The SSOCS is out of the bag....




What this game really needs is more cowbell!



Ooh, a Scientist...

Can I be a smith? Then I can mine for ore, and use a forge to make... er, wait... wrong game.

Ohh, a Scientist...



Frankly, there is nothing in Issue 3 that I care about now (not that I even know what's in it, mind you), I just want Issue 4 for the non-combat system. They could implement 3 new AT's in Issue 3, and I'd still rather have a non-combat system.

Get everyone on the NSSOCS (NOT So Secret Out of Combat System) right now, States!



Sounds very cool...can't wait to see it

Keep up the good work!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



man, some people just cant appreciate new content if its not specifically what they want in their wildest dreams. i'll bet if cryptic made jesus pop out of the game when you hit level 15 you'd complain about a grind too!

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That's not fair! I out-levelled the second coming with my main! DEVS HATE ME PERSONALLY!!1

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/request lvl 50 lf rsk for jesus plz paying 10mil infl



What this game really needs is more cowbell!

[/ QUOTE ]

I gotta fever , and the only prescription is more cowbell! I'm gonna definately need more cowbell...dang that was a funny Chris Walken-Will Farrell sketch

The skill/university system sounds promising, but yes, like someone else needs to walk the fine line between being significant and worthwhile, without breaking the combat system/casual game model that they have built.



I really hate to say it but this is, by far, the worst decision to change this game made yet...

[/ QUOTE ]

You're good. Not only can you decide how bad it is off of just 2 paragraphs, but you've also decided that nothing is worse than it.

You probably already maxxed out your Detective skills. Either that, or you're just now getting into your Communication skills and haven't even gotten your first box yet.

I'd rather wait to see it before I pan (or praise) it.



/rant on I gotta deal with the vnBoards and the official boards spamming endless speculations and whines about these skills.

For once I'd like for when a developer announces a new feature that they divulge all available info about it, and put a big friggin' disclaimer at the top saying that all info is subject to change, but go ahead and discuss what we have here, instead of speculating and getting your hopes up over nothing.

/rant off

Sounds fun ^_^. Hope it's not too tedious, as in having some guy make a third party app to macro the crafting or skills instead of doing them manually (read: I hate DAoC tradeskills)



Sounds interesting. I'll definitely try it out once implemented.



I just have a terrifying image of a lecture hall filled with hulking freaks in body armour with flames roaring from their hands and electricity crackling across their bodies. That's not a class I'd like to teach.

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I can just see it now. The conversation between some huge lumbering flame tanker and the professor

Tanker: WHAT!?!?! TEACHER FAIL KRUNK???????

Prof: Well, your attendance has been less than perfect. Not to mention your reading comprehension skills are extremly sub par.


Prof: I don't want any of your excuses. Please Mr. Krunk, retake your seat.

Tanker: BUT BUT BUT... KRUNK SMASH!!! *giant eruption of flame, followed by the collapse of the University*




For once I'd like for when a developer announces a new feature that they divulge all available info about it, and put a big friggin' disclaimer at the top saying that all info is subject to change, but go ahead and discuss what we have here, instead of speculating and getting your hopes up over nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly, the tendency of the boards to explode when the least little thing is altered... or missed... or, for that matter, suggested, leaves this rather unlikely.


Sounds fun ^_^. Hope it's not too tedious, as in having some guy make a third party app to macro the crafting or skills instead of doing them manually (read: I hate DAoC tradeskills)

[/ QUOTE ]

It sounds like something you "learn by doing". Ie, if you're wanting to raise Science/Demolitions, you do missions involving "disarm all bombs". With any luck, it'll be like the majority of badges, ie, you can make progress just by doing your normal missions (assuming you haven't out-levelled everything) and occasionally pop by the university to cement your gains.




What exactly would come under the scholar catagory? Would that allow your hero to teach other people or to be the student or what?



What exactly would come under the scholar catagory? Would that allow your hero to teach other people or to be the student or what?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, taking the example of "using a skill to find all glowies", compare the four categories.

Detective: Ignore irrelevant glowies/find all "random clues" on a map. Remember the Mission of Nigh-Infinite Boxes clockwork indoor, where you had to search like 50 identical glowing boxes to find the right one?

Science: Locate bomb/computer type glowies as above.

Communications: Extend the length of time available to synchronize clicking on "multiple simultaneous objectives" glowies.

Scholar: Improved map reveal radius/find all "arcane/history" type glowies.

Of course, one could imagine other specialties as well... but do you really want to see "LF Scholar to PL Detective skills w/pay 100k inf" on the broadcast channel?




Thanks for the heads up, Statesman. Much interesting information to be found in the article (edit, which I see someone has transcribed the relevbant bits).

Reading just a tiny bit between the lines, it says "Skills are level-independant." Can I take this as meaning that our higher level characters can go back to school, and gain skills, just like a starting out character?

Am I correct in thinking that calling them CoH's answer to crafting is more a reference to these skills being a non-combat activity, rather than a hint that there will be some produced asset that can be sold? In my extremely humble opinion, NOT having a tradeable asset would be a good thing, because it will help to keep down inflation, something that CoH is delightfully free of.



Reading just a tiny bit between the lines, it says "Skills are level-independant." Can I take this as meaning that our higher level characters can go back to school, and gain skills, just like a starting out character?

[/ QUOTE ]

If it's a "learn by doing" thing, then most likely it means that you'll get "skill drops" by doing the appropriate missions no matter what level you are, from 2 to 50. Of course, if you've exhausted all your own missions, you're going to have to learn to like exemplar'ing. I can't see them doing a "sit in the library, click some books" style skill system, since that would go against the "make it active rather than repetitive" philosophy.

Am I correct in thinking that calling them CoH's answer to crafting is more a reference to these skills being a non-combat activity, rather than a hint that there will be some produced asset that can be sold? In my extremely humble opinion, NOT having a tradeable asset would be a good thing, because it will help to keep down inflation, something that CoH is delightfully free of.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I think it will be "marketable" if not "tradeable". If you've got a (I keep bringing it up because it's an "oh my god must have now plz k thx") high level of the relevant glowy-finding skill, mission-oriented people are going to be scratching pathetically at your door, whimpering for you to come to Oranbega with them.




wow, now my team of detectives can actually have detective skills.

And there's even the possibility of each member being an expert in different kinds of investigating.

This idea has a lot of potential. Could be revolutionary to this game.



What exactly would come under the scholar catagory? Would that allow your hero to teach other people or to be the student or what?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, taking the example of "using a skill to find all glowies", compare the four categories.

Detective: Ignore irrelevant glowies/find all "random clues" on a map. Remember the Mission of Nigh-Infinite Boxes clockwork indoor, where you had to search like 50 identical glowing boxes to find the right one?

Science: Locate bomb/computer type glowies as above.

Communications: Extend the length of time available to synchronize clicking on "multiple simultaneous objectives" glowies.

Scholar: Improved map reveal radius/find all "arcane/history" type glowies.

Of course, one could imagine other specialties as well... but do you really want to see "LF Scholar to PL Detective skills w/pay 100k inf" on the broadcast channel?

[/ QUOTE ]

Another nice bonus would be that glowies become clicks if they are of your skillset. So science people can click on computers rather than waiting for 15 seconds searching. Also, if you find the wrong glowie first, it disables all other wrong glowies since you can use your skills to determine which glowie is the right one.

*is now a bigger CoH junkie than ever since I can be a Forensic Scientist in the game as well as IRL*

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



My main's alter ago has him as a Janitor at a clinic for people with I.B.S. by day. What skill will I be able to pick to enhance that?



First, wow, this is very cool. I am looking forward to it.

Second, I am very impressed with the decision to let it simmer some more because the cook doesn't think it's done. I want to try it now, and you want people enjoying it now, but it's not ready and you'll get it ready before it goes out. Shows a lot of discipline.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Would I have an advantage in advancing through the detective skills by having my own personal detective experience? I've almost got my Criminal Justice major, would that help me in game somehow?



Sounds good, cant wait until it comes out.

Thanks Devs for the great (and improving) game.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



Sweet! I made my favorite character with no idea that this was coming down the pike, and here you are, creating something in the game that fits me like a glove! It's almost like the eerie feeling I got when I found out there was a "Pythagoras" mission, complete with Platonic Solids. Now I KNOW FOR SURE you are spying on The Ulitmate Unfathomable Math Professor!

Can players help teach skills to other players? Please, pretty please! I'm already gonna hafta take that useless "Scholar" skill tree...




I'm hoping this means my high level and brilliant hero will no longer have to go back to my janitor contact to spell out every single step of every mission. Please let us feel SMART as well as strong. Eventually we shoudlnt have to take every trinket to Azuria, the level 1 magic contact for analysis lol.

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This idea has a lot of merit in my opinion. I hope it hasn't been overlooked.

Doctor Inertia is a physicist who tinkered with robotics and programming. When she gets sent to shut down portal generators or examine Praetorian computers for evidence or whatever, I always imagine the contact saying something like "Please, we need a hero who is both technical and powerful to tackle this!" I imagine that her scientific and technological skills are brought to bear in the missions. I try to ignore that she has to schlep things back to other folks for analysis.

Another interesting possibility is contacts having certain missions that are given only to those with a particular skill-set. ("Winged Mouseman, as one of Paragon City's foremost detectives, you're the man for this job! You see, we have these TPS reports from one of Nemesis' shell companies, and they seem to indicate shipments of sensitive chemicals, but we can't tell where...")

Anyway, allowing us to flesh the characters out somewhat beyond AT/Primary/Secondary is a great thing no matter how it's implemented. I'm excited to learn more.






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I am excited about the skill system since now my characters backgrounds as scientists, detectives, etc can now be explored.