The SSOCS is out of the bag....




So, um... Maybe I missed this somewhere. What does SSOCS stand for? Misspelled foot garments?


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This has been asked and answered at least once already in this thread. Did you read it?

However, as not to be completely unhelpful... it stands for Super Secret Out of Combat System.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope. I could care less about all the speculation about what it does and all. I didn't have the patience to read all 3 pages (50 posts per page) just to find out what the silly thing means (and, yes, assing Super Secret to the front of it makes it sound... silly (bordering moronic). It's not as if it's a secret weapon to use against our neighboring countries...



I think this is a great step in making the game a lot better. I don't know anymore detail than anyone else, but I hope it leads to doing missions that do not require combat or are combat excluded so if you took out a baddie you would fail the mission, maybe it was just recon for a larger task force or something. I love the combat system, but it is too mechanical in its repetition. I would love to see the game become more like the worlds of the comic books with secret identities and even lives for our characters other than crime fighting and to satisfy the casual gamer who does not wish to worry about all that they could be optional parts of the game.

It would be cool to have to undertake a mission to stop your secret identity from being revealed

As to the poster who did not like the SSOCS idea ( he was on the 2nd or 3rd page ) It is too bad you raced your way to L50 probably one week after issue 1 came out before you finally figured out their is no "Hey look at me and how cool I am for having this item." content in this game to get yourself the attention of all the other players. Badges are 100% optional to go after and the defeat so many of whatever boss ones are something most players would likely accomplish as they progressed from L1 to L50 normally. Just because you were already there and viewed them as something more than they were does not make them useless or fluff content. If you really want to enjoy the new content already adde and soon to be added I suggest you make another character and play him/her through the game and try to enjoy it all from the perspective of a new begining. It really can't be that much of a grind if you have had a L50 character for so long since the game is only 7-8 months old it did not take you much time to get to L50



Statesmen this really ROCKS. Giving the game more depth and advacing our character development. Keep it up.

Stick to your guns and do not release before you are satisfied with it. Many will complain it is taking to long but you usually deliver a quality product so release it when ready



Can I just take a ceramics class? I need a few more units. I really don't want to be a detective and was thinking of majoring in Women of the 5th Column studies.



I'm thinking scholarship will allow you to save trips back to your contacts. Like, how often do you have to go back to Azuria or take a little gadget to some guy to see what it is. I think you could preform a scholarship skill check and say "Oh my Gosh, I know what this is!"



What if my hero is a moron?

[/ QUOTE ]

oh dont worry there are special education programs for the "not so gifted gifted" of paragon.
at the same time vehicles are introduced you be able to ride the short bus back and forth between missions.



So, um... Maybe I missed this somewhere. What does SSOCS stand for? Misspelled foot garments?


[/ QUOTE ]

This has been asked and answered at least once already in this thread. Did you read it?

However, as not to be completely unhelpful... it stands for Super Secret Out of Combat System.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope. I could care less about all the speculation about what it does and all. I didn't have the patience to read all 3 pages (50 posts per page) just to find out what the silly thing means (and, yes, assing Super Secret to the front of it makes it sound... silly (bordering moronic). It's not as if it's a secret weapon to use against our neighboring countries...

[/ QUOTE ]

If you paid attention to the forums at all in the past month you'd also have known that this was the name given to the project from the forum members. It was a secret project the devs were working on, and someone said it was a super secret project. Hence Super Secret Out of Combat System.

You really think the devs would have just came out and said "We have an SSOCS to talk about". No, not really.




Or we could see about linking the Paragon City Green line to the Boston Yellow Line. Shouldn't take too long if we get all those construction workers wandering round Talos on the job.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'll have to. The construction workers around here are all busy halfheartedly strewing traffic cones around Downtown Boston, closing streets, reopening them, and generally having a grand time playing their game of "See who can spend the most money totally reconfiguring the map of Downtown with Jersey barriers."

I think using portal technology to replace the Big Dig is probably more pressing to the folks of Boston than linking us to Providence/Paragon. Then again, if the local government got its hands on a couple of portals they would probably be used to make their four hour booze cruises take place in the Bahamas or someplace like that ;-)



Perhaps it would be a better idea to simply install war walls around Boston so no one can ever go there. That solves the big dig problem quick and efficient.



So like, WHEN??

Because I'm seriously considering leaving the game due to my whole issue with not being able to complete the respec trial, but I was wondering if I'll have the opportunity to see the skill system before I go.

Ya never know, they might change my mind when I see them.

Probably not, but I promise nothing.



You can always come back... It's not going to be in Issue 3m we know that for certain, so it's earliest date will probably be Issue 4 which should pop up around.. March?



To the devs:

Please make the study-at-a-university part of the skill system a fun activity. My primary problem with crafting in other mmorpgs is that the game mechanics involved (click on item, click on crafting option, repeat) are tedious, repetitive, and boring. I think that some kind of an interesting mini-game would be good, although I'm more than willing to be proven wrong. Basically, I would like to see some kind of strategy involved in the "crafting" part of learning skills, as opposed to just clicking on the same buttons over and over without any thought involved. Thank you for your consideration of this issue.

Arbalestia, BackScratch, The Believer, Bounceback, Burl Sifu, Catfight, Crybaby, Debacle, Frostpoint, GrowthSpurt, Homesick, Lamebrain, Libretta, Loophole, Machista, Payday, Pei Mei, RiftSpark, Slamdance, The Sorority, Staredown, Truelove, WarDrone, Whitebeard, Workout



It was sounding great til I was stricken with some sort of Lewis Black seizure at:

(Ed. note: or she )

[/ QUOTE ]



::casts Rez::

Arise from the ashes!!

Sorry, I haven't been able to do that in a very long time.

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.



LoL. I always picture Altered Beast on SEGA everytime someone says that

Wow how things have changed since this thread started.



Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5... What are you guys talking about?

*head explodes*

When is this coming out? Issue 10? 11?


Posted I got all excited when I read this until I realized the topic was from THREE YEARS AGO.


Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Really. I was scared when I started reading this, thinking that this will really suck and that it will kill the game. I started chanting "Doom" "Doom" Doom" Doom" Doom". Then I saw that it was from 3 years ago. What was the point of dragging this up again?



Most. Evil. Necro.


Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Empaths suck.



what i don't get is why this wasn't purged in any of the forum cleanings we've had in the past 6 months or so.

what the heck is this even doing here?

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



Holy Necromancy, CuppaKitten! And to think, with the same amount of power, you could have taken over a small continent with an army of the undead!



Three couldn't use your necromantic energies to rekindle the flame of our passion!?!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Actually, this is a rather neat glimpse back, not only at our own behavior on the forums, but how decisions at Cryptic are made.

'Skills' was worked and reworked and eventually determined to be 'Not Fun'. Parts of it still exist in 'Inventions'.

States and Posi have both mentioned changes that have come and gone trying to build the system into something entertaining rather than something that's a chore.

The Inventions system, from what I've tested, is pretty fun. I have serious concerns about how the system works, but have enjoyed playing it on Test.



I am so disappointed. I would love to pick up a power pool that lets my characters disarm the base security system. Or disable the power causing the lights to go out.

Man that would rock!
