5th Column Activity High: New Threat Coming?




If this was a prelude to Issue 3, then it would have to drag out for a very long time, which would make the final release of the issue somewhat anticlamactic.

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I'll let you in on a little secret: this is story is just the tip of the Issue 3 story. Folks, this is the start of A Council of War.



I'll let you in on a little secret: this is story is just the tip of the Issue 3 story. Folks, this is the start of A Council of War.

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I love dropping cryptic hints like this to my gameing group. The little hints that make them fear and dream of what is to come. No more hints Statesman it might stifle my imagination.



If this was a prelude to Issue 3, then it would have to drag out for a very long time, which would make the final release of the issue somewhat anticlamactic.

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I'll let you in on a little secret: this is story is just the tip of the Issue 3 story. Folks, this is the start of A Council of War.

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...Getting excited here ...
Thanks again for the information, always happy to see the Hero's Hero get in on the convo..




If this was a prelude to Issue 3, then it would have to drag out for a very long time, which would make the final release of the issue somewhat anticlamactic.

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I'll let you in on a little secret: this is story is just the tip of the Issue 3 story. Folks, this is the start of A Council of War.

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Can you kill the rumor about this being the 5th Column's exit event because NCSoft doesn't think that neo-nazis will go over well in Europe for it's upcomming release?



Spawn...wants....Issue 3 PvP NOWW!!!

Fire, BAAAADD!!!



I still think it's SPIDER. It'd explain who the new villain group in Issue 3 is. This war could be a distraction for something.



New threat? From the fifth column? Anyone here ever see the Keystone Cops? That's what the 5th column reminds me of after you get to 20th level and up. They're wacky sure, and good to cut your teeth on as a young hero, but as a credible threat to a child's Pez dispenser, let alone world safety, they are sadly lacking.

Ok, they have one tough leader type. Maybe they'll get another, but when all the rest are well-known to be every heroe's favorite punchign bags because they are so easy, well, pardon me if I'm not exactly quaking in my boots at this new "threat" to our fair city.

On the plus side, this is great news. If the worst threat is a bunch of fifth column guys showing up our city is in good shape.

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I didn't know vampyri were considered such pushovers...

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



The Legion of Doom!

We couldn't beat them seperately, but maybe together.

Solomon Grundy hold Super...Statesman till Bizza...Tyrant can knowck him out.

The Riddler...riddle them something.

Sinestro...make a ring power thingy...and hold the rest of them...

Grudd...eat this Banana with your feet.

I Lex...will match these purple tights with this green belt.



ok, 5th column on the rise...hmmm.

Just thinkin, the council of war in Treasure Island wasn't a council among the good guys was it? I'm thinkin we are about to get REAMED...



I'm looking foward to this, just hope it happens AFTER work this time.

And, just cause I'm a bit paranoid, can anyone confirm that the "events" on the test server tonight are NOT what this article is referring too.



The chapter titled "Council to War" in Treasure Island revolves around Jim, the protagonist, telling the captain and his friends about Long John Silver's plan to mutiny. So, in basic terms, the "council" are the good guys, and the "war" is the planned mutiny.

So, I'd say we're looking at a mutiny among the 5th. 5th fighting themselves would explain the extra bases popping up(both sides need bases). And, it would explain why some are surrendering (would rather be arrested than captured by the splinter group).

The question is, how did this mutiny form? The mentioning of the White Rabbit suggests it came from Portals. Possibly Requeim vs. Axis Amerika. Perhaps were/vamps vs. non? Perhaps robots vs. humans.

As a guess, I would say you'll know it's happening when you see 5th fighting 5th in the streets. And, you'll have to choose which side to help(which, btw, leads into Statesman's comments about our decisions affecting the game world, ie, we decide which side survives the 5th vs. 5th battle)



I am happy to all theories. But just want Paragon Times to give us coverage what had happened when this event end. Or I will renew my subscription to Paragon Beholder.



I'm not sure if this was said in the rest of the thread since it's five pages long now and I don't have time to read every post to make sure I wasn't beaten to the punch, but..

You guys do realize the 5th Column aren't Nazis, right? They have "Nazi-like ideals." They believe they're the master race. But they're not Germans. You never see them without the helmets unless they're going wolfy on you, you know, so....

My guess is that the 5th Column are actually werewolves and vampyrs and such that are on a better-than-humans trip. Like if the villains in Van Helsing had an army and "Nazi-like ideals."



The chapter titled "Council to War" in Treasure Island revolves around Jim, the protagonist, telling the captain and his friends about Long John Silver's plan to mutiny. So, in basic terms, the "council" are the good guys, and the "war" is the planned mutiny.

So, I'd say we're looking at a mutiny among the 5th. 5th fighting themselves would explain the extra bases popping up(both sides need bases). And, it would explain why some are surrendering (would rather be arrested than captured by the splinter group).

The question is, how did this mutiny form? The mentioning of the White Rabbit suggests it came from Portals. Possibly Requeim vs. Axis Amerika. Perhaps were/vamps vs. non? Perhaps robots vs. humans.

As a guess, I would say you'll know it's happening when you see 5th fighting 5th in the streets. And, you'll have to choose which side to help(which, btw, leads into Statesman's comments about our decisions affecting the game world, ie, we decide which side survives the 5th vs. 5th battle)

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Excellent post. Perhaps another poster's view that this might introduce SPIDER and what you say here are connected.

In other words, perhaps SPIDER is moving in on 5th C and some of the 5th want to join them, and some don't. If Lord Recluse is as wicked as he looks, he may be causing a ripple of fear through some of the 5th. Some of soldiers who *don't* want the Column to join the 5th may feel so threatened by Recluse and his gang that they welcome a stint in the Zig--at least its safer than the streets.

If, as States has... well... Stated, this is just the beginning, we may hear about a rise in other villan group activities as SPIDER makes moves on them. I wonder if they will start with other groups that have established heirarchies and are well-organized like the 5th. Perhaps the Family will be next (would SPIDER bother with lower level gangs like Skulls and Hellions? If ever, probably not until much much later). Perhaps Nemesis or Freakshow after the Family. I'm not sure where the Crey would fit into all this, but I'd guess that Rikti and DE would not be effected by SPIDER since they seek destruction of humanity, and not power or wealth.

Anyway, I'm making all of this up, but I really like thinking in terms of a mutiny. What would cause the 5th Column to split? Or maybe a better question is, what could be coming in Issue 3 that would cause the 5th Column to split? Who will be the next group to show signs of change or upheaval? I can't wait!




The SPIDER connection is even more interesting when you consider that Recluse, according to the CoV website, is in South America, which is of course the traditional Nazi stronghold.

(spoilers ho!)

South America is also where the Vampire Progenitor was preparing to flee to in the "Rise of the Vampyri" arc, so... did one of his offspring somehow make it?



"Sup bro?" Misspelling and improper grammer, common phrase. "How you doin?".. the list goes on and on. Current English grammar is far removed from its predecessor. The Educational system may try to dictate what is "proper" grammar, but those of us talking amongst ourselves on the streets and in the workplaces rarely pay attention, hence the evolution is taking place.

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You're confusing dialect, spoken language and actual mistakes. Misuse of the apostrophe can cause even more ambiguity than is already present in English, and thus should be discouraged, IMO.

As regards the 5th column - since so many people are of the opinion that they're too easy, perhaps this is a story-based excuse to make them stronger. Either that or it's a story-based excuse to get rid of them entirely, or replace them with something nastier. I'd happily see any of these alternatives - it would be good to know that the world of City of Heroes isn't as unchanging as it sometimes seems. Villain groups should come and go, maybe one day we'll even manage to reclaim one of the hazard zones.

Actually, serious begging plea here - reclaim Perez Park! Or at least burn down all the trees.



the white rabbit is going to have alot of debt.



You guys do realize the 5th Column aren't Nazis, right? They have "Nazi-like ideals." They believe they're the master race. But they're not Germans. You never see them without the helmets unless they're going wolfy on you, you know, so....

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from the timeline on this very official site :
...It was almost too little too late. On December 7th, 1941 the US was forcefully brought into the war with simultaneous attacks on each of its potential fronts. In Hawaii the Japanese launched a massive air strike against naval forces at Pearl Harbor. In Paragon City a cadre of Nazi heroes made a similar, equally devastating attack.

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Just because they had to recruit from the youth of America to swell their ranks does not make them any less NAZI.



New threat? From the fifth column? Anyone here ever see the Keystone Cops? That's what the 5th column reminds me of after you get to 20th level and up. They're wacky sure, and good to cut your teeth on as a young hero, but as a credible threat to a child's Pez dispenser, let alone world safety, they are sadly lacking.

Ok, they have one tough leader type. Maybe they'll get another, but when all the rest are well-known to be every heroe's favorite punchign bags because they are so easy, well, pardon me if I'm not exactly quaking in my boots at this new "threat" to our fair city.

On the plus side, this is great news. If the worst threat is a bunch of fifth column guys showing up our city is in good shape.

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I didn't know vampyri were considered such pushovers...

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Vamps aren't as much of a pushover as the rest of the fifth column, granted, but they're not that hard compared to many other things at that level and they don't spawn in huge numbers. By far the most common are the play old human 5th column that do no status effects (other then the very rare knockdown or slow), only do smash/lethal damage, and not all that much of that, have no great powers for movement or resistance or regen, have lousy ranged attacks which they use way too often, and aren't all that tough to kill either.

the big thing about 5th column is their general lack of status effetcs. Vamps and mek-men get some, but they don't work very often, and in any case, vamps and mek-men are a small minority.

Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru



Actually, serious begging plea here - reclaim Perez Park! Or at least burn down all the trees.

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I'm thinking it's time to hire a big logging company. If the CoT or the other villain groups there balk the logging company can offer to hire them at decent rates. I'll bet most of those folks are just upset at the high unemployment rate and the fact they can't find jobs anymore.

Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru



Dang where's Indiana Jones when u need him



I hate Illinoi...er...Paragon City Nazis...

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Are you "on a mission from God"?

yeah . . .



I would love to see a Neo-Nazi Skinhead street gang at lower levels, story wise it could be looked at as a recruiting base for the 5th.



I would love to see a Neo-Nazi Skinhead street gang at lower levels, story wise it could be looked at as a recruiting base for the 5th.

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The 5th recruit directly, it's the first mission you ever do as a Natural hero.



If repeat missions had anything to do with it, I would think the Vahlz are on the rise. Just yesterday i had a repeat mission for them from the FBI. A new strain of their disease spreading and their numbers growing......Now this 5th column mess.

I definately think a Council Of War is needed.