Resisting Sleep, Stun, Hold, etc.




i look at it to where you should stop adding stupid stuff like this to the game, and start looking into adding more game content for the level 50 players. once you hit 50, there is sh*t to do except run around, powerlevel people, maybe kill a few monsters here and there, go into hiding to dodge the tell bombs of people begging to get powerleveled, or begging for influence. It's not enough to keep the game interresting. WoW out soon, EQ2 out now, you are going to lose in the battle if you can't keep up in the game content.

hate to make rants like this, but when you have players that do nothing but play, they will hit the level cap within a month, then get bored real fast.



I think it "should" be like this... an inspiration will negate ONE effect (reverse order).... thus if you are stacked with

sleep sleep sleep held held sleep and dizzy...

popping one you will get rid of sleep... another one will get ride of held and another dizzy..

why do I want it this way?? then clearmind will still be a viable power for emp



Just out of curiosity, Statesman, I'm wondering what exactly the higher-level versions of this inspiration would do? The healing inspirations heal more, the status resist inspirations last longer, etc. I'm assuming it'll have a short duration so it doesn't negate the usefulness of Discipline-type inspirations, so what advantage can be added to it?



with my idea... (posted above)

basic = remove 1 effect
med = remove 2 effects
high = remove 3 effects

since we can only buy basic.. it shouldn't be too "powerful"



(angelic musics plays) the skies part and rays of light shine down on tankers at last. that's awesome news and a brilliant idea. i'm so used to being stunned that the only thing missing in my character animation is the whiskey bottle in my hand.




...gah! Every time I see that word, I get a flash flood of Guiness commercials inundating my head...



I tingle. All my characters will now replace all their awaken inspirations with these new flavour



Lastly, you should give something extra special to the Dark Defenders, since everyone has been so down on them and there have been problems with their powers in the past. Psionic resistance is very rare in the game, and many status effects come from Psionic attacks. How about a group buff that gives resistance to Psionic, Energy, and Negative Energy? This would not only reduce the length of all status effects from those types of attacks, but it would reduce the damage taken too! To make it fit the dark theme, you should add a side-effect like stealth or something, if that's not too overpowered. Give it a really cool evil name like "Shadow Fall."

[/ QUOTE ]

I love posts like this, because you reveal your ignorance in poking fun at others. Shadowfall doesnt reduce the effect/duration of status effects. Its a stealth, defense, damage resist power. The PSI resist applies vs psionic damage like psi clockwork attacks.

More tp the point, reducing the time a status effect is on the target is largely useless. Once the toggles are down, even tanks are smears.



Are you accepting pre-orders for these...pleez



Interesting to see how Statesman keeps acknowledging that support classes aren't needed enough and then the changes you see keep making them even less needed. One of those things that makes you go hmmmm.

Glad I already gave up playing my defender quite a while ago.



When it comes down to it, no one person is going to be prepared to deal with every scenario at all times. That's a key aspect of balance in PVP.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a great point. I hope Lord Recluse is reading this thread, as the PvP discussion going on here is just as relevant as the talk of inspirations.

Each archetype has weaknesses, and this should not change. When you come across another player, a one on one PvP scenario, it might be that you totally dominate the battle, or they may totally dominate you. Its kind of a luck of the draw thing. You should not expect a completely even chance against every other player, otherwise lets just stand there and flip a coin.

Instead I think we need to look at PvP as it would work for a group of specialized individuals. A friend and I were talking about the mobs that throw web grenades (Malta as I recall) and how their range and ability to hold was amazing. Well it wasn't really, when you think about it. If we bothered to six slot web grenade, say 3 range and 3 hold, we could acheive the same result. Of course something else would suffer and we would not be as effective an individual.

However, mob groups aren't built to be individuals. They are built to be a group. This web grenading machine does what it is designed to do very well. And its damage dealing companion performs its job as well. Individually, neither would be a threat. Its the way they are put together that makes them dangerous. PvP should be thought of in the same manner. Yes as a controller you may be unable to beat a blaster, but add a defender and a tanker, and blasters without support never worry you.

I think the specialist approach to PvP will be the hardest thing to overcome. A well thought out group will be near impossible to beat. But an individual? They all have a weakness.



As a 70% of the time soloer, I love the idea. I had gotten to the point with my scrapper and defender alts that I never tackled a group that included any sort of stunners (Madness Mages and the like). This will open the game back up for me. Many thanks amigo.

Pinnacle - Rock Steady, Warp Speed, Dr. Twilight, Toybox, The Turtle, Quark Master, Snow Spirit, Spirit Shaman



Well, personally as a controller, I think this could be a good thing. If it just breaks holds, thats cool. If the different strengths shorten holds, that's cool too. Having some bad guys break out of my permaholds would be good to keep me on my toes.

The idea of combining it with the discipline inspiration sounds bad though. That's like giving a blaster an inspiration that increases his defense and his hit points. It seems like too much punch for just one "pill". You want that? Take your "freedom" pill and then take your discipline pill.

That's fair game by me. I'll just have to be good enough to keep my controller alive while you run out of pills. Which will cause me to use pills too. It could be a truely epic battle in PvP! Heh heh.



Lastly, you should give something extra special to the Dark Defenders, since everyone has been so down on them and there have been problems with their powers in the past. Psionic resistance is very rare in the game, and many status effects come from Psionic attacks. How about a group buff that gives resistance to Psionic, Energy, and Negative Energy? This would not only reduce the length of all status effects from those types of attacks, but it would reduce the damage taken too! To make it fit the dark theme, you should add a side-effect like stealth or something, if that's not too overpowered. Give it a really cool evil name like "Shadow Fall."

[/ QUOTE ]

I love posts like this, because you reveal your ignorance in poking fun at others. Shadowfall doesnt reduce the effect/duration of status effects. Its a stealth, defense, damage resist power. The PSI resist applies vs psionic damage like psi clockwork attacks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if I am wrong about this I would like to know so I can plan my characters appropriately. I hear you saying that if, for example, you have resistance to energy, that will reduce the damage from an energy attack but it will not reduce the stun time from an energy attack? Is that really the way it works?



Does this mean Burn will be altered to be activatable while in those states? The description for the power implies that it can be used to break free of those status effects which of course isn't true, though if you are put in one of those states while burn is active you will snap back out of them (though it doesn't make you immune to them and a couple times I've had it knock out toggles).



Instead of creating a whole new inspiration to take up extra slots, why not just make the Discipline inspiration do it?



Another inspiration I would love to see is a speed one, especially for early levels. Running across KR to a mission is slow and boring, and I don't think speeding it up would destroy game balance.

Mister Moleculo



If I were any happier about this, I'd need a wet-nap. No, seriously. Even though reading this thread has reminded me why I dislike the rabid PvPers (and the ultra-snotty high-end twedges and the power-mongering dribble machines) as much as I dislike any fanatical, extremist fringe group.

I'm sure that my entire team will be much happier when this goes live. Not a single night goes by that they don't hear the refrain over TeamSpeak: "I'm held/stunned/sleeping, you're on your own for heals! Why can't I use Clear Mind on myself! (Insert colossal spate of vicious profanity.)" Maybe now their tender ears will get some relief from my uncontrollable longshoreman-like cursing as I watch my poor defender stand there with amusing status-effect animations twinkling about her head like a halo of pure hate. I will be able to peek around the corner at a Malta Group Ops Officer without saying a dirty word! I will peer ahead and glimpse a Carnie Illusionist without blaspheming! I will witness the approach of a Crey Cryo Tank without making paint peel off the wall! JOY!!!

(It's been suggested far too many times already, but I must also offer support for the idea of adding this perk to existing Discipline inspirations.)

--Raven Herald
Justice Machine
Level 50 Empathy/Dark Defender
"Together we shall rule Paragon City ignoring the broadcast spam leetness from the crapulous scrankblappers. Good luck fools." - raucity, speaking for Defenders who've had enough from the "plz h341 m3" crowd.



Lastly, you should give something extra special to the Dark Defenders, since everyone has been so down on them and there have been problems with their powers in the past. Psionic resistance is very rare in the game, and many status effects come from Psionic attacks. How about a group buff that gives resistance to Psionic, Energy, and Negative Energy? This would not only reduce the length of all status effects from those types of attacks, but it would reduce the damage taken too! To make it fit the dark theme, you should add a side-effect like stealth or something, if that's not too overpowered. Give it a really cool evil name like "Shadow Fall."

[/ QUOTE ]

I love posts like this, because you reveal your ignorance in poking fun at others. Shadowfall doesnt reduce the effect/duration of status effects. Its a stealth, defense, damage resist power. The PSI resist applies vs psionic damage like psi clockwork attacks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if I am wrong about this I would like to know so I can plan my characters appropriately. I hear you saying that if, for example, you have resistance to energy, that will reduce the damage from an energy attack but it will not reduce the stun time from an energy attack? Is that really the way it works?

[/ QUOTE ]

He is correct. The defences decrease the damage from the attacks. The resistances gives the chance to out right avoid the damage from those attacks. (I think I have those right, might have em backwards never can remember)
However, neither aids with status effects, just the damage.

Dark Miasma has no status protection.

- Steel Angel 45 Dark / Electric, Liberty
- Steel Angel 34 Illusion / Force, Test
- Steel Angel1 27 Storm / Psichic, Test



You got it backwards

Defense is the likelihood of being absolutely and completely missed by the attack ( which of course means that you would also be missed by any secondary status effect that the attack may have had ).

Resistance lessens the damage that you do take from an attack of the type for which you have a resistance ( but since you did actually get hit, you're still subject to any status effects that the attack may have had as a secondary property ).



The important question: When these inspirations wake you up, will they give you time to get some sort of status protection up so the next 842 holds/sleeps/disorients coming at you don't immediately make said inspiration worthless?



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

[/ QUOTE ]
Statesman - FWIW, I'd rather see more defender/controller types have access to Clear Mind, or a similar ability, than to create these inspirations. I fear that these will only help discourage grouping.

[/ QUOTE ]

I completely agree!

..."O2 Boost."
..."Increase Density."
..."Accelerate Metabolism"
..."Dispersion Bubble."
..."Shadow Fall."

[/ QUOTE ]

heh... I appreciate the sarcasm, and point taken. I thought most of those only offered resistance to status effects, not the ability to break the effects.

It seems to me that the introduction of this inspiration only *encourages* blasters and scrappers (and, to some extent, many characters) to solo instead of grouping, as reliance upon teammates for any kind of backup - be it with a clear-status power, a control of the foes, some type of buff/heal to add protection while held, taunting foes away, or just additional raw unbridled "arresting power" - is lessened even further.

I'm not screaming 'unfair' or 'nerf' to this inspiration (although I do question the value of Clear Mind after this); I have a character of each AT, and I understand the value this inspiration brings. I'm just offering my input that I don't think this is the greatest idea if the developers really want to encourage group dynamics.



for the love of god, people!! so much criticism for something that isn't even out yet? try it FIRST. geez, there's always whiners who will NEVER be happy. why not use them first before all the freaking sarcasm gets unleashed. all statesman has said is there will be a new insp. available. use it FIRST before evaluations are made. i'm not directing this at any one specifically, just the loudest ones.



Yep. Watching my blaster die slowly from Crey freeze pistols is a wonderful thing. I will miss it........wait...what am I talking about?!?!?!



"O2 Boost."
..."Increase Density."
..."Accelerate Metabolism"
..."Dispersion Bubble."
..."Shadow Fall."

I thought most of those only offered resistance to status effects, not the ability to break the effect.

[/ QUOTE ]
They break status effects as well. Some powers that have nothing to do with status effect attacks can break them too, like Speed Boost.

It seems to me that the introduction of this inspiration only *encourages* blasters and scrappers (and, to some extent, many characters) to solo instead of grouping, as reliance upon teammates for any kind of backup is lessened even further.

[/ QUOTE ]
It depends on the drop rate of Mez Break Inspirations. If it's like Mez Resist Inspirations, I'm not too worried.