5th Column Activity High: New Threat Coming?




New threat? From the fifth column? Anyone here ever see the Keystone Cops? That's what the 5th column reminds me of after you get to 20th level and up. They're wacky sure, and good to cut your teeth on as a young hero, but as a credible threat to a child's Pez dispenser, let alone world safety, they are sadly lacking.

LMAOROTFL Threat to a child's PEZ dispenser.....thats hillarious




How cool would a giant invasion launched from Zepplins be? Hordes of Nazi troopers with jetpacks or parachutes dropping from the sky. Tanks as previously mentioned would be awesome too. Or even an amphibious assault launched from Independence Port or Talos Island. Hundreds of 5th column soldiers storming the beaches.

I can't wait, I was evacuated to middle of nowhere Georgia for Hurricane Ivan for the last one.

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That would be really cool to have the Zepplins and such. Would be interesting if there was this huge invasion of 5th column in every zone. Just hundreds of thousands of them dropping down from everywhere. I mean a real invasion. Even bigger than the one that Atlas stopped. That would be an event to remember..



What if the 5th is preparing for the Rularuu invasion by amassing more troops?

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Read the article... it's something happening from inside their organization.
Also do not forget. It's almost All Hallows Eve. Werewolves and Vampires abound!

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Halloween is just the red herring.

Right after that is the real target: election day.

The 5th Column successfully stole the last US Presidential election
through high level corruption and low level bullying in the streets of

Even as you read this, several states have discovered that firms paid
by the RNC (the 5th's official political wing) have engaged in
enormous voter fraud (thousands of Democrat voter registrations
shredded rather than turned in in Nevada for instance) aimed at making
sure their fascistic aims remain on target.

Their candidate showed himself to be a fool and a puppet in recent
debates and is falling in the polls. It's time to divert the public's

Raise the threat level to: Purple.

Leak ominous threats containing little information to the newspapers...

Then take to the streets and suppress as many intelligent voters as they can...

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Ok is this really the place to be spewing some stupid left wing idiocities



What if the 5th is preparing for the Rularuu invasion by amassing more troops?

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Read the article... it's something happening from inside their organization.
Also do not forget. It's almost All Hallows Eve. Werewolves and Vampires abound!

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Halloween is just the red herring.

Right after that is the real target: election day.

The 5th Column successfully stole the last US Presidential election
through high level corruption and low level bullying in the streets of

Even as you read this, several states have discovered that firms paid
by the RNC (the 5th's official political wing) have engaged in
enormous voter fraud (thousands of Democrat voter registrations
shredded rather than turned in in Nevada for instance) aimed at making
sure their fascistic aims remain on target.

Their candidate showed himself to be a fool and a puppet in recent
debates and is falling in the polls. It's time to divert the public's

Raise the threat level to: Purple.

Leak ominous threats containing little information to the newspapers...

Then take to the streets and suppress as many intelligent voters as they can...

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I play this game as an escape. Please don't inject real-wrold happenings into it.

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Thank you



ok, 5th column on the rise...hmmm.

Just thinkin, the council of war in Treasure Island wasn't a council among the good guys was it? I'm thinkin we are about to get REAMED...

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...Naw, the Reaming won't come until near the end of Issue#3's development when all the rest of the Power-AT builds get a shot of nerfy lovin and won't even be able to Solo 5th column anymore...You'll long for the days of Chain-Mezzing...if they tie you down and ream you properly that is...

...But just be glad this game isn't fashioned after real life because then you might be heading for an even bigger faschist-reaming early-on in the first few days in November.




Ok is this really the place to be spewing some stupid left wing idiocities

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You know, idiocities may be a real word in Bushland, but it's not in the real world.

The post was satire. It has an arguable level of cleverness (or, perhaps, cleverinity) and wit, but it weaves easily between real world events and in-game events in a way that comments on both.

It's meant as satire, not a goad to people starchily convinced that free speech is a right as long as it doesn't disagree with their point of view.

As to whether it belongs in this forum, that is certainly debatable. In fact, as I said earlier, I expect they'll censor me. But then maybe I don't give them enough credit. we'll see.



the white rabbit is going to have alot of debt.

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It's because I leave my repel field on while running through purple groups. But rabbit bowling is just so darn fun!

As for the 5th Column being scared, and a prelude to Council of War, google 'council of war', and keep in mind Statesman is a fan of ancient texts. Just the first paragraph is an interesting read, I'm leaning towards the Axis-America group coming through the portals and that's got our weekend warrior 5th C shakin' in their booties.


Inkblaster - 50 - NRG/NRG




Ok is this really the place to be spewing some stupid left wing idiocities

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You know, idiocities may be a real word in Bushland, but it's not in the real world.

The post was satire. It has an arguable level of cleverness (or, perhaps, cleverinity) and wit, but it weaves easily between real world events and in-game events in a way that comments on both.

It's meant as satire, not a goad to people starchily convinced that free speech is a right as long as it doesn't disagree with their point of view.

As to whether it belongs in this forum, that is certainly debatable. In fact, as I said earlier, I expect they'll censor me. But then maybe I don't give them enough credit. we'll see.

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Ah now who's taking a post a lil too seriously. Idiocities, i mean come on. LOL



Hmm, I too favor the big bad Axis-Amerika Nazis coming in, perhaps even with Nazi-flavored Surviving 8?
Maybe even a world where the super-soldier serum is used with abandon, and giant 20 foot tall Nightwolves roam the forests. Even better, an Axis-Amerika where the Rikti and Nazis become allied in order to get a hold of this world? In any event, this could become very interesting very quickly.



Hmm, I too favor the big bad Axis-Amerika Nazis coming in, perhaps even with Nazi-flavored Surviving 8?
Maybe even a world where the super-soldier serum is used with abandon, and giant 20 foot tall Nightwolves roam the forests. Even better, an Axis-Amerika where the Rikti and Nazis become allied in order to get a hold of this world? In any event, this could become very interesting very quickly.

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Just FYI, the Warwolves aren't produced using Super-Serum, they're... something else.
(Being mysterious is cool).



*begins chanting*


I've got a score to settle.



i think it will be a 5th column civil war, i think that if they are happy to be arested then something is wrong, they dont want to be out on the street for some reason. I think it will be a group of 5th that are trying to achieve something, possibly complet and total controll of the world, and those that would rather reap welth etc. either way i think there will be fighting amongsth them, possibly some branching of and starting a new villian group. and this is all speculation and if im wrong oh well but if im right BOOYAH



This... isn't good... Robin... If I'm correct... and I always am... this spells trouble for Gotham City... er, Paragon City...

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Ladies and Gentlemen, William Shatner IS Batman!


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Still better than Val Kilmer.



My apologies for lacking a clue, but...

What was the big deal with the 5th this weekend anyway? I saw none of it, although we did have one indoor mission where it was packed to the gills with warwolves (great for my WW badge ). What actually "happened", did I just completely miss it in the 5 pages of this thread?...

Thanks for the enlightenment,




Nothing has happned... Statesman has thrown us a semi-bone to let us know that this is "the tip of the iceberg" regarding Issue3 (the update, not the comic)



Nothing has happned... Statesman has thrown us a semi-bone...

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I have a filthy mind.



I joined the 5th Column. Cause I REALLY like the Uniforms.

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But, I sayed for the dental plan.

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Come for the jackets. Stay for the caps.

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I hear The Family has taken over the 5th. "Leave the gun. Take the canoli".






Something a bit odd just happened to me. I was doing a DE mini arc totally unrelated to the 5th Column when two(and only two) of them ambushed me as I exited a mission in Skyway. I wonder if it's connected to the news article.



Something a bit odd just happened to me. I was doing a DE mini arc totally unrelated to the 5th Column when two(and only two) of them ambushed me as I exited a mission in Skyway. I wonder if it's connected to the news article.

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I heard somebody else saying someting similar, being ambushed by 5th despite not doing an 5th missions...



I think there's some sort of DE/5th crossover thing, though I've only gotten it on the character who can't get arcs anymore. I've heard others say the same.




I've had the worst experiences with the 5th...

You see, the 5th column are the first villain group on an Alpha-numerical list of 0-Z.

Guess which 5th villain is first on that list? Mek Man...

All those office-robots starting to make sense now?



My guess is that it's the beginning of the end for the 5th cols. Germany in particular has very strict laws regarding the depiction of Nazis. And while they aren't Nazis, it is obvious that they are meant to reflect them. The german names are a big clue, as is the history. I wouldn't be suprised if this would lead to them being either phased out or an ideology change less problematic for Cryptic.



Swamp area's with tons of 5th, so that we need a bunch of heroes to help kill then. Let it be major fun like the Rikti. And please, keep the 5th comming. Dont give us twenty, and then nothing for 1/2 hour. I would ask during major play times 7pm to 9pm that you swamp the zones with 5th.

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I can picture it...

October 31, 7:58 PM

Mighty Man walks into Steel Canyon, and notices something strange...
Nobody's there. No Villains, no Heroes, not even any Paragon Citizens walking the streets!
It seems odd until...

October 31, 8:00 PM

"Mighty Man! So good to see you."
Requiem appears, walking down the street towards Mighty Man alone.
"This is it?! This is the 'Great 5th Column Invasion'? Ha ha ha!"
Mighty Man laughs like an idiot
"Oh, but I'm not alone..."
"...The 5th Column are never alone..."
"...because we ARE the Future!"
Two more Requiems appear, making a total of 3
"We're here to take back what you took from us..."
Requiem hits Mighty Man
"The Future"

Even with 3 Requiems, however, Mighty Man is having an easy time until...
A Paragon citizen, walking home from work, and sees the fight. She turns to run, but yet ANOTHER Requiem appears behind her!
"Yes, me."
And with a spell, she is turned into yet ANOTHER Requiem
"Me, me, me."
"Me too."

The fight continues, but Mighty Man is still holding his own, and when he knocks one of the Requiems away...
In an instant, THOUSANDS of Requiems appear, coming from around the corner, out of the nearby stores, and even jumping from the BUILDINGS to enter the fray!
All Mighty Man can say is:
"Oh, sh-t..."

(OK, so I ripped it off a movie. Sue me)

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Missster Anderson... (Nerd alert)