A big thank you...




Tonight, I was Walter Peck in AP 1, insisting that there was nothing supernatural going on. Eventually I got to say 'There is a man here in a werewolf suiAAARGH'

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe.. I had quite fun at your ranting in AP1.
Dunno how many people knew where the name Walter Peck came from.

[/ QUOTE ]

"It's true.. This man has no d__k"

Guess Crey Industries has been a under the EPA's eye..


Event wise, the only thing I hope they do is make the doors random to minimize door camping. Saw enough people yelling about "door stealing" in those 20 minutes I never wanna see it again. I hope the people that were doing that were just kidding, but they probably weren't.

And hope they get it where you still get some kind of "treat" when your inspiration tray is full. (And it shows going to your inspirations and not your enhancements.)

Other than that I can't wait to go Trick or Treating.. Can't waint to find out what the other "tick" is ..



I grew up overseas where there was no trick or treat for me at all.

By the time I came back to the states I was in college and I was too busy.

It was a treat for me since it was my 1st virtual trick or treat ever...

Thanks again...




[/ QUOTE ]

[color=hotpink] Ummmm....



Will I get to blast Santa & Rudolph come Christmas time?

[/ QUOTE ]

At the end of Beta they had a Rikti invasion. The huge Rikti ships flew across the sky, right above the maximum height you could fly. I got some screenshots somewhere. I don't think you could click on them, much less shoot them. Maybe Santa and his sleigh will do the same. Or little Elves will teleport in, give you a gift, and teleport away, saying, "You've been a good little super-hero." Or maybe we can get Rocks!

Maybe 9 huge oil storage tanks will catch fire and burn for 8 days around the same time.

Maybe the BP will host a huge pagan festival, and try to sacrifice all of Talos Island.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Will I get to blast Santa & Rudolph come Christmas time?

[/ QUOTE ]

At the end of Beta they had a Rikti invasion. The huge Rikti ships flew across the sky, right above the maximum height you could fly. I got some screenshots somewhere. I don't think you could click on them, much less shoot them. Maybe Santa and his sleigh will do the same. Or little Elves will teleport in, give you a gift, and teleport away, saying, "You've been a good little super-hero." Or maybe we can get Rocks!

Maybe 9 huge oil storage tanks will catch fire and burn for 8 days around the same time.

Maybe the BP will host a huge pagan festival, and try to sacrifice all of Talos Island.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can see Evil Christmas Trees pelting ornaments in PP and The Hollows, Mad Santas running amok in Steel, Zombie Reindeer, and crazy elves screaming 'I'm a dentist and you're my first patient!'
Also, Frosty throwing icicles, the river in IP freezes over and we all go skating.. all sorts of fun things!!!

The devs are amazing and clever. I am sure we won't be let down for the holiday season.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Will I get to blast Santa & Rudolph come Christmas time?

[/ QUOTE ]

At the end of Beta they had a Rikti invasion. The huge Rikti ships flew across the sky, right above the maximum height you could fly. I got some screenshots somewhere. I don't think you could click on them, much less shoot them. Maybe Santa and his sleigh will do the same. Or little Elves will teleport in, give you a gift, and teleport away, saying, "You've been a good little super-hero." Or maybe we can get Rocks!

Maybe 9 huge oil storage tanks will catch fire and burn for 8 days around the same time.

Maybe the BP will host a huge pagan festival, and try to sacrifice all of Talos Island.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can see Evil Christmas Trees pelting ornaments in PP and The Hollows, Mad Santas running amok in Steel, Zombie Reindeer, and crazy elves screaming 'I'm a dentist and you're my first patient!'
Also, Frosty throwing icicles, the river in IP freezes over and we all go skating.. all sorts of fun things!!!

The devs are amazing and clever. I am sure we won't be let down for the holiday season.

[/ QUOTE ]
And Bumbles!



And Bumbles!

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, Bumbles bounce!

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Awesome event, lots of fun. 1 request: Modify the werewolf/vampire skins to distinguish them from those of the 5th Column. Please?



And don't worry - it'll be available in ALL City Zones and ALL levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only city zones? We can't go trick-or-treating in DA?

Or are there...other plans for DA on Halloween?



Maybe 9 huge oil storage tanks will catch fire and burn for 8 days around the same time.

Maybe the BP will host a huge pagan festival, and try to sacrifice all of Talos Island.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like that. Religious equality in our events!

(Oh, and it would be ONE oil tank that burns for 8 days, despite having only enough oil to burn for one. )

CuppaJo: **waves wand - you are mesmerized by the shiney bouncing Positron**

HypnotizerZero, Psyche-Delia, Twilight Samurai, Burning Rubber, Ignitrode & more...on Virtue.

AMD x2 4600+/7950GTKO/2Gb PC6400/Win2kPro



And don't worry - it'll be available in ALL City Zones and ALL levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only city zones? We can't go trick-or-treating in DA?

Or are there...other plans for DA on Halloween?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm hoping Adamastor will be doing some trick or treating of his own in the city zones. It would be cool to see him wandering Talos or somewhere else.



I was pleasantly surprised, I expected nothing more than some random Banished Pantheon spawns wandering around.

And I LOVED the rock. I remember complaining back in the early days of DAoC (when some melee classes had no way at all to pull), "why I can't just throw a rock at 'em to get their attention?"

I finally got to throw that rock last night. Thanks!



Tonight, I was Walter Peck in AP 1, insisting that there was nothing supernatural going on. Eventually I got to say 'There is a man here in a werewolf suiAAARGH'

[/ QUOTE ]

So that was YOU I put on ignore?

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



I'm beginning to hate meself: I saw tuesday in the announcement but my mind registered thursday... and i managed to get thurs off for some good PCC and playin...

well, at least i'll have the real thing this weekend... for 10 minutes.



...Mad Santas running amok in Steel....

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, think we may get an xmas Santa robot like the one from Futurama?



Since I do not know how to thank the development team for making great game. From day one I loved this game. I at first I loved soloing and thought that I would only team only once in a great while. The reason for this is because of playing pc games like Diablo. Also, with my first experimental characters I had bad team experiences. But that changed recently with a good team experience with my current blaster on Liberty. At first when this game changed in issue 2 there were parts that I did not like but now I either found a way to cope with the challenge or I love it.

I have full confidence that all of the changes that you and your team will be making in the near and far future will be good. I know that the changes will not be based on some of the silly suggestions that I have read. Instead, they will be talked about and tested before they will be made to make sure that the majority of the players will be happy.

Thank you and your team for making coh a great game, and tell them to keep up the good work.

sorry for the long post, but I did not know how to thank you and your team.

A satisfied customer.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



Edit: Somehow I posted on the wrong topic.. This was truly a weird occurance. I must be tired.. disregard this post.



I wonder how long I have before Cuppa gets mad at me.

or madder...



Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.



*hides in a shopping mall*



Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoo Hooo! all my undead friends are here and we are going to Partay!

To the Shopping Mall!



Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoo Hooo! all my undead friends are here and we are going to Partay!

To the Shopping Mall!

[/ QUOTE ]

NO! We are going to the Winchester!



Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoo Hooo! all my undead friends are here and we are going to Partay!

To the Shopping Mall!

[/ QUOTE ]

NO! We are going to the Winchester!

[/ QUOTE ]

You know that gun above the bar doesn't work don't you.


(oh and dogs can't look up)



I wonder how long I have before Cuppa gets mad at me.

or madder...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you might find yourself one-shot by the java master.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.