-control-of-the-evil-aliens stagger?

1. Make both hands into claws.
2. Hold up your forearms so your hands are near your temples.
3. Stagger around with a constipated face.
4. Say, "Must... break... mind control... but... too... stupid."



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]How is this superior to just allowing you to use Iron Will inspirations while stunned?