5th Column Activity High: New Threat Coming?




I'm going with the Axis invasion theory, the only issue I have is why would the 5th be "grateful" for being arrested if their counterparts are coming, I though they all craved Axis Amerika.


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I'm pretty sure it was only that rogue Oberst (forget his name) and his followers that wanted to go there. It seems like the 5th col is a pretty diverse group, despite its facist ways, there was even a mission where some ubermench actually wanted to let crey study him and his comrades didn't like it.



I'm going with the Axis invasion theory, the only issue I have is why would the 5th be "grateful" for being arrested if their counterparts are coming, I though they all craved Axis Amerika.


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I'm pretty sure it was only that rogue Oberst (forget his name) and his followers that wanted to go there. It seems like the 5th col is a pretty diverse group, despite its facist ways, there was even a mission where some ubermench actually wanted to let crey study him and his comrades didn't like it.

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Uberman! I remember that guy, he "found his new home" with the Crey=)
I had just assumed all 5th wanted in on the Axis from the convo's in the Oberst mission, but you might be right that it was only his small band that got all excited about the prospect.




I'm going with the Axis invasion theory, the only issue I have is why would the 5th be "grateful" for being arrested if their counterparts are coming, I though they all craved Axis Amerika.


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I'm pretty sure it was only that rogue Oberst (forget his name) and his followers that wanted to go there. It seems like the 5th col is a pretty diverse group, despite its facist ways, there was even a mission where some ubermench actually wanted to let crey study him and his comrades didn't like it.

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Uberman! I remember that guy, he "found his new home" with the Crey=)
I had just assumed all 5th wanted in on the Axis from the convo's in the Oberst mission, but you might be right that it was only his small band that got all excited about the prospect.


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One Arc the leader of the 5th helps you prevent the Axis take over of America to secure his position at the head of the fifth column. I don't think the 5th, as they are now, would welcome Axis Amerika in Paragon with open arms. Unloaded arms, but not open ones.



I would have to agree... Through the Looking Glass implied entering a new world with new rules...

Perhaps you will find a small door that opens to a garden; Eden's own description (a garden of living plants could be taken directly from the books themselves.)

Carol frequently focused on the concept of physical changes and Identity...we could see some fun with a change of form if the game follows suit... Want to play dressup on Halloween? Imagine logging in to find yourself looking like 5th Column (since their numbers ARE growing) or Tsoo, or Devouring earth.

the rules of Looking-Glass World are often inconsistent or incomprehensible.

I think we are simply speculating based on insufficient information but Im banking on a mild bit of GM fun come halloween.

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I was half expecting something similar... you see, every once in a while, while clicking on random pedestrians, one of them will say something like "Isn't halloween just the best?"

I sense hordes and hordes of pedestrians in various "villian costumes" coming on the 31st. How'd you like to walk through IP and find all of the random walking construction workers have been replaced by 5th Column Nacht Rockets, or all the female NPC spawns are dressed like Carnival of Shadows?



What if the 5th is preparing for the Rularuu invasion by amassing more troops?

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Read the article... it's something happening from inside their organization.
Also do not forget. It's almost All Hallows Eve. Werewolves and Vampires abound!

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Halloween is just the red herring.

Right after that is the real target: election day.

The 5th Column successfully stole the last US Presidential election
through high level corruption and low level bullying in the streets of

Even as you read this, several states have discovered that firms paid
by the RNC (the 5th's official political wing) have engaged in
enormous voter fraud (thousands of Democrat voter registrations
shredded rather than turned in in Nevada for instance) aimed at making
sure their fascistic aims remain on target.

Their candidate showed himself to be a fool and a puppet in recent
debates and is falling in the polls. It's time to divert the public's

Raise the threat level to: Purple.

Leak ominous threats containing little information to the newspapers...

Then take to the streets and suppress as many intelligent voters as they can...



I'd just like to point out the leaves in Paragon City are NOT changing colour.
Some of us got a bunch of screenshots from just after release, went back to the same area and took a secod screenshot, and the leaves were the exact same colour.
Leaves are not changing folks.



What if the 5th is preparing for the Rularuu invasion by amassing more troops?

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Read the article... it's something happening from inside their organization.
Also do not forget. It's almost All Hallows Eve. Werewolves and Vampires abound!

[/ QUOTE ]

Halloween is just the red herring.

Right after that is the real target: election day.

The 5th Column successfully stole the last US Presidential election
through high level corruption and low level bullying in the streets of

Even as you read this, several states have discovered that firms paid
by the RNC (the 5th's official political wing) have engaged in
enormous voter fraud (thousands of Democrat voter registrations
shredded rather than turned in in Nevada for instance) aimed at making
sure their fascistic aims remain on target.

Their candidate showed himself to be a fool and a puppet in recent
debates and is falling in the polls. It's time to divert the public's

Raise the threat level to: Purple.

Leak ominous threats containing little information to the newspapers...

Then take to the streets and suppress as many intelligent voters as they can...

[/ QUOTE ]
I play this game as an escape. Please don't inject real-wrold happenings into it.

Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru



I play this game as an escape. Please don't inject real-wrold happenings into it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heartily seconded.

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!




What if the 5th is preparing for the Rularuu invasion by amassing more troops?

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Read the article... it's something happening from inside their organization.
Also do not forget. It's almost All Hallows Eve. Werewolves and Vampires abound!

[/ QUOTE ]

Halloween is just the red herring.

Right after that is the real target: election day.

The 5th Column successfully stole the last US Presidential election
through high level corruption and low level bullying in the streets of

Even as you read this, several states have discovered that firms paid
by the RNC (the 5th's official political wing) have engaged in
enormous voter fraud (thousands of Democrat voter registrations
shredded rather than turned in in Nevada for instance) aimed at making
sure their fascistic aims remain on target.

Their candidate showed himself to be a fool and a puppet in recent
debates and is falling in the polls. It's time to divert the public's

Raise the threat level to: Purple.

Leak ominous threats containing little information to the newspapers...

Then take to the streets and suppress as many intelligent voters as they can...

[/ QUOTE ]

I play this game as an escape. Please don't inject real-wrold happenings into it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heartily seconded.

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You at least have to admit that it was pretty damn funny, even though it's not a far stretch from relating RL events to in-game content.



Yeah ! That's the kind of thing I was looking into for this game ! Nice for the content manager even if it's something as small as more 5th columns encountered in the city !



Y'all are right that Halloween isn't a global holiday. Remember, however, that Paragon City is in Rhode Island, which IS in the U.S., which DOES celebrate Halloween.

I really want to call it Samhain, but I get the impression some folks might not know what I'm talking about. Either that or be labelled as a heathen (which I am ).

I'm not high enough level with any of my characters to have encountered werewolves yet, but I really do hope the devs/GMs do something for Halloween. That just sounds like a whole lotta' fun.



I play this game as an escape. Please don't inject real-wrold happenings into it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't fret. They're going to censor me anyway.

That's what I get for challenging the 5th Column...

Wait! I don't hear anything coming outside...

Could it be? OH NO, IT IS! The Black Helicopters are right over m



"What black helicopters?"


(let's see how many folks catch that reference. )



I sense hordes and hordes of pedestrians in various "villian costumes" coming on the 31st. How'd you like to walk through IP and find all of the random walking construction workers have been replaced by 5th Column Nacht Rockets, or all the female NPC spawns are dressed like Carnival of Shadows?

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That would be neat, but probaly won’t fit in with the ‘city at war’ concept behind COH. It’s probably illegal in Paragon to dress up like one of the villian groups (and probably why we as heroes can arrest them on sight). Considering the invasion, the last thing the city leaders want is a bunch of children running around in Rikti costumes, knocking on doors in small gangs.



I sense hordes and hordes of pedestrians in various "villian costumes" coming on the 31st. How'd you like to walk through IP and find all of the random walking construction workers have been replaced by 5th Column Nacht Rockets, or all the female NPC spawns are dressed like Carnival of Shadows?

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That would be neat, but probaly won’t fit in with the ‘city at war’ concept behind COH. It’s probably illegal in Paragon to dress up like one of the villian groups (and probably why we as heroes can arrest them on sight). Considering the invasion, the last thing the city leaders want is a bunch of children running around in Rikti costumes, knocking on doors in small gangs.

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"Trick or Treat!"


Be amusing if the villians were all dressed up like civilians, though. A small taste of CoV, maybe.



This is going to be VERY fun. Can't wait till the 5th's attempt to take over Paragon in force. Lots and lots of Column soldiers are going to be defeated. My bad day just got a whole lot better.



I was hunting Werewolves in FF today and couldn't help but notice there were more than usual as well as an increased number of vamps. I actually came across a group of 4 werewolves, 2 vamps and 2 regular 5th column. It's too bad I've already gotten my vamp badge, cause in another place I saw 5 vamps.

Victory Heroes
50's - Ashayet, Ash-Kali, Ash-Shaytan, Orange Sundae, Ash-Minna, Ash-Valda, Ashy, Xiphoid

Victory Villains
50 - Somewhat Damaged, Nefarious Schemer

Non Entity, Bleed Like Me, Terrible Lie, Stunning Rapture, Chocolate Orange

Protector Villains
50 - Ashayet (Ice/Dark)



I was thinking it might be a Halloween - werewolf / vampire thing but it is obviously more than that.

We have a general policy of posting weekly updates that discuss an upcoming Expansion (see Wednesday's Fifth Column article on the front page, for instance).

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New 5th are coming to town and they're not happy.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



I just hope this event is more fun than the Rularuu invasion was.



Its the Axis America theory or the Dark World Requiem (dunno if it was proposed)

Requiem and his world of warwolves. Invading Paragon... gathering more troops to convert into his wolves to turn Paragon into the same world as his own... oooh :P



Man I can't believe this thread has gotten so far without one of the best references ever, and again blame Mel Brooks, twice.

*Gets an army of lil heroclix figures dancing*

Cause it's spring time for Hitler! And germany!

Umm sir it's actually closer to fall.

Ahh! Did you see anything!

No sir I didn't see you playing with your dolls again sir!

Good! now go away! Can't you see i'm busy being pointless and random here?

Sir yes sir! But... What about those whiners outside complaining about predicted stun fests? Or saying it'll be as pointless as the last invasion?

If they used up their quota of stick removers then it's their rear ends problem not mine.

Very good sir.

Where is cov anyway... I need a loyal minion to taunt.



Okay Statesman and other game Dev's, please hear me out.

I love this game, I have 2 accounts, I cant stop playing my main and my ALT's.

But I have been waiting for major in game invasions, just like the Rikti in BETA.

So we had the Rularuu, and it was.........well.........disappointing. I raced hom from work, and found a portal, and killed a couple of baddies. YAY!!! That was 5 minutes. Then the rest of the night and weekend, hardly anything.

Swamp area's with tons of 5th, so that we need a bunch of heroes to help kill then. Let it be major fun like the Rikti. And please, keep the 5th comming. Dont give us twenty, and then nothing for 1/2 hour. I would ask during major play times 7pm to 9pm that you swamp the zones with 5th.

Make it something we will all talk about and have fun with and take millions of screenies about. Something we will in hindsight, say "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

After the Rularuu, I was like...."Errr......it was okay."

KILL US (Literally) with massive mobs of 5th. Make a invasion just that, an invasion. PLZ?

Thank you in advance.



I miss the good ole days when Brickstown was infested with wolves and vamps. Mobs of 10+ vampyres on street corners, whole packs of 10+ Nightwolves stalking alleyways... it was like Halloween-land, a dangerous and extremely fun place to hunt. The day that zone became dominated by Crey in their place was very sad



Yes, if your doing an invasion, do it like the Rikti one. Which was INSANE and fun.



Apparently, Bladewraith's incursions into Requiem's territory, and the subdual and capture of Requiem himself, has not only not halted their activities, it seems to have left the door open for a possibly more reviled leader than he was.

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What? I thought I was the one that got the letter from Requiem. Why that....no good....agh...

Leave it to a villain to do mass mailings with form letters. He probably just mail-merged with the hero database.

And here I thought I was special.