A big thank you...




BTW, we've got another "trick" up our sleeve for Halloween. MMMMWWWAAAHHAAAAHHAAAA.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, when Paragon City's leading Superhero lets out a classic Villain laugh, well, I get *nervous*

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman has been infected with a Nictus!

...This will lead to the end of the 5th Column as we know it somehow.



I got there 3 minutes late. I hate that I missed it, but I look forward to the real deal.

I even left my night class early trying to make the event. I hope that some future PCC Events will be on other days besides Tuesdays and Thursdays (only days my night class meets)

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Uh, guys? Maybe this has nothing to do with with the 5th. After all, Dark Astoria is cited as the epicentre of the event, and the Times showed a big picture of a couple Banished Pantheon zombies!!!



You will most likely do this event during hours when us West Coast folks are working and cannot take part. Par for the course.

If you are going to build a 24/7 gaming service you need to attempt to make sure all paying customers in all time zones can take part in "events", not just do them when it is convenient because the Cryptic employees punch out when many of us are logging in.



All I got was a rock....

But that rock was a temp power, and I threw it at things! Excellent job, quite a treat, and can't wait for it live! Loved them punkinheads!



That was great!!!! I'm such a dork though, I get way to excited about these things... I kept saying I wanted to go trick or treating this halloween, just dont have any little kids to use as an excuse... Now I don't need one. Thanks for all the hard work. So what's up for Thanksgiving, do we get to chase a gigantic turkey??????? (Please?)



There's more to the game than just running around and leveling.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, like running around clicking on doors.

It was funny seeing people run around like chickens with their heads cut off. I just stood in front of the same door and every min clicked it for my treat or trick.



It was fun. The whole knocking on doors to get a Trick or a Treat was great!

However, there were more than a few doors that gave nothing when they said Treat.

If you wanna check logs I was on as PraetorianGuard, a Katana/Invulnerability Scrapper.



I found that if it said treat and gave nothing, that meant my inspiration tray was full. I was still getting XP, only it was showing up only on the combat-tab.

And where's the fun in camping at one door?



I had a lot of fun

it started to remind me of halloween when I was a kid. we were trying to run to doors before the other "kids" could get there so we wouldn't have to wait.

I was surprised to get two badges. one was for defeating witches I think. I can't remember what the other one was.

I can't wait for the real thing this weekend




Thats probably one of the coolest things that I've seen in an MMO yet.

However, knowing the table top gamer and story teller that Statesman has...I pretty much had a feeling that the event was a very small sample of something much bigger that was coming.

I'm looking forward to seeing the actual invasion and whatever spooky/eerie things come to happen this weekend

This game, just keeps getting better and better.



Anyone got any cool screenshots?

Co-Founder of W.I.C.K.E.D., a top 5 VG on Justice (inactive)
Lily Stormcrow: 50 Storm/Dark Defender
Elizabeth Spectre: 50 Grav/Psi Dominator
Lady Viridian: 50 Rad/Rad Corruptor

�Yet call not this long life; but think that I am, by being dead, immortal; can ghosts die?�

- John Donne



You will most likely do this event during hours when us West Coast folks are working and cannot take part. Par for the course.

If you are going to build a 24/7 gaming service you need to attempt to make sure all paying customers in all time zones can take part in "events", not just do them when it is convenient because the Cryptic employees punch out when many of us are logging in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you want some Cheese??

To go with your whine..

This was not THE event, it was a test. Nothing more and nothing less than that. The test was to ensure that all things went well for THE event. Better to have them test for 20 mins WHILE THEY ARE WORKING to make sure all is right. Than to have a bunch of people crying the blues this weekend. Not fair for the Devs to have to stay late just so some people can be there. Not only that, but then it cuts in to their time to fix things if they are wrong.

As to when they are doing THE event, I am sure it is going to be longer than 20 mins since the artical said Halloween WEEKEND. If you have to work the whole weekend 24 hours straight, then I feel for you. But before you start whining about it, why dont you wait and see what they are doing.

You can please some of the people all the time, but you will never be able to please All the people even some of the time.



And where's the fun in camping at one door?

[/ QUOTE ]

What's the fun in running from door to door? I see no fun in either so I just stayed in one place. Got 3 badges though.



I wish I'd thought of that, but I didn't want to look like I was playing EQ or FF11... campin' out....

This was definitely tons of fun.

I wonder if there's going to be a halloween bash of the same kind on the Test Server as well as the live servers??

Ooh - and it'd be kinda cool that if every time it was night (unless it's ALWAYS night during the weekend event) we could go trick or treating!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



These badges that you got... Are these unique badges to the event, or are they existing badges that were made available here?

BTW, I got to do this for about 5 minutes, and I had a lot of fun! It was great stuff clicking on treats and seeing 'Trick' or 'Treat' show up at the top!

~ Essence



Don't know if this has been asked but....When you say ALL City zones, do you mean ANY zone or just City zones only and not Hazard zones?

And the badges are special only to this event it seems. So I gotta collect those

This space is intentionally left blank.



Cool event. I liked it alot.



Ooh - and it'd be kinda cool that if every time it was night (unless it's ALWAYS night during the weekend event) we could go trick or treating!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's my guess: We'll be able to Trick or Treat at night, but when it's day it'll be "normal" (well, aside from any other things that may be happening). Of course, during this event it was perpetual night (I pointed out in AP2 that the moon kept "resetting" itself), so I guess we'll have to wait and see.



You will most likely do this event during hours when us West Coast folks are working and cannot take part. Par for the course.

If you are going to build a 24/7 gaming service you need to attempt to make sure all paying customers in all time zones can take part in "events", not just do them when it is convenient because the Cryptic employees punch out when many of us are logging in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, you really need to read entire threads and actually find out what the hell is going on before you post.


You'll have your fun this weekend....so be nice.




You guys continue to amaze me. You shipped a game with virtually no game-breaking issues, and you've added huge free content updates faster than most companies make tiny expansions. Now you've gone and raised the bar again with a super cool holiday event! Kudos to you.



it was a blast guys... Good job an a intresting way to cebelrate the holiday



Actually they were all from Coven villain faction.

To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.