The SSOCS is out of the bag....





I'm hoping this means my high level and brilliant hero will no longer have to go back to my janitor contact to spell out every single step of every mission. Please let us feel SMART as well as strong. Eventually we shoudlnt have to take every trinket to Azuria, the level 1 magic contact for analysis lol.



It looks very cool. I cannot wait to see the entire list of subfields and general descriptions. So can we expect this tech for update 4?




Aha! I was correct! It was skills. Nice. I can't wait for Update #4, and Update #3 isn't even out yet!



Here's an interesting twist type theory thing.

What if your university professor were to give you a mission that involved using your studied skills to complete it? difuse bombs in a 5th column facility for instance. you could take along a security expert to handle the doors, and a communications expert to confuse the patrols!

I'm liking it lots! much better than standard crafting.



I just have a terrifying image of a lecture hall filled with hulking freaks in body armour with flames roaring from their hands and electricity crackling across their bodies. That's not a class I'd like to teach.



Universities??.....Finally I can use my background and alter-ego!!

Professor Ron Redford will have to extensivly look into this Scholar skill set. *grins*
Thanks for the info.




Marketing! What about marketing!!! My guy is a business guy... I need marketing!!!



That'd be communication.



omg this sounds soooo cool ! I'm really excited !

Thanks States !



Points earned through missions?
So what if my 50 did exhaust most of his missions?
Am I yet again forced to grind through stuff to get access to content that is newly introduced? Hell, if I have to earn one more [censored] badge on my main char, I will grow nuts and shoot down all in cryptic!
Pls make it less of a grind for the high lvls!



I really hate to say it but this is, by far, the worst decision to change this game made yet...



I really hate to say it but this is, by far, the worst decision to change this game made yet...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, most people here disagree with you. I for one think it's a fnatastic idea and can't wait to see it in action.
I guess you can't please everyone though... I didn't like the LotR films.



I really hate to say it but this is, by far, the worst decision to change this game made yet...

[/ QUOTE ]

First time I heard about sushi, the idea of raw fish on rice, it sounded like the worse idea for food.

Can't get enough of it now

Moral: Don't make a judgment call untill you get all the information. Course you though that the hero clicks thing was lame also.



Huh. Part of me is somewhat worried by "skills". If they ever interfere with the combat system, I'll be past somewhat worried. I'll be closing in on "upset" -- that's a strictly non-casual gamer device.

I guess I'll be doing a lot of Exemplaring to rerun old missions.



I guess you can't please everyone though... I didn't like the LotR films.

[/ QUOTE ]

GAH!!!! HEATHEN!!!! Somebody get a rope...

Seriously, this sounds incredibly cool. Someone on the other thread asked a question that I'd like answered as well; didn't States mention somewhere that this would have an offline component?



I guess you can't please everyone though... I didn't like the LotR films.

[/ QUOTE ]





Well Statesman, you know more than 3/4 of us love you, but even with the little tidbits, you must know most of us are needing someone to hold ur hadna dn REALLY explain it in details. It sounds cool, but before I jump on the band wagon of TOTALLY AWESOMENESS, I would like to know ALOT more about these new additions. It will definitly add alot to the game, but if left to our imagination, once full details come out some may be disappointed, thus the reason for JOHNNY 5 to stay alive.......INPUT, WE NEED MORE INPUT (Information and further details).



I guess you can't please everyone though... I didn't like the LotR films.

[/ QUOTE ]



[/ QUOTE ]

I tried to like them, I really did!



Oooooh. I wanna be a gumshoe.



Points earned through missions?
So what if my 50 did exhaust most of his missions?
Am I yet again forced to grind through stuff to get access to content that is newly introduced? Hell, if I have to earn one more [censored] badge on my main char, I will grow nuts and shoot down all in cryptic!
Pls make it less of a grind for the high lvls!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, what did you expect? You just get maxed out skills by doing nothing, just because you're level 50?

As for the badges...Cryptic throws us a freebie and gives us things to collect for fun, which is, for the most part, meaningless. So now badge collecting is considered a 'grind' forced upon the players by Cryptic? Sheesh.

I think I may go nuts and start shooting MMO gamers. You guys are loons.


Posted sounds so good, I'm not sure I'm going to believe it until I see it implemented. No offense, but it sounds like it's still at the stage where it could go through several major revisions before reaching us, so I'll reserve judgement until I start hearing things like "It'll be on Test next week."

I also have to say that I'm disappointed that there won't be origin-specific seems that something like a "Magic" specialty under Scholarship would be perfect. On further thought, though, there's really no reason to stop Bob the Robot from enrolling in Arcana 101 at a community I'd like to ask: Will any of the skills be origin-enhancing? For example, science origin characters who are supposed to be scientists can flesh out their character by studying Science skills. Will there be magic-related skills to flesh out my magic-using characters, and technology-related skills for tech characters? (Detective sounds like it would have a lot of things to work for Natural...I can't think of anything for Mutants at all.) I'd really like to see this.



Sweet. I like how the game is getting deeper and more complex without sacraficing what makes it fun. This looks like a great enhancement, and still good for both casual and hardcore gamer alike.



man, some people just cant appreciate new content if its not specifically what they want in their wildest dreams. i'll bet if cryptic made jesus pop out of the game when you hit level 15 you'd complain about a grind too!

By the way, I love the sound of this system! More info = the better



I really hate to say it but this is, by far, the worst decision to change this game made yet...

[/ QUOTE ]
How can adding completely optional new content be the worst decision?



man, some people just cant appreciate new content if its not specifically what they want in their wildest dreams. i'll bet if cryptic made jesus pop out of the game when you hit level 15 you'd complain about a grind too!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not fair! I out-levelled the second coming with my main! DEVS HATE ME PERSONALLY!!1
