Resisting Sleep, Stun, Hold, etc.




Since it's not even on the test server, we're purely speculating. But this seems like this could be overkill. CoH is becoming less and less dangerous, but more and more of a grind. We die less, but forward progress to new content and powers becomes slower and slower.

Assuming CoH and CoV will be co-playable in PvP, it also appears this inspiration will shake up the Controller class. Emphasis on control will drop, and damage-dealing Pets will be an even bigger draw than they already are. Mind, Ice, and Earth could be even more scarce than they are currently.



Just want to say: I group in very large teams of 7 or 8 players on average. This would be wonderful for teamplay!

The problem now is that big groups of MOBs just have some many AoE holds and stuns that a blaster can easily be caught in the effects. Even with a defender around, it's hard to get back into action--or just run away.

This inspiraiton will be lovely!

PvP, well, we'll just have to wait and see.



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]
Statesman - FWIW, I'd rather see more defender/controller types have access to Clear Mind, or a similar ability, than to create these inspirations. I fear that these will only help discourage grouping. Maybe even buff Stimulant from the Medicine power pool to include similar functionality.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree completly! Allowing more access for defenders/controllers <the traditional 'buffers/healers> to 'Clear Mind' type abilities would greatly improve this issue without the need of yet ANOTHER inspiration.
Yes I know...
Dispersion bubble, <does not protect against sleep>
I'm a FF defender and still can't wake myself up though
It WOULD, I think, increase the effectiveness in good grouping/tactics as well, both in PvE and PvP, which is never a bad thing, Stimulant does this! but....

Stimulant in Medicine Power Pool can wake up an ally, but not YOURSELF, and is interruptable, NOT a happy thing in combat. A few tweaks to Stimulant so that it can be used on YOURSELF, and not so interruptable in combat <that can be worked out with e's at least> would make this ALREADY EXISTING POWER much more viable!

IF you DO still choose to go the inspiration route (though I think the idea's above are better for good gameplay/tactics )..There was a previous poster who had a very good idea to simply tack this 'wake up' ability onto the already existing Disipline inspirations...PERFECT! People will start using these more, and we wont have to worry about where to fit all our inspirations.

EXAMPLE: So, if you failed to pop a Disipline before a fight.. oops! didn't see that Chief Mentalist and get slept, you can pop a Disipline and not only do you wake up, you also now have a resistance to being slept for 30 seconds! No more being chain slept. Hmm...could be a bit TOO useful, and make people more sloppy in their gameplay instead of promoting better tactics. Maybe not, but it's something to consider.

I'm ALL for ending the dreaded chain sleeping, especially for the soloer, now that I think about it, this is really perfect for the soloer, who has no one around to wake her/him up..(unless they had the 'new improved' Stimulant )... I think more creative solutions should be considered as well, especially to promote <here I go again> learning better gameplay/tactics.

Thank you good Statesman, for addressing this issue.



Just wanted to add
thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet thank you kiss feet.




Wow. That's awesome!

What colour will it be?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm hoping for a bright Orange color that way its instantly recognizeable at a glance.



imo id like to see these as a resistance insperations to make you more resistance not just wake up from the effect.

just my two cents



imo id like to see these as a resistance insperations to make you more resistance not just wake up from the effect.

just my two cents

[/ QUOTE ]
It already exists, thats what the Disipline/Strenght of Will/Iron Will <low to high resist> inspirations are for. It does not wake you though, makes you resistant to all the holds for 30/60/120 seconds.



Ah - one more thing. We're adding a new Inspiration that you can use to wake up from Sleep, Stun, Hold & Immobilize.

Yep - so if you're stunned, wobbling back and forth - you can use this Inspiration and WHAMMO - you're ready for action.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel kinda.... used... Didn't I PM you about an idea just like this a few weeks ago, as well as cook this up in a thread with someone else just before that?? The one thing that would eliminate a ton of frusteration with the game...

[/ QUOTE ]
That was you and I warborg. Looks like the devs have worked out the kinks. How much inf is it gonna cost? What kind of drop rate is it going to have? Is it going to be sold by contacts? Is there a 3 tier scale like all other inspirations? Is there a resistance timer after the insp is used?

[/ QUOTE ]
Cool im glad something that a couple of us posters thought up actually came to fruition. The inspiriations are exactly the way I wanted to them.

My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.



So, I was teamed with a tanker in a Nemesis/Malta mission - he'd used rage, which wore off, and was then stunned because of the rage hangover. While stunned, a sapper held him. I didn't realize he was stunned, I just saw the hold, so I passed him a Determination, which he couldn't use because he was also stunned.

I'm almost positive that if I passed him one of my emerges, the same would have happened.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



This will be sweet! Thanks States!

for a long time now, this has been an issue for my blaster; perhaps this will make up for defiance?

Yes! I'm NORMAL! What are you looking at freak!?



wise fwom da gwave.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server






[censored] states dis will brak pee vee pee wut u thinkin huh

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA